OTRS API Reference JavaScript

Source: Core.Agent.SortedTree.js

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// Copyright (C) 2001-2018 OTRS AG, https://otrs.com/
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// This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. For details, see
// the enclosed file COPYING for license information (GPL). If you
// did not receive this file, see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt.
// --

"use strict";

var Core = Core || {};
Core.Agent = Core.Agent || {};

 * @namespace Core.Agent.SortedTree
 * @memberof Core.Agent
 * @author OTRS AG
 * @description
 *      This namespace contains the SortedTree functions.
Core.Agent.SortedTree = (function (TargetNS) {

     * @name Init
     * @memberof Core.Agent.SortedTree
     * @function
     * @param {jQueryObject} $Element - The jQuery object of an input structure which should get SortedTree functionality.
     * @param {jQueryObject} $Form - The jQuery object of the form that should commit collected data
     * @param {jQueryObject} $TargetElement - The jQuery object of the element that should contain the parsed data.
     * @param {JSONData} JSONData - json data for initial display
     * @description
     *      This function initializes the SortedTree on the defined elements.
    TargetNS.Init = function ($Element, $Form, $TargetElement, JSONData) {

         * @private
         * @name AddElement
         * @memberof Core.Agent.SortedTree.Init
         * @function
         * @param {JSONData} Data - parsed json data for initial display
         * @param {jQueryObject} $TargetObj - The jQuery object for data insertion.
         * @description
         *      Fill the container with passed JSON data.
        function AddElement(Data, $TargetObj) {
            var $ElementObj,

            $.each(Data, function(Key, Value) {
                $ElementObj = $('.ElementTemplate').clone();
                if (Array.isArray(Value) && Value.length) {
                    $NewTargetObj = $('.SortableList').find('li:not(.ElementTemplate)').last();
                    if (!$NewTargetObj.children('ul').length) {
                        $NewTargetObj.append('<ul />');
                    AddElement(Value, $NewTargetObj.children('ul'));
                else {

         * @private
         * @name CollectElements
         * @memberof Core.Agent.SortedTree.Init
         * @function
         * @returns {Array} false, if no sorting elements exist.
         * @param {jQueryObject} $TargetObj - The jQuery object for element collection.
         * @description
         *      Fill the container with passed JSON data.
        function CollectElements($TargetObj) {
            var Target = [];
            $TargetObj.children('li:not(.ElementTemplate)').each(function() {
                if ($(this).children('ul').length && $(this).children('ul').find('li').length) {
            if (Target.length) {
                return Target;
            else {
                return false;

        // Remove elements on click
        $Element.on('click.RemoveElement', 'strong', function() {

            // elements which have children can't be removed
            if ($(this).parent().next('ul').length) {
                alert(Core.Language.Translate('This element has children elements and can currently not be removed.'));
                return false;

            // if the current element is the last one on the current level, remove the entire list container,
            // otherwise only remove this list element
            if (!$(this).closest('ul').hasClass('SortableList') && $(this).closest('ul').find('li').length === 1) {
                $(this).closest('ul').fadeOut(function() {
            else {
                $(this).closest('li').fadeOut(function() {

        // add new sub elements on click
        $Element.on('click.AddSubElement', '.Icon.Add', function() {

            var $ElementObj = $('.ElementTemplate').clone(),
                $TargetObj = $(this).closest('li');

            if (!$TargetObj.children('ul').length) {
                $TargetObj.append('<ul />');
            $(this).closest('li').find('ul li:last-child').find('input').focus().select();

        // select text on focus of an input element
        $Element.on('focus.SelectText', 'input.Element', function() {

        // blur focused text on enter
        $Element.on('keydown.BlurText', 'input.Element', function(Event) {
            if (Event.keyCode === 13) {

        // remove empty newly added elements
        $Element.on('blur.RemoveElement', 'input.Element', function() {
            if (!$(this).val()) {

        // add new elements using the form
        $Element.next().find('button').on('click.AddElement', function() {
            var $InputElement = $(this).parent().find('input'),
                Input = $InputElement.val(),

            if (Input) {
                $ElementObj = $('.ElementTemplate').clone();

            return false;

        // Store sort options as JSON data in a hidden element, prior to form submission.
        Core.Form.Validate.SetSubmitFunction($Form, function(Form) {
            var Items = CollectElements($Element),
                Value = '';

            if (Items) {
                Value = Core.JSON.Stringify(Items);



        // Initially fill the container with passed JSON data.
        AddElement(Core.JSON.Parse(JSONData), $Element);

        // make existing items sortable
        $Element.find('li ul').sortable();

    return TargetNS;
}(Core.Agent.SortedTree || {}));