Chapter 6. Appointment Calendar

Table of Contents

Management of multiple calendars
Exports and imports
Management of calendar appointments
Repeating appointments
Event-based appointment/calendar notifications
Managed ticket appointments
Link tickets to appointments
Dashboard widget for upcoming appointments
Calendar Management
Exporting calendars and/or appointments
Importing calendars and/or appointments
Calendar Overview
Agenda Overview
Management of calendar appointments
Repeating appointments
Event-based appointment/calendar notifications
Link tickets to appointments
Managed ticket appointments
Dashboard widget for upcoming appointments



Appointment calendar feature provides a calendar implementation that allows agents to manage and display multiple calendars and their appointments.

Management of multiple calendars

Via a management interface it is possible to add and edit calendars.

Beside calendar names, it is possible to assign colors and access groups, as well as the current validity of the calendars.

Exports and imports

Once different calendars are created, it is possible to export either the complete calendar definition (including the calendar appointments) in the well-known YAML format or just export the related appointments of a calendar to ICS format.

It is also possible to import complete calendar structures using previously exported YAML files to restore calendar definitions or import just calendar appointments to an existing calendar using ICS file uploads.

That offers the possibility to backup and restore single calendars or transfer them to a different OTRS installation or an external calendar tool.

Management of calendar appointments

If at least one calendar is created and accessible by a certain agent, new or already existing appointments can be managed via a calendar overview and an agenda overview.

Within the calendar overview, an agent is able to display, create, edit and/or delete appointments of different calendars, depending on their permission level to the related calendars. Such appointments can be created or edited via drag and drop within this screen.

The visibility of single calendars can be enabled or disabled through the calendar list within the screen.

To have a good overview of available appointments within different calendars and the related dates they start or end, it is possible to select different view modes, like weekly view, monthly view, different timeline related views etc.

Within the agenda overview, an agent is able to display the appointments of all available (accessible) calendars in a table-like overview. This overview is designed to have a detailed list of upcoming appointments in a structured table. Like in the calendar overview, appointments can be created, edited or deleted. This view supports a monthly, weekly and daily point of view on available appointments.

Repeating appointments

If recurring appointments needs to be archived, it is possible to setup detailed information about the occurrences of a single appointment.

Beside pre-defined frequencies like daily, weekly, monthly etc. it is possible to setup custom repeats and exclude weekdays or dates of months, define the amount of recurrences and/or the end date after the appointment stops to repeat.


Within the edit screen of an appointment, it is possible to setup a date to notify about the appointment.

As in the settings for appointment repeat, it is possible to use pre-defined templates for notifications (i.e. 5 minutes before, 15 minutes before etc.) or setup a custom point of time.

The custom settings for notifications allows to setup a relative point of time (like 5 minutes after the appointment has been started) or an explicit date/time expression.

Event-based appointment/calendar notifications

As in the well-known ticket notifications, this package comes up with an event based notification mechanism, that can be handled using an administration interface. Within that interface, notification event entries can be created, updated and/or deleted to react on different OTRS events with related filters, recipients and content templates.

The content of notifications can be dynamically filled-up using OTRS smart tags, like in the event based ticket notifications.

Managed ticket appointments

This package offers the possibility to automatically create and update appointments in calendars based on ticket data, using special rules defined within the calendar edit screen. Any ticket date/time value (i.e. pending time, escalation times or dynamic fields) can be used to define appointment start and end dates.

Link tickets to appointments

Within the edit screen of an appointment, it is possible link existing tickets.

Tickets can be searched by their ticket numbers and/or titles.

Links between tickets and appointments appear in the ticket zoom like every other linked objects in a related table.

Those links can either be created through an existing appointment, using the overviews or via the link feature in the ticket zoom.

It's also possible to create a new appointment out of the ticket zoom, which links the related ticket automatically to the new appointment.

Dashboard widget for upcoming appointments

Every agent can activate a dashboard widget Appointments in the dashboard.

This widget shows the upcoming appointments of the different calendars for today, tomorrow and the next 5 days.