ProcessManagement → Core
This option defines the dynamic field in which a Process Management process entity id is stored.
Ez a beállítás nem kapcsolható ki.
Alapértelmezett érték:
$Self->{'Process::DynamicFieldProcessManagementProcessID'} = 'ProcessManagementProcessID';
This option defines the dynamic field in which a Process Management activity entity id is stored.
Ez a beállítás nem kapcsolható ki.
Alapértelmezett érték:
$Self->{'Process::DynamicFieldProcessManagementActivityID'} = 'ProcessManagementActivityID';
This option defines the process tickets default queue.
Ez a beállítás nem kapcsolható ki.
Alapértelmezett érték:
$Self->{'Process::DefaultQueue'} = 'Raw';
This option defines the process tickets default state.
Ez a beállítás nem kapcsolható ki.
Alapértelmezett érték:
$Self->{'Process::DefaultState'} = 'new';
This option defines the process tickets default lock.
Ez a beállítás nem kapcsolható ki.
Alapértelmezett érték:
$Self->{'Process::DefaultLock'} = 'unlock';
This option defines the process tickets default priority.
Ez a beállítás nem kapcsolható ki.
Alapértelmezett érték:
$Self->{'Process::DefaultPriority'} = '3 normal';
Default ProcessManagement entity prefixes for entity IDs that are automatically generated.
Ez a beállítás nem kapcsolható ki.
Alapértelmezett érték:
$Self->{'Process::Entity::Prefix'} = { 'Activity' => 'A', 'ActivityDialog' => 'AD', 'Process' => 'P', 'Transition' => 'T', 'TransitionAction' => 'TA' };
Cache time in seconds for the DB process backend.
Ez a beállítás nem kapcsolható ki.
Alapértelmezett érték:
$Self->{'Process::CacheTTL'} = '3600';
Cache time in seconds for the ticket process navigation bar output module.
Ez a beállítás nem kapcsolható ki.
Alapértelmezett érték:
$Self->{'Process::NavBarOutput::CacheTTL'} = '900';
ProcessManagement → Core::Ticket
Event module registration. For more performance you can define a trigger event (e. g. Event => TicketCreate).
Alapértelmezett érték:
$Self->{'Ticket::EventModulePost'}->{'998-TicketProcessTransitions'} = { 'Event' => '', 'Module' => 'Kernel::System::Ticket::Event::TicketProcessTransitions', 'Transaction' => '1' };
ProcessManagement → Core::Transition
If enabled debugging information for transitions is logged.
Ez a beállítás nem kapcsolható ki.
Alapértelmezett érték:
$Self->{'ProcessManagement::Transition::Debug::Enabled'} = '0';
Defines the priority in which the information is logged and presented.
Ez a beállítás alapértelmezetten nincs bekapcsolva.
Alapértelmezett érték:
$Self->{'ProcessManagement::Transition::Debug::LogPriority'} = 'debug';
Filter for debugging Transitions. Note: More filters can be added in the format <OTRS_TICKET_Attribute> e.g. <OTRS_TICKET_Priority>.
Ez a beállítás alapértelmezetten nincs bekapcsolva.
Alapértelmezett érték:
$Self->{'ProcessManagement::Transition::Debug::Filter'}->{'00-Default'} = { '<OTRS_TICKET_TicketNumber>' => '', 'TransitionEntityID' => '' };
ProcessManagement → DynamicFields::Driver::Registration
DynamicField backend registration.
Alapértelmezett érték:
$Self->{'DynamicFields::Driver'}->{'ProcessID'} = { 'ConfigDialog' => 'AdminDynamicFieldText', 'DisabledAdd' => '1', 'DisplayName' => 'ProcessID', 'Module' => 'Kernel::System::DynamicField::Driver::ProcessManagement::ProcessID' };
DynamicField backend registration.
Alapértelmezett érték:
$Self->{'DynamicFields::Driver'}->{'ActivityID'} = { 'ConfigDialog' => 'AdminDynamicFieldText', 'DisabledAdd' => '1', 'DisplayName' => 'ActivityID', 'Module' => 'Kernel::System::DynamicField::Driver::ProcessManagement::ActivityID' };
ProcessManagement → Frontend::Admin::ModuleRegistration
Frontend module registration for the agent interface.
Alapértelmezett érték:
$Self->{'Frontend::Module'}->{'AdminProcessManagement'} = { 'Description' => 'This module is part of the admin area of OTRS.', 'Group' => [ 'admin' ], 'Loader' => { 'CSS' => [ 'Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement.css', 'Core.AllocationList.css' ], 'JavaScript' => [ 'thirdparty/jsplumb-1.6.4/jsplumb.js', 'thirdparty/farahey-0.5/farahey.js', 'thirdparty/jsplumb-labelspacer/label-spacer.js', 'Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement.js', 'Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement.Canvas.js', 'Core.UI.AllocationList.js' ] }, 'NavBarModule' => { 'Block' => 'System', 'Description' => 'Configure Processes.', 'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::NavBar::ModuleAdmin', 'Name' => 'Process Management', 'Prio' => '750' }, 'NavBarName' => 'Admin', 'Title' => 'Process Management' };
Frontend module registration for the agent interface.
Alapértelmezett érték:
$Self->{'Frontend::Module'}->{'AdminProcessManagementActivity'} = { 'Description' => 'This module is part of the admin area of OTRS.', 'Group' => [ 'admin' ], 'Loader' => { 'CSS' => [ 'Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement.css', 'Core.AllocationList.css' ], 'JavaScript' => [ 'Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement.js', 'Core.UI.AllocationList.js' ] }, 'Title' => 'Process Management Activity GUI' };
Frontend module registration for the agent interface.
Alapértelmezett érték:
$Self->{'Frontend::Module'}->{'AdminProcessManagementActivityDialog'} = { 'Description' => 'This module is part of the admin area of OTRS.', 'Group' => [ 'admin' ], 'Loader' => { 'CSS' => [ 'Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement.css', 'Core.AllocationList.css' ], 'JavaScript' => [ 'Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement.js', 'Core.UI.AllocationList.js' ] }, 'Title' => 'Process Management Activity Dialog GUI' };
Frontend module registration for the agent interface.
Alapértelmezett érték:
$Self->{'Frontend::Module'}->{'AdminProcessManagementTransition'} = { 'Description' => 'This module is part of the admin area of OTRS.', 'Group' => [ 'admin' ], 'Loader' => { 'CSS' => [ 'Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement.css' ], 'JavaScript' => [ 'Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement.js' ] }, 'Title' => 'Process Management Transition GUI' };
Frontend module registration for the agent interface.
Alapértelmezett érték:
$Self->{'Frontend::Module'}->{'AdminProcessManagementTransitionAction'} = { 'Description' => 'This module is part of the admin area of OTRS.', 'Group' => [ 'admin' ], 'Loader' => { 'CSS' => [ 'Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement.css' ], 'JavaScript' => [ 'Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement.js' ] }, 'Title' => 'Process Management Transition Action GUI' };
Frontend module registration for the agent interface.
Alapértelmezett érték:
$Self->{'Frontend::Module'}->{'AdminProcessManagementPath'} = { 'Description' => 'This module is part of the admin area of OTRS.', 'Group' => [ 'admin' ], 'Loader' => { 'CSS' => [ 'Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement.css', 'Core.AllocationList.css' ], 'JavaScript' => [ 'Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement.js', 'Core.UI.AllocationList.js' ] }, 'Title' => 'Process Management Path GUI' };
ProcessManagement → Frontend::Agent::Dashboard
Parameters for the dashboard backend of the running process tickets overview of the agent interface . "Limit" is the number of entries shown by default. "Group" is used to restrict the access to the plugin (e. g. Group: admin;group1;group2;). "Default" determines if the plugin is enabled by default or if the user needs to enable it manually. "CacheTTLLocal" is the cache time in minutes for the plugin.
Alapértelmezett érték:
$Self->{'DashboardBackend'}->{'0140-RunningTicketProcess'} = { 'Attributes' => 'StateType=new;StateType=open;StateType=pending reminder;StateType=pending auto', 'Block' => 'ContentLarge', 'CacheTTLLocal' => '0.5', 'Default' => '0', 'DefaultColumns' => { 'Age' => '2', 'Changed' => '1', 'CustomerID' => '1', 'CustomerName' => '1', 'CustomerUserID' => '1', 'DynamicField_ProcessManagementActivityID' => '2', 'DynamicField_ProcessManagementProcessID' => '2', 'EscalationResponseTime' => '1', 'EscalationSolutionTime' => '1', 'EscalationTime' => '1', 'EscalationUpdateTime' => '1', 'Lock' => '1', 'Owner' => '1', 'PendingTime' => '1', 'Priority' => '1', 'Queue' => '1', 'Responsible' => '1', 'SLA' => '1', 'Service' => '1', 'State' => '1', 'TicketNumber' => '2', 'Title' => '2', 'Type' => '1' }, 'Description' => 'All tickets with a reminder set where the reminder date has been reached', 'Group' => '', 'IsProcessWidget' => '1', 'Limit' => '10', 'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::Dashboard::TicketGeneric', 'Permission' => 'rw', 'Time' => 'UntilTime', 'Title' => 'Running Process Tickets' };
ProcessManagement → Frontend::Agent::ModuleRegistration
Frontend module registration for the agent interface.
Alapértelmezett érték:
$Self->{'Frontend::Module'}->{'AgentTicketProcess'} = { 'Description' => 'Create new process ticket.', 'Loader' => { 'CSS' => [ 'Core.Agent.TicketProcess.css' ], 'JavaScript' => [ 'Core.Agent.CustomerSearch.js', 'Core.Agent.TicketAction.js', 'Core.Agent.TicketProcess.js' ] }, 'NavBar' => [ { 'AccessKey' => 'p', 'Block' => '', 'Description' => 'Create New process ticket.', 'Link' => 'Action=AgentTicketProcess', 'LinkOption' => '', 'Name' => 'New process ticket', 'NavBar' => 'Ticket', 'Prio' => '220', 'Type' => '' } ], 'NavBarName' => 'Ticket', 'Title' => 'New process ticket' };
ProcessManagement → Frontend::Agent::Ticket::MenuModule
Shows a link in the menu to enroll a ticket into a process in the ticket zoom view of the agent interface.
Alapértelmezett érték:
$Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::MenuModule'}->{'480-Process'} = { 'Action' => 'AgentTicketProcess', 'Cluster' => '', 'Description' => 'Enroll process for this ticket', 'Link' => 'Action=AgentTicketProcess;IsProcessEnroll=1;TicketID=[% Data.TicketID | html %]', 'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::TicketMenu::Process', 'Name' => 'Process', 'PopupType' => 'TicketAction', 'Target' => '' };
ProcessManagement → Frontend::Agent::Ticket::ViewProcess
Determines the next possible ticket states, for process tickets in the agent interface.
Ez a beállítás nem kapcsolható ki.
Alapértelmezett érték:
$Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketProcess'}->{'StateType'} = [ 'new', 'open', 'pending auto', 'pending reminder', 'closed' ];
Controls if CustomerID is read-only in the agent interface.
Ez a beállítás nem kapcsolható ki.
Alapértelmezett érték:
$Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketProcess::CustomerIDReadOnly'} = '1';
ProcessManagement → Frontend::Agent::Ticket::ViewZoom
Display settings to override defaults for Process Tickets.
Ez a beállítás nem kapcsolható ki.
Alapértelmezett érték:
$Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketZoom'}->{'ProcessDisplay'} = { 'NavBarName' => 'Processes', 'WidgetTitle' => 'Process Information' };
Dynamic fields groups for process widget. The key is the name of the group, the value contains the fields to be shown. Example: 'Key => My Group', 'Content: Name_X, NameY'.
Ez a beállítás nem kapcsolható ki.
Alapértelmezett érték:
$Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketZoom'}->{'ProcessWidgetDynamicFieldGroups'} = {};
Dynamic fields shown in the process widget in ticket zoom screen of the agent interface. Possible settings: 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled.
Ez a beállítás nem kapcsolható ki.
Alapértelmezett érték:
$Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketZoom'}->{'ProcessWidgetDynamicField'} = {};
ProcessManagement → Frontend::Customer::ModuleRegistration
Frontend module registration for the customer interface.
Alapértelmezett érték:
$Self->{'CustomerFrontend::Module'}->{'CustomerTicketProcess'} = { 'Description' => 'Process Ticket.', 'Loader' => { 'CSS' => [ 'Core.Customer.TicketProcess.css' ] }, 'NavBar' => [ { 'AccessKey' => 'o', 'Block' => '', 'Description' => 'Create new process ticket.', 'Link' => 'Action=CustomerTicketProcess', 'LinkOption' => '', 'Name' => 'New process ticket', 'NavBar' => 'Ticket', 'Prio' => '220', 'Type' => 'Submenu' } ], 'NavBarName' => 'Ticket', 'Title' => 'Process ticket' };
ProcessManagement → Frontend::Customer::NavBarModule
Frontend module registration (disable ticket processes screen if no process available) for Customer.
Alapértelmezett érték:
$Self->{'CustomerFrontend::NavBarModule'}->{'10-CustomerTicketProcesses'} = { 'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::NavBar::CustomerTicketProcess' };