// --
// Copyright (C) 2001-2018 OTRS AG, https://otrs.com/
// --
// This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. For details, see
// the enclosed file COPYING for license information (GPL). If you
// did not receive this file, see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt.
// --
"use strict";
var Core = Core || {};
Core.Agent = Core.Agent || {};
Core.Agent.Admin = Core.Agent.Admin || {};
* @namespace Core.Agent.Admin.GenericInterfaceTransportHTTPREST
* @memberof Core.Agent.Admin
* @author OTRS AG
* @description
* This namespace contains the special module functions for the GenericInterface Mapping XSLT module.
Core.Agent.Admin.GenericInterfaceTransportHTTPREST = (function (TargetNS) {
* @name RemoveValue
* @memberof Core.Agent.Admin.GenericInterfaceTransportHTTPREST
* @function
* @returns {Boolean} Returns false.
* @param {String} IDSelector - ID of the pressed remove value button.
* @description
* This function removes a value from possible values list and creates a stub input so
* the server can identify if a value is empty or deleted (useful for server validation)
* It also deletes the Value from the DefaultValues list
TargetNS.RemoveValue = function (IDSelector){
// copy HTML code for an input replacement for the deleted value
var $Clone = $('.DeletedValue').clone(),
// get the index of the value to delete (its always the second element (1) in this RegEx
$ObjectIndex = IDSelector.match(/.+_(\d+)/)[1],
// get the key name to remove it from the defaults select
$Key = $('#Key_' + $ObjectIndex).val();
// set the input replacement attributes to match the deleted original value
// new value and other controls are not needed anymore
$Clone.attr('id', 'Key' + '_' + $ObjectIndex);
$Clone.attr('name', 'Key' + '_' + $ObjectIndex);
// add the input replacement to the mapping type so it can be parsed and distinguish from
// empty values by the server
$('#' + IDSelector).closest('fieldset').append($Clone);
// remove the value from default list
if ($Key !== ''){
$('#DefaultValue').find("option[value='" + $Key + "']").remove();
// remove possible value
$('#' + IDSelector).parent().remove();
return false;
* @name AddValue
* @memberof Core.Agent.Admin.GenericInterfaceTransportHTTPREST
* @function
* @returns {Boolean} Returns false
* @param {Object} ValueInsert - HTML container of the value mapping row.
* @description
* This function adds a new value to the possible values list
TargetNS.AddValue = function (ValueInsert) {
// clone key dialog
var $Clone = $('.ValueTemplate').clone(),
ValueCounter = $('#ValueCounter').val();
// increment key counter
// remove unnecessary classes
$Clone.removeClass('Hidden ValueTemplate');
// add needed class
// copy values and change ids and names
$Clone.find(':input, a.RemoveButton').each(function(){
var ID = $(this).attr('id');
$(this).attr('id', ID + '_' + ValueCounter);
$(this).attr('name', ID + '_' + ValueCounter);
// set error controls
$(this).parent().find('#' + ID + 'Error').attr('id', ID + '_' + ValueCounter + 'Error');
$(this).parent().find('#' + ID + 'Error').attr('name', ID + '_' + ValueCounter + 'Error');
$(this).parent().find('#' + ID + 'ServerError').attr('id', ID + '_' + ValueCounter + 'ServerError');
$(this).parent().find('#' + ID + 'ServerError').attr('name', ID + '_' + ValueCounter + 'ServerError');
// add event handler to remove button
if($(this).hasClass('RemoveButton')) {
// bind click function to remove button
$(this).on('click', function () {
return false;
var FOR = $(this).attr('for');
$(this).attr('for', FOR + '_' + ValueCounter);
// prepend to container
// set new value for KeyName
return false;
* @name Init
* @memberof Core.Agent.Admin.GenericInterfaceTransportHTTPREST
* @function
* @description
* This function binds events to certain actions
TargetNS.Init = function () {
// bind change function to Authentication field
$('#AuthType').on('change', function(){
if ($(this).val() === 'BasicAuth') {
else {
// bind change function to Use Proxy field
$('#UseProxy').on('change', function(){
if ($(this).val() === 'Yes') {
else {
// bind change function to Use SSL field
$('#UseSSL').on('change', function(){
if ($(this).val() === 'Yes') {
else {
// special handling for value counter
$('.ValueRow :input[name^="Key"]').each(function(i){
// set value counter
$('#ValueCounter').val(i + 1);
//bind click function to add button
$('#AddValue').on('click', function () {
return false;
//bind click function to remove button
$('.ValueRemove').on('click', function () {
return false;
Core.Init.RegisterNamespace(TargetNS, 'APP_MODULE');
return TargetNS;
}(Core.Agent.Admin.GenericInterfaceTransportHTTPREST || {}));