This namespace contains the special module functions for the GenericInterface Mapping module.
(static) AddKeyMapping() → {Bool}
This function add a new dialog for a key mapping.
Returns false to prevent event bubbling.- Type
- Bool
(static) AddValueMapping(ValueInsert, KeyCounter) → {Bool}
This function adds a new value mapping dialog.
Name Type Description ValueInsert
jQueryObject JQuery object where the new value mapping should be included. KeyCounter
Number the index for the new value mapping. Returns:
Returns false to prevent event bubbling.- Type
- Bool
(static) Init(Params)
This function initialize correctly all other function according to the local language.
Name Type Description Params
Object Initialization and internationalization parameters. -
(static) RemoveValueMapping(Object)
This function shows or hide the input text control for MapTo value.
Name Type Description Object
jQueryObject JQuery object used to decide if is, or not necessary to hide the input text control for MapTo value. -
(static) ShowDeleteDialog(IDSelector)
This function shows a confirmation dialog with 2 buttons.
Name Type Description IDSelector
String ID object of the clicked element. -
(static) ToggleMapTo(Object)
This function shows or hide the input text control for MapTo value.
Name Type Description Object
jQueryObject JQuery object used to decide if is, or not necessary to hide the input text control for MapTo value.