This namespace contains the functionality for AJAX calls.
(static) ContentUpdate($ElementToUpdate, URL, Callback) → {Object}
Calls an URL via Ajax and updates a html element with the answer html of the server.
Name Type Description $ElementToUpdate
jQueryObject The jQuery object of the element(s) which should be updated URL
String The URL which is called via Ajax Callback
function The additional callback function which is called after the request returned from the server Returns:
The jqXHR object.- Type
- Object
(static) FormUpdate($EventElement, Subaction, ChangedElement, FieldsToUpdate, SuccessCallbackopt) → {Object}
Submits a special form via ajax and updates the form with the data returned from the server
Name Type Attributes Description $EventElement
jQueryObject The jQuery object of the element(s) which are included in the form that should be submitted. Subaction
String The subaction parameter for the perl module. ChangedElement
String The name of the element which was changed by the user. FieldsToUpdate
Object DEPRECATED. This used to be the names of the fields that should be updated with the server answer, but is not needed any more and will be removed in a future version of OTRS. SuccessCallback
function <optional>
Callback function to be executed on AJAX success (optional). Returns:
The jqXHR object.- Type
- Object
(static) FunctionCall(URL, Data, Callback, DataTypeopt) → {Object}
Calls an URL via Ajax and executes a given function after the request returned from the server.
Name Type Attributes Default Description URL
String The URL which is called via Ajax. Data
Object The data hash or data query string. Callback
function The callback function which is called after the request returned from the server. DataType
String <optional>
json Defines the datatype, default 'json', could also be 'html' Returns:
The jqXHR object.- Type
- Object
(static) SerializeForm($Element, Ignoreopt) → {String}
Serializes the form data into a query string.
Name Type Attributes Description $Element
jQueryObject The jQuery object of the form or any element within this form that should be serialized Ignore
Object <optional>
Elements (Keys) which should not be included in the serialized form string (optional) Returns:
The query string.- Type
- String