Upgrading OTRS from 3.3 to 4

These instructions are for people upgrading OTRS from 3.3 to 4 or from a 4 to a later patchlevel release 4 and applies both for RPM and source code (tarball) upgrades.

If you are running a lower version of OTRS you have to follow the upgrade path to 3.3 first (1.1->1.2->1.3->2.0->2.1->2.2->2.3->2.4->3.0->3.1->3.2->3.3)! You need to perform a full upgrade to every version in between, including database changes and the upgrading perl script.

Please note that if you upgrade from OTRS 2.2 or earlier, you have to take an extra step.

Within a single minor version you can skip patch level releases if you want to upgrade. For instance you can upgrade directly from OTRS 4 patchlevel 2 to version 4 patchlevel 6. If you need to do such a "patch level upgrade", you should skip steps 6, 11, 13 and 14.

It is highly recommended to perform a test update on a separate testing machine first.

Step 1: Stop all relevant services

Please make sure there are no more running services or cronjobs that try to access OTRS. This will depend on your service configuration, here is an example:

shell> /etc/init.d/cron stop
shell> /etc/init.d/postfix stop
shell> /etc/init.d/apache stop

Stop OTRS cronjobs and the scheduler (in this order):

shell> cd /opt/otrs/
shell> bin/Cron.sh stop
shell> bin/otrs.Scheduler.pl -a stop

Step 2: Backup everything below /opt/otrs/

  • Kernel/Config.pm

  • Kernel/Config/GenericAgent.pm

  • Kernel/Config/Files/ZZZAuto.pm

  • var/*

  • as well as the database

Step 3: Make sure that you have backed up everything ;-)

Step 4: Install the new release (tar or RPM)

Step 4.1: With the tarball:

shell> cd /opt
shell> mv otrs otrs-old
shell> tar -xzf otrs-x.x.x.tar.gz
shell> mv otrs-x.x.x otrs
Rejesha usanidi wa ma faili ya zamani

  • Kernel/Config.pm

  • Kernel/Config/GenericAgent.pm

  • Kernel/Config/Files/ZZZAuto.pm

Rudisha TicketCounter.log

In order to let OTRS continue with the correct ticket number, restore the TicketCounter.log to /opt/otrs/var/log/. This is especially important if you use incremental ticketnumbers.

Rejesha data za makala

If you configured OTRS to store article data in the filesystem you have to restore the article folder to /opt/otrs/var/.

Set file permissions

Please execute

shell> cd /opt/otrs/
shell> bin/otrs.SetPermissions.pl

with the permissions needed for your system setup. For example:

  • Web server which runs as the OTRS user:

    shell> bin/otrs.SetPermissions.pl --web-group=otrs

  • Webserver with wwwrun user (e. g. SUSE):

    shell> bin/otrs.SetPermissions.pl --web-group=wwwrun

  • Webserver with apache user (e. g. Red Hat, CentOS):

    shell> bin/otrs.SetPermissions.pl --web-group=apache

  • Webserver with www-data user (e. g. Debian, Ubuntu):

    shell> bin/otrs.SetPermissions.pl --web-group=www-data

Step 4.2: With the RPM:

shell> rpm -Uvh otrs-x.x.x.-01.rpm

In this case the RPM update automatically restores the old configuration files and sets file permissions.

Step 5: Check needed Perl modules

Hakikisha kwamba moduli zote za perl zinazohitajika zimesakinishwa kwenye mfumo wako na sakinisha moduli zozote ambazo zinakosekana.

shell> /opt/otrs/bin/otrs.CheckModules.pl

Step 6: Apply the database changes

Step 6.1: Database schema update


Note: new tables created in the MySQL UPGRADING process will be created with the default table storage engine set in your MySQL server. In MySQL 5.5 the new default type is InnoDB. If existing tables, e.g. "users", have the table storage engine e.g. MyISAM, then an error will be displayed when creating the foreign key constraints.

You have two options: you can change the default storage engine of MySQL back to MyISAM so that new tables will have the same engine as the existing tables, or change the existing tables to use InnoDB as storage engine.

Any problems with regards to the storage engine will be reported by the otrs.CheckDB.pl script, so please run it to check for possible issues.

shell> cd /opt/otrs/
shell> bin/otrs.CheckDB.pl
shell> cat scripts/DBUpdate-to-4.mysql.sql | mysql -p -f -u root otrs


shell> cd /opt/otrs/
shell> cat scripts/DBUpdate-to-4.postgresql.sql | psql --set ON_ERROR_STOP=on --single-transaction otrs otrs

Step 6.2: Database migration script

Run the migration script (as user otrs, NOT as root):

shell> scripts/DBUpdate-to-4.pl

Do not continue the upgrading process if this script did not work properly for you. Otherwise data loss may occur.

Step 7: Own themes

Note: The OTRS themes of 3.3 are NOT compatible with OTRS 4, so don't use your old themes!

Themes are located under /opt/otrs/Kernel/Output/HTML/*/*.tt.

Please note that OTRS 4 comes with a new templating engine based on Template::Toolkit. All customized templates must be converted from DTL to the new format. Please see the development manual for detailed instructions.

Step 8: Refresh the configuration cache and delete caches

Please run (as user otrs, not as root):

shell> bin/otrs.RebuildConfig.pl
shell> bin/otrs.DeleteCache.pl

Step 9: Restart your services

mf. (inategemeana na huduma zilizotumika):

shell> /etc/init.d/apache start
shell> /etc/init.d/postfix start
shell> /etc/init.d/cron start

Sasa unaweza kuingia kwenye mfumo wako.

Step 10: Check installed packages


The OTRS packages of 3.3 are NOT compatible with OTRS 4, so you have to perform a package upgrade!

Vifurushi vifuatavyo vinasakinushwa kiotomatiki baada ya mchakato wa uboreshaji (kama zilisakinishwa kabla):

  • OTRSGenericInterfaceREST

  • OTRSMyServices

  • OTRSStatsRestrictionByDateTimeDF

  • Support

Step 11: Check GenericAgent jobs

If you have any GenericAgent jobs (or even any custom developments) that automatically set ProcessID or ActivityID dynamic fields, you need to update these to set the fields to the new long EntityIDs that were generated by DBUpdate-to-4.pl.

Step 12: Update and activate cronjobs

There are several OTRS default cronjobs in /opt/otrs/var/cron/*.dist. They can be activated by copying them without the ".dist" filename extension. Do this to make sure you get the latest versions of the cronjobs and new cronjobs as well.

shell> cd /opt/otrs/var/cron
shell> for foo in *.dist; do cp $foo `basename $foo .dist`; done

Please check the copied files and re-apply any customizations that you might have made. To schedule these cronjobs on your system, you can use the script Cron.sh. Make sure to execute it as the otrs user!

shell> /opt/otrs/bin/Cron.sh start

This will also cause the OTRS Scheduler to be started.

Step 13: Update Customer database configuration

If you're using an external customer database and this database does NOT provide the OTRS specific fields create_time, create_by, change_time and change_by, please set ForeignDB => 1 for $Self->{CustomerUser} and $Self->{CustomerCompany} (see Kernel/Config/Defaults.pm).

Step 14: Rebuild Ticket index

Please run bin/otrs.RebuildTicketIndex.pl to regenerate the ticket index. This can be done in the background to calculate the ticket numbers for the queue view screens. You can already use your system.

Step 14: Well done!