This namespace contains the special function for AdminSystemConfiguration module.
(static) Cancel($Object)
This function handles click on the Cancel button
Name Type Description $Object
jQueryObject jquery object. -
(static) CleanWidgetClasses($Widget)
Cleans up all locked/modified classes on the widget
Name Type Description $Widget
jQueryObject The widget jquery object -
(static) Init()
This function initializes module functionality.
(static) InitAutoComplete()
Use autocomplete for the search field on the sysconfig home page
(static) InitClipboard()
Inits the clipboard function on all buttons with a certain class. This is meant for copying a direct link to a certain setting to clipboard.
(static) InitDeploymentRestore()
Bind event on deployment restore button.
(static) InitDialogDeployment()
This function initializes Deployment Dialog
(static) InitDialogReset($Object)
This function initializes Reset Dialog
Name Type Description $Object
jQueryObject jquery object. -
(static) InitFavourites()
Add and remove settings from favourites for the current user.
(static) InitGroupView(IsAjax)
This function initializes Group View
Name Type Description IsAjax
Boolean IsAjax. -
(static) InitSettingListCompare()
This function initializes Deployment History Details
(static) OpenSearchDialog()
This function open the search dialog after clicking on "search" button in nav bar.