OTRS API Reference JavaScript

Source: Core.UI.Dialog.js

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// Copyright (C) 2001-2018 OTRS AG, https://otrs.com/
// --
// This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. For details, see
// the enclosed file COPYING for license information (GPL). If you
// did not receive this file, see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt.
// --

"use strict";

var Core = Core || {};
Core.UI = Core.UI || {};

 * @namespace Core.UI.Dialog
 * @memberof Core.UI
 * @author OTRS AG
 * @description
 *      Contains the code for the different dialogs.
Core.UI.Dialog = (function (TargetNS) {
     * @private
     * @name DialogCounter
     * @memberof Core.UI.Dialog
     * @member {Number}
     * @description
     *      Number of used/opened dialogs on a page. Used to restore the correct HTML backup after dialog is closed.
    var DialogCounter = 1;

     * check dependencies first
    if (!Core.Debug.CheckDependency('Core.UI.Dialog', '$([]).draggable', 'jQuery UI draggable')) {
        return false;
    if (!Core.Debug.CheckDependency('Core.UI.Dialog', 'Core.Config', 'Core.Config')) {
        return false;
    if (!Core.Debug.CheckDependency('Core.UI.Dialog', 'Core.UI.InputFields', 'Core.UI.InputFields')) {
        return false;

     * @private
     * @name AdjustScrollableHeight
     * @memberof Core.UI.Dialog
     * @function
     * @param {Boolean} AllowAutoGrow - If AllowAutoGrow is set, auto-resizing should be possible.
     * @description
     *      Adjusts the scrollable inner container of the dialog after every resizing.
    function AdjustScrollableHeight(AllowAutoGrow) {
        // Check window height and adjust the scrollable height of InnerContent
        // Calculation:
        // Window height
        // - top margin of dialog twice (for top and bottom) - only use this for big dialog windows
        // - some static pixels for Header and Footer of dialog
        var ContentScrollHeight = 0,
            WindowHeight = $(window).height(),
            WindowScrollTop = $(window).scrollTop(),
            DialogTopMargin = $('.Dialog:visible').offset().top,
            DialogHeight = $('.Dialog:visible').height();

        // if dialog height is more than 300px recalculate width of InnerContent to make it scrollable
        // if dialog is smaller than 300px this is not necessary
        // if AllowAutoGrow is set, auto-resizing should be possible
        // if in a mobile environment and a small screen, use as much window height as possible
        if ($('.Dialog:visible').hasClass('Fullsize')) {
            ContentScrollHeight = WindowHeight - 80;
        else if (AllowAutoGrow || DialogHeight > 300) {
            ContentScrollHeight = WindowHeight - ((DialogTopMargin - WindowScrollTop) * 2) - 100;
        else {
            ContentScrollHeight = 200;
        $('.Dialog:visible .Content .InnerContent').css('max-height', ContentScrollHeight);

     * @private
     * @name FocusFirstElement
     * @memberof Core.UI.Dialog
     * @function
     * @description
     *      Focuses the first element within the dialog.
    function FocusFirstElement() {
        var $FirstElement = $('div.Dialog:visible .Content')
                .find('a:visible, input:visible, textarea:visible, select:visible, button:visible')

        if (!$FirstElement || !$FirstElement.length || $('div.Dialog:visible').find('.OTRSBusinessRequiredDialog').length) {

        // If first element is modernized input field, prepend a semi-hidden text field and set focus on it instead.
        //   This will prevent automatic expansion of the input field, but still move tab index to the dialog and allow
        //   for keyboard navigation in it. See bug#12681 for more information.
        if ($FirstElement.hasClass('InputField_Search')) {
            $FocusField = $('<input/>')
        else {

     * @private
     * @name InitKeyEvent
     * @memberof Core.UI.Dialog
     * @function
     * @param {Boolean} CloseOnEscape - If set to true, the escape key is checked for closing the dialog.
     * @description
     *      Initializes the key event logger for the dialog.
     *      Must be unbinded when closing the dialog.
    function InitKeyEvent(CloseOnEscape) {
        var $Dialog = $('div.Dialog:visible');
         * Opera can't prevent the default action of special keys on keydown. That's why we need a special keypress event here,
         * to prevent the default action for the special keys.
         * See http://www.quirksmode.org/dom/events/keys.html for details
        $(document).off('keypress.Dialog').on('keypress.Dialog', function (Event) {
            if ($.browser.opera && (Event.keyCode === 9 || (Event.keyCode === 27 && CloseOnEscape))) {
                return false;
        }).off('keydown.Dialog').on('keydown.Dialog', function (Event) {
            var $Tabbables, $First, $Last;

            // Tab pressed
            if (Event.keyCode === 9) {
                // :tabbable probably comes from jquery UI
                $Tabbables = $('a:visible, input:visible, textarea:visible, select:visible, button:visible', $Dialog);
                $First = $Tabbables.filter(':first');
                $Last = $Tabbables.filter(':last');

                if (Event.target === $Last[0] && !Event.shiftKey) {
                    return false;
                else if (Event.target === $First[0] && Event.shiftKey) {
                    return false;
            // Escape pressed and CloseOnEscape is true
            else if (Event.keyCode === 27 && CloseOnEscape) {
                return false;

     * @private
     * @name DefaultSubmitFunction
     * @memberof Core.UI.Dialog
     * @function
     * @description
     *      The default submit function in the dialog.
    function DefaultSubmitFunction() {
        $('.Dialog:visible form').submit();

     * @private
     * @name DefaultCloseFunction
     * @memberof Core.UI.Dialog
     * @function
     * @description
     *      The default function to close the dialog.
    function DefaultCloseFunction() {

     * @name ShowDialog
     * @memberof Core.UI.Dialog
     * @function
     * @param {Object} Params - The different config options.
     * @param {Boolean} Params.Modal - Shows a dark background overlay behind the dialog (default: false)
     * @param {String} Params.Type - Alert|Search (default: undefined) Defines a special type of dialog.
     * @param {String} Params.Title - Defines the title of the dialog window (default: undefined).
     * @param {String} Params.Headline - Defines a special headline within the dialog window (default: undefined).
     * @param {String} Params.Text - The text which is outputtet in the dialog window (default: undefined).
     * @param {String} Params.HTML - Used for content dialog windows. Contains a complete HTML snippet or an jQuery object with containing HTML (default: undefined).
     * @param {Number} Params.PositionTop - Defines the top position of the dialog window (default: undefined).
     * @param {Number} Params.PositionBottom - Defines the bottom position of the dialog window (default: undefined).
     * @param {Number|String} Params.PositionLeft - Defines the left position of the dialog window. 'Center' centers the window (default: undefined).
     * @param {Number} Params.PositionRight - Defines the right position of the dialog window (default: undefined).
     * @param {Boolean} Params.CloseOnClickOutside - If true, clicking outside the dialog closes the dialog (default: false).
     * @param {Boolean} Params.CloseOnEscape - If true, pressing escape key closes the dialog (default: false).
     * @param {Boolean} Params.AllowAutoGrow - If true, the InnerContent of the dialog can resize until the max window height is reached, if false (default), InnerContent of small dialogs does not resize over 200px.
     * @param {Boolean} Params.HideHeader - Hide the header by setting this to true
     * @param {Boolean} Params.HideFooter - Hide the footer by setting this to true
     * @param {Object} Params.Buttons - Array of Hashes with the following properties (buttons are placed in a div "footer" of the dialog):
     * @param {String} Params.Buttons.Label - Text of the button.
     * @param {String} Params.Buttons.Type - 'Submit'|'Close' (default: none) Special type of the button - invokes a standard function.
     * @param {String} Params.Buttons.Class - Optional class parameters for the button element.
     * @param {Function} Params.Buttons.Function - The function which is executed on click (optional).
     * @description
     *      The main dialog function used for all different types of dialogs.
    TargetNS.ShowDialog = function(Params) {

        var $Dialog, $Content, $ButtonFooter, HTMLBackup, DialogCopy, DialogCopySelector,
            FullsizeMode = false;

        DialogHTML = '<div class="Dialog">';
        if (!Params.HideHeader) {
            DialogHTML += '<div class="Header"><a class="Close" title="' + Core.Language.Translate('Close this dialog') + '" href="#"><i class="fa fa-times"></i></a></div>';
        DialogHTML += '<div class="Content"></div>';
        if (!Params.HideFooter) {
            DialogHTML += '<div class="Footer"></div>';
        DialogHTML += '</div>';

         * @private
         * @name HandleClosingAction
         * @memberof Core.UI.Dialog.ShowDialog
         * @function
         * @description
         *      If no callback function for the close is given (via the Button definition),
         *      the dialog is just closed. Otherwise the defined Close button is triggered,
         *      which invokes the callback and the closing of the dialog.
        function HandleClosingAction() {
            var $CloseButton = $('.Dialog:visible button.Close');

            // publish close event
            Core.App.Publish('Event.UI.Dialog.CloseDialog.Close', [$Dialog]);

            // Hide any possibly existing tooltips.
            if (Core.Form && Core.Form.ErrorTooltips) {

            if ($CloseButton.length) {
            else {

         * @private
         * @name CalculateDialogPosition
         * @memberof Core.UI.Dialog.ShowDialog
         * @function
         * @returns {String} The position of the dialog.
         * @param {String|Number} Position - The position of the dialog.
         * @param {String} Type - Can be 'top' or 'bottom'.
         * @description
         *      Calculates the correct position of the dialog, given by the Position.
        function CalculateDialogPosition(Position, Type) {
            var ScrollTop = $(window).scrollTop(),
                WindowHeight = $(window).height();

            Type = Type || 'top';
            // convert Position to a string so that numbers can be passed too
            //  (later string operations are executed on that object)
            Position = Position.toString();

            // position is in percent
            if (Position.match(/%/)) {
                Position = parseInt(Position.replace(/%/, ''), 10);
                if (Type === 'top') {
                    Position = parseInt(WindowHeight * (Position / 100), 10) + ScrollTop;
                else if (Type === 'bottom') {
                    Position = WindowHeight + ScrollTop - parseInt(WindowHeight * (Position / 100), 10);
            // handle as px
            else {
                Position = parseInt(Position.replace(/px/, ''), 10);
                if (Type === 'top') {
                    Position = Position + ScrollTop;
                else if (Type === 'bottom') {
                    Position = WindowHeight + ScrollTop - Position;

            return (Position + 'px');


        // Close all opened dialogs
        if ($('.Dialog:visible').length) {

        // If Dialog is a modal dialog, initialize overlay
        if (Params.Modal) {
            $('<div id="Overlay" tabindex="-1">').appendTo('body');
                'overflow': 'hidden'
            $('#Overlay').height($(document).height()).css('top', 0);

            // If the underlying page is perhaps to small, wie extend the page to window height for the dialog
            $('body').css('min-height', $(window).height());

        // Build Dialog HTML
        $Dialog = $(DialogHTML);

        // Add responsive functionality
        if (Core.App.Responsive.IsSmallerOrEqual(Core.App.Responsive.GetScreenSize(), 'ScreenL')) {
            FullsizeMode = true;

        if (Params.Modal) {

        // If Param HTML is provided, get the HTML data
        // Data can be a HTML string or an jQuery object with containing HTML data
        if (Params.HTML) {
            // If the data is a string, this is created dynamically or was delivered via AJAX.
            // But if the data is a jQueryObject, that means, that the prepared HTML code for the dialog
            // was originally put as part of the tt into the HTML page
            // For compatibility reasons (no double IDs etc.) we have to cut out the dialog HTML and
            // only use it for the dialog itself.
            // After the dialog is closed again we have to revert this cut-out, because otherwise we
            // could not open the dialog again (because the HTML would be missing).
            // But we cannot use the Dialog HTML to put it back in the page, because this HTML could be changed
            // in the dialog. So we have to save the data somewhere which was cut out and write it back later.
            // Be careful: There can be more than one dialog, we have to save the data dependent on the dialog

            // Get HTML with JS function innerHTML, because jQuery html() strips out the script blocks
            if (typeof Params.HTML !== 'string' && isJQueryObject(Params.HTML)) {
                // First get the data structure, ehich is (perhaps) already saved
                // If the data does not exists Core.Data.Get returns an empty hash
                DialogCopy = Core.Data.Get($('body'), 'DialogCopy');
                DialogCopySelector = Core.Data.Get($('body'), 'DialogCopySelector');
                HTMLBackup = (Params.HTML)[0].innerHTML;
                // Add the new HTML data to the data structure and save it to the document
                DialogCopy[DialogCounter] = HTMLBackup;
                DialogCopySelector[DialogCounter] = Params.HTML;
                Core.Data.Set($('body'), 'DialogCopy', DialogCopy);
                Core.Data.Set($('body'), 'DialogSelector', DialogCopySelector);
                // Additionally, we save the selector as data on the dialog itself for later restoring
                // Remove the original dialog template content from the page
                // and use the variable as string (!!) with the content which was cut out
                Params.HTML = HTMLBackup;

        // Type 'Alert'
        if (Params.Type === 'Alert') {
            $Dialog.attr("role", "alertdialog");
            $Content = $Dialog.find('.Content').append('<div class="InnerContent"></div>').find('.InnerContent');
            $Content.append('<i class="fa fa-warning"></i>');
            if (Params.Headline) {
                $Content.append('<h2>' + Params.Headline + '</h2>');
            if (Params.Text) {
                $Content.append('<p>' + Params.Text + '</p>');
            Params.Buttons = [{
                Label: 'OK',
                Type: 'Close',
                Function: Params.OnClose
            $Content.append('<div class="Center Spacing"><button type="button" id="DialogButton1" class="CallForAction Close"><span>' + Core.Language.Translate('OK') + '</span></button></div>');
        // Define different other types here...
        else if (Params.Type === 'Search') {
            $Dialog.attr("role", "dialog");
            $Content = $Dialog.find('.Content');
            if (Params.HTML) {
        // If no type is defined, default type is used
        else {
            $Dialog.attr("role", "dialog");
            $Content = $Dialog.find('.Content');
            // buttons are defined only in default type
            if (Params.Buttons) {
                $Content.append('<div class="InnerContent"></div>').find('.InnerContent').append(Params.HTML);
                $ButtonFooter = $('<div class="ContentFooter Center"></div>');
                $.each(Params.Buttons, function (Index, Value) {
                    var Classes = 'CallForAction';
                    if (Value.Type === 'Close') {
                        Classes += ' Close';
                    if (Value.Class) {
                        Classes += ' ' + Value.Class;
                    $ButtonFooter.append('<button id="DialogButton' + (Index - 0 + 1) + '" class="' + Classes + '" type="button"><span>' + Value.Label + '</span></button> ');
            else {
                if (Params.HTML) {

        // If Title is defined, add dialog title
        if (Params.Title) {
            $Dialog.children('div.Header').append('<h1>' + Params.Title + '</h1>');

        // Add Dialog to page

        // Check if "ContentFooter" is used in Content
        if ($Dialog.find('.Content .ContentFooter').length) {
            // change default Footer

        // Now add the dialog number to the dialog data to restore the HTML later
        Core.Data.Set($Dialog, 'DialogCounter', DialogCounter);
        // Increase the dialog number for the next possible dialog

        // Set position for Dialog
        if (Params.Type === 'Alert') {
                top: $(window).scrollTop() + ($(window).height() * 0.3),
                left: Math.round(($(window).width() - $Dialog.width()) / 2)

        if (typeof Params.PositionTop !== 'undefined') {
            $Dialog.css('top', CalculateDialogPosition(Params.PositionTop, 'top'));
        if (typeof Params.PositionLeft !== 'undefined') {
            if (Params.PositionLeft === 'Center') {
                $Dialog.css('left', Math.round(($(window).width() - $Dialog.width()) / 2));
            else {
                $Dialog.css('left', Params.PositionLeft);
        if (typeof Params.PositionBottom !== 'undefined') {
            $Dialog.css('bottom', CalculateDialogPosition(Params.PositionBottom, 'bottom'));
        if (typeof Params.PositionRight !== 'undefined') {
            $Dialog.css('right', Params.PositionRight);

        // Check window height and adjust the scrollable height of InnerContent

        // Adjust dialog position on mobile devices
        if (FullsizeMode) {
            $Dialog.css('top', $(window).scrollTop());

        // Add event-handling, not allowed on mobile devices
        if (!FullsizeMode) {
                containment: 'body',
                handle: '.Header',
                start: function() {
                    // Fire PubSub event for dragstart
                    // (to handle more dependencies in their own namespaces)
                    Core.App.Publish('Event.UI.Dialog.ShowDialog.DragStart', $Dialog);

                    // Hide any possibly existing tooltips as they will not be moved
                    //  with this dialog.
                    if (Core.Form && Core.Form.ErrorTooltips) {
                stop: function() {
                    Core.App.Publish('Event.UI.Dialog.ShowDialog.DragStop', $Dialog);

        // Add button events
        if (Params.Buttons) {
            $.each(Params.Buttons, function (Index, Value) {
                $('#DialogButton' + (Index - 0 + 1)).click(function () {
                    if (Value.Type === 'Submit') {
                        if ($.isFunction(Value.Function)) {
                            if (Value.Function()) {
                        else {
                    else if (Value.Type === 'Close') {
                        if ($.isFunction(Value.Function)) {
                            if (Value.Function()) {
                        else {
                    else {
                        if ($.isFunction(Value.Function)) {

        // Add event-handling for Close-Buttons and -Links
        $Dialog.find('.Header a.Close').click(function () {
            return false;

        // Add CloseOnClickOutside functionality
        if (Params.CloseOnClickOutside) {
            $(document).off('click.Dialog').on('click.Dialog', function (event) {
                // If target element is removed before this event triggers, the enclosing div.Dialog can't be found anymore
                // We check, if we can find a parent HTML element to be sure, that the element is not removed
                if ($(event.target).parents('html').length && $(event.target).closest('div.Dialog').length === 0) {

        // Add resize event handler for calculating the scroll height
        $(window).off('resize.Dialog').on('resize.Dialog', function () {

        Core.App.Subscribe('Event.App.Responsive.SmallerOrEqualScreenL', function () {
            // Dialog should be fullsize, if on smaller screens

        Core.App.Subscribe('Event.App.Responsive.ScreenXL', function () {

        // Init KeyEvent-Logger


        // Focus first focusable element

     * @name ShowContentDialog
     * @memberof Core.UI.Dialog
     * @function
     * @param {String} HTML - The content HTML which should be shown.
     * @param {String} Title - The title of the dialog.
     * @param {Number|String} PositionTop - The top position the dialog is positioned initially.
     * @param {Numer|String} PositionLeft - The left position the dialog is positioned initially.
     * @param {Boolean} Modal - If defined and set to true, an overlay is shown for a modal dialog.
     * @param {Array} Buttons - The button array.
     * @param {Boolean} AllowAutoGrow - If true, the InnerContent of the dialog can resize until the max window height is reached, if false (default), InnerContent of small dialogs does not resize over 200px.
     * @description
     *      Shows a default dialog.
    TargetNS.ShowContentDialog = function (HTML, Title, PositionTop, PositionLeft, Modal, Buttons, AllowAutoGrow) {
            HTML: HTML,
            Title: Title,
            Modal: Modal,
            CloseOnClickOutside: true,
            CloseOnEscape: true,
            PositionTop: PositionTop,
            PositionLeft: PositionLeft,
            Buttons: Buttons,
            AllowAutoGrow: AllowAutoGrow

     * @name ShowWaitingDialog
     * @memberof Core.UI.Dialog
     * @function
     * @param {String} Title - The title of the dialog.
     * @param {String} Text - The text of the dialog.
     * @description
     *      Shows a waiting dialog (with spinner icon) and customizable title and text
    TargetNS.ShowWaitingDialog = function (Title, Text) {

        var DialogTemplate = Core.Template.Render('Dialog/Waiting', {
            Text: Text

            HTML: DialogTemplate,
            Title: Title,
            Modal: true,
            CloseOnClickOutside: false,
            CloseOnEscape: false,
            PositionTop: '20%',
            PositionLeft: 'Center',
            AllowAutoGrow: true,
            HideHeader: true,
            HideFooter: true

     * @name MakeDialogWait
     * @memberof Core.UI.Dialog
     * @function
     * @description
     *      Shows a spinner overlay on the currently visible modal dialog. Is meant for showing the user that something is about
     *      to happen, e.g. if changing a field within a dialog causes a page reload.
    TargetNS.MakeDialogWait = function () {
        $('.Dialog:visible .InnerContent').prepend('<div class="Waiting"><i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin"></i></div>').find('.Waiting').fadeIn();

     * @name ShowAlert
     * @memberof Core.UI.Dialog
     * @function
     * @param {String} Headline - The bold headline text.
     * @param {String} Text - The description.
     * @param {Function} CloseFunction - The special function which is started on closing the dialog
     *                                   (optional, if used also the removing of the dialog itself must be handled).
     * @description
     *      Shows an alert dialog.
    TargetNS.ShowAlert = function (Headline, Text, CloseFunction) {
            Type: 'Alert',
            Modal: true,
            Title: Headline,
            Text: Text,
            OnClose: CloseFunction

     * @name CloseDialog
     * @memberof Core.UI.Dialog
     * @function
     * @param {jQueryObject} Object - The jQuery object that defines the dialog or any child element of it, which should be closed.
     * @description
     *      Closes all dialogs specified.
    TargetNS.CloseDialog = function (Object) {
        var $Dialog, $DialogSelector, DialogCopy, DialogSelectorData, InternalDialogCounter, BackupHTML;
        $Dialog = $(Object).closest('.Dialog:visible');

        // Get the original dialog number for the content template
        InternalDialogCounter = Core.Data.Get($Dialog, 'DialogCounter');

        // publish close event
        Core.App.Publish('Event.UI.Dialog.CloseDialog.Close', [$Dialog]);

            'overflow': 'auto'
        $('body').css('min-height', 'auto');

        // Revert orignal html
        if (InternalDialogCounter) {
            DialogCopy = Core.Data.Get($('body'), 'DialogCopy');
            DialogSelectorData = Core.Data.Get($('body'), 'DialogSelector');
            // Get saved HTML
            if (typeof DialogCopy !== 'undefined') {
                BackupHTML = DialogCopy[InternalDialogCounter];
                $DialogSelector = DialogSelectorData[InternalDialogCounter];

                // If HTML could be restored, write it back into the page
                if (BackupHTML && BackupHTML.length) {

                // delete this variable from the object
                delete DialogCopy[InternalDialogCounter];
                delete DialogSelectorData[InternalDialogCounter];

            // write the new DialogCopy back
            Core.Data.Set($('body'), 'DialogCopy', DialogCopy);

    return TargetNS;
}(Core.UI.Dialog || {}));