// --
// Copyright (C) 2001-2018 OTRS AG, https://otrs.com/
// --
// This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. For details, see
// the enclosed file COPYING for license information (GPL). If you
// did not receive this file, see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt.
// --
"use strict";
var Core = Core || {};
Core.Agent = Core.Agent || {};
* @namespace Core.Agent.TicketAction
* @memberof Core.Agent
* @author OTRS AG
* @description
* This namespace contains functions for all ticket action popups.
Core.Agent.TicketAction = (function (TargetNS) {
* @private
* @name SerializeData
* @memberof Core.Agent.TicketAction
* @function
* @returns {String} A query string based on the given hash.
* @param {Object} Data - The data that should be serialized
* @description
* Converts a given hash into a query string.
function SerializeData(Data) {
var QueryString = '';
$.each(Data, function (Key, Value) {
QueryString += ';' + encodeURIComponent(Key) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(Value);
return QueryString;
* @private
* @name OpenCustomerUserAddressBook
* @memberof Core.Agent.TicketAction
* @function
* @param {String} RecipientField - The recipient field name to add the selected recipients in the correct field.
* @param {String} RecipientFieldLabel - The recipient field label for the output in the address book screen.
* @param {String} RecipientType - The recipient type for the diffrent screens.
* @description
* Open the AgentCustomerUserAddressBook screen.
function OpenCustomerUserAddressBook(RecipientField, RecipientFieldLabel, RecipientType) {
var CustomerUserAddressBookIFrameURL, CustomerUserAddressBookIFrame;
CustomerUserAddressBookIFrameURL = Core.Config.Get('CGIHandle') + '?Action=AgentCustomerUserAddressBook;RecipientField=' + RecipientField + ';RecipientFieldLabel=' + RecipientFieldLabel + ';RecipientType=' + RecipientType;
CustomerUserAddressBookIFrameURL += SerializeData(Core.App.GetSessionInformation());
CustomerUserAddressBookIFrame = '<iframe class="TextOption CustomerUserAddressBook" src="' + CustomerUserAddressBookIFrameURL + '"></iframe>';
Core.UI.Dialog.ShowContentDialog(CustomerUserAddressBookIFrame, '', '10px', 'Center', true);
* @private
* @name OpenCustomerDialog
* @memberof Core.Agent.TicketAction
* @function
* @description
* Open the CustomerDialog screen.
function OpenCustomerDialog() {
var CustomerIFrameURL, CustomerIFrame;
CustomerIFrameURL = Core.Config.Get('CGIHandle') + '?Action=AdminCustomerUser;Nav=None;Subject=;What=';
CustomerIFrameURL += SerializeData(Core.App.GetSessionInformation());
CustomerIFrame = '<iframe class="TextOption Customer" src="' + CustomerIFrameURL + '"></iframe>';
Core.UI.Dialog.ShowContentDialog(CustomerIFrame, '', '10px', 'Center', true);
* @private
* @name OpenCustomerIDSelection
* @memberof Core.Agent.TicketAction
* @function
* @description
* Open the CustomerIDSelectionDialog screen.
function OpenCustomerIDSelection() {
var Data = {
Action: 'AgentCustomerSearch',
Subaction: 'AssignedCustomerIDs',
CustomerUserID: $('#SelectedCustomerUser').val(),
Core.AJAX.FunctionCall(Core.Config.Get('Baselink'), Data, function (Response) {
$.each(Response, function(Index, CustomerID) {
var CustomerIDOption = new Option(CustomerID, CustomerID);
// Overwrite option text, because of wrong html quoting of text content.
// (This is needed for IE.)
CustomerIDOption.innerHTML = CustomerID;
if (!$('#SelectionCustomerIDAssigned > option').length) {
$('#TemplateSelectionCustomerID fieldset:last').addClass('Hidden');
else {
$('#TemplateSelectionCustomerID fieldset:last').removeClass('Hidden');
Core.UI.Dialog.ShowContentDialog($('#TemplateSelectionCustomerID'), Core.Language.Translate('Select a customer ID to assign to this ticket'), '10px', 'Center', true);
$('#SelectionCustomerIDAll').on('select.Autocomplete', function() {
$('#SelectionCustomerIDAssigned').on('change', function() {
* @private
* @name CloseCustomerIDSelection
* @memberof Core.Agent.TicketAction
* @function
* @param {String} CustomerID - The selected customer ID value.
* @description
* Close the customer ID selection dialog.
function CloseCustomerIDSelection(CustomerID) {
* @private
* @name MarkPrimaryCustomer
* @memberof Core.Agent.TicketAction
* @function
* @description
* Mark the primary customer.
function MarkPrimaryCustomer() {
$('.CustomerContainer').children('div').each(function() {
var $InputObj = $(this).find('.CustomerTicketText'),
$RadioObj = $(this).find('.CustomerTicketRadio');
if ($RadioObj.prop('checked')) {
else {
* @name Init
* @memberof Core.Agent.TicketAction
* @function
* @description
* This function initializes the ticket action popups.
TargetNS.Init = function () {
$('.OptionCustomerUserAddressBook').on('click', function () {
OpenCustomerUserAddressBook($(this).data('recipient-field'), $(this).data('recipient-field-label'), $(this).data('recipient-type'));
return false;
// Register event for customer dialog
$('#OptionCustomer').on('click', function () {
return false;
// Register the event for customer id selection dialog.
$('#SelectionCustomerID').on('click', function () {
return false;
// Deactivate the fields in the template.
// Subscribe to the reloading of the CustomerInfo box to
// specially mark the primary customer
Core.App.Subscribe('Event.Agent.CustomerSearch.GetCustomerInfo.Callback', function() {
// Prevent form submit, if To, CC or Bcc are not correctly saved yet
// see http://bugs.otrs.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10022 for details
$('#submitRichText').on('click', function (Event) {
var ToCustomer = $('#ToCustomer').val() || '',
CcCustomer = $('#CcCustomer').val() || '',
BccCustomer = $('#BccCustomer').val() || '',
// only for AgentTicketPhone
FromCustomer = $('#FromCustomer').val() || '';
if (ToCustomer.length || CcCustomer.length || BccCustomer.length || FromCustomer.length) {
window.setTimeout(function () {
}, 100);
return false;
// Subscribe to ToggleWidget event to handle special behaviour in ticket action screens
Core.App.Subscribe('Event.UI.ToggleWidget', function ($WidgetElement) {
if ($WidgetElement.attr('id') !== 'WidgetArticle') {
// If widget is being expanded, activate checkbox to create article.
if ($WidgetElement.hasClass('Expanded')) {
$('#CreateArticle').prop('checked', true);
* @name UpdateCustomer
* @memberof Core.Agent.TicketAction
* @function
* @param {String} Customer - The customer that was selected in the customer popup window.
* @description
* In some screens, the customer management dialog can be used as a borrowed view
* (iframe in a dialog). This function is used to take over the currently selected
* customer into the main window, closing the dialog.
TargetNS.UpdateCustomer = function (Customer) {
var $UpdateForm = $('form[name=compose]', parent.document);
// Because we are in an iframe, we need to call the parent frames javascript function
// with a jQuery object which is in the parent frames context
parent.Core.UI.Dialog.CloseDialog($('.Dialog', parent.document));
* @name SelectRadioButton
* @memberof Core.Agent.TicketAction
* @function
* @param {String} Value - The value attribute of the radio button to be selected.
* @param {String} Name - The name of the radio button to be selected.
* @description
* Selects a radio button by name and value.
TargetNS.SelectRadioButton = function (Value, Name) {
$('input[type="radio"][name=' + Name + '][value=' + Value + ']').prop('checked', true);
* @name ConfirmTemplateOverwrite
* @memberof Core.Agent.TicketAction
* @function
* @param {String} FieldName - The ID of the content field (textarea or RTE). ID without selector (#).
* @param {jQueryObject} $TemplateSelect - Selector of the dropdown element for the template selection.
* @param {Function} Callback - Callback function to execute if overwriting is confirmed.
* @description
* After a template was selected, this function lets the user confirm that all already existing content
* in the textarea or RTE will be overwritten with the template content.
TargetNS.ConfirmTemplateOverwrite = function (FieldName, $TemplateSelect, Callback) {
var Content = '',
LastValue = $TemplateSelect.data('LastValue') || '';
// Fallback for non-richtext content
Content = $('#' + FieldName).val();
// get RTE content
if (typeof CKEDITOR !== 'undefined' && CKEDITOR.instances[FieldName]) {
Content = CKEDITOR.instances[FieldName].getData();
// if content already exists let user confirm to really overwrite that content with a template
if (
Content.length &&
!window.confirm(Core.Language.Translate('Setting a template will overwrite any text or attachment.') + ' ' + Core.Language.Translate('Do you really want to continue?')))
// if user cancels confirmation, reset template selection
else if ($.isFunction(Callback)) {
$TemplateSelect.data('LastValue', $TemplateSelect.val());
Core.Init.RegisterNamespace(TargetNS, 'APP_MODULE');
return TargetNS;
}(Core.Agent.TicketAction || {}));