// --
// Copyright (C) 2001-2018 OTRS AG, https://otrs.com/
// --
// This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. For details, see
// the enclosed file COPYING for license information (GPL). If you
// did not receive this file, see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt.
// --
"use strict";
var Core = Core || {};
Core.Agent = Core.Agent || {};
Core.Agent.Admin = Core.Agent.Admin || {};
* @namespace Core.Agent.Admin.GenericInterfaceDebugger
* @memberof Core.Agent.Admin
* @author OTRS AG
* @description
* This namespace contains the special module functions for the GenericInterface debugger module.
Core.Agent.Admin.GenericInterfaceDebugger = (function (TargetNS) {
* @private
* @name FormatISODate
* @memberof Core.Agent.Admin.GenericInterfaceDebugger
* @function
* @returns {String} ISO-formatted date
* @param {String} Year
* @param {String} Month
* @param {String} Day
* @description
* Formats a date as ISO.
function FormatISODate (Year, Month, Day) {
var Result = '',
Temp = parseInt(Year || 0, 10);
Result = Result + Temp + '-';
Temp = parseInt(Month || 0, 10);
if (Temp < 10) {
Temp = '0' + Temp;
Result = Result + Temp + '-';
Temp = parseInt(Day || 0, 10);
if (Temp < 10) {
Temp = '0' + Temp;
Result = Result + Temp;
return Result;
* @name Init
* @memberof Core.Agent.Admin.GenericInterfaceDebugger
* @function
* @description
* Initializes the module functions.
TargetNS.Init = function () {
TargetNS.WebserviceID = parseInt(Core.Config.Get('WebserviceID'), 10);
// add click binds
$('#FilterRefresh').on('click', TargetNS.GetRequestList);
$('#DeleteButton').on('click', TargetNS.ShowDeleteDialog);
* @name GetRequestList
* @memberof Core.Agent.Admin.GenericInterfaceDebugger
* @function
* @description
* Loads the request list via AJAX.
TargetNS.GetRequestList = function() {
var Data = {
Action: 'AdminGenericInterfaceDebugger',
Subaction: 'GetRequestList',
WebserviceID: TargetNS.WebserviceID,
FilterLimit: $('#FilterLimit').val() || '',
FilterSort: $('#FilterSort').val() || '',
FilterRemoteIP: $('#FilterRemoteIP').val() || '',
FilterType: $('#FilterType').val() || ''
Data.FilterFrom = FormatISODate($('#FilterFromYear').val(), $('#FilterFromMonth').val(), $('#FilterFromDay').val()) + ' 00:00:00';
Data.FilterTo = FormatISODate($('#FilterToYear').val(), $('#FilterToMonth').val(), $('#FilterToDay').val()) + ' 23:59:59';
$('#CommunicationDetails').css('visibility', 'hidden');
Core.AJAX.FunctionCall(Core.Config.Get('CGIHandle'), Data, function (Response) {
var HTML = '';
if (!Response || !Response.LogData) {
alert(Core.Language.Translate('An error occurred during communication.'));
if (!Response.LogData.length) {
$('#RequestList tbody').empty().append('<tr><td colspan="4">' + Core.Language.Translate('No data found.') + '</td></tr>');
$('#RequestList tbody').empty();
$.each(Response.LogData, function(){
HTML += '<tr>';
HTML += '<td><a href="#" class="AsBlock">' + this.CommunicationType + '<input type="hidden" class="CommunicationID" value="' + this.CommunicationID + '" /></a></td>';
HTML += '<td><a href="#" class="AsBlock">' + this.Created + '</a></td>';
HTML += '<td><a href="#" class="AsBlock">' + this.CommunicationID + '</a></td>';
HTML += '<td><a href="#" class="AsBlock">' + (this.RemoteIP || '-') + '</a></td>';
HTML += '</tr>';
$('#RequestList tbody').html(HTML);
$('#RequestList a').on('click', function() {
var CommunicationID = $(this).blur().parents('tr').find('input.CommunicationID').val();
// highlight selected entry
return false;
}, 'json');
* @name LoadCommunicationDetails
* @memberof Core.Agent.Admin.GenericInterfaceDebugger
* @function
* @param {String} CommunicationID
* @description
* Load communication details via AJAX.
TargetNS.LoadCommunicationDetails = function(CommunicationID) {
var Data = {
Action: 'AdminGenericInterfaceDebugger',
Subaction: 'GetCommunicationDetails',
WebserviceID: TargetNS.WebserviceID,
CommunicationID: CommunicationID
$('#CommunicationDetails').css('visibility', 'hidden');
Core.AJAX.FunctionCall(Core.Config.Get('CGIHandle'), Data, function (Response) {
if (!Response || !Response.LogData || !Response.LogData.Data) {
alert(Core.Language.Translate('An error occurred during communication.'));
$('#CommunicationDetails > .Header').empty();
$('#CommunicationDetails > .Content').empty();
if (!Response.LogData.Data.length) {
$('#CommunicationDetails > .Header').append('<h2>' + Core.Language.Translate('Request Details') + '</h2>');
$('#CommunicationDetails > .Content').append('<p class="ErrorMessage">' + Core.Language.Translate('No data found.') + '</p>');
$('#CommunicationDetails').css('visibility', 'visible').show();
else {
$('#CommunicationDetails > .Header').append('<h2>' + Core.Language.Translate('Request Details for Communication ID') + ' ' + CommunicationID + '</h2>');
$.each(Response.LogData.Data, function(){
var $Container = $('<div class="WidgetSimple Expanded"></div>'),
$Header = $('<div class="Header"></div>'),
$Content = $('<div class="Content"></div>');
$Header.append('<div class="WidgetAction Toggle"><a href="#" title="' + Core.Language.Translate('Show or hide the content.') + '"><i class="fa fa-caret-right"></i><i class="fa fa-caret-down"></i></a></div>');
$Header.append('<h3 class="DebugLevel_' + this.DebugLevel + '">' + this.Summary + ' (' + this.Created + ', ' + this.DebugLevel + ')</h3>');
if (this.Data && this.Data.length) {
// quote XML tags
this.Data = this.Data.replace(new RegExp("&", "gm"), "&");
this.Data = this.Data.replace(new RegExp("<", "gm"), "<");
this.Data = this.Data.replace(new RegExp(">", "gm"), ">");
$Content.append('<pre><code>' + this.Data + '</code></pre>');
$('#CommunicationDetails > .Content').append($Container);
$('#CommunicationDetails').css('visibility', 'visible').show();
}, 'json');
* @name ShowDeleteDialog
* @memberof Core.Agent.Admin.GenericInterfaceDebugger
* @function
* @param {String} Event
* @description
* Shows a confirmation dialog to clear the log.
TargetNS.ShowDeleteDialog = function(Event){
Core.Language.Translate('Clear debug log'),
Label: Core.Language.Translate('Cancel'),
Function: function () {
Label: Core.Language.Translate('Clear'),
Function: function () {
var Data = {
Action: 'AdminGenericInterfaceDebugger',
Subaction: 'ClearDebugLog',
WebserviceID: TargetNS.WebserviceID
$('#CommunicationDetails').css('visibility', 'hidden');
Core.AJAX.FunctionCall(Core.Config.Get('CGIHandle'), Data, function (Response) {
if (!Response || !Response.Success) {
alert(Core.Language.Translate('An error occurred during communication.'));
}, 'json');
Core.Init.RegisterNamespace(TargetNS, 'APP_MODULE');
return TargetNS;
}(Core.Agent.Admin.GenericInterfaceDebugger || {}));