This namespace contains the special module functions for the search.
(static) AdditionalAttributeSelectionRebuild() → {Boolean}
This function rebuilds attribute selection, only show available attributes.
Returns true.- Type
- Boolean
(static) AddSearchAttributes()
This function determines and adds attributes for using in filter.
(static) Init()
This function opens search dialog only on empty page (when it opens via '...Action=AgentTicketSearch' from location bar).
(static) OpenSearchDialog(Action, Profile, EmptySearch)
This function open the search dialog after clicking on "search" button in nav bar.
Name Type Description Action
String Action which is used in framework right now. Profile
String Used profile name. EmptySearch
Boolean -
(static) SearchAttributeAdd(Attribute) → {Boolean}
This function adds one attributes for search.
Name Type Description Attribute
String Name of attribute to add. Returns:
Returns false.- Type
- Boolean
(static) SearchAttributeRemove($Element)
This function removes attributes from an element.
Name Type Description $Element
jQueryObject The jQuery object of the form or any element within this form check.