OTRS API Reference JavaScript

Namespace: Core.Agent.TicketZoom

Core.Agent. TicketZoom

This namespace contains the special module functions for TicketZoom.


(static) ArticleActionMenuDropdown(FormID, Name)

This function creates onchange open popup event for dropdown html element.
Name Type Description
FormID String ID of html element for which event is created
Name String Name of html element for which event is created

(static) CheckURLHash()

This function checks if the url hash (representing the current article) has changed and initiates an article load. A change can happen by clicking 'back' in the browser, for example.

(static) IframeAutoHeight($Iframe)

Set iframe height automatically based on real content height and default config setting.
Name Type Description
$Iframe jQueryObject The iframe which should be auto-heighted

(static) Init()

This function initializes the special module functions.

(static) InitTimelineView(TimelineView)

This function initializes timeline view.
Name Type Description
TimelineView Object data needed for initialization timeline view

(static) InitWidgets(AsyncWidgetActions)

This function initializes configured asynchronous widgets.
Name Type Description
AsyncWidgetActions Object list of widgets to initialize

(static) LoadArticleFromExternal(ArticleID, WindowObject)

Used in OTRS Business Solution (TM). Loads an article in the Zoom from another window context (e.g. popup).
Name Type Description
ArticleID String The article number of the loaded article
WindowObject Object

(static) MarkAsSeen(TicketID, ArticleID, Timeoutopt)

Mark an article as seen in frontend and backend.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
TicketID String TicketID of ticket which get's shown.
ArticleID String ArticleID of article which get's shown.
Timeout String <optional>
3000 Timeout in milliseconds

(static) MarkTicketAsSeen(TicketID)

Mark all articles as seen in frontend and backend. Article Filters will not be considered
Name Type Description
TicketID String TicketID of ticket which gets shown

(static) WidgetReload(AsyncWidgetActions, TicketID, ActivityEntityID)

This function checks for a running activity and recursively calls itself as long as needed.
Name Type Description
AsyncWidgetActions Object The configured asynchronous widgets
TicketID String the ID of our ticket
ActivityEntityID String active activity during previous call