// --
// Copyright (C) 2001-2018 OTRS AG, https://otrs.com/
// --
// This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. For details, see
// the enclosed file COPYING for license information (GPL). If you
// did not receive this file, see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt.
// --
"use strict";
var Core = Core || {};
Core.Agent = Core.Agent || {};
Core.Agent.Admin = Core.Agent.Admin || {};
* @namespace Core.Agent.Admin.GenericInterfaceMappingSimple
* @memberof Core.Agent.Admin
* @author OTRS AG
* @description
* This namespace contains the special module functions for the GenericInterface Mapping module.
Core.Agent.Admin.GenericInterfaceMapping = (function (TargetNS) {
* @name Init
* @memberof Core.Agent.Admin.GenericInterfaceMappingSimple
* @function
* @param {Object} Params - Initialization and internationalization parameters.
* @description
* This function initialize correctly all other function according to the local language.
TargetNS.Init = function (Params) {
TargetNS.WebserviceID = parseInt(Params.WebserviceID, 10);
TargetNS.Localization = Params.Localization;
TargetNS.DeletedString = Params.DeletedString;
// remove Validate_Required class from templates, if not
// a validation is fire on hidden fields
$('.DefaultType').bind('change', function(){
// call function to hide or show
// MapTo field
// register add of attribute
$('#AddKeyMapping').bind('click', function () {
return false;
// register change new key name action
$('.NewValue').bind('change', function(){
// modified title
$(this).closest('.WidgetKey').find('.Title').html('Mapping for Key ' + $(this).val());
// register remove key action
$('.AdditionalInformation .KeyMapRemove').bind('click', function () {
return false;
//bind click function to add button
$('.ValueAdd').bind('click', function () {
return false;
//bind click function to add button
$('.ValueRemove').bind('click', function () {
// $(this).parent().remove();
return false;
* @name AddKeyMapping
* @memberof Core.Agent.Admin.GenericInterfaceMappingSimple
* @function
* @returns {Bool} Returns false to prevent event bubbling.
* @description
* This function add a new dialog for a key mapping.
TargetNS.AddKeyMapping = function(){
// clone key dialog
var $Clone = $('.KeyTemplate').clone(),
KeyCounter = $('#KeyCounter').val();
// increment key counter
// remove unnecessary classes
$Clone.removeClass('Hidden KeyTemplate');
// add title
$Clone.find('.Title').html('Mapping for Key');
// copy values and change ids and names
var ID = $(this).attr('id');
$(this).attr('id', ID + KeyCounter);
$(this).attr('name', ID + KeyCounter);
// add event handler to Add button
if($(this).hasClass('ValueAdd')) {
// bind click function to add button
$(this).bind('click', function () {
TargetNS.AddValueMapping($(this).closest('fieldset').parent().find('.ValueInsert'), KeyCounter);
return false;
if($(this).hasClass('KeyMapRemove')) {
// bind click function to add button
$(this).bind('click', function () {
return false;
if($(this).hasClass('DefaultType')) {
$(this).bind('change', function(){
// call function to hide or show
// MapTo field
if($(this).hasClass('NewValue')) {
$(this).bind('change', function(){
// modified title
$(this).closest('.WidgetKey').find('.Title').html('Mapping for Key ' + $(this).val());
if($(this).hasClass('KeyIndex')) {
$(this).parent().find('.' + ID + 'Label').attr('for', ID + KeyCounter);
$(this).parent().find('#' + ID + 'Error').attr('id', ID + KeyCounter + 'Error');
$(this).parent().find('#' + ID + 'ServerError').attr('id', ID + KeyCounter + 'ServerError');
// set correct for attribute
$Clone.find('.AddValueMapping').attr('for', 'AddValueMapping' + KeyCounter);
// append to container
// reset template row values
$('.NewRule').find(':input:not(:button)').attr('value', '');
$('#KeyName' + KeyCounter).focus();
// set new value for KeyCounter
// init toggle action
return false;
* @name AddValueMapping
* @memberof Core.Agent.Admin.GenericInterfaceMappingSimple
* @function
* @returns {Bool} Returns false to prevent event bubbling.
* @param {jQueryObject} ValueInsert - JQuery object where the new value mapping should be included.
* @param {Number} KeyCounter - the index for the new value mapping.
* @description
* This function adds a new value mapping dialog.
TargetNS.AddValueMapping = function (ValueInsert, KeyCounter) {
// clone key dialog
var $Clone = $('.ValueTemplate').clone(),
ValueCounter = $('#ValueCounter' + KeyCounter).val(),
// increment value counter
Suffix = KeyCounter + '_' + ValueCounter;
// remove unnecessary classes
$Clone.removeClass('Hidden ValueTemplate');
// copy values and change ids and names
var ID = $(this).attr('id');
$(this).attr('id', ID + Suffix);
$(this).attr('name', ID + Suffix);
// add event handler to remove button
if($(this).hasClass('ValueRemove')) {
// bind click function to add button
$(this).bind('click', function () {
// remove row
return false;
$(this).parent().find('.' + ID + 'Label').attr('for', ID + Suffix);
$(this).parent().find('#' + ID + 'Error').attr('id', ID + Suffix + 'Error');
$(this).parent().find('#' + ID + 'ServerError').attr('id', ID + Suffix + 'ServerError');
// append to container
// set new value for KeyCounter
$('#ValueCounter' + KeyCounter).val(ValueCounter);
return false;
* @name RemoveValueMapping
* @memberof Core.Agent.Admin.GenericInterfaceMappingSimple
* @function
* @param {jQueryObject} Object - JQuery object used to decide if is, or not necessary to hide the input text control for MapTo value.
* @description
* This function shows or hide the input text control for MapTo value.
TargetNS.RemoveValueMapping = function (Object) {
var ID = Object.attr('id'),
HTML = '';
// 18 is the length for 'RemoveValueMapping' string
ID = ID.substr(18);
HTML += '<div>';
HTML += ' <input type="hidden" name="ValueName' + ID + '" value="' + TargetNS.DeletedString + '" />';
HTML += ' <input type="hidden" name="ValueMapTypeStrg' + ID + '" value="' + TargetNS.DeletedString + '" />';
HTML += ' <input type="hidden" name="ValueMapNew' + ID + '" value="' + TargetNS.DeletedString + '" />';
HTML += '</div>';
// append to container
* @name ToggleMapTo
* @memberof Core.Agent.Admin.GenericInterfaceMappingSimple
* @function
* @param {jQueryObject} Object - JQuery object used to decide if is, or not necessary to hide the input text control for MapTo value.
* @description
* This function shows or hide the input text control for MapTo value.
TargetNS.ToggleMapTo = function (Object) {
var ID = Object.attr('id');
if (Object.val() !== 'MapTo') {
$('.' + ID).addClass('Hidden');
$('.' + ID).removeClass('Validate_Required');
else {
$('.' + ID).removeClass('Hidden');
$('.' + ID).addClass('Validate_Required');
* @name ShowDeleteDialog
* @memberof Core.Agent.Admin.GenericInterfaceMappingSimple
* @function
* @param {String} IDSelector - ID object of the clicked element.
* @description
* This function shows a confirmation dialog with 2 buttons.
TargetNS.ShowDeleteDialog = function(IDSelector){
Label: TargetNS.Localization.DeleteMsg,
Function: function () {
$('#' + IDSelector).closest('.WidgetKey').remove();
Label: TargetNS.Localization.CancelMsg,
Function: function () {
return TargetNS;
}(Core.Agent.Admin.GenericInterfaceMapping || {}));