
Ticket → Core::CustomerCompany


Event module that updates tickets after an update of the Customer.

Default value:

 $Self->{'CustomerCompany::EventModulePost'}->{'110-UpdateTickets'} =  {
  'Event' => 'CustomerCompanyUpdate',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::System::CustomerCompany::Event::TicketUpdate',
  'Transaction' => '0'

Event module that updates tickets after an update of the Customer User.

Default value:

 $Self->{'CustomerUser::EventModulePost'}->{'120-UpdateTickets'} =  {
  'Event' => 'CustomerUserUpdate',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::System::CustomerUser::Event::TicketUpdate',
  'Transaction' => '0'

Ticket → Core::FulltextSearch


Helps to extend your articles full-text search (From, To, Cc, Subject and Body search). Runtime will do full-text searches on live data (it works fine for up to 50.000 tickets). StaticDB will strip all articles and will build an index after article creation, increasing fulltext searches about 50%. To create an initial index use "bin/otrs.Console.pl Maint::Ticket::FulltextIndexRebuild".

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::SearchIndexModule'} =  'Kernel::System::Ticket::ArticleSearchIndex::RuntimeDB';

Display a warning and prevent search when using stop words within fulltext search.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::SearchIndex::WarnOnStopWordUsage'} =  '0';

Basic fulltext index settings. Execute "bin/otrs.Console.pl Maint::Ticket::FulltextIndexRebuild" in order to generate a new index.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::SearchIndex::Attribute'} =  {
  'WordCountMax' => '1000',
  'WordLengthMax' => '30',
  'WordLengthMin' => '3'

Fulltext index regex filters to remove parts of the text.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::SearchIndex::Filters'} =  [

English stop words for fulltext index. These words will be removed from the search index.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::SearchIndex::StopWords'}->{'en'} =  [

German stop words for fulltext index. These words will be removed from the search index.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::SearchIndex::StopWords'}->{'de'} =  [

Dutch stop words for fulltext index. These words will be removed from the search index.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::SearchIndex::StopWords'}->{'nl'} =  [

Spanish stop words for fulltext index. These words will be removed from the search index.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::SearchIndex::StopWords'}->{'es'} =  [
  'por qué',

French stop words for fulltext index. These words will be removed from the search index.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::SearchIndex::StopWords'}->{'fr'} =  [

Italian stop words for fulltext index. These words will be removed from the search index.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::SearchIndex::StopWords'}->{'it'} =  [

Customizable stop words for fulltext index. These words will be removed from the search index.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::SearchIndex::StopWords'}->{'Custom'} =  [

Builds an article index right after the article's creation.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::EventModulePost'}->{'098-ArticleSearchIndex'} =  {
  'Event' => '(ArticleCreate|ArticleUpdate)',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::System::Ticket::Event::ArticleSearchIndex'

Ticket → Core::LinkObject


Links 2 tickets with a "Normal" type link.

Default value:

 $Self->{'LinkObject::PossibleLink'}->{'0200'} =  {
  'Object1' => 'Ticket',
  'Object2' => 'Ticket',
  'Type' => 'Normal'

Links 2 tickets with a "ParentChild" type link.

Default value:

 $Self->{'LinkObject::PossibleLink'}->{'0201'} =  {
  'Object1' => 'Ticket',
  'Object2' => 'Ticket',
  'Type' => 'ParentChild'

Defines, which tickets of which ticket state types should not be listed in linked ticket lists.

Default value:

 $Self->{'LinkObject::IgnoreLinkedTicketStateTypes'} =  [

Ticket → Core::PostMaster


Maximal auto email responses to own email-address a day (Loop-Protection).

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'PostmasterMaxEmails'} =  '40';

Maximal size in KBytes for mails that can be fetched via POP3/POP3S/IMAP/IMAPS (KBytes).

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'PostMasterMaxEmailSize'} =  '16384';

The maximum number of mails fetched at once before reconnecting to the server.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'PostMasterReconnectMessage'} =  '20';

Default loop protection module.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'LoopProtectionModule'} =  'Kernel::System::PostMaster::LoopProtection::DB';

Path for the log file (it only applies if "FS" was selected for LoopProtectionModule and it is mandatory).

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'LoopProtectionLog'} =  '<OTRS_CONFIG_Home>/var/log/LoopProtection';

Converts HTML mails into text messages.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'PostmasterAutoHTML2Text'} =  '1';

Specifies user id of the postmaster data base.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'PostmasterUserID'} =  '1';

Defines the postmaster default queue.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'PostmasterDefaultQueue'} =  'Raw';

Defines the default priority of new tickets.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'PostmasterDefaultPriority'} =  '3 normal';

Defines the default state of new tickets.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'PostmasterDefaultState'} =  'new';

Defines the state of a ticket if it gets a follow-up.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'PostmasterFollowUpState'} =  'open';

Defines the state of a ticket if it gets a follow-up and the ticket was already closed.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'PostmasterFollowUpStateClosed'} =  'open';

Sends agent follow-up notification only to the owner, if a ticket is unlocked (the default is to send the notification to all agents).

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'PostmasterFollowUpOnUnlockAgentNotifyOnlyToOwner'} =  '0';

Defines the number of header fields in frontend modules for add and update postmaster filters. It can be up to 99 fields.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'PostmasterHeaderFieldCount'} =  '12';

Defines all the X-headers that should be scanned.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'PostmasterX-Header'} =  [

Module to filter and manipulate incoming messages. Block/ignore all spam email with From: noreply@ address.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'PostMaster::PreFilterModule'}->{'1-Match'} =  {
  'Match' => {
    'From' => 'noreply@'
  'Module' => 'Kernel::System::PostMaster::Filter::Match',
  'Set' => {
    'X-OTRS-Ignore' => 'yes'

Module to filter and manipulate incoming messages. Get a 4 digit number to ticket free text, use regex in Match e. g. From => '(.+?)@.+?', and use () as [***] in Set =>.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'PostMaster::PreFilterModule'}->{'2-Match'} =  {
  'Match' => {
    'Subject' => 'SomeNumber:(\\d\\d\\d\\d)'
  'Module' => 'Kernel::System::PostMaster::Filter::Match',
  'Set' => {
    'X-OTRS-DynamicField-TicketFreeKey1' => 'SomeNumber',
    'X-OTRS-DynamicField-TicketFreeText1' => '[***]'

Blocks all the incoming emails that do not have a valid ticket number in subject with From: @example.com address.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'PostMaster::PreFilterModule'}->{'3-NewTicketReject'} =  {
  'Match' => {
    'From' => '@example.com'
  'Module' => 'Kernel::System::PostMaster::Filter::NewTicketReject',
  'Set' => {
    'X-OTRS-Ignore' => 'yes'

Defines the sender for rejected emails.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'PostMaster::PreFilterModule::NewTicketReject::Sender'} =  'noreply@example.com';

Defines the subject for rejected emails.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'PostMaster::PreFilterModule::NewTicketReject::Subject'} =  'Email Rejected';

Defines the body text for rejected emails.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'PostMaster::PreFilterModule::NewTicketReject::Body'} =  '
Dear Customer,

Unfortunately we could not detect a valid ticket number
in your subject, so this email can\'t be processed.

Please create a new ticket via the customer panel.

Thanks for your help!

 Your Helpdesk Team

CMD example setup. Ignores emails where external CMD returns some output on STDOUT (email will be piped into STDIN of some.bin).

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'PostMaster::PreFilterModule'}->{'4-CMD'} =  {
  'CMD' => '/usr/bin/some.bin',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::System::PostMaster::Filter::CMD',
  'Set' => {
    'X-OTRS-Ignore' => 'yes'

Spam Assassin example setup. Ignores emails that are marked with SpamAssassin.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'PostMaster::PreFilterModule'}->{'5-SpamAssassin'} =  {
  'CMD' => '/usr/bin/spamassassin | grep -i "X-Spam-Status: yes"',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::System::PostMaster::Filter::CMD',
  'Set' => {
    'X-OTRS-Ignore' => 'yes'

Spam Assassin example setup. Moves marked mails to spam queue.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'PostMaster::PreFilterModule'}->{'6-SpamAssassin'} =  {
  'CMD' => '/usr/bin/spamassassin | grep -i "X-Spam-Status: yes"',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::System::PostMaster::Filter::CMD',
  'Set' => {
    'X-OTRS-Queue' => 'spam'

Module to use database filter storage.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'PostMaster::PreFilterModule'}->{'000-MatchDBSource'} =  {
  'Module' => 'Kernel::System::PostMaster::Filter::MatchDBSource'

Module to check if arrived emails should be marked as email-internal (because of original forwarded internal email). ArticleType and SenderType define the values for the arrived email/article.

Default value:

 $Self->{'PostMaster::PreCreateFilterModule'}->{'000-FollowUpArticleTypeCheck'} =  {
  'ArticleType' => 'email-internal',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::System::PostMaster::Filter::FollowUpArticleTypeCheck',
  'SenderType' => 'customer'

Recognize if a ticket is a follow-up to an existing ticket using an external ticket number.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'PostMaster::PreFilterModule'}->{'000-ExternalTicketNumberRecognition1'} =  {
  'ArticleType' => 'note-report',
  'DynamicFieldName' => 'Name_X',
  'FromAddressRegExp' => '\\s*@example.com',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::System::PostMaster::Filter::ExternalTicketNumberRecognition',
  'Name' => 'Some Description',
  'NumberRegExp' => '\\s*Incident-(\\d.*)\\s*',
  'SearchInBody' => '1',
  'SearchInSubject' => '1',
  'SenderType' => 'system',
  'TicketStateTypes' => 'new;open'

Recognize if a ticket is a follow-up to an existing ticket using an external ticket number.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'PostMaster::PreFilterModule'}->{'000-ExternalTicketNumberRecognition2'} =  {
  'ArticleType' => 'note-report',
  'DynamicFieldName' => 'Name_X',
  'FromAddressRegExp' => '\\s*@example.com',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::System::PostMaster::Filter::ExternalTicketNumberRecognition',
  'Name' => 'Some Description',
  'NumberRegExp' => '\\s*Incident-(\\d.*)\\s*',
  'SearchInBody' => '1',
  'SearchInSubject' => '1',
  'SenderType' => 'system',
  'TicketStateTypes' => 'new;open'

Recognize if a ticket is a follow-up to an existing ticket using an external ticket number.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'PostMaster::PreFilterModule'}->{'000-ExternalTicketNumberRecognition3'} =  {
  'ArticleType' => 'note-report',
  'DynamicFieldName' => 'Name_X',
  'FromAddressRegExp' => '\\s*@example.com',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::System::PostMaster::Filter::ExternalTicketNumberRecognition',
  'Name' => 'Some Description',
  'NumberRegExp' => '\\s*Incident-(\\d.*)\\s*',
  'SearchInBody' => '1',
  'SearchInSubject' => '1',
  'SenderType' => 'system',
  'TicketStateTypes' => 'new;open'

Recognize if a ticket is a follow-up to an existing ticket using an external ticket number.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'PostMaster::PreFilterModule'}->{'000-ExternalTicketNumberRecognition4'} =  {
  'ArticleType' => 'note-report',
  'DynamicFieldName' => 'Name_X',
  'FromAddressRegExp' => '\\s*@example.com',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::System::PostMaster::Filter::ExternalTicketNumberRecognition',
  'Name' => 'Some Description',
  'NumberRegExp' => '\\s*Incident-(\\d.*)\\s*',
  'SearchInBody' => '1',
  'SearchInSubject' => '1',
  'SenderType' => 'system',
  'TicketStateTypes' => 'new;open'

Module to filter encrypted bodies of incoming messages.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'PostMaster::PreFilterModule'}->{'000-DecryptBody'} =  {
  'Module' => 'Kernel::System::PostMaster::Filter::Decrypt',
  'StoreDecryptedBody' => '0'

Module to fetch customer users SMIME certificates of incoming messages.

Default value:

 $Self->{'PostMaster::PreFilterModule'}->{'000-SMIMEFetchFromCustomer'} =  {
  'Module' => 'Kernel::System::PostMaster::Filter::SMIMEFetchFromCustomer'

Checks if an E-Mail is a followup to an existing ticket by searching the subject for a valid ticket number.

Default value:

 $Self->{'PostMaster::CheckFollowUpModule'}->{'0100-Subject'} =  {
  'Module' => 'Kernel::System::PostMaster::FollowUpCheck::Subject'

Executes follow-up checks on In-Reply-To or References headers for mails that don't have a ticket number in the subject.

Default value:

 $Self->{'PostMaster::CheckFollowUpModule'}->{'0200-References'} =  {
  'Module' => 'Kernel::System::PostMaster::FollowUpCheck::References'

Executes follow-up checks on email body for mails that don't have a ticket number in the subject.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'PostMaster::CheckFollowUpModule'}->{'0300-Body'} =  {
  'Module' => 'Kernel::System::PostMaster::FollowUpCheck::Body'

Executes follow-up checks on attachment contents for mails that don't have a ticket number in the subject.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'PostMaster::CheckFollowUpModule'}->{'0400-Attachments'} =  {
  'Module' => 'Kernel::System::PostMaster::FollowUpCheck::Attachments'

Executes follow-up checks on the raw source email for mails that don't have a ticket number in the subject.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'PostMaster::CheckFollowUpModule'}->{'0500-RawEmail'} =  {
  'Module' => 'Kernel::System::PostMaster::FollowUpCheck::RawEmail'

Controls if CustomerID is automatically copied from the sender address for unknown customers.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'PostMaster::NewTicket::AutoAssignCustomerIDForUnknownCustomers'} =  '1';

If this regex matches, no message will be send by the autoresponder.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'SendNoAutoResponseRegExp'} =  '(MAILER-DAEMON|postmaster|abuse)@.+?\\..+?';

If this option is set to 'Yes', tickets created via the web interface, via Customers or Agents, will receive an autoresponse if configured. If this option is set to 'No', no autoresponses will be sent.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'AutoResponseForWebTickets'} =  '1';

Ticket → Core::Queue


Event module that performs an update statement on TicketIndex to rename the queue name there if needed and if StaticDB is actually used.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Queue::EventModulePost'}->{'130-UpdateQueue'} =  {
  'Event' => 'QueueUpdate',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::System::Queue::Event::TicketAcceleratorUpdate',
  'Transaction' => '0'

Ticket → Core::Stats


Module to generate ticket statistics.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Stats::DynamicObjectRegistration'}->{'Ticket'} =  {
  'Module' => 'Kernel::System::Stats::Dynamic::Ticket'

Determines if the statistics module may generate ticket lists.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Stats::DynamicObjectRegistration'}->{'TicketList'} =  {
  'Module' => 'Kernel::System::Stats::Dynamic::TicketList'

Module to generate accounted time ticket statistics.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Stats::DynamicObjectRegistration'}->{'TicketAccountedTime'} =  {
  'Module' => 'Kernel::System::Stats::Dynamic::TicketAccountedTime'

Module to generate ticket solution and response time statistics.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Stats::DynamicObjectRegistration'}->{'TicketSolutionResponseTime'} =  {
  'Module' => 'Kernel::System::Stats::Dynamic::TicketSolutionResponseTime'

Ticket → Core::Ticket


The identifier for a ticket, e.g. Ticket#, Call#, MyTicket#. The default is Ticket#.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Hook'} =  'Ticket#';

The divider between TicketHook and ticket number. E.g ': '.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::HookDivider'} =  '';

Max size of the subjects in an email reply and in some overview screens.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::SubjectSize'} =  '100';

The text at the beginning of the subject in an email reply, e.g. RE, AW, or AS.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::SubjectRe'} =  'Re';

The text at the beginning of the subject when an email is forwarded, e.g. FW, Fwd, or WG.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::SubjectFwd'} =  'Fwd';

The format of the subject. 'Left' means '[TicketHook#:12345] Some Subject', 'Right' means 'Some Subject [TicketHook#:12345]', 'None' means 'Some Subject' and no ticket number. In the latter case you should verify that the setting PostMaster::CheckFollowUpModule###0200-References is activated to recognize followups based on email headers.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::SubjectFormat'} =  'Left';

A list of dynamic fields that are merged into the main ticket during a merge operation. Only dynamic fields that are empty in the main ticket will be set.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::MergeDynamicFields'} =  [];

Name of custom queue. The custom queue is a queue selection of your preferred queues and can be selected in the preferences settings.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::CustomQueue'} =  'My Queues';

Name of custom service. The custom service is a service selection of your preferred services and can be selected in the preferences settings.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::CustomService'} =  'My Services';

Ignore system sender article types (e. g. auto responses or email notifications) to be flagged as 'Unread Article' in AgentTicketZoom or expanded automatically in Large view screens.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::NewArticleIgnoreSystemSender'} =  '0';

Changes the owner of tickets to everyone (useful for ASP). Normally only agent with rw permissions in the queue of the ticket will be shown.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::ChangeOwnerToEveryone'} =  '0';

Enables ticket responsible feature, to keep track of a specific ticket.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Responsible'} =  '0';

Automatically sets the owner of a ticket as the responsible for it (if ticket responsible feature is enabled). This will only work by manually actions of the logged in user. It does not work for automated actions e.g. GenericAgent, Postmaster and GenericInterface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::ResponsibleAutoSet'} =  '1';

Allows defining new types for ticket (if ticket type feature is enabled).

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Type'} =  '0';

Defines the default ticket type.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Type::Default'} =  'Unclassified';

Allows defining services and SLAs for tickets (e. g. email, desktop, network, ...), and escalation attributes for SLAs (if ticket service/SLA feature is enabled).

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Service'} =  '0';

Retains all services in listings even if they are children of invalid elements.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Service::KeepChildren'} =  '0';

Allows default services to be selected also for non existing customers.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Service::Default::UnknownCustomer'} =  '0';

Activates the ticket archive system to have a faster system by moving some tickets out of the daily scope. To search for these tickets, the archive flag has to be enabled in the ticket search.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::ArchiveSystem'} =  '0';

Controls if the ticket and article seen flags are removed when a ticket is archived.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::ArchiveSystem::RemoveSeenFlags'} =  '1';

Removes the ticket watcher information when a ticket is archived.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::ArchiveSystem::RemoveTicketWatchers'} =  '1';

Activates the ticket archive system search in the customer interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::CustomerArchiveSystem'} =  '0';

Selects the ticket number generator module. "AutoIncrement" increments the ticket number, the SystemID and the counter are used with SystemID.counter format (e.g. 1010138, 1010139). With "Date" the ticket numbers will be generated by the current date, the SystemID and the counter. The format looks like Year.Month.Day.SystemID.counter (e.g. 200206231010138, 200206231010139). With "DateChecksum" the counter will be appended as checksum to the string of date and SystemID. The checksum will be rotated on a daily basis. The format looks like Year.Month.Day.SystemID.Counter.CheckSum (e.g. 2002070110101520, 2002070110101535). "Random" generates randomized ticket numbers in the format "SystemID.Random" (e.g. 100057866352, 103745394596).

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::NumberGenerator'} =  'Kernel::System::Ticket::Number::DateChecksum';

Checks the SystemID in ticket number detection for follow-ups (use "No" if SystemID has been changed after using the system).

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::NumberGenerator::CheckSystemID'} =  '1';

Sets the minimal ticket counter size if "AutoIncrement" was selected as TicketNumberGenerator. Default is 5, this means the counter starts from 10000.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::NumberGenerator::MinCounterSize'} =  '5';

Enables the minimal ticket counter size (if "Date" was selected as TicketNumberGenerator).

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::NumberGenerator::Date::UseFormattedCounter'} =  '0';

Log file for the ticket counter.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::CounterLog'} =  '<OTRS_CONFIG_Home>/var/log/TicketCounter.log';

IndexAccelerator: to choose your backend TicketViewAccelerator module. "RuntimeDB" generates each queue view on the fly from ticket table (no performance problems up to approx. 60.000 tickets in total and 6.000 open tickets in the system). "StaticDB" is the most powerful module, it uses an extra ticket-index table that works like a view (recommended if more than 80.000 and 6.000 open tickets are stored in the system). Use the command "bin/otrs.Console.pl Maint::Ticket::QueueIndexRebuild" for initial index creation.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::IndexModule'} =  'Kernel::System::Ticket::IndexAccelerator::RuntimeDB';

Saves the attachments of articles. "DB" stores all data in the database (not recommended for storing big attachments). "FS" stores the data on the filesystem; this is faster but the webserver should run under the OTRS user. You can switch between the modules even on a system that is already in production without any loss of data. Note: Searching for attachment names is not supported when "FS" is used.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::StorageModule'} =  'Kernel::System::Ticket::ArticleStorageDB';

Specifies whether all storage backends should be checked when looking for attachments. This is only required for installations where some attachments are in the file system, and others in the database.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::StorageModule::CheckAllBackends'} =  '0';

Specifies the directory to store the data in, if "FS" was selected for TicketStorageModule.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'ArticleDir'} =  '<OTRS_CONFIG_Home>/var/article';

The duration in minutes after emitting an event, in which the new escalation notify and start events are suppressed.

Default value:

 $Self->{'OTRSEscalationEvents::DecayTime'} =  '1440';

Restores a ticket from the archive (only if the event is a state change to any open available state).

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::EventModulePost'}->{'100-ArchiveRestore'} =  {
  'Event' => 'TicketStateUpdate',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::System::Ticket::Event::ArchiveRestore'

Updates the ticket index accelerator.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::EventModulePost'}->{'110-AcceleratorUpdate'} =  {
  'Event' => 'TicketStateUpdate|TicketQueueUpdate|TicketLockUpdate',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::System::Ticket::Event::TicketAcceleratorUpdate'

Resets and unlocks the owner of a ticket if it was moved to another queue.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::EventModulePost'}->{'120-ForceOwnerResetOnMove'} =  {
  'Event' => 'TicketQueueUpdate',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::System::Ticket::Event::ForceOwnerReset'

Forces to choose a different ticket state (from current) after lock action. Define the current state as key, and the next state after lock action as content.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::EventModulePost'}->{'130-ForceStateChangeOnLock'} =  {
  'Event' => 'TicketLockUpdate',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::System::Ticket::Event::ForceState',
  'new' => 'open'

Automatically sets the responsible of a ticket (if it is not set yet) after the first owner update.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::EventModulePost'}->{'140-ResponsibleAutoSet'} =  {
  'Event' => 'TicketOwnerUpdate',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::System::Ticket::Event::ResponsibleAutoSet'

Sets the PendingTime of a ticket to 0 if the state is changed to a non-pending state.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::EventModulePost'}->{'150-TicketPendingTimeReset'} =  {
  'Event' => 'TicketStateUpdate',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::System::Ticket::Event::TicketPendingTimeReset'

Sends the notifications which are configured in the admin interface under "Ticket Notifications".

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::EventModulePost'}->{'500-NotificationEvent'} =  {
  'Event' => '',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::System::Ticket::Event::NotificationEvent',
  'Transaction' => '1'

Updates the ticket escalation index after a ticket attribute got updated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::EventModulePost'}->{'910-EscalationIndex'} =  {
  'Event' => 'TicketSLAUpdate|TicketQueueUpdate|TicketStateUpdate|TicketCreate|ArticleCreate',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::System::Ticket::Event::TicketEscalationIndex'

Ticket event module that triggers the escalation stop events.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::EventModulePost'}->{'920-EscalationStopEvents'} =  {
  'Event' => 'TicketSLAUpdate|TicketQueueUpdate|TicketStateUpdate|ArticleCreate',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::System::Ticket::Event::TriggerEscalationStopEvents'

Forces to unlock tickets after being moved to another queue.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::EventModulePost'}->{'930-ForceUnlockOnMove'} =  {
  'Event' => 'TicketQueueUpdate',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::System::Ticket::Event::ForceUnlock'

Update Ticket "Seen" flag if every article got seen or a new Article got created.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::EventModulePost'}->{'940-TicketArticleNewMessageUpdate'} =  {
  'Event' => 'ArticleCreate|ArticleFlagSet',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::System::Ticket::Event::TicketNewMessageUpdate'

Define a mapping between variables of the customer user data (keys) and dynamic fields of a ticket (values). The purpose is to store customer user data in ticket dynamic fields. The dynamic fields must be present in the system and should be enabled for AgentTicketFreeText, so that they can be set/updated manually by the agent. They mustn't be enabled for AgentTicketPhone, AgentTicketEmail and AgentTicketCustomer. If they were, they would have precedence over the automatically set values. To use this mapping, you have to also activate the next setting below.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'DynamicFieldFromCustomerUser::Mapping'} =  {
  'UserFirstname' => 'CustomerFirstname'

This event module stores attributes from CustomerUser as DynamicFields tickets. Please see the setting above for how to configure the mapping.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::EventModulePost'}->{'950-DynamicFieldFromCustomerUser'} =  {
  'Event' => '(TicketCreate|TicketCustomerUpdate)',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::System::Ticket::Event::DynamicFieldFromCustomerUser'

Overloads (redefines) existing functions in Kernel::System::Ticket. Used to easily add customizations.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::CustomModule'}->{'001-CustomModule'} =  'Kernel::System::Ticket::Custom';

Defines the default viewable sender types of a ticket (default: customer).

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::ViewableSenderTypes'} =  [

Defines the viewable locks of a ticket. NOTE: When you change this setting, make sure to delete the cache in order to use the new value. Default: unlock, tmp_lock.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::ViewableLocks'} =  [

Defines the valid state types for a ticket.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::ViewableStateType'} =  [
  'pending reminder',
  'pending auto'

Defines the valid states for unlocked tickets. To unlock tickets the script "bin/otrs.Console.pl Maint::Ticket::UnlockTimeout" can be used.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::UnlockStateType'} =  [

Sends reminder notifications of unlocked ticket after reaching the reminder date (only sent to ticket owner).

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::PendingNotificationOnlyToOwner'} =  '0';

Disables sending reminder notifications to the responsible agent of a ticket (Ticket::Responsible needs to be activated).

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::PendingNotificationNotToResponsible'} =  '0';

Defines the state type of the reminder for pending tickets.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::PendingReminderStateType'} =  [
  'pending reminder'

Determines the possible states for pending tickets that changed state after reaching time limit.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::PendingAutoStateType'} =  [
  'pending auto'

Defines which states should be set automatically (Content), after the pending time of state (Key) has been reached.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::StateAfterPending'} =  {
  'pending auto close+' => 'closed successful',
  'pending auto close-' => 'closed unsuccessful'

Standard available permissions for agents within the application. If more permissions are needed, they can be entered here. Permissions must be defined to be effective. Some other good permissions have also been provided built-in: note, close, pending, customer, freetext, move, compose, responsible, forward, and bounce. Make sure that "rw" is always the last registered permission.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'System::Permission'} =  [

Module to grant access to the owner of a ticket.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Permission'}->{'1-OwnerCheck'} =  {
  'Granted' => '1',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::System::Ticket::Permission::OwnerCheck',
  'Required' => '0'

Optional queue limitation for the OwnerCheck permission module. If set, permission is only granted for tickets in the specified queues.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Permission::OwnerCheck::Queues'} =  {
  'Misc' => 'note',
  'Postmaster' => 'ro, move, note',
  'Raw' => 'rw'

Module to grant access to the agent responsible of a ticket.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Permission'}->{'2-ResponsibleCheck'} =  {
  'Granted' => '1',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::System::Ticket::Permission::ResponsibleCheck',
  'Required' => '0'

Optional queue limitation for the ResponsibleCheck permission module. If set, permission is only granted for tickets in the specified queues.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Permission::ResponsibleCheck::Queues'} =  {
  'Misc' => 'note',
  'Postmaster' => 'ro, move, note',
  'Raw' => 'rw'

Module to check the group permissions for the access to tickets.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Permission'}->{'3-GroupCheck'} =  {
  'Granted' => '1',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::System::Ticket::Permission::GroupCheck',
  'Required' => '0'

Module to grant access to the watcher agents of a ticket.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Permission'}->{'4-WatcherCheck'} =  {
  'Granted' => '1',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::System::Ticket::Permission::WatcherCheck',
  'Required' => '0'

Module to grant access to the creator of a ticket.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Permission'}->{'5-CreatorCheck'} =  {
  'Granted' => '1',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::System::Ticket::Permission::CreatorCheck',
  'Required' => '0'

Optional queue limitation for the CreatorCheck permission module. If set, permission is only granted for tickets in the specified queues.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Permission::CreatorCheck::Queues'} =  {
  'Misc' => 'note',
  'Postmaster' => 'ro, move, note',
  'Raw' => 'rw'

Module to grant access to any agent that has been involved in a ticket in the past (based on ticket history entries).

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Permission'}->{'6-InvolvedCheck'} =  {
  'Granted' => '1',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::System::Ticket::Permission::InvolvedCheck',
  'Required' => '0'

Optional queue limitation for the InvolvedCheck permission module. If set, permission is only granted for tickets in the specified queues.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Permission::InvolvedCheck::Queues'} =  {
  'Misc' => 'note',
  'Postmaster' => 'ro, move, note',
  'Raw' => 'rw'

Module to check the group permissions for customer access to tickets.

Default value:

 $Self->{'CustomerTicket::Permission'}->{'1-GroupCheck'} =  {
  'Granted' => '0',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::System::Ticket::CustomerPermission::GroupCheck',
  'Required' => '1'

Module to grant access if the CustomerUserID of the ticket matches the CustomerUserID of the customer.

Default value:

 $Self->{'CustomerTicket::Permission'}->{'2-CustomerUserIDCheck'} =  {
  'Granted' => '1',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::System::Ticket::CustomerPermission::CustomerUserIDCheck',
  'Required' => '0'

Module to grant access if the CustomerID of the ticket matches the CustomerID of the customer.

Default value:

 $Self->{'CustomerTicket::Permission'}->{'3-CustomerIDCheck'} =  {
  'Granted' => '1',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::System::Ticket::CustomerPermission::CustomerIDCheck',
  'Required' => '0'

Defines how the From field from the emails (sent from answers and email tickets) should look like.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::DefineEmailFrom'} =  'SystemAddressName';

Defines the separator between the agents real name and the given queue email address.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::DefineEmailFromSeparator'} =  'via';

Sends customer notifications just to the mapped customer.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'CustomerNotifyJustToRealCustomer'} =  '0';

Specifies if an agent should receive email notification of his own actions.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'AgentSelfNotifyOnAction'} =  '0';

Event module registration. For more performance you can define a trigger event (e. g. Event => TicketCreate).

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::EventModulePost'}->{'900-GenericAgent'} =  {
  'Event' => '',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::System::Ticket::Event::GenericAgent',
  'Transaction' => '1'

Allows extended search conditions in ticket search of the generic agent interface. With this feature you can search e. g. ticket title with this kind of conditions like "(*key1*&&*key2*)" or "(*key1*||*key2*)".

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::GenericAgentTicketSearch'}->{'ExtendedSearchCondition'} =  '1';

Set the limit of tickets that will be executed on a single genericagent job execution.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::GenericAgentRunLimit'} =  '4000';

Unlock tickets whenever a note is added and the owner is out of office.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::UnlockOnAway'} =  '1';

Include unknown customers in ticket filter.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::IncludeUnknownTicketCustomers'} =  '0';

Defines the list of types for templates.

Default value:

 $Self->{'StandardTemplate::Types'} =  {
  'Answer' => 'Answer',
  'Create' => 'Create',
  'Email' => 'Email',
  'Forward' => 'Forward',
  'Note' => 'Note',
  'PhoneCall' => 'Phone call'

List of default Standard Templates which are assigned automatically to new Queues upon creation.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'StandardTemplate2QueueByCreating'} =  [

Default display type for recipient (To,Cc) names in AgentTicketZoom and CustomerTicketZoom.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::DefaultRecipientDisplayType'} =  'Realname';

Default display type for sender (From) names in AgentTicketZoom and CustomerTicketZoom.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::DefaultSenderDisplayType'} =  'Realname';

Ticket → Core::TicketACL


ACL module that allows closing parent tickets only if all its children are already closed ("State" shows which states are not available for the parent ticket until all child tickets are closed).

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Acl::Module'}->{'1-Ticket::Acl::Module'} =  {
  'Module' => 'Kernel::System::Ticket::Acl::CloseParentAfterClosedChilds',
  'State' => [
    'closed successful',
    'closed unsuccessful'

Default ACL values for ticket actions.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'TicketACL::Default::Action'} =  {};

Defines which items are available in first level of the ACL structure.

Default value:

 $Self->{'ACLKeysLevel1Match'} =  {
  'Properties' => 'Properties',
  'PropertiesDatabase' => 'PropertiesDatabase'

Defines which items are available in first level of the ACL structure.

Default value:

 $Self->{'ACLKeysLevel1Change'} =  {
  'Possible' => 'Possible',
  'PossibleAdd' => 'PossibleAdd',
  'PossibleNot' => 'PossibleNot'

Defines which items are available in second level of the ACL structure.

Default value:

 $Self->{'ACLKeysLevel2::Possible'} =  {
  'Action' => 'Action',
  'ActivityDialog' => 'ActivityDialog',
  'Process' => 'Process',
  'Ticket' => 'Ticket'

Defines which items are available in second level of the ACL structure.

Default value:

 $Self->{'ACLKeysLevel2::PossibleAdd'} =  {
  'Action' => 'Action',
  'ActivityDialog' => 'ActivityDialog',
  'Process' => 'Process',
  'Ticket' => 'Ticket'

Defines which items are available in second level of the ACL structure.

Default value:

 $Self->{'ACLKeysLevel2::PossibleNot'} =  {
  'Action' => 'Action',
  'ActivityDialog' => 'ActivityDialog',
  'Process' => 'Process',
  'Ticket' => 'Ticket'

Defines which items are available in second level of the ACL structure.

Default value:

 $Self->{'ACLKeysLevel2::Properties'} =  {
  'CustomerUser' => 'CustomerUser',
  'DynamicField' => 'DynamicField',
  'Frontend' => 'Frontend',
  'Owner' => 'Owner',
  'Priority' => 'Priority',
  'Process' => 'Process',
  'Queue' => 'Queue',
  'Responsible' => 'Responsible',
  'SLA' => 'SLA',
  'Service' => 'Service',
  'State' => 'State',
  'Ticket' => 'Ticket',
  'Type' => 'Type',
  'User' => 'User'

Defines which items are available in second level of the ACL structure.

Default value:

 $Self->{'ACLKeysLevel2::PropertiesDatabase'} =  {
  'CustomerUser' => 'CustomerUser',
  'DynamicField' => 'DynamicField',
  'Owner' => 'Owner',
  'Priority' => 'Priority',
  'Process' => 'Process',
  'Queue' => 'Queue',
  'Responsible' => 'Responsible',
  'SLA' => 'SLA',
  'Service' => 'Service',
  'State' => 'State',
  'Ticket' => 'Ticket',
  'Type' => 'Type',
  'User' => 'User'

Defines which items are available for 'Action' in third level of the ACL structure.

Default value:

 $Self->{'ACLKeysLevel3::Actions'}->{'100-Default'} =  [

Cache time in seconds for the DB ACL backend.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'ACL::CacheTTL'} =  '3600';

If enabled debugging information for ACLs is logged.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'TicketACL::Debug::Enabled'} =  '0';

Defines the priority in which the information is logged and presented.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'TicketACL::Debug::LogPriority'} =  'debug';

Filter for debugging ACLs. Note: More ticket attributes can be added in the format <OTRS_TICKET_Attribute> e.g. <OTRS_TICKET_Priority>.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'TicketACL::Debug::Filter'}->{'00-Default'} =  {
  '<OTRS_TICKET_TicketNumber>' => '',
  'ACLName' => ''

Ticket → Core::TicketBulkAction


Enables ticket bulk action feature for the agent frontend to work on more than one ticket at a time.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::BulkFeature'} =  '1';

Enables ticket bulk action feature only for the listed groups.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::BulkFeatureGroup'} =  [

Ticket → Core::TicketDynamicFieldDefault


Event module registration. For more performance you can define a trigger event (e. g. Event => TicketCreate). This is only possible if all Ticket dynamic fields need the same event.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::EventModulePost'}->{'TicketDynamicFieldDefault'} =  {
  'Module' => 'Kernel::System::Ticket::Event::TicketDynamicFieldDefault',
  'Transaction' => '1'

Configures a default TicketDynamicField setting. "Name" defines the dynamic field which should be used, "Value" is the data that will be set, and "Event" defines the trigger event. Please check the developer manual (http://otrs.github.io/doc/), chapter "Ticket Event Module".

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::TicketDynamicFieldDefault'}->{'Element1'} =  {
  'Event' => 'TicketCreate',
  'Name' => 'Field1',
  'Value' => 'Default'

Configures a default TicketDynamicField setting. "Name" defines the dynamic field which should be used, "Value" is the data that will be set, and "Event" defines the trigger event. Please check the developer manual (http://otrs.github.io/doc/), chapter "Ticket Event Module".

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::TicketDynamicFieldDefault'}->{'Element2'} =  {
  'Event' => '',
  'Name' => '',
  'Value' => ''

Configures a default TicketDynamicField setting. "Name" defines the dynamic field which should be used, "Value" is the data that will be set, and "Event" defines the trigger event. Please check the developer manual (http://otrs.github.io/doc/), chapter "Ticket Event Module".

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::TicketDynamicFieldDefault'}->{'Element3'} =  {
  'Event' => '',
  'Name' => '',
  'Value' => ''

Configures a default TicketDynamicField setting. "Name" defines the dynamic field which should be used, "Value" is the data that will be set, and "Event" defines the trigger event. Please check the developer manual (http://otrs.github.io/doc/), chapter "Ticket Event Module".

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::TicketDynamicFieldDefault'}->{'Element4'} =  {
  'Event' => '',
  'Name' => '',
  'Value' => ''

Configures a default TicketDynamicField setting. "Name" defines the dynamic field which should be used, "Value" is the data that will be set, and "Event" defines the trigger event. Please check the developer manual (http://otrs.github.io/doc/), chapter "Ticket Event Module".

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::TicketDynamicFieldDefault'}->{'Element5'} =  {
  'Event' => '',
  'Name' => '',
  'Value' => ''

Configures a default TicketDynamicField setting. "Name" defines the dynamic field which should be used, "Value" is the data that will be set, and "Event" defines the trigger event. Please check the developer manual (http://otrs.github.io/doc/), chapter "Ticket Event Module".

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::TicketDynamicFieldDefault'}->{'Element6'} =  {
  'Event' => '',
  'Name' => '',
  'Value' => ''

Configures a default TicketDynamicField setting. "Name" defines the dynamic field which should be used, "Value" is the data that will be set, and "Event" defines the trigger event. Please check the developer manual (http://otrs.github.io/doc/), chapter "Ticket Event Module".

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::TicketDynamicFieldDefault'}->{'Element7'} =  {
  'Event' => '',
  'Name' => '',
  'Value' => ''

Configures a default TicketDynamicField setting. "Name" defines the dynamic field which should be used, "Value" is the data that will be set, and "Event" defines the trigger event. Please check the developer manual (http://otrs.github.io/doc/), chapter "Ticket Event Module".

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::TicketDynamicFieldDefault'}->{'Element8'} =  {
  'Event' => '',
  'Name' => '',
  'Value' => ''

Configures a default TicketDynamicField setting. "Name" defines the dynamic field which should be used, "Value" is the data that will be set, and "Event" defines the trigger event. Please check the developer manual (http://otrs.github.io/doc/), chapter "Ticket Event Module".

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::TicketDynamicFieldDefault'}->{'Element9'} =  {
  'Event' => '',
  'Name' => '',
  'Value' => ''

Configures a default TicketDynamicField setting. "Name" defines the dynamic field which should be used, "Value" is the data that will be set, and "Event" defines the trigger event. Please check the developer manual (http://otrs.github.io/doc/), chapter "Ticket Event Module".

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::TicketDynamicFieldDefault'}->{'Element10'} =  {
  'Event' => '',
  'Name' => '',
  'Value' => ''

Configures a default TicketDynamicField setting. "Name" defines the dynamic field which should be used, "Value" is the data that will be set, and "Event" defines the trigger event. Please check the developer manual (http://otrs.github.io/doc/), chapter "Ticket Event Module".

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::TicketDynamicFieldDefault'}->{'Element11'} =  {
  'Event' => '',
  'Name' => '',
  'Value' => ''

Configures a default TicketDynamicField setting. "Name" defines the dynamic field which should be used, "Value" is the data that will be set, and "Event" defines the trigger event. Please check the developer manual (http://otrs.github.io/doc/), chapter "Ticket Event Module".

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::TicketDynamicFieldDefault'}->{'Element12'} =  {
  'Event' => '',
  'Name' => '',
  'Value' => ''

Configures a default TicketDynamicField setting. "Name" defines the dynamic field which should be used, "Value" is the data that will be set, and "Event" defines the trigger event. Please check the developer manual (http://otrs.github.io/doc/), chapter "Ticket Event Module".

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::TicketDynamicFieldDefault'}->{'Element13'} =  {
  'Event' => '',
  'Name' => '',
  'Value' => ''

Configures a default TicketDynamicField setting. "Name" defines the dynamic field which should be used, "Value" is the data that will be set, and "Event" defines the trigger event. Please check the developer manual (http://otrs.github.io/doc/), chapter "Ticket Event Module".

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::TicketDynamicFieldDefault'}->{'Element14'} =  {
  'Event' => '',
  'Name' => '',
  'Value' => ''

Configures a default TicketDynamicField setting. "Name" defines the dynamic field which should be used, "Value" is the data that will be set, and "Event" defines the trigger event. Please check the developer manual (http://otrs.github.io/doc/), chapter "Ticket Event Module".

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::TicketDynamicFieldDefault'}->{'Element15'} =  {
  'Event' => '',
  'Name' => '',
  'Value' => ''

Configures a default TicketDynamicField setting. "Name" defines the dynamic field which should be used, "Value" is the data that will be set, and "Event" defines the trigger event. Please check the developer manual (http://otrs.github.io/doc/), chapter "Ticket Event Module".

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::TicketDynamicFieldDefault'}->{'Element16'} =  {
  'Event' => '',
  'Name' => '',
  'Value' => ''

Ticket → Core::TicketWatcher


Enables or disables the ticket watcher feature, to keep track of tickets without being the owner nor the responsible.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Watcher'} =  '0';

Enables ticket watcher feature only for the listed groups.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::WatcherGroup'} =  [

Ticket → Frontend::Admin


List of all ticket events to be displayed in the GUI.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Events'}->{'Ticket'} =  [

List of all article events to be displayed in the GUI.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Events'}->{'Article'} =  [

List of all queue events to be displayed in the GUI.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Events'}->{'Queue'} =  [

Ticket → Frontend::Admin::AdminNotificationEvent


Uses richtext for viewing and editing ticket notification.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Frontend::Admin::AdminNotificationEvent'}->{'RichText'} =  '1';

Defines the width for the rich text editor component for this screen. Enter number (pixels) or percent value (relative).

Default value:

 $Self->{'Frontend::Admin::AdminNotificationEvent'}->{'RichTextWidth'} =  '620';

Defines the height for the rich text editor component for this screen. Enter number (pixels) or percent value (relative).

Default value:

 $Self->{'Frontend::Admin::AdminNotificationEvent'}->{'RichTextHeight'} =  '320';

Defines all the parameters for this notification transport.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Notification::Transport'}->{'Email'} =  {
  'AgentEnabledByDefault' => '1',
  'Icon' => 'fa fa-envelope',
  'IsOTRSBusinessTransport' => '0',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::System::Ticket::Event::NotificationEvent::Transport::Email',
  'Name' => 'Email',
  'Prio' => '100'

Defines all the parameters for this notification transport.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Notification::Transport'}->{'NotificationView'} =  {
  'AgentEnabledByDefault' => '0',
  'Icon' => 'fa fa-th-list',
  'IsOTRSBusinessTransport' => '1',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::System::Ticket::Event::NotificationEvent::Transport::NotificationView',
  'Name' => 'Web View',
  'Prio' => '110'

Defines all the parameters for this notification transport.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Notification::Transport'}->{'SMS'} =  {
  'AgentEnabledByDefault' => '0',
  'Icon' => 'fa fa-mobile',
  'IsOTRSBusinessTransport' => '1',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::System::Ticket::Event::NotificationEvent::Transport::SMS',
  'Name' => 'SMS (Short Message Service)',
  'Prio' => '120'

Defines the number of character per line used in case an HTML article preview replacement on TemplateGenerator for EventNotifications.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Notification::CharactersPerLine'} =  '80';

Ticket → Frontend::Admin::ModuleRegistration


Frontend module registration for the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Frontend::Module'}->{'AdminACL'} =  {
  'Description' => 'This module is part of the admin area of OTRS.',
  'Group' => [
  'Loader' => {
    'CSS' => [
    'JavaScript' => [
  'NavBarModule' => {
    'Block' => 'Ticket',
    'Description' => 'Configure and manage ACLs.',
    'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::NavBar::ModuleAdmin',
    'Name' => 'Access Control Lists (ACL)',
    'Prio' => '750'
  'NavBarName' => 'Admin',
  'Title' => 'Access Control Lists (ACL)'

Frontend module registration for the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Frontend::Module'}->{'AdminQueue'} =  {
  'Description' => 'This module is part of the admin area of OTRS.',
  'Group' => [
  'NavBarModule' => {
    'Block' => 'Queue',
    'Description' => 'Create and manage queues.',
    'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::NavBar::ModuleAdmin',
    'Name' => 'Queues',
    'Prio' => '100'
  'NavBarName' => 'Admin',
  'Title' => 'Queues'

Frontend module registration for the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Frontend::Module'}->{'AdminTemplate'} =  {
  'Description' => 'This module is part of the admin area of OTRS.',
  'Group' => [
  'NavBarModule' => {
    'Block' => 'Queue',
    'Description' => 'Create and manage templates.',
    'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::NavBar::ModuleAdmin',
    'Name' => 'Templates',
    'Prio' => '200'
  'NavBarName' => 'Admin',
  'Title' => 'Templates'

Frontend module registration for the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Frontend::Module'}->{'AdminQueueTemplates'} =  {
  'Description' => 'This module is part of the admin area of OTRS.',
  'Group' => [
  'NavBarModule' => {
    'Block' => 'Queue',
    'Description' => 'Link templates to queues.',
    'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::NavBar::ModuleAdmin',
    'Name' => 'Templates <-> Queues',
    'Prio' => '300'
  'NavBarName' => 'Admin',
  'Title' => 'Templates <-> Queues'

Frontend module registration for the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Frontend::Module'}->{'AdminAutoResponse'} =  {
  'Description' => 'This module is part of the admin area of OTRS.',
  'Group' => [
  'NavBarModule' => {
    'Block' => 'Queue',
    'Description' => 'Create and manage responses that are automatically sent.',
    'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::NavBar::ModuleAdmin',
    'Name' => 'Auto Responses',
    'Prio' => '400'
  'NavBarName' => 'Admin',
  'Title' => 'Auto Responses'

Frontend module registration for the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Frontend::Module'}->{'AdminQueueAutoResponse'} =  {
  'Description' => 'This module is part of the admin area of OTRS.',
  'Group' => [
  'NavBarModule' => {
    'Block' => 'Queue',
    'Description' => 'Link queues to auto responses.',
    'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::NavBar::ModuleAdmin',
    'Name' => 'Auto Responses <-> Queues',
    'Prio' => '500'
  'NavBarName' => 'Admin',
  'Title' => 'Auto Responses <-> Queues'

Frontend module registration for the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Frontend::Module'}->{'AdminAttachment'} =  {
  'Description' => 'This module is part of the admin area of OTRS.',
  'Group' => [
  'NavBarModule' => {
    'Block' => 'Queue',
    'Description' => 'Create and manage attachments.',
    'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::NavBar::ModuleAdmin',
    'Name' => 'Attachments',
    'Prio' => '600'
  'NavBarName' => 'Admin',
  'Title' => 'Attachments'

Frontend module registration for the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Frontend::Module'}->{'AdminTemplateAttachment'} =  {
  'Description' => 'This module is part of the admin area of OTRS.',
  'Group' => [
  'NavBarModule' => {
    'Block' => 'Queue',
    'Description' => 'Link attachments to templates.',
    'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::NavBar::ModuleAdmin',
    'Name' => 'Attachments <-> Templates',
    'Prio' => '700'
  'NavBarName' => 'Admin',
  'Title' => 'Attachments <-> Templates'

Frontend module registration for the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Frontend::Module'}->{'AdminSalutation'} =  {
  'Description' => 'This module is part of the admin area of OTRS.',
  'Group' => [
  'NavBarModule' => {
    'Block' => 'Queue',
    'Description' => 'Create and manage salutations.',
    'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::NavBar::ModuleAdmin',
    'Name' => 'Salutations',
    'Prio' => '800'
  'NavBarName' => 'Admin',
  'Title' => 'Salutations'

Frontend module registration for the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Frontend::Module'}->{'AdminSignature'} =  {
  'Description' => 'This module is part of the admin area of OTRS.',
  'Group' => [
  'NavBarModule' => {
    'Block' => 'Queue',
    'Description' => 'Create and manage signatures.',
    'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::NavBar::ModuleAdmin',
    'Name' => 'Signatures',
    'Prio' => '900'
  'NavBarName' => 'Admin',
  'Title' => 'Signatures'

Frontend module registration for the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Frontend::Module'}->{'AdminSystemAddress'} =  {
  'Description' => 'This module is part of the admin area of OTRS.',
  'Group' => [
  'NavBarModule' => {
    'Block' => 'Email',
    'Description' => 'Set sender email addresses for this system.',
    'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::NavBar::ModuleAdmin',
    'Name' => 'Email Addresses',
    'Prio' => '300'
  'NavBarName' => 'Admin',
  'Title' => 'Email Addresses'

Frontend module registration for the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Frontend::Module'}->{'AdminNotificationEvent'} =  {
  'Description' => 'This module is part of the admin area of OTRS.',
  'Group' => [
  'Loader' => {
    'CSS' => [
    'JavaScript' => [
  'NavBarModule' => {
    'Block' => 'Ticket',
    'Description' => 'Create and manage ticket notifications.',
    'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::NavBar::ModuleAdmin',
    'Name' => 'Ticket Notifications',
    'Prio' => '400'
  'NavBarName' => 'Admin',
  'Title' => 'Ticket Notifications'

Frontend module registration for the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Frontend::Module'}->{'AdminService'} =  {
  'Description' => 'This module is part of the admin area of OTRS.',
  'Group' => [
  'NavBarModule' => {
    'Block' => 'Ticket',
    'Description' => 'Create and manage services.',
    'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::NavBar::ModuleAdmin',
    'Name' => 'Services',
    'Prio' => '900'
  'NavBarName' => 'Admin',
  'Title' => 'Services'

Frontend module registration for the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Frontend::Module'}->{'AdminSLA'} =  {
  'Description' => 'This module is part of the admin area of OTRS.',
  'Group' => [
  'NavBarModule' => {
    'Block' => 'Ticket',
    'Description' => 'Create and manage Service Level Agreements (SLAs).',
    'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::NavBar::ModuleAdmin',
    'Name' => 'Service Level Agreements',
    'Prio' => '1000'
  'NavBarName' => 'Admin',
  'Title' => 'Service Level Agreements'

Frontend module registration for the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Frontend::Module'}->{'AdminType'} =  {
  'Description' => 'This module is part of the admin area of OTRS.',
  'Group' => [
  'NavBarModule' => {
    'Block' => 'Ticket',
    'Description' => 'Create and manage ticket types.',
    'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::NavBar::ModuleAdmin',
    'Name' => 'Types',
    'Prio' => '700'
  'NavBarName' => 'Admin',
  'Title' => 'Types'

Frontend module registration for the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Frontend::Module'}->{'AdminState'} =  {
  'Description' => 'This module is part of the admin area of OTRS.',
  'Group' => [
  'NavBarModule' => {
    'Block' => 'Ticket',
    'Description' => 'Create and manage ticket states.',
    'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::NavBar::ModuleAdmin',
    'Name' => 'States',
    'Prio' => '800'
  'NavBarName' => 'Admin',
  'Title' => 'States'

Frontend module registration for the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Frontend::Module'}->{'AdminPriority'} =  {
  'Description' => 'This module is part of the admin area of OTRS.',
  'Group' => [
  'NavBarModule' => {
    'Block' => 'Ticket',
    'Description' => 'Create and manage ticket priorities.',
    'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::NavBar::ModuleAdmin',
    'Name' => 'Priorities',
    'Prio' => '850'
  'NavBarName' => 'Admin',
  'Title' => 'Priorities'

Frontend module registration for the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Frontend::Module'}->{'AdminGenericAgent'} =  {
  'Description' => 'This module is part of the admin area of OTRS.',
  'Group' => [
  'Loader' => {
    'JavaScript' => [
  'NavBarModule' => {
    'Block' => 'System',
    'Description' => 'Manage tasks triggered by event or time based execution.',
    'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::NavBar::ModuleAdmin',
    'Name' => 'GenericAgent',
    'Prio' => '300'
  'NavBarName' => 'Admin',
  'Title' => 'GenericAgent'

Ticket → Frontend::Agent


Time in seconds that gets added to the actual time if setting a pending-state (default: 86400 = 1 day).

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::PendingDiffTime'} =  '86400';

Define the max depth of queues.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::MaxQueueLevel'} =  '5';

Shows existing parent/child queue lists in the system in the form of a tree or a list.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::ListType'} =  'tree';

Permitted width for compose email windows.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::TextAreaEmail'} =  '82';

Permitted width for compose note windows.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::TextAreaNote'} =  '78';

Max size (in rows) of the informed agents box in the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::InformAgentMaxSize'} =  '3';

Max size (in rows) of the involved agents box in the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::InvolvedAgentMaxSize'} =  '3';

Shows the customer user information (phone and email) in the compose screen.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::CustomerInfoCompose'} =  '1';

Max size (in characters) of the customer information table (phone and email) in the compose screen.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::CustomerInfoComposeMaxSize'} =  '22';

Shows the customer user's info in the ticket zoom view.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::CustomerInfoZoom'} =  '1';

Maximum size (in characters) of the customer information table in the ticket zoom view.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::CustomerInfoZoomMaxSize'} =  '22';

Maximum length (in characters) of the dynamic field in the sidebar of the ticket zoom view.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::DynamicFieldsZoomMaxSizeSidebar'} =  '18';

Maximum length (in characters) of the dynamic field in the article of the ticket zoom view.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::DynamicFieldsZoomMaxSizeArticle'} =  '160';

Activates time accounting.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AccountTime'} =  '1';

Sets the prefered time units (e.g. work units, hours, minutes).

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::TimeUnits'} =  ' (work units)';

Defines if time accounting is mandatory in the agent interface. If activated, a note must be entered for all ticket actions (no matter if the note itself is configured as active or is originally mandatory for the individual ticket action screen).

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::NeedAccountedTime'} =  '0';

Defines if time accounting must be set to all tickets in bulk action.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::BulkAccountedTime'} =  '1';

Defines if composed messages have to be spell checked in the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::NeedSpellCheck'} =  '0';

Shows an owner selection in phone and email tickets in the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::NewOwnerSelection'} =  '1';

Show a responsible selection in phone and email tickets in the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::NewResponsibleSelection'} =  '1';

Defines the recipient target of the phone ticket and the sender of the email ticket ("Queue" shows all queues, "System address" displays all system addresses) in the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::NewQueueSelectionType'} =  'Queue';

Determines the strings that will be shown as recipient (To:) of the phone ticket and as sender (From:) of the email ticket in the agent interface. For Queue as NewQueueSelectionType "<Queue>" shows the names of the queues and for SystemAddress "<Realname> <<Email>>" shows the name and email of the recipient.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::NewQueueSelectionString'} =  '<Queue>';

Determines which options will be valid of the recipient (phone ticket) and the sender (email ticket) in the agent interface.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::NewQueueOwnSelection'} =  {
  '1' => 'First Queue',
  '2' => 'Second Queue'

Shows customer history tickets in AgentTicketPhone, AgentTicketEmail and AgentTicketCustomer.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::ShowCustomerTickets'} =  '1';

If enabled, TicketPhone and TicketEmail will be open in new windows.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'NewTicketInNewWindow::Enabled'} =  '0';

Defines an external link to the database of the customer (e.g. 'http://yourhost/customer.php?CID=[% Data.CustomerID %]' or '').

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'CustomerDBLink'} =  '[% Env("CGIHandle") %]?Action=AgentCustomerInformationCenter;CustomerID=[% Data.CustomerID | uri %]';

Defines the target attribute in the link to external customer database. E.g. 'target="cdb"'.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'CustomerDBLinkTarget'} =  '';

Defines the target attribute in the link to external customer database. E.g. 'AsPopup PopupType_TicketAction'.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'CustomerDBLinkClass'} =  '';

Defines the default used Frontend-Module if no Action parameter given in the url on the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Frontend::CommonParam'}->{'Action'} =  'AgentDashboard';

Default queue ID used by the system in the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Frontend::CommonParam'}->{'QueueID'} =  '0';

Default ticket ID used by the system in the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Frontend::CommonParam'}->{'TicketID'} =  '';

General ticket data shown in the ticket overviews (fall-back). Possible settings: 0 = Disabled, 1 = Available, 2 = Enabled by default. Note that TicketNumber can not be disabled, because it is necessary.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'DefaultOverviewColumns'} =  {
  'Age' => '2',
  'Changed' => '1',
  'Created' => '1',
  'CustomerCompanyName' => '1',
  'CustomerID' => '2',
  'CustomerName' => '1',
  'CustomerUserID' => '1',
  'EscalationResponseTime' => '1',
  'EscalationSolutionTime' => '1',
  'EscalationTime' => '1',
  'EscalationUpdateTime' => '1',
  'Lock' => '2',
  'Owner' => '2',
  'PendingTime' => '1',
  'Priority' => '1',
  'Queue' => '2',
  'Responsible' => '1',
  'SLA' => '1',
  'Service' => '1',
  'State' => '2',
  'TicketNumber' => '2',
  'Title' => '2',
  'Type' => '1'

Ticket → Frontend::Agent::Dashboard


Parameters for the dashboard backend of the ticket pending reminder overview of the agent interface . "Limit" is the number of entries shown by default. "Group" is used to restrict the access to the plugin (e. g. Group: admin;group1;group2;). "Default" determines if the plugin is enabled by default or if the user needs to enable it manually. "CacheTTLLocal" is the cache time in minutes for the plugin. Note: Only Ticket attributes and Dynamic Fields (DynamicField_NameX) are allowed for DefaultColumns. Possible settings: 0 = Disabled, 1 = Available, 2 = Enabled by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'DashboardBackend'}->{'0100-TicketPendingReminder'} =  {
  'Attributes' => 'TicketPendingTimeOlderMinutes=1;StateType=pending reminder;SortBy=PendingTime;OrderBy=Down;',
  'Block' => 'ContentLarge',
  'CacheTTLLocal' => '0.5',
  'Default' => '1',
  'DefaultColumns' => {
    'Age' => '2',
    'Changed' => '1',
    'Created' => '1',
    'CustomerCompanyName' => '1',
    'CustomerID' => '1',
    'CustomerName' => '1',
    'CustomerUserID' => '1',
    'EscalationResponseTime' => '1',
    'EscalationSolutionTime' => '1',
    'EscalationTime' => '1',
    'EscalationUpdateTime' => '1',
    'Lock' => '1',
    'Owner' => '1',
    'PendingTime' => '1',
    'Priority' => '1',
    'Queue' => '1',
    'Responsible' => '1',
    'SLA' => '1',
    'Service' => '1',
    'State' => '1',
    'TicketNumber' => '2',
    'Title' => '2',
    'Type' => '1'
  'Description' => 'All tickets with a reminder set where the reminder date has been reached',
  'Filter' => 'Locked',
  'Group' => '',
  'Limit' => '10',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::Dashboard::TicketGeneric',
  'Permission' => 'rw',
  'Time' => 'UntilTime',
  'Title' => 'Reminder Tickets'

Parameters for the dashboard backend of the ticket escalation overview of the agent interface . "Limit" is the number of entries shown by default. "Group" is used to restrict the access to the plugin (e. g. Group: admin;group1;group2;). "Default" determines if the plugin is enabled by default or if the user needs to enable it manually. "CacheTTLLocal" is the cache time in minutes for the plugin. Note: Only Ticket attributes and Dynamic Fields (DynamicField_NameX) are allowed for DefaultColumns. Possible settings: 0 = Disabled, 1 = Available, 2 = Enabled by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'DashboardBackend'}->{'0110-TicketEscalation'} =  {
  'Attributes' => 'TicketEscalationTimeOlderMinutes=1;SortBy=EscalationTime;OrderBy=Down;',
  'Block' => 'ContentLarge',
  'CacheTTLLocal' => '0.5',
  'Default' => '1',
  'DefaultColumns' => {
    'Age' => '2',
    'Changed' => '1',
    'Created' => '1',
    'CustomerCompanyName' => '1',
    'CustomerID' => '1',
    'CustomerName' => '1',
    'CustomerUserID' => '1',
    'EscalationResponseTime' => '1',
    'EscalationSolutionTime' => '1',
    'EscalationTime' => '1',
    'EscalationUpdateTime' => '1',
    'Lock' => '1',
    'Owner' => '1',
    'PendingTime' => '1',
    'Priority' => '1',
    'Queue' => '1',
    'Responsible' => '1',
    'SLA' => '1',
    'Service' => '1',
    'State' => '1',
    'TicketNumber' => '2',
    'Title' => '2',
    'Type' => '1'
  'Description' => 'All escalated tickets',
  'Filter' => 'All',
  'Group' => '',
  'Limit' => '10',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::Dashboard::TicketGeneric',
  'Permission' => 'rw',
  'Time' => 'EscalationTime',
  'Title' => 'Escalated Tickets'

Parameters for the dashboard backend of the new tickets overview of the agent interface. "Limit" is the number of entries shown by default. "Group" is used to restrict the access to the plugin (e. g. Group: admin;group1;group2;). "Default" determines if the plugin is enabled by default or if the user needs to enable it manually. "CacheTTLLocal" is the cache time in minutes for the plugin. Note: Only Ticket attributes and Dynamic Fields (DynamicField_NameX) are allowed for DefaultColumns. Possible settings: 0 = Disabled, 1 = Available, 2 = Enabled by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'DashboardBackend'}->{'0120-TicketNew'} =  {
  'Attributes' => 'StateType=new;',
  'Block' => 'ContentLarge',
  'CacheTTLLocal' => '0.5',
  'Default' => '1',
  'DefaultColumns' => {
    'Age' => '2',
    'Changed' => '1',
    'Created' => '1',
    'CustomerCompanyName' => '1',
    'CustomerID' => '1',
    'CustomerName' => '1',
    'CustomerUserID' => '1',
    'EscalationResponseTime' => '1',
    'EscalationSolutionTime' => '1',
    'EscalationTime' => '1',
    'EscalationUpdateTime' => '1',
    'Lock' => '1',
    'Owner' => '1',
    'PendingTime' => '1',
    'Priority' => '1',
    'Queue' => '1',
    'Responsible' => '1',
    'SLA' => '1',
    'Service' => '1',
    'State' => '1',
    'TicketNumber' => '2',
    'Title' => '2',
    'Type' => '1'
  'Description' => 'All new tickets, these tickets have not been worked on yet',
  'Filter' => 'All',
  'Group' => '',
  'Limit' => '10',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::Dashboard::TicketGeneric',
  'Permission' => 'rw',
  'Time' => 'Age',
  'Title' => 'New Tickets'

Parameters for the dashboard backend of the open tickets overview of the agent interface. "Limit" is the number of entries shown by default. "Group" is used to restrict the access to the plugin (e. g. Group: admin;group1;group2;). "Default" determines if the plugin is enabled by default or if the user needs to enable it manually. "CacheTTLLocal" is the cache time in minutes for the plugin. Note: Only Ticket attributes and Dynamic Fields (DynamicField_NameX) are allowed for DefaultColumns. Possible settings: 0 = Disabled, 1 = Available, 2 = Enabled by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'DashboardBackend'}->{'0130-TicketOpen'} =  {
  'Attributes' => 'StateType=open;',
  'Block' => 'ContentLarge',
  'CacheTTLLocal' => '0.5',
  'Default' => '1',
  'DefaultColumns' => {
    'Age' => '2',
    'Changed' => '1',
    'Created' => '1',
    'CustomerCompanyName' => '1',
    'CustomerID' => '1',
    'CustomerName' => '1',
    'CustomerUserID' => '1',
    'EscalationResponseTime' => '1',
    'EscalationSolutionTime' => '1',
    'EscalationTime' => '1',
    'EscalationUpdateTime' => '1',
    'Lock' => '1',
    'Owner' => '1',
    'PendingTime' => '1',
    'Priority' => '1',
    'Queue' => '1',
    'Responsible' => '1',
    'SLA' => '1',
    'Service' => '1',
    'State' => '1',
    'TicketNumber' => '2',
    'Title' => '2',
    'Type' => '1'
  'Description' => 'All open tickets, these tickets have already been worked on, but need a response',
  'Filter' => 'All',
  'Group' => '',
  'Limit' => '10',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::Dashboard::TicketGeneric',
  'Permission' => 'rw',
  'Time' => 'Age',
  'Title' => 'Open Tickets / Need to be answered'

Parameters for the dashboard backend of the ticket stats of the agent interface. "Limit" is the number of entries shown by default. "Group" is used to restrict the access to the plugin (e. g. Group: admin;group1;group2;). "Default" determines if the plugin is enabled by default or if the user needs to enable it manually. "CacheTTLLocal" is the cache time in minutes for the plugin.

Default value:

 $Self->{'DashboardBackend'}->{'0250-TicketStats'} =  {
  'Block' => 'ContentSmall',
  'CacheTTLLocal' => '30',
  'Changed' => '1',
  'Closed' => '1',
  'Default' => '1',
  'Group' => '',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::Dashboard::TicketStatsGeneric',
  'Permission' => 'rw',
  'Title' => '7 Day Stats'

Parameters for the dashboard backend of the upcoming events widget of the agent interface. "Limit" is the number of entries shown by default. "Group" is used to restrict the access to the plugin (e. g. Group: admin;group1;group2;). "Default" determines if the plugin is enabled by default or if the user needs to enable it manually. "CacheTTLLocal" is the cache time in minutes for the plugin.

Default value:

 $Self->{'DashboardBackend'}->{'0260-TicketCalendar'} =  {
  'Block' => 'ContentSmall',
  'CacheTTL' => '2',
  'Default' => '1',
  'Group' => '',
  'Limit' => '6',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::Dashboard::Calendar',
  'OwnerOnly' => '',
  'Permission' => 'rw',
  'Title' => 'Upcoming Events'

Parameters for the dashboard backend of the queue overview widget of the agent interface. "Group" is used to restrict the access to the plugin (e. g. Group: admin;group1;group2;). "QueuePermissionGroup" is not mandatory, queues are only listed if they belong to this permission group if you enable it. "States" is a list of states, the key is the sort order of the state in the widget. "Default" determines if the plugin is enabled by default or if the user needs to enable it manually. "CacheTTLLocal" is the cache time in minutes for the plugin.

Default value:

 $Self->{'DashboardBackend'}->{'0270-TicketQueueOverview'} =  {
  'Block' => 'ContentLarge',
  'CacheTTLLocal' => '2',
  'Default' => '1',
  'Description' => 'Provides a matrix overview of the tickets per state per queue.',
  'Group' => '',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::Dashboard::TicketQueueOverview',
  'Permission' => 'rw',
  'QueuePermissionGroup' => 'users',
  'Sort' => 'SortBy=Age;OrderBy=Up',
  'States' => {
    '1' => 'new',
    '4' => 'open',
    '6' => 'pending reminder'
  'Title' => 'Ticket Queue Overview'

Parameters for the dashboard backend of the ticket events calendar of the agent interface. "Limit" is the number of entries shown by default. "Group" is used to restrict the access to the plugin (e. g. Group: admin;group1;group2;). "Default" determines if the plugin is enabled by default or if the user needs to enable it manually. "CacheTTLLocal" is the cache time in minutes for the plugin.

Default value:

 $Self->{'DashboardBackend'}->{'0280-DashboardEventsTicketCalendar'} =  {
  'Block' => 'ContentLarge',
  'CacheTTL' => '0',
  'Default' => '0',
  'Group' => '',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::Dashboard::EventsTicketCalendar',
  'Title' => 'Events Ticket Calendar'

Parameters for the dashboard backend of the ticket pending reminder overview of the agent interface . "Limit" is the number of entries shown by default. "Group" is used to restrict the access to the plugin (e. g. Group: admin;group1;group2;). "Default" determines if the plugin is enabled by default or if the user needs to enable it manually. "CacheTTLLocal" is the cache time in minutes for the plugin. Note: Only Ticket attributes and Dynamic Fields (DynamicField_NameX) are allowed for DefaultColumns. Possible settings: 0 = Disabled, 1 = Available, 2 = Enabled by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'AgentCustomerInformationCenter::Backend'}->{'0100-CIC-TicketPendingReminder'} =  {
  'Attributes' => 'TicketPendingTimeOlderMinutes=1;StateType=pending reminder;SortBy=PendingTime;OrderBy=Down;',
  'Block' => 'ContentLarge',
  'CacheTTLLocal' => '0.5',
  'Default' => '1',
  'DefaultColumns' => {
    'Age' => '2',
    'Changed' => '1',
    'Created' => '1',
    'CustomerCompanyName' => '1',
    'CustomerID' => '1',
    'CustomerName' => '1',
    'CustomerUserID' => '1',
    'EscalationResponseTime' => '1',
    'EscalationSolutionTime' => '1',
    'EscalationTime' => '1',
    'EscalationUpdateTime' => '1',
    'Lock' => '1',
    'Owner' => '1',
    'PendingTime' => '1',
    'Priority' => '1',
    'Queue' => '1',
    'Responsible' => '1',
    'SLA' => '1',
    'Service' => '1',
    'State' => '1',
    'TicketNumber' => '2',
    'Title' => '2',
    'Type' => '1'
  'Description' => 'All tickets with a reminder set where the reminder date has been reached',
  'Filter' => 'Locked',
  'Group' => '',
  'Limit' => '10',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::Dashboard::TicketGeneric',
  'Permission' => 'ro',
  'Time' => 'UntilTime',
  'Title' => 'Reminder Tickets'

Parameters for the dashboard backend of the ticket escalation overview of the agent interface . "Limit" is the number of entries shown by default. "Group" is used to restrict the access to the plugin (e. g. Group: admin;group1;group2;). "Default" determines if the plugin is enabled by default or if the user needs to enable it manually. "CacheTTLLocal" is the cache time in minutes for the plugin. Note: Only Ticket attributes and Dynamic Fields (DynamicField_NameX) are allowed for DefaultColumns. Possible settings: 0 = Disabled, 1 = Available, 2 = Enabled by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'AgentCustomerInformationCenter::Backend'}->{'0110-CIC-TicketEscalation'} =  {
  'Attributes' => 'TicketEscalationTimeOlderMinutes=1;SortBy=EscalationTime;OrderBy=Down;',
  'Block' => 'ContentLarge',
  'CacheTTLLocal' => '0.5',
  'Default' => '1',
  'DefaultColumns' => {
    'Age' => '2',
    'Changed' => '1',
    'Created' => '1',
    'CustomerCompanyName' => '1',
    'CustomerID' => '1',
    'CustomerName' => '1',
    'CustomerUserID' => '1',
    'EscalationResponseTime' => '1',
    'EscalationSolutionTime' => '1',
    'EscalationTime' => '1',
    'EscalationUpdateTime' => '1',
    'Lock' => '1',
    'Owner' => '1',
    'PendingTime' => '1',
    'Priority' => '1',
    'Queue' => '1',
    'Responsible' => '1',
    'SLA' => '1',
    'Service' => '1',
    'State' => '1',
    'TicketNumber' => '2',
    'Title' => '2',
    'Type' => '1'
  'Description' => 'All escalated tickets',
  'Filter' => 'All',
  'Group' => '',
  'Limit' => '10',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::Dashboard::TicketGeneric',
  'Permission' => 'ro',
  'Time' => 'EscalationTime',
  'Title' => 'Escalated Tickets'

Parameters for the dashboard backend of the new tickets overview of the agent interface. "Limit" is the number of entries shown by default. "Group" is used to restrict the access to the plugin (e. g. Group: admin;group1;group2;). "Default" determines if the plugin is enabled by default or if the user needs to enable it manually. "CacheTTLLocal" is the cache time in minutes for the plugin. Note: Only Ticket attributes and Dynamic Fields (DynamicField_NameX) are allowed for DefaultColumns. Possible settings: 0 = Disabled, 1 = Available, 2 = Enabled by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'AgentCustomerInformationCenter::Backend'}->{'0120-CIC-TicketNew'} =  {
  'Attributes' => 'StateType=new;',
  'Block' => 'ContentLarge',
  'CacheTTLLocal' => '0.5',
  'Default' => '1',
  'DefaultColumns' => {
    'Age' => '2',
    'Changed' => '1',
    'Created' => '1',
    'CustomerCompanyName' => '1',
    'CustomerID' => '1',
    'CustomerName' => '1',
    'CustomerUserID' => '1',
    'EscalationResponseTime' => '1',
    'EscalationSolutionTime' => '1',
    'EscalationTime' => '1',
    'EscalationUpdateTime' => '1',
    'Lock' => '1',
    'Owner' => '1',
    'PendingTime' => '1',
    'Priority' => '1',
    'Queue' => '1',
    'Responsible' => '1',
    'SLA' => '1',
    'Service' => '1',
    'State' => '1',
    'TicketNumber' => '2',
    'Title' => '2',
    'Type' => '1'
  'Description' => 'All new tickets, these tickets have not been worked on yet',
  'Filter' => 'All',
  'Group' => '',
  'Limit' => '10',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::Dashboard::TicketGeneric',
  'Permission' => 'ro',
  'Time' => 'Age',
  'Title' => 'New Tickets'

Parameters for the dashboard backend of the open tickets overview of the agent interface. "Limit" is the number of entries shown by default. "Group" is used to restrict the access to the plugin (e. g. Group: admin;group1;group2;). "Default" determines if the plugin is enabled by default or if the user needs to enable it manually. "CacheTTLLocal" is the cache time in minutes for the plugin. Note: Only Ticket attributes and Dynamic Fields (DynamicField_NameX) are allowed for DefaultColumns. Possible settings: 0 = Disabled, 1 = Available, 2 = Enabled by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'AgentCustomerInformationCenter::Backend'}->{'0130-CIC-TicketOpen'} =  {
  'Attributes' => 'StateType=open;',
  'Block' => 'ContentLarge',
  'CacheTTLLocal' => '0.5',
  'Default' => '1',
  'DefaultColumns' => {
    'Age' => '2',
    'Changed' => '1',
    'Created' => '1',
    'CustomerCompanyName' => '1',
    'CustomerID' => '1',
    'CustomerName' => '1',
    'CustomerUserID' => '1',
    'EscalationResponseTime' => '1',
    'EscalationSolutionTime' => '1',
    'EscalationTime' => '1',
    'EscalationUpdateTime' => '1',
    'Lock' => '1',
    'Owner' => '1',
    'PendingTime' => '1',
    'Priority' => '1',
    'Queue' => '1',
    'Responsible' => '1',
    'SLA' => '1',
    'Service' => '1',
    'State' => '1',
    'TicketNumber' => '2',
    'Title' => '2',
    'Type' => '1'
  'Description' => 'All open tickets, these tickets have already been worked on, but need a response',
  'Filter' => 'All',
  'Group' => '',
  'Limit' => '10',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::Dashboard::TicketGeneric',
  'Permission' => 'ro',
  'Time' => 'Age',
  'Title' => 'Open Tickets / Need to be answered'

Parameters for the dashboard backend of the customer id status widget of the agent interface . "Group" is used to restrict the access to the plugin (e. g. Group: admin;group1;group2;). "Default" determines if the plugin is enabled by default or if the user needs to enable it manually. "CacheTTLLocal" is the cache time in minutes for the plugin.

Default value:

 $Self->{'AgentCustomerInformationCenter::Backend'}->{'0500-CIC-CustomerIDStatus'} =  {
  'Attributes' => '',
  'Block' => 'ContentSmall',
  'CacheTTLLocal' => '0.5',
  'Default' => '1',
  'Description' => 'Company Status',
  'Group' => '',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::Dashboard::CustomerIDStatus',
  'Permission' => 'ro',
  'Title' => 'Company Status'

Ticket → Frontend::Agent::Dashboard::EventsTicketCalendar


Defines the calendar width in percent. Default is 95%.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'DashboardEventsTicketCalendar'}->{'CalendarWidth'} =  '95';

Defines queues that's tickets are used for displaying as calendar events.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'DashboardEventsTicketCalendar'}->{'Queues'} =  [

Define dynamic field name for start time. This field has to be manually added to the system as Ticket: "Date / Time" and must be activated in ticket creation screens and/or in any other ticket action screens.

Default value:

 $Self->{'DashboardEventsTicketCalendar::DynamicFieldStartTime'} =  'TicketCalendarStartTime';

Define dynamic field name for end time. This field has to be manually added to the system as Ticket: "Date / Time" and must be activated in ticket creation screens and/or in any other ticket action screens.

Default value:

 $Self->{'DashboardEventsTicketCalendar::DynamicFieldEndTime'} =  'TicketCalendarEndTime';

Defines the dynamic fields that are used for displaying on calendar events.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'DashboardEventsTicketCalendar::DynamicFieldsForEvents'} =  [

Defines the ticket fields that are going to be displayed calendar events. The "Key" defines the field or ticket attribute and the "Content" defines the display name.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'DashboardEventsTicketCalendar::TicketFieldsForEvents'} =  {
  'CustomerID' => 'Customer ID',
  'CustomerUserID' => 'Customer user',
  'Priority' => 'Priority',
  'Queue' => 'Queue',
  'SLA' => 'SLA',
  'Service' => 'Service',
  'State' => 'State',
  'Title' => 'Title',
  'Type' => 'Type'

Ticket → Frontend::Agent::Dashboard::TicketFilters


Defines if the values for filters should be retrieved from all available tickets. If set to "Yes", only values which are actually used in any ticket will be available for filtering. Please note: The list of customers will always be retrieved like this.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'OnlyValuesOnTicket'} =  '1';

Ticket → Frontend::Agent::LinkObject


Define Actions where a settings button is available in the linked objects widget (LinkObject::ViewMode = "complex"). Please note that these Actions must have registered the following JS and CSS files: Core.AllocationList.css, Core.UI.AllocationList.js, Core.UI.Table.Sort.js, Core.Agent.TableFilters.js.

Default value:

 $Self->{'LinkObject::ComplexTable::SettingsVisibility'}->{'Ticket'} =  [

Define which columns are shown in the linked tickets widget (LinkObject::ViewMode = "complex"). Note: Only Ticket attributes and Dynamic Fields (DynamicField_NameX) are allowed for DefaultColumns. Possible settings: 0 = Disabled, 1 = Available, 2 = Enabled by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'LinkObject::ComplexTable'}->{'Ticket'} =  {
  'DefaultColumns' => {
    'Age' => '1',
    'Changed' => '1',
    'Created' => '2',
    'CustomerCompanyName' => '1',
    'CustomerID' => '1',
    'CustomerName' => '1',
    'CustomerUserID' => '1',
    'EscalationResponseTime' => '1',
    'EscalationSolutionTime' => '1',
    'EscalationTime' => '1',
    'EscalationUpdateTime' => '1',
    'Lock' => '1',
    'Owner' => '1',
    'PendingTime' => '1',
    'Priority' => '1',
    'Queue' => '2',
    'Responsible' => '1',
    'SLA' => '1',
    'Service' => '1',
    'State' => '2',
    'TicketNumber' => '2',
    'Title' => '2',
    'Type' => '1'
  'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::LinkObject::Ticket.pm',
  'Priority' => {
    'Age' => '110',
    'Changed' => '120',
    'Created' => '310',
    'CustomerCompanyName' => '320',
    'CustomerID' => '240',
    'CustomerName' => '250',
    'CustomerUserID' => '260',
    'EscalationResponseTime' => '160',
    'EscalationSolutionTime' => '150',
    'EscalationTime' => '140',
    'EscalationUpdateTime' => '170',
    'Lock' => '200',
    'Owner' => '220',
    'PendingTime' => '130',
    'Priority' => '300',
    'Queue' => '210',
    'Responsible' => '230',
    'SLA' => '290',
    'Service' => '280',
    'State' => '190',
    'TicketNumber' => '100',
    'Title' => '180',
    'Type' => '270'

Ticket → Frontend::Agent::ModuleMetaHead


Module to generate html OpenSearch profile for short ticket search in the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Frontend::HeaderMetaModule'}->{'2-TicketSearch'} =  {
  'Action' => 'AgentTicketSearch',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::HeaderMeta::AgentTicketSearch'

Ticket → Frontend::Agent::ModuleNotify


Module to show notifications and escalations (ShownMax: max. shown escalations, EscalationInMinutes: Show ticket which will escalation in, CacheTime: Cache of calculated escalations in seconds).

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Frontend::NotifyModule'}->{'5-Ticket::TicketEscalation'} =  {
  'CacheTime' => '40',
  'EscalationInMinutes' => '120',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::Notification::AgentTicketEscalation',
  'ShownMax' => '25'

Ticket → Frontend::Agent::ModuleRegistration


Frontend module registration for the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Frontend::Module'}->{'AgentTicketQueue'} =  {
  'Description' => 'Overview of all open Tickets.',
  'Loader' => {
    'CSS' => [
    'JavaScript' => [
  'NavBar' => [
      'AccessKey' => 'o',
      'Block' => '',
      'Description' => 'Overview of all open Tickets.',
      'Link' => 'Action=AgentTicketQueue',
      'LinkOption' => '',
      'Name' => 'Queue view',
      'NavBar' => 'Ticket',
      'Prio' => '100',
      'Type' => ''
      'AccessKey' => 't',
      'Block' => 'ItemArea',
      'Description' => '',
      'Link' => 'Action=AgentTicketQueue',
      'LinkOption' => '',
      'Name' => 'Tickets',
      'NavBar' => 'Ticket',
      'Prio' => '200',
      'Type' => 'Menu'
  'NavBarName' => 'Ticket',
  'Title' => 'QueueView'

Frontend module registration for the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Frontend::Module'}->{'AgentTicketService'} =  {
  'Description' => 'Overview of all open Tickets.',
  'Loader' => {
    'CSS' => [
    'JavaScript' => [
  'NavBar' => [
      'AccessKey' => 'O',
      'Block' => '',
      'Description' => 'Overview of all open Tickets.',
      'Link' => 'Action=AgentTicketService',
      'LinkOption' => '',
      'Name' => 'Service view',
      'NavBar' => 'Ticket',
      'Prio' => '105',
      'Type' => ''
  'NavBarName' => 'Ticket',
  'Title' => 'ServiceView'

Frontend module registration for the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Frontend::Module'}->{'AgentTicketPhone'} =  {
  'Description' => 'Create new phone ticket.',
  'Loader' => {
    'JavaScript' => [
  'NavBar' => [
      'AccessKey' => 'n',
      'Block' => '',
      'Description' => 'Create new phone ticket (inbound).',
      'Link' => 'Action=AgentTicketPhone',
      'LinkOption' => '',
      'Name' => 'New phone ticket',
      'NavBar' => 'Ticket',
      'Prio' => '200',
      'Type' => ''
  'NavBarName' => 'Ticket',
  'Title' => 'New phone ticket'

Frontend module registration for the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Frontend::Module'}->{'AgentTicketPhoneOutbound'} =  {
  'Description' => 'Phone Call.',
  'Loader' => {
    'JavaScript' => [
  'NavBarName' => 'Ticket',
  'Title' => 'Phone-Ticket'

Frontend module registration for the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Frontend::Module'}->{'AgentTicketPhoneInbound'} =  {
  'Description' => 'Incoming Phone Call.',
  'Loader' => {
    'JavaScript' => [
  'NavBarName' => 'Ticket',
  'Title' => 'Phone-Ticket'

Frontend module registration for the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Frontend::Module'}->{'AgentTicketEmail'} =  {
  'Description' => 'Create new email ticket.',
  'Loader' => {
    'JavaScript' => [
  'NavBar' => [
      'AccessKey' => 'm',
      'Block' => '',
      'Description' => 'Create new email ticket and send this out (outbound).',
      'Link' => 'Action=AgentTicketEmail',
      'LinkOption' => '',
      'Name' => 'New email ticket',
      'NavBar' => 'Ticket',
      'Prio' => '210',
      'Type' => ''
  'NavBarName' => 'Ticket',
  'Title' => 'New email ticket'

Frontend module registration for the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Frontend::Module'}->{'AgentTicketSearch'} =  {
  'Description' => 'Search Ticket.',
  'Loader' => {
    'JavaScript' => [
  'NavBar' => [
      'AccessKey' => 's',
      'Block' => '',
      'Description' => 'Search Tickets.',
      'Link' => 'Action=AgentTicketSearch',
      'LinkOption' => 'onclick="window.setTimeout(function(){Core.Agent.Search.OpenSearchDialog(\'AgentTicketSearch\');}, 0); return false;"',
      'Name' => 'Search',
      'NavBar' => 'Ticket',
      'Prio' => '300',
      'Type' => ''
  'NavBarName' => 'Ticket',
  'Title' => 'Search'

Frontend module registration for the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Frontend::Module'}->{'AgentTicketLockedView'} =  {
  'Description' => 'Locked Tickets.',
  'Loader' => {
    'CSS' => [
    'JavaScript' => [
  'NavBarName' => 'Ticket',
  'Title' => 'Locked Tickets'

Frontend module registration for the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Frontend::Module'}->{'AgentTicketResponsibleView'} =  {
  'Description' => 'Responsible Tickets.',
  'Loader' => {
    'CSS' => [
    'JavaScript' => [
  'NavBarName' => 'Ticket',
  'Title' => 'Responsible Tickets'

Frontend module registration for the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Frontend::Module'}->{'AgentTicketWatchView'} =  {
  'Description' => 'Watched Tickets.',
  'Loader' => {
    'CSS' => [
    'JavaScript' => [
  'NavBarName' => 'Ticket',
  'Title' => 'Watched Tickets'

Frontend module registration for the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Frontend::Module'}->{'AgentCustomerSearch'} =  {
  'Description' => 'AgentCustomerSearch.',
  'NavBarName' => 'Ticket',
  'Title' => 'AgentCustomerSearch'

Frontend module registration for the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Frontend::Module'}->{'AgentUserSearch'} =  {
  'Description' => 'AgentUserSearch.',
  'NavBarName' => 'Ticket',
  'Title' => 'AgentUserSearch'

Frontend module registration for the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Frontend::Module'}->{'AgentTicketStatusView'} =  {
  'Description' => 'Overview of all open tickets.',
  'Loader' => {
    'CSS' => [
    'JavaScript' => [
  'NavBar' => [
      'AccessKey' => 'v',
      'Block' => '',
      'Description' => 'Overview of all open Tickets.',
      'Link' => 'Action=AgentTicketStatusView',
      'LinkOption' => '',
      'Name' => 'Status view',
      'NavBar' => 'Ticket',
      'Prio' => '110',
      'Type' => ''
  'NavBarName' => 'Ticket',
  'Title' => 'Status view'

Frontend module registration for the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Frontend::Module'}->{'AgentTicketEscalationView'} =  {
  'Description' => 'Overview of all escalated tickets.',
  'Loader' => {
    'CSS' => [
    'JavaScript' => [
  'NavBar' => [
      'AccessKey' => 'e',
      'Block' => '',
      'Description' => 'Overview Escalated Tickets.',
      'Link' => 'Action=AgentTicketEscalationView',
      'LinkOption' => '',
      'Name' => 'Escalation view',
      'NavBar' => 'Ticket',
      'Prio' => '120',
      'Type' => ''
  'NavBarName' => 'Ticket',
  'Title' => 'Escalation view'

Frontend module registration for the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Frontend::Module'}->{'AgentZoom'} =  {
  'Description' => 'Compat module for AgentZoom to AgentTicketZoom.',
  'NavBarName' => 'Ticket',
  'Title' => ''

Frontend module registration for the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Frontend::Module'}->{'AgentTicketZoom'} =  {
  'Description' => 'Ticket Zoom.',
  'Loader' => {
    'CSS' => [
    'JavaScript' => [
  'NavBarName' => 'Ticket',
  'Title' => 'Zoom'

Frontend module registration for the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Frontend::Module'}->{'AgentTicketAttachment'} =  {
  'Description' => 'To download attachments.',
  'NavBarName' => 'Ticket',
  'Title' => ''

Frontend module registration for the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Frontend::Module'}->{'AgentTicketPlain'} =  {
  'Description' => 'Ticket plain view of an email.',
  'NavBarName' => 'Ticket',
  'Title' => 'Plain'

Frontend module registration for the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Frontend::Module'}->{'AgentTicketNote'} =  {
  'Description' => 'Ticket Note.',
  'Loader' => {
    'JavaScript' => [
  'NavBarName' => 'Ticket',
  'Title' => 'Note'

Frontend module registration for the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Frontend::Module'}->{'AgentTicketMerge'} =  {
  'Description' => 'Ticket Merge.',
  'Loader' => {
    'JavaScript' => [
  'NavBarName' => 'Ticket',
  'Title' => 'Merge'

Frontend module registration for the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Frontend::Module'}->{'AgentTicketPending'} =  {
  'Description' => 'Ticket Pending.',
  'Loader' => {
    'JavaScript' => [
  'NavBarName' => 'Ticket',
  'Title' => 'Pending'

Frontend module registration for the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Frontend::Module'}->{'AgentTicketWatcher'} =  {
  'Description' => 'A TicketWatcher Module.',
  'NavBarName' => 'Ticket-Watcher',
  'Title' => 'Ticket Watcher'

Frontend module registration for the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Frontend::Module'}->{'AgentTicketPriority'} =  {
  'Description' => 'Ticket Priority.',
  'Loader' => {
    'JavaScript' => [
  'NavBarName' => 'Ticket',
  'Title' => 'Priority'

Frontend module registration for the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Frontend::Module'}->{'AgentTicketLock'} =  {
  'Description' => 'Ticket Lock.',
  'NavBarName' => 'Ticket',
  'Title' => 'Lock'

Frontend module registration for the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Frontend::Module'}->{'AgentTicketMove'} =  {
  'Description' => 'Ticket Move.',
  'Loader' => {
    'JavaScript' => [
  'NavBarName' => 'Ticket',
  'Title' => 'Move'

Frontend module registration for the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Frontend::Module'}->{'AgentTicketHistory'} =  {
  'Description' => 'Ticket History.',
  'NavBarName' => 'Ticket',
  'Title' => 'History'

Frontend module registration for the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Frontend::Module'}->{'AgentTicketOwner'} =  {
  'Description' => 'Ticket Owner.',
  'Loader' => {
    'JavaScript' => [
  'NavBarName' => 'Ticket',
  'Title' => 'Owner'

Frontend module registration for the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Frontend::Module'}->{'AgentTicketResponsible'} =  {
  'Description' => 'Ticket Responsible.',
  'Loader' => {
    'JavaScript' => [
  'NavBarName' => 'Ticket',
  'Title' => 'Responsible'

Frontend module registration for the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Frontend::Module'}->{'AgentTicketCompose'} =  {
  'Description' => 'Ticket Compose email Answer.',
  'Loader' => {
    'JavaScript' => [
  'NavBarName' => 'Ticket',
  'Title' => 'Compose'

Frontend module registration for the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Frontend::Module'}->{'AgentTicketBounce'} =  {
  'Description' => 'Ticket Compose Bounce Email.',
  'NavBarName' => 'Ticket',
  'Title' => 'Bounce'

Frontend module registration for the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Frontend::Module'}->{'AgentTicketForward'} =  {
  'Description' => 'Ticket Forward Email.',
  'Loader' => {
    'JavaScript' => [
  'NavBarName' => 'Ticket',
  'Title' => 'Forward'

Frontend module registration for the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Frontend::Module'}->{'AgentTicketEmailOutbound'} =  {
  'Description' => 'Ticket Outbound Email.',
  'Loader' => {
    'JavaScript' => [
  'NavBarName' => 'Ticket',
  'Title' => 'Email Outbound'

Frontend module registration for the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Frontend::Module'}->{'AgentTicketCustomer'} =  {
  'Description' => 'Ticket Customer.',
  'Loader' => {
    'JavaScript' => [
  'NavBarName' => 'Ticket',
  'Title' => 'Customer'

Frontend module registration for the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Frontend::Module'}->{'AgentTicketClose'} =  {
  'Description' => 'Ticket Close.',
  'Loader' => {
    'JavaScript' => [
  'NavBarName' => 'Ticket',
  'Title' => 'Close'

Frontend module registration for the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Frontend::Module'}->{'AgentTicketFreeText'} =  {
  'Description' => 'Ticket FreeText.',
  'Loader' => {
    'JavaScript' => [
  'NavBarName' => 'Ticket',
  'Title' => 'Free Fields'

Frontend module registration for the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Frontend::Module'}->{'AgentTicketPrint'} =  {
  'Description' => 'Ticket Print.',
  'NavBarName' => 'Ticket',
  'Title' => 'Print'

Frontend module registration for the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Frontend::Module'}->{'AgentTicketBulk'} =  {
  'Description' => 'Ticket bulk module.',
  'Loader' => {
    'JavaScript' => [
  'NavBarName' => 'Ticket',
  'Title' => 'Bulk Action'

Ticket → Frontend::Agent::Preferences


Parameters for the CustomQueue object in the preference view of the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'PreferencesGroups'}->{'CustomQueue'} =  {
  'Active' => '1',
  'Column' => 'Notification Settings',
  'Desc' => 'Your queue selection of your preferred queues. You also get notified about those queues via email if enabled.',
  'Key' => '',
  'Label' => 'My Queues',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::Preferences::CustomQueue',
  'Permission' => 'ro',
  'Prio' => '1000'

Parameters for the CustomService object in the preference view of the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'PreferencesGroups'}->{'CustomService'} =  {
  'Active' => '1',
  'Column' => 'Notification Settings',
  'Desc' => 'Your service selection of your preferred services. You also get notified about those services via email if enabled.',
  'Key' => '',
  'Label' => 'My Services',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::Preferences::CustomService',
  'Prio' => '1000'

Parameters for the RefreshTime object in the preference view of the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'PreferencesGroups'}->{'RefreshTime'} =  {
  'Active' => '1',
  'Column' => 'Other Settings',
  'Data' => {
    '0' => 'off',
    '10' => '10 minutes',
    '15' => '15 minutes',
    '2' => ' 2 minutes',
    '5' => ' 5 minutes',
    '7' => ' 7 minutes'
  'DataSelected' => '0',
  'Desc' => 'If enabled, the different overviews (Dashboard, LockedView, QueueView) will automatically refresh after the specified time.',
  'Key' => 'After',
  'Label' => 'Overview Refresh Time',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::Preferences::Generic',
  'PrefKey' => 'UserRefreshTime',
  'Prio' => '2000'

Parameters for the pages (in which the tickets are shown) of the small ticket overview.

Default value:

 $Self->{'PreferencesGroups'}->{'TicketOverviewSmallPageShown'} =  {
  'Active' => '0',
  'Column' => 'Other Settings',
  'Data' => {
    '10' => '10',
    '15' => '15',
    '20' => '20',
    '25' => '25',
    '30' => '30',
    '35' => '35'
  'DataSelected' => '25',
  'Key' => 'Ticket limit per page for Ticket Overview "Small"',
  'Label' => 'Ticket Overview "Small" Limit',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::Preferences::Generic',
  'PrefKey' => 'UserTicketOverviewSmallPageShown',
  'Prio' => '8000'

Parameters for the column filters of the small ticket overview.

Default value:

 $Self->{'PreferencesGroups'}->{'TicketOverviewFilterSettings'} =  {
  'Active' => '0',
  'Column' => 'Other Settings',
  'Key' => 'Column ticket filters for Ticket Overviews type "Small".',
  'Label' => 'Enabled filters.',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::Preferences::ColumnFilters',
  'PrefKey' => 'UserFilterColumnsEnabled',
  'Prio' => '8100'

Parameters for the pages (in which the tickets are shown) of the medium ticket overview.

Default value:

 $Self->{'PreferencesGroups'}->{'TicketOverviewMediumPageShown'} =  {
  'Active' => '0',
  'Column' => 'Other Settings',
  'Data' => {
    '10' => '10',
    '15' => '15',
    '20' => '20',
    '25' => '25',
    '30' => '30',
    '35' => '35'
  'DataSelected' => '20',
  'Key' => 'Ticket limit per page for Ticket Overview "Medium"',
  'Label' => 'Ticket Overview "Medium" Limit',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::Preferences::Generic',
  'PrefKey' => 'UserTicketOverviewMediumPageShown',
  'Prio' => '8100'

Parameters for the pages (in which the tickets are shown) of the ticket preview overview.

Default value:

 $Self->{'PreferencesGroups'}->{'TicketOverviewPreviewPageShown'} =  {
  'Active' => '0',
  'Column' => 'Other Settings',
  'Data' => {
    '10' => '10',
    '15' => '15',
    '20' => '20',
    '25' => '25',
    '30' => '30',
    '35' => '35'
  'DataSelected' => '15',
  'Key' => 'Ticket limit per page for Ticket Overview "Preview"',
  'Label' => 'Ticket Overview "Preview" Limit',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::Preferences::Generic',
  'PrefKey' => 'UserTicketOverviewPreviewPageShown',
  'Prio' => '8200'

Parameters for the CreateNextMask object in the preference view of the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'PreferencesGroups'}->{'CreateNextMask'} =  {
  'Active' => '1',
  'Column' => 'Other Settings',
  'Data' => {
    '0' => 'Create Ticket',
    'AgentTicketZoom' => 'Ticket Zoom'
  'DataSelected' => '',
  'Desc' => 'Configure which screen should be shown after a new ticket has been created.',
  'Key' => 'Screen',
  'Label' => 'Screen after new ticket',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::Preferences::Generic',
  'PrefKey' => 'UserCreateNextMask',
  'Prio' => '3000'

Transport selection for ticket notifications.

Default value:

 $Self->{'PreferencesGroups'}->{'NotificationEvent'} =  {
  'Active' => '1',
  'Column' => 'Notification Settings',
  'Desc' => 'Choose for which kind of ticket changes you want to receive notifications.',
  'Label' => 'Ticket notifications',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::Preferences::NotificationEvent',
  'PrefKey' => 'AdminNotifcationEventTransport',
  'Prio' => '8000'

Ticket → Frontend::Agent::SearchRouter


Search backend router.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Frontend::Search'}->{'AgentCustomerInformationCenter'} =  {
  '^AgentCustomerInformationCenter' => 'Action=AgentCustomerInformationCenterSearch'

JavaScript function for the search frontend.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Frontend::Search::JavaScript'}->{'AgentCustomerInformationCenter'} =  {
  '^AgentCustomerInformationCenter' => 'Core.Agent.CustomerInformationCenterSearch.OpenSearchDialog()'

Search backend router.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Frontend::Search'}->{'Ticket'} =  {
  '^AgentTicket' => 'Action=AgentTicketSearch;Subaction=AJAX'

Ticket → Frontend::Agent::Ticket::ArticleAttachmentModule


Shows a link to download article attachments in the zoom view of the article in the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::ArticleAttachmentModule'}->{'1-Download'} =  {
  'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::ArticleAttachment::Download'

Shows a link to access article attachments via a html online viewer in the zoom view of the article in the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::ArticleAttachmentModule'}->{'2-HTML-Viewer'} =  {
  'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::ArticleAttachment::HTMLViewer'

Ticket → Frontend::Agent::Ticket::ArticleComposeModule


Module to compose signed messages (PGP or S/MIME).

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::ArticleComposeModule'}->{'1-SignEmail'} =  {
  'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::ArticleCompose::Sign'

Module to crypt composed messages (PGP or S/MIME).

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::ArticleComposeModule'}->{'2-CryptEmail'} =  {
  'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::ArticleCompose::Crypt'

Ticket → Frontend::Agent::Ticket::ArticleViewModule


Agent interface article notification module to check PGP.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::ArticleViewModule'}->{'1-PGP'} =  {
  'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::ArticleCheck::PGP'

Agent interface module to check incoming emails in the Ticket-Zoom-View if the S/MIME-key is available and true.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::ArticleViewModule'}->{'1-SMIME'} =  {
  'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::ArticleCheck::SMIME'

Ticket → Frontend::Agent::Ticket::ArticleViewModulePre


Agent interface article notification module to check PGP.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::ArticlePreViewModule'}->{'1-PGP'} =  {
  'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::ArticleCheck::PGP'

Agent interface article notification module to check S/MIME.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::ArticlePreViewModule'}->{'1-SMIME'} =  {
  'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::ArticleCheck::SMIME'

Ticket → Frontend::Agent::Ticket::MenuModule


Shows a link in the menu to go back in the ticket zoom view of the agent interface. Additional access control to show or not show this link can be done by using Key "Group" and Content like "rw:group1;move_into:group2". To cluster menu items use for Key "ClusterName" and for the Content any name you want to see in the UI. Use "ClusterPriority" to configure the order of a certain cluster within the toolbar.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::MenuModule'}->{'000-Back'} =  {
  'Action' => '',
  'ClusterName' => '',
  'ClusterPriority' => '',
  'Description' => 'Go back',
  'Link' => '[% Env("LastScreenOverview") %];TicketID=[% Data.TicketID | html %]',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::TicketMenu::Generic',
  'Name' => 'Back',
  'PopupType' => '',
  'Target' => ''

Shows a link in the menu to lock/unlock tickets in the ticket zoom view of the agent interface. Additional access control to show or not show this link can be done by using Key "Group" and Content like "rw:group1;move_into:group2". To cluster menu items use for Key "ClusterName" and for the Content any name you want to see in the UI. Use "ClusterPriority" to configure the order of a certain cluster within the toolbar.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::MenuModule'}->{'100-Lock'} =  {
  'Action' => 'AgentTicketLock',
  'ClusterName' => 'Miscellaneous',
  'ClusterPriority' => '800',
  'Description' => 'Lock / unlock this ticket',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::TicketMenu::Lock',
  'Name' => 'Lock',
  'Target' => ''

Shows a link in the menu to access the history of a ticket in the ticket zoom view of the agent interface. Additional access control to show or not show this link can be done by using Key "Group" and Content like "rw:group1;move_into:group2". To cluster menu items use for Key "ClusterName" and for the Content any name you want to see in the UI. Use "ClusterPriority" to configure the order of a certain cluster within the toolbar.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::MenuModule'}->{'200-History'} =  {
  'Action' => 'AgentTicketHistory',
  'ClusterName' => 'Miscellaneous',
  'ClusterPriority' => '800',
  'Description' => 'Show the history for this ticket',
  'Link' => 'Action=AgentTicketHistory;TicketID=[% Data.TicketID | html %]',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::TicketMenu::Generic',
  'Name' => 'History',
  'PopupType' => 'TicketHistory',
  'Target' => ''

Shows a link in the menu to print a ticket or an article in the ticket zoom view of the agent interface. Additional access control to show or not show this link can be done by using Key "Group" and Content like "rw:group1;move_into:group2". To cluster menu items use for Key "ClusterName" and for the Content any name you want to see in the UI. Use "ClusterPriority" to configure the order of a certain cluster within the toolbar.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::MenuModule'}->{'210-Print'} =  {
  'Action' => 'AgentTicketPrint',
  'ClusterName' => '',
  'ClusterPriority' => '',
  'Description' => 'Print this ticket',
  'Link' => 'Action=AgentTicketPrint;TicketID=[% Data.TicketID | html %]',
  'LinkParam' => 'target="print"',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::TicketMenu::Generic',
  'Name' => 'Print',
  'PopupType' => 'TicketAction',
  'Target' => ''

Shows a link in the menu to see the priority of a ticket in the ticket zoom view of the agent interface. Additional access control to show or not show this link can be done by using Key "Group" and Content like "rw:group1;move_into:group2". To cluster menu items use for Key "ClusterName" and for the Content any name you want to see in the UI. Use "ClusterPriority" to configure the order of a certain cluster within the toolbar.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::MenuModule'}->{'300-Priority'} =  {
  'Action' => 'AgentTicketPriority',
  'ClusterName' => '',
  'ClusterPriority' => '',
  'Description' => 'Change the priority for this ticket',
  'Link' => 'Action=AgentTicketPriority;TicketID=[% Data.TicketID | html %]',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::TicketMenu::Generic',
  'Name' => 'Priority',
  'PopupType' => 'TicketAction',
  'Target' => ''

Shows a link in the menu to add a free text field in the ticket zoom view of the agent interface. Additional access control to show or not show this link can be done by using Key "Group" and Content like "rw:group1;move_into:group2". To cluster menu items use for Key "ClusterName" and for the Content any name you want to see in the UI. Use "ClusterPriority" to configure the order of a certain cluster within the toolbar.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::MenuModule'}->{'310-FreeText'} =  {
  'Action' => 'AgentTicketFreeText',
  'ClusterName' => 'Miscellaneous',
  'ClusterPriority' => '800',
  'Description' => 'Change the free fields for this ticket',
  'Link' => 'Action=AgentTicketFreeText;TicketID=[% Data.TicketID | html %]',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::TicketMenu::Generic',
  'Name' => 'Free Fields',
  'PopupType' => 'TicketAction',
  'Target' => ''

Shows a link in the menu that allows linking a ticket with another object in the ticket zoom view of the agent interface. Additional access control to show or not show this link can be done by using Key "Group" and Content like "rw:group1;move_into:group2". To cluster menu items use for Key "ClusterName" and for the Content any name you want to see in the UI. Use "ClusterPriority" to configure the order of a certain cluster within the toolbar.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::MenuModule'}->{'320-Link'} =  {
  'Action' => 'AgentLinkObject',
  'ClusterName' => 'Miscellaneous',
  'ClusterPriority' => '800',
  'Description' => 'Link this ticket to other objects',
  'Link' => 'Action=AgentLinkObject;SourceObject=Ticket;SourceKey=[% Data.TicketID | html %]',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::TicketMenu::Generic',
  'Name' => 'Link',
  'PopupType' => 'TicketAction',
  'Target' => ''

Shows a link in the menu to change the owner of a ticket in the ticket zoom view of the agent interface. Additional access control to show or not show this link can be done by using Key "Group" and Content like "rw:group1;move_into:group2". To cluster menu items use for Key "ClusterName" and for the Content any name you want to see in the UI. Use "ClusterPriority" to configure the order of a certain cluster within the toolbar.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::MenuModule'}->{'400-Owner'} =  {
  'Action' => 'AgentTicketOwner',
  'ClusterName' => 'People',
  'ClusterPriority' => '430',
  'Description' => 'Change the owner for this ticket',
  'Link' => 'Action=AgentTicketOwner;TicketID=[% Data.TicketID | html %]',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::TicketMenu::Generic',
  'Name' => 'Owner',
  'PopupType' => 'TicketAction',
  'Target' => ''

Shows a link in the menu to change the responsible agent of a ticket in the ticket zoom view of the agent interface. Additional access control to show or not show this link can be done by using Key "Group" and Content like "rw:group1;move_into:group2". To cluster menu items use for Key "ClusterName" and for the Content any name you want to see in the UI. Use "ClusterPriority" to configure the order of a certain cluster within the toolbar.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::MenuModule'}->{'410-Responsible'} =  {
  'Action' => 'AgentTicketResponsible',
  'ClusterName' => 'People',
  'ClusterPriority' => '430',
  'Description' => 'Change the responsible for this ticket',
  'Link' => 'Action=AgentTicketResponsible;TicketID=[% Data.TicketID | html %]',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::TicketMenu::Responsible',
  'Name' => 'Responsible',
  'PopupType' => 'TicketAction',
  'Target' => ''

Shows a link in the menu to change the customer who requested the ticket in the ticket zoom view of the agent interface. Additional access control to show or not show this link can be done by using Key "Group" and Content like "rw:group1;move_into:group2". To cluster menu items use for Key "ClusterName" and for the Content any name you want to see in the UI. Use "ClusterPriority" to configure the order of a certain cluster within the toolbar.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::MenuModule'}->{'420-Customer'} =  {
  'Action' => 'AgentTicketCustomer',
  'ClusterName' => 'People',
  'ClusterPriority' => '430',
  'Description' => 'Change the customer for this ticket',
  'Link' => 'Action=AgentTicketCustomer;TicketID=[% Data.TicketID | html %]',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::TicketMenu::Generic',
  'Name' => 'Customer',
  'PopupType' => 'TicketAction',
  'Target' => ''

Shows a link in the menu to add a note in the ticket zoom view of the agent interface. Additional access control to show or not show this link can be done by using Key "Group" and Content like "rw:group1;move_into:group2". To cluster menu items use for Key "ClusterName" and for the Content any name you want to see in the UI. Use "ClusterPriority" to configure the order of a certain cluster within the toolbar.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::MenuModule'}->{'420-Note'} =  {
  'Action' => 'AgentTicketNote',
  'ClusterName' => 'Communication',
  'ClusterPriority' => '435',
  'Description' => 'Add a note to this ticket',
  'Link' => 'Action=AgentTicketNote;TicketID=[% Data.TicketID | html %]',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::TicketMenu::Generic',
  'Name' => 'Note',
  'PopupType' => 'TicketAction',
  'Target' => ''
Ticket::Frontend::MenuModule###425-Phone Call Outbound

Shows a link in the menu to add a phone call outbound in the ticket zoom view of the agent interface. Additional access control to show or not show this link can be done by using Key "Group" and Content like "rw:group1;move_into:group2". To cluster menu items use for Key "ClusterName" and for the Content any name you want to see in the UI. Use "ClusterPriority" to configure the order of a certain cluster within the toolbar.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::MenuModule'}->{'425-Phone Call Outbound'} =  {
  'Action' => 'AgentTicketPhoneOutbound',
  'ClusterName' => 'Communication',
  'ClusterPriority' => '435',
  'Description' => 'Add an outbound phone call to this ticket',
  'Link' => 'Action=AgentTicketPhoneOutbound;TicketID=[% Data.TicketID | html %]',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::TicketMenu::Generic',
  'Name' => 'Phone Call Outbound',
  'PopupType' => 'TicketAction',
  'Target' => ''
Ticket::Frontend::MenuModule###426-Phone Call Inbound

Shows a link in the menu to add a phone call inbound in the ticket zoom view of the agent interface. Additional access control to show or not show this link can be done by using Key "Group" and Content like "rw:group1;move_into:group2". To cluster menu items use for Key "ClusterName" and for the Content any name you want to see in the UI. Use "ClusterPriority" to configure the order of a certain cluster within the toolbar.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::MenuModule'}->{'426-Phone Call Inbound'} =  {
  'Action' => 'AgentTicketPhoneInbound',
  'ClusterName' => 'Communication',
  'ClusterPriority' => '435',
  'Description' => 'Add an inbound phone call to this ticket',
  'Link' => 'Action=AgentTicketPhoneInbound;TicketID=[% Data.TicketID | html %]',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::TicketMenu::Generic',
  'Name' => 'Phone Call Inbound',
  'PopupType' => 'TicketAction',
  'Target' => ''
Ticket::Frontend::MenuModule###427-Email Outbound

Shows a link in the menu to send an outbound email in the ticket zoom view of the agent interface. Additional access control to show or not show this link can be done by using Key "Group" and Content like "rw:group1;move_into:group2". To cluster menu items use for Key "ClusterName" and for the Content any name you want to see in the UI. Use "ClusterPriority" to configure the order of a certain cluster within the toolbar.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::MenuModule'}->{'427-Email Outbound'} =  {
  'Action' => 'AgentTicketEmailOutbound',
  'ClusterName' => 'Communication',
  'ClusterPriority' => '435',
  'Description' => 'Send new outgoing mail from this ticket',
  'Link' => 'Action=AgentTicketEmailOutbound;TicketID=[% Data.TicketID | html %]',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::TicketMenu::Generic',
  'Name' => 'E-Mail Outbound',
  'PopupType' => 'TicketAction',
  'Target' => ''

Shows a link in the menu that allows merging tickets in the ticket zoom view of the agent interface. Additional access control to show or not show this link can be done by using Key "Group" and Content like "rw:group1;move_into:group2". To cluster menu items use for Key "ClusterName" and for the Content any name you want to see in the UI. Use "ClusterPriority" to configure the order of a certain cluster within the toolbar.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::MenuModule'}->{'430-Merge'} =  {
  'Action' => 'AgentTicketMerge',
  'ClusterName' => 'Miscellaneous',
  'ClusterPriority' => '800',
  'Description' => 'Merge this ticket and all articles into another ticket',
  'Link' => 'Action=AgentTicketMerge;TicketID=[% Data.TicketID | html %]',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::TicketMenu::Generic',
  'Name' => 'Merge',
  'PopupType' => 'TicketAction',
  'Target' => ''

Shows a link in the menu to set a ticket as pending in the ticket zoom view of the agent interface. Additional access control to show or not show this link can be done by using Key "Group" and Content like "rw:group1;move_into:group2". To cluster menu items use for Key "ClusterName" and for the Content any name you want to see in the UI. Use "ClusterPriority" to configure the order of a certain cluster within the toolbar.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::MenuModule'}->{'440-Pending'} =  {
  'Action' => 'AgentTicketPending',
  'ClusterName' => '',
  'ClusterPriority' => '',
  'Description' => 'Set this ticket to pending',
  'Link' => 'Action=AgentTicketPending;TicketID=[% Data.TicketID | html %]',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::TicketMenu::Generic',
  'Name' => 'Pending',
  'PopupType' => 'TicketAction',
  'Target' => ''

Shows a link in the menu for subscribing / unsubscribing from a ticket in the ticket zoom view of the agent interface. Additional access control to show or not show this link can be done by using Key "Group" and Content like "rw:group1;move_into:group2". To cluster menu items use for Key "ClusterName" and for the Content any name you want to see in the UI. Use "ClusterPriority" to configure the order of a certain cluster within the toolbar.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::MenuModule'}->{'448-Watch'} =  {
  'Action' => 'AgentTicketWatcher',
  'ClusterName' => '',
  'ClusterPriority' => '',
  'Description' => 'Watch this ticket',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::TicketMenu::TicketWatcher',
  'Name' => 'Watch',
  'Target' => ''

Shows a link in the menu to close a ticket in the ticket zoom view of the agent interface. Additional access control to show or not show this link can be done by using Key "Group" and Content like "rw:group1;move_into:group2". To cluster menu items use for Key "ClusterName" and for the Content any name you want to see in the UI. Use "ClusterPriority" to configure the order of a certain cluster within the toolbar.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::MenuModule'}->{'450-Close'} =  {
  'Action' => 'AgentTicketClose',
  'ClusterName' => '',
  'ClusterPriority' => '',
  'Description' => 'Close this ticket',
  'Link' => 'Action=AgentTicketClose;TicketID=[% Data.TicketID | html %]',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::TicketMenu::Generic',
  'Name' => 'Close',
  'PopupType' => 'TicketAction',
  'Target' => ''

Shows a link in the menu to delete a ticket in the ticket zoom view of the agent interface. Additional access control to show or not show this link can be done by using Key "Group" and Content like "rw:group1;move_into:group2". To cluster menu items use for Key "ClusterName" and for the Content any name you want to see in the UI. Use "ClusterPriority" to configure the order of a certain cluster within the toolbar.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::MenuModule'}->{'460-Delete'} =  {
  'Action' => 'AgentTicketMove',
  'ClusterName' => '',
  'ClusterPriority' => '',
  'Description' => 'Delete this ticket',
  'Link' => 'Action=AgentTicketMove;TicketID=[% Data.TicketID %];DestQueue=Delete',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::TicketMenu::Generic',
  'Name' => 'Delete',
  'PopupType' => '',
  'Target' => ''

Shows a link to set a ticket as junk in the ticket zoom view of the agent interface. Additional access control to show or not show this link can be done by using Key "Group" and Content like "rw:group1;move_into:group2". To cluster menu items use for Key "ClusterName" and for the Content any name you want to see in the UI. Use "ClusterPriority" to configure the order of a certain cluster within the toolbar.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::MenuModule'}->{'470-Junk'} =  {
  'Action' => 'AgentTicketMove',
  'ClusterName' => '',
  'ClusterPriority' => '',
  'Description' => 'Mark this ticket as junk!',
  'Link' => 'Action=AgentTicketMove;TicketID=[% Data.TicketID %];DestQueue=Junk',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::TicketMenu::Generic',
  'Name' => 'Spam',
  'PopupType' => '',
  'Target' => ''

Ticket → Frontend::Agent::Ticket::MenuModulePre


Shows a link in the menu to lock / unlock a ticket in the ticket overviews of the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::PreMenuModule'}->{'100-Lock'} =  {
  'Action' => 'AgentTicketLock',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::TicketMenu::Lock',
  'Name' => 'Lock',
  'PopupType' => '',
  'Target' => ''

Shows a link in the menu to zoom a ticket in the ticket overviews of the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::PreMenuModule'}->{'200-Zoom'} =  {
  'Action' => 'AgentTicketZoom',
  'Description' => 'Look into a ticket!',
  'Link' => 'Action=AgentTicketZoom;TicketID=[% Data.TicketID | html %]',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::TicketMenu::Generic',
  'Name' => 'Zoom',
  'PopupType' => '',
  'Target' => ''

Shows a link in the menu to see the history of a ticket in every ticket overview of the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::PreMenuModule'}->{'210-History'} =  {
  'Action' => 'AgentTicketHistory',
  'Description' => 'Show the ticket history',
  'Link' => 'Action=AgentTicketHistory;TicketID=[% Data.TicketID | html %]',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::TicketMenu::Generic',
  'Name' => 'History',
  'PopupType' => 'TicketHistory',
  'Target' => ''

Shows a link in the menu to set the priority of a ticket in every ticket overview of the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::PreMenuModule'}->{'300-Priority'} =  {
  'Action' => 'AgentTicketPriority',
  'Description' => 'Change the priority for this ticket',
  'Link' => 'Action=AgentTicketPriority;TicketID=[% Data.TicketID | html %]',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::TicketMenu::Generic',
  'Name' => 'Priority',
  'PopupType' => 'TicketAction',
  'Target' => ''

Shows a link in the menu to add a note to a ticket in every ticket overview of the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::PreMenuModule'}->{'420-Note'} =  {
  'Action' => 'AgentTicketNote',
  'Description' => 'Add a note to this ticket',
  'Link' => 'Action=AgentTicketNote;TicketID=[% Data.TicketID | html %]',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::TicketMenu::Generic',
  'Name' => 'Note',
  'PopupType' => 'TicketAction',
  'Target' => ''

Shows a link in the menu to close a ticket in every ticket overview of the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::PreMenuModule'}->{'440-Close'} =  {
  'Action' => 'AgentTicketClose',
  'Description' => 'Close this ticket',
  'Link' => 'Action=AgentTicketClose;TicketID=[% Data.TicketID | html %]',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::TicketMenu::Generic',
  'Name' => 'Close',
  'PopupType' => 'TicketAction',
  'Target' => ''

Shows a link in the menu to move a ticket in every ticket overview of the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::PreMenuModule'}->{'445-Move'} =  {
  'Action' => 'AgentTicketMove',
  'Description' => 'Change queue!',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::TicketMenu::Move',
  'Name' => 'Move'

Shows a link in the menu to delete a ticket in every ticket overview of the agent interface. Additional access control to show or not show this link can be done by using Key "Group" and Content like "rw:group1;move_into:group2".

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::PreMenuModule'}->{'450-Delete'} =  {
  'Action' => 'AgentTicketMove',
  'Description' => 'Delete this ticket',
  'Link' => 'Action=AgentTicketMove;TicketID=[% Data.TicketID %];DestQueue=Delete',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::TicketMenu::Generic',
  'Name' => 'Delete',
  'PopupType' => '',
  'Target' => ''

Shows a link in the menu to set a ticket as junk in every ticket overview of the agent interface. Additional access control to show or not show this link can be done by using Key "Group" and Content like "rw:group1;move_into:group2".

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::PreMenuModule'}->{'460-Junk'} =  {
  'Action' => 'AgentTicketMove',
  'Description' => 'Mark as Spam!',
  'Link' => 'Action=AgentTicketMove;TicketID=[% Data.TicketID %];DestQueue=Junk',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::TicketMenu::Generic',
  'Name' => 'Spam',
  'PopupType' => '',
  'Target' => ''

Ticket → Frontend::Agent::Ticket::OverviewMenuModule


Shows a select of ticket attributes to order the queue view ticket list. The possible selections can be configured via 'TicketOverviewMenuSort###SortAttributes'.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::OverviewMenuModule'}->{'001-Sort'} =  {
  'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::TicketOverviewMenu::Sort'

Defines from which ticket attributes the agent can select the result order.

Default value:

 $Self->{'TicketOverviewMenuSort'}->{'SortAttributes'} =  {
  'Age' => '1',
  'Title' => '1'

Ticket → Frontend::Agent::Ticket::ViewBounce


Required permissions to use the ticket bounce screen in the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketBounce'}->{'Permission'} =  'bounce';

Defines if a ticket lock is required in the ticket bounce screen of the agent interface (if the ticket isn't locked yet, the ticket gets locked and the current agent will be set automatically as its owner).

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketBounce'}->{'RequiredLock'} =  '1';

Defines the default next state of a ticket after being bounced, in the ticket bounce screen of the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketBounce'}->{'StateDefault'} =  'closed successful';

Defines the next state of a ticket after being bounced, in the ticket bounce screen of the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketBounce'}->{'StateType'} =  [

Defines the default ticket bounced notification for customer/sender in the ticket bounce screen of the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::BounceText'} =  'Your email with ticket number "<OTRS_TICKET>" is bounced to "<OTRS_BOUNCE_TO>". Contact this address for further information.';

Ticket → Frontend::Agent::Ticket::ViewBulk


Automatically lock and set owner to current Agent after selecting for an Bulk Action.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketBulk'}->{'RequiredLock'} =  '1';

Sets the ticket type in the ticket bulk screen of the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketBulk'}->{'TicketType'} =  '1';

Sets the ticket owner in the ticket bulk screen of the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketBulk'}->{'Owner'} =  '1';

Sets the responsible agent of the ticket in the ticket bulk screen of the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketBulk'}->{'Responsible'} =  '1';

Sets the state of a ticket in the ticket bulk screen of the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketBulk'}->{'State'} =  '1';

Defines the next state of a ticket after adding a note, in the ticket bulk screen of the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketBulk'}->{'StateType'} =  [
  'pending reminder',
  'pending auto'

Defines the default next state of a ticket after adding a note, in the ticket bulk screen of the agent interface.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketBulk'}->{'StateDefault'} =  'open';

Shows the ticket priority options in the ticket bulk screen of the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketBulk'}->{'Priority'} =  '1';

Defines the default ticket priority in the ticket bulk screen of the agent interface.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketBulk'}->{'PriorityDefault'} =  '3 normal';

Defines the default type of the note in the ticket bulk screen of the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketBulk'}->{'ArticleTypeDefault'} =  'note-internal';

Specifies the different note types that will be used in the system.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketBulk'}->{'ArticleTypes'} =  {
  'note-external' => '1',
  'note-internal' => '1',
  'note-report' => '0'

Ticket → Frontend::Agent::Ticket::ViewClose


Required permissions to use the close ticket screen in the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketClose'}->{'Permission'} =  'close';

Defines if a ticket lock is required in the close ticket screen of the agent interface (if the ticket isn't locked yet, the ticket gets locked and the current agent will be set automatically as its owner).

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketClose'}->{'RequiredLock'} =  '1';

Sets the ticket type in the close ticket screen of the agent interface (Ticket::Type needs to be activated).

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketClose'}->{'TicketType'} =  '0';

Sets the service in the close ticket screen of the agent interface (Ticket::Service needs to be activated).

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketClose'}->{'Service'} =  '0';

Sets if service must be selected by the agent.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketClose'}->{'ServiceMandatory'} =  '0';

Sets if SLA must be selected by the agent.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketClose'}->{'SLAMandatory'} =  '0';

Sets the queue in the ticket close screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketClose'}->{'Queue'} =  '0';

Sets the ticket owner in the close ticket screen of the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketClose'}->{'Owner'} =  '0';

Sets if ticket owner must be selected by the agent.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketClose'}->{'OwnerMandatory'} =  '0';

Sets the responsible agent of the ticket in the close ticket screen of the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketClose'}->{'Responsible'} =  '0';

Sets the state of a ticket in the close ticket screen of the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketClose'}->{'State'} =  '1';

Defines the next state of a ticket after adding a note, in the close ticket screen of the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketClose'}->{'StateType'} =  [

Defines the default next state of a ticket after adding a note, in the close ticket screen of the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketClose'}->{'StateDefault'} =  'closed successful';

Allows adding notes in the close ticket screen of the agent interface. Can be overwritten by Ticket::Frontend::NeedAccountedTime.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketClose'}->{'Note'} =  '1';

Sets if note must be filled in by the agent. Can be overwritten by Ticket::Frontend::NeedAccountedTime.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketClose'}->{'NoteMandatory'} =  '1';

Sets the default subject for notes added in the close ticket screen of the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketClose'}->{'Subject'} =  '';

Sets the default body text for notes added in the close ticket screen of the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketClose'}->{'Body'} =  '';

Shows a list of all the involved agents on this ticket, in the close ticket screen of the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketClose'}->{'InvolvedAgent'} =  '0';

Shows a list of all the possible agents (all agents with note permissions on the queue/ticket) to determine who should be informed about this note, in the close ticket screen of the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketClose'}->{'InformAgent'} =  '0';

Defines the default type of the note in the close ticket screen of the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketClose'}->{'ArticleTypeDefault'} =  'note-internal';

Specifies the available note types for this ticket mask. If the option is deselected, ArticleTypeDefault is used and the option is removed from the mask.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketClose'}->{'ArticleTypes'} =  {
  'note-external' => '0',
  'note-internal' => '1',
  'note-report' => '0'

Shows the ticket priority options in the close ticket screen of the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketClose'}->{'Priority'} =  '0';

Defines the default ticket priority in the close ticket screen of the agent interface.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketClose'}->{'PriorityDefault'} =  '3 normal';

Shows the title fields in the close ticket screen of the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketClose'}->{'Title'} =  '0';

Defines the history type for the close ticket screen action, which gets used for ticket history in the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketClose'}->{'HistoryType'} =  'AddNote';

Defines the history comment for the close ticket screen action, which gets used for ticket history in the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketClose'}->{'HistoryComment'} =  '%%Close';

Dynamic fields shown in the ticket close screen of the agent interface. Possible settings: 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled, 2 = Enabled and required.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketClose'}->{'DynamicField'} =  {};

Defines the width for the rich text editor component for this screen. Enter number (pixels) or percent value (relative).

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketClose'}->{'RichTextWidth'} =  '620';

Defines the height for the rich text editor component for this screen. Enter number (pixels) or percent value (relative).

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketClose'}->{'RichTextHeight'} =  '100';

Ticket → Frontend::Agent::Ticket::ViewCompose


Required permissions to use the ticket compose screen in the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketCompose'}->{'Permission'} =  'compose';

Defines if a ticket lock is required in the ticket compose screen of the agent interface (if the ticket isn't locked yet, the ticket gets locked and the current agent will be set automatically as its owner).

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketCompose'}->{'RequiredLock'} =  '1';

Defines the default next state of a ticket if it is composed / answered in the ticket compose screen of the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketCompose'}->{'StateDefault'} =  'open';

Defines the next possible states after composing / answering a ticket in the ticket compose screen of the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketCompose'}->{'StateType'} =  [
  'pending auto',
  'pending reminder'

Specifies the different article types that will be used in the system.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketCompose'}->{'ArticleTypes'} =  [

Specifies the default article type for the ticket compose screen in the agent interface if the article type cannot be automatically detected.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketCompose'}->{'DefaultArticleType'} =  'email-external';

Defines the format of responses in the ticket compose screen of the agent interface ([% Data.OrigFrom | html %] is From 1:1, [% Data.OrigFromName | html %] is only realname of From).

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::ResponseFormat'} =  '[% Data.Salutation | html %]
[% Data.StdResponse | html %]
[% Data.Signature | html %]

[% Data.Created | Localize("TimeShort") %] - [% Data.OrigFromName | html %] [% Translate("wrote") | html %]:
[% Data.Body | html %]

Defines the used character for plaintext email quotes in the ticket compose screen of the agent interface. If this is empty or inactive, original emails will not be quoted but appended to the response.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::Quote'} =  '>';

Defines the maximum number of quoted lines to be added to responses.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::ResponseQuoteMaxLines'} =  '99';

Adds customers email addresses to recipients in the ticket compose screen of the agent interface. The customers email address won't be added if the article type is email-internal.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::ComposeAddCustomerAddress'} =  '1';

Replaces the original sender with current customer's email address on compose answer in the ticket compose screen of the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::ComposeReplaceSenderAddress'} =  '0';

Uses Cc recipients in reply Cc list on compose an email answer in the ticket compose screen of the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::ComposeExcludeCcRecipients'} =  '0';

Dynamic fields shown in the ticket compose screen of the agent interface. Possible settings: 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled, 2 = Enabled and required.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketCompose'}->{'DynamicField'} =  {};

Ticket → Frontend::Agent::Ticket::ViewCustomer


Required permissions to change the customer of a ticket in the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketCustomer'}->{'Permission'} =  'customer';

Defines if a ticket lock is required to change the customer of a ticket in the agent interface (if the ticket isn't locked yet, the ticket gets locked and the current agent will be set automatically as its owner).

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketCustomer'}->{'RequiredLock'} =  '0';

Controls if CustomerID is read-only in the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketCustomer::CustomerIDReadOnly'} =  '1';

Ticket → Frontend::Agent::Ticket::ViewEmailNew


Sets the default priority for new email tickets in the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketEmail'}->{'Priority'} =  '3 normal';

Sets the default article type for new email tickets in the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketEmail'}->{'ArticleType'} =  'email-external';

Sets the default sender type for new email tickets in the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketEmail'}->{'SenderType'} =  'agent';

Controls if CustomerID is read-only in the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketEmail::CustomerIDReadOnly'} =  '1';

Sets the default subject for new email tickets (e.g. 'email Outbound') in the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketEmail'}->{'Subject'} =  '';

Sets the default text for new email tickets in the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketEmail'}->{'Body'} =  '';

Sets the default next ticket state, after the creation of an email ticket in the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketEmail'}->{'StateDefault'} =  'open';

Determines the next possible ticket states, after the creation of a new email ticket in the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketEmail'}->{'StateType'} =  [
  'pending auto',
  'pending reminder',

Defines the history type for the email ticket screen action, which gets used for ticket history in the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketEmail'}->{'HistoryType'} =  'EmailAgent';

Defines the history comment for the email ticket screen action, which gets used for ticket history in the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketEmail'}->{'HistoryComment'} =  '';

Sets if service must be selected by the agent.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketEmail'}->{'ServiceMandatory'} =  '0';

Sets if SLA must be selected by the agent.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketEmail'}->{'SLAMandatory'} =  '0';

Dynamic fields shown in the ticket email screen of the agent interface. Possible settings: 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled, 2 = Enabled and required.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketEmail'}->{'DynamicField'} =  {};

Defines the width for the rich text editor component for this screen. Enter number (pixels) or percent value (relative).

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketEmail'}->{'RichTextWidth'} =  '620';

Defines the height for the rich text editor component for this screen. Enter number (pixels) or percent value (relative).

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketEmail'}->{'RichTextHeight'} =  '320';

Ticket → Frontend::Agent::Ticket::ViewEmailOutbound


Required permissions to use the email outbound screen in the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketEmailOutbound'}->{'Permission'} =  'compose';

Defines if a ticket lock is required in the email outbound screen of the agent interface (if the ticket isn't locked yet, the ticket gets locked and the current agent will be set automatically as its owner).

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketEmailOutbound'}->{'RequiredLock'} =  '1';

Defines the default next state of a ticket after the message has been sent, in the email outbound screen of the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketEmailOutbound'}->{'StateDefault'} =  'open';

Defines the next possible states after sending a message in the email outbound screen of the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketEmailOutbound'}->{'StateType'} =  [
  'pending reminder',
  'pending auto'

Defines the default type of the message in the email outbound screen of the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketEmailOutbound'}->{'ArticleTypeDefault'} =  'email-internal';

Specifies the different article types that will be used in the system.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketEmailOutbound'}->{'ArticleTypes'} =  [

Dynamic fields shown in the email outbound screen of the agent interface. Possible settings: 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled, 2 = Enabled and required.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketEmailOutbound'}->{'DynamicField'} =  {};

Defines the width for the rich text editor component for this screen. Enter number (pixels) or percent value (relative).

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketEmailOutbound'}->{'RichTextWidth'} =  '620';

Defines the height for the rich text editor component for this screen. Enter number (pixels) or percent value (relative).

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketEmailOutbound'}->{'RichTextHeight'} =  '300';

Ticket → Frontend::Agent::Ticket::ViewEscalation


Defines the required permission to show a ticket in the escalation view of the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketEscalationView'}->{'TicketPermission'} =  'rw';

Shows all open tickets (even if they are locked) in the escalation view of the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketEscalationView'}->{'ViewableTicketsPage'} =  '50';

Defines the default ticket attribute for ticket sorting in the escalation view of the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketEscalationView'}->{'SortBy::Default'} =  'EscalationTime';

Defines the default ticket order (after priority sort) in the escalation view of the agent interface. Up: oldest on top. Down: latest on top.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketEscalationView'}->{'Order::Default'} =  'Up';

Columns that can be filtered in the escalation view of the agent interface. Possible settings: 0 = Disabled, 1 = Available, 2 = Enabled by default. Note: Only Ticket attributes, Dynamic Fields (DynamicField_NameX) and Customer attributes (e.g. CustomerUserPhone, CustomerCompanyName, ...) are allowed.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketEscalationView'}->{'DefaultColumns'} =  {
  'Age' => '2',
  'Changed' => '1',
  'Created' => '1',
  'CustomerCompanyName' => '1',
  'CustomerID' => '2',
  'CustomerName' => '1',
  'CustomerUserID' => '1',
  'EscalationResponseTime' => '1',
  'EscalationSolutionTime' => '1',
  'EscalationTime' => '2',
  'EscalationUpdateTime' => '1',
  'Lock' => '2',
  'Owner' => '2',
  'PendingTime' => '1',
  'Priority' => '1',
  'Queue' => '2',
  'Responsible' => '1',
  'SLA' => '1',
  'Service' => '1',
  'State' => '2',
  'TicketNumber' => '2',
  'Title' => '2',
  'Type' => '1'

Ticket → Frontend::Agent::Ticket::ViewForward


Required permissions to use the ticket forward screen in the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketForward'}->{'Permission'} =  'forward';

Defines if a ticket lock is required in the ticket forward screen of the agent interface (if the ticket isn't locked yet, the ticket gets locked and the current agent will be set automatically as its owner).

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketForward'}->{'RequiredLock'} =  '1';

Defines the default next state of a ticket after being forwarded, in the ticket forward screen of the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketForward'}->{'StateDefault'} =  'closed successful';

Defines the next possible states after forwarding a ticket in the ticket forward screen of the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketForward'}->{'StateType'} =  [
  'pending reminder',
  'pending auto'

Defines the default type of forwarded message in the ticket forward screen of the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketForward'}->{'ArticleTypeDefault'} =  'email-external';

Specifies the different article types that will be used in the system.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketForward'}->{'ArticleTypes'} =  [

Dynamic fields shown in the ticket forward screen of the agent interface. Possible settings: 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled, 2 = Enabled and required.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketForward'}->{'DynamicField'} =  {};

Defines the width for the rich text editor component for this screen. Enter number (pixels) or percent value (relative).

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketForward'}->{'RichTextWidth'} =  '620';

Defines the height for the rich text editor component for this screen. Enter number (pixels) or percent value (relative).

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketForward'}->{'RichTextHeight'} =  '100';

Ticket → Frontend::Agent::Ticket::ViewFreeText


Required permissions to use the ticket free text screen in the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketFreeText'}->{'Permission'} =  'rw';

Defines if a ticket lock is required in the ticket free text screen of the agent interface (if the ticket isn't locked yet, the ticket gets locked and the current agent will be set automatically as its owner).

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketFreeText'}->{'RequiredLock'} =  '0';

Sets the ticket type in the ticket free text screen of the agent interface (Ticket::Type needs to be activated).

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketFreeText'}->{'TicketType'} =  '1';

Sets the service in the ticket free text screen of the agent interface (Ticket::Service needs to be activated).

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketFreeText'}->{'Service'} =  '1';

Sets if service must be selected by the agent.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketFreeText'}->{'ServiceMandatory'} =  '0';

Sets if SLA must be selected by the agent.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketFreeText'}->{'SLAMandatory'} =  '0';

Sets the queue in the ticket free text screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketFreeText'}->{'Queue'} =  '0';

Sets the ticket owner in the ticket free text screen of the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketFreeText'}->{'Owner'} =  '0';

Sets if ticket owner must be selected by the agent.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketFreeText'}->{'OwnerMandatory'} =  '0';

Sets the responsible agent of the ticket in the ticket free text screen of the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketFreeText'}->{'Responsible'} =  '0';

Sets the state of a ticket in the ticket free text screen of the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketFreeText'}->{'State'} =  '0';

Defines the next state of a ticket after adding a note, in the ticket free text screen of the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketFreeText'}->{'StateType'} =  [
  'pending reminder',
  'pending auto'

Defines the default next state of a ticket after adding a note, in the ticket free text screen of the agent interface.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketFreeText'}->{'StateDefault'} =  'open';

Allows adding notes in the ticket free text screen of the agent interface. Can be overwritten by Ticket::Frontend::NeedAccountedTime.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketFreeText'}->{'Note'} =  '0';

Sets if note must be filled in by the agent. Can be overwritten by Ticket::Frontend::NeedAccountedTime.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketFreeText'}->{'NoteMandatory'} =  '0';

Defines the default subject of a note in the ticket free text screen of the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketFreeText'}->{'Subject'} =  '';

Defines the default body of a note in the ticket free text screen of the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketFreeText'}->{'Body'} =  '';

Shows a list of all the involved agents on this ticket, in the ticket free text screen of the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketFreeText'}->{'InvolvedAgent'} =  '0';

Shows a list of all the possible agents (all agents with note permissions on the queue/ticket) to determine who should be informed about this note, in the ticket free text screen of the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketFreeText'}->{'InformAgent'} =  '0';

Defines the default type of the note in the ticket free text screen of the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketFreeText'}->{'ArticleTypeDefault'} =  'note-internal';

Specifies the available note types for this ticket mask. If the option is deselected, ArticleTypeDefault is used and the option is removed from the mask.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketFreeText'}->{'ArticleTypes'} =  {
  'note-external' => '1',
  'note-internal' => '1',
  'note-report' => '0'

Shows the ticket priority options in the ticket free text screen of the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketFreeText'}->{'Priority'} =  '0';

Defines the default ticket priority in the ticket free text screen of the agent interface.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketFreeText'}->{'PriorityDefault'} =  '3 normal';

Shows the title field in the ticket free text screen of the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketFreeText'}->{'Title'} =  '1';

Defines the history type for the ticket free text screen action, which gets used for ticket history.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketFreeText'}->{'HistoryType'} =  'AddNote';

Defines the history comment for the ticket free text screen action, which gets used for ticket history.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketFreeText'}->{'HistoryComment'} =  '%%FreeText';

Dynamic fields shown in the ticket free text screen of the agent interface. Possible settings: 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled, 2 = Enabled and required.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketFreeText'}->{'DynamicField'} =  {};

Defines the width for the rich text editor component for this screen. Enter number (pixels) or percent value (relative).

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketFreeText'}->{'RichTextWidth'} =  '620';

Defines the height for the rich text editor component for this screen. Enter number (pixels) or percent value (relative).

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketFreeText'}->{'RichTextHeight'} =  '100';

Ticket → Frontend::Agent::Ticket::ViewHistory


Shows the ticket history (reverse ordered) in the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::HistoryOrder'} =  'normal';

Controls how to display the ticket history entries as readable values.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::HistoryTypes'}->{'000-Framework'} =  {
  'AddNote' => 'Added note (%s)',
  'ArchiveFlagUpdate' => 'Archive state changed: "%s"',
  'Bounce' => 'Bounced to "%s".',
  'CustomerUpdate' => 'Updated: %s',
  'EmailAgent' => 'Email sent to customer.',
  'EmailCustomer' => 'Added email. %s',
  'EscalationResponseTimeNotifyBefore' => 'Escalation response time forewarned',
  'EscalationResponseTimeStart' => 'Escalation response time in effect',
  'EscalationResponseTimeStop' => 'Escalation response time finished',
  'EscalationSolutionTimeNotifyBefore' => 'Escalation solution time forewarned',
  'EscalationSolutionTimeStart' => 'Escalation solution time in effect',
  'EscalationSolutionTimeStop' => 'Escalation solution time finished',
  'EscalationUpdateTimeNotifyBefore' => 'Escalation update time forewarned',
  'EscalationUpdateTimeStart' => 'Escalation update time in effect',
  'EscalationUpdateTimeStop' => 'Escalation update time finished',
  'FollowUp' => 'FollowUp for [%s]. %s',
  'Forward' => 'Forwarded to "%s".',
  'Lock' => 'Locked ticket.',
  'LoopProtection' => 'Loop-Protection! No auto-response sent to "%s".',
  'Misc' => '%s',
  'Move' => 'Ticket moved into Queue "%s" (%s) from Queue "%s" (%s).',
  'NewTicket' => 'New Ticket [%s] created (Q=%s;P=%s;S=%s).',
  'OwnerUpdate' => 'New owner is "%s" (ID=%s).',
  'PhoneCallAgent' => 'Agent called customer.',
  'PhoneCallCustomer' => 'Customer called us.',
  'PriorityUpdate' => 'Changed priority from "%s" (%s) to "%s" (%s).',
  'Remove' => '%s',
  'ResponsibleUpdate' => 'New responsible is "%s" (ID=%s).',
  'SLAUpdate' => 'Updated SLA to %s (ID=%s).',
  'SendAgentNotification' => '"%s" notification was sent to "%s" by "%s".',
  'SendAnswer' => 'Email sent to "%s".',
  'SendAutoFollowUp' => 'AutoFollowUp sent to "%s".',
  'SendAutoReject' => 'AutoReject sent to "%s".',
  'SendAutoReply' => 'AutoReply sent to "%s".',
  'SendCustomerNotification' => 'Notification sent to "%s".',
  'ServiceUpdate' => 'Updated Service to %s (ID=%s).',
  'SetPendingTime' => 'Updated: %s',
  'StateUpdate' => 'Old: "%s" New: "%s"',
  'Subscribe' => 'Added subscription for user "%s".',
  'SystemRequest' => 'System Request (%s).',
  'TicketDynamicFieldUpdate' => 'Updated: %s=%s;%s=%s;%s=%s;',
  'TicketLinkAdd' => 'Added link to ticket "%s".',
  'TicketLinkDelete' => 'Deleted link to ticket "%s".',
  'TimeAccounting' => '%s time unit(s) accounted. Now total %s time unit(s).',
  'TitleUpdate' => 'Title updated: Old: "%s", New: "%s"',
  'TypeUpdate' => 'Updated Type to %s (ID=%s).',
  'Unlock' => 'Unlocked ticket.',
  'Unsubscribe' => 'Removed subscription for user "%s".',
  'WebRequestCustomer' => 'Customer request via web.'

Ticket → Frontend::Agent::Ticket::ViewLocked


Defines the default ticket attribute for ticket sorting in the locked ticket view of the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketLockedView'}->{'SortBy::Default'} =  'Age';

Defines the default ticket order in the ticket locked view of the agent interface. Up: oldest on top. Down: latest on top.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketLockedView'}->{'Order::Default'} =  'Up';

Columns that can be filtered in the locked view of the agent interface. Possible settings: 0 = Disabled, 1 = Available, 2 = Enabled by default. Note: Only Ticket attributes, Dynamic Fields (DynamicField_NameX) and Customer attributes (e.g. CustomerUserPhone, CustomerCompanyName, ...) are allowed.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketLockedView'}->{'DefaultColumns'} =  {
  'Age' => '2',
  'Changed' => '1',
  'Created' => '1',
  'CustomerCompanyName' => '1',
  'CustomerID' => '2',
  'CustomerName' => '1',
  'CustomerUserID' => '1',
  'EscalationResponseTime' => '1',
  'EscalationSolutionTime' => '1',
  'EscalationTime' => '1',
  'EscalationUpdateTime' => '1',
  'Lock' => '2',
  'Owner' => '2',
  'PendingTime' => '1',
  'Priority' => '1',
  'Queue' => '2',
  'Responsible' => '1',
  'SLA' => '1',
  'Service' => '1',
  'State' => '2',
  'TicketNumber' => '2',
  'Title' => '2',
  'Type' => '1'

Ticket → Frontend::Agent::Ticket::ViewMerge


Required permissions to use the ticket merge screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketMerge'}->{'Permission'} =  'rw';

Defines if a ticket lock is required in the ticket merge screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface (if the ticket isn't locked yet, the ticket gets locked and the current agent will be set automatically as its owner).

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketMerge'}->{'RequiredLock'} =  '1';

When tickets are merged, the customer can be informed per email by setting the check box "Inform Sender". In this text area, you can define a pre-formatted text which can later be modified by the agents.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::MergeText'} =  'Your email with ticket number "<OTRS_TICKET>" is merged to "<OTRS_MERGE_TO_TICKET>".';

When tickets are merged, a note will be added automatically to the ticket which is no longer active. Here you can define the subject of this note (this subject cannot be changed by the agent).

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AutomaticMergeSubject'} =  'Ticket Merged';

When tickets are merged, a note will be added automatically to the ticket which is no longer active. Here you can define the body of this note (this text cannot be changed by the agent).

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AutomaticMergeText'} =  'Merged Ticket <OTRS_TICKET> to <OTRS_MERGE_TO_TICKET>.';

Defines the width for the rich text editor component for this screen. Enter number (pixels) or percent value (relative).

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketMerge'}->{'RichTextWidth'} =  '620';

Defines the height for the rich text editor component for this screen. Enter number (pixels) or percent value (relative).

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketMerge'}->{'RichTextHeight'} =  '100';

Ticket → Frontend::Agent::Ticket::ViewMove


Determines if the list of possible queues to move to ticket into should be displayed in a dropdown list or in a new window in the agent interface. If "New Window" is set you can add a move note to the ticket.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::MoveType'} =  'form';

Automatically lock and set owner to current Agent after opening the move ticket screen of the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketMove'}->{'RequiredLock'} =  '1';

Allows to set a new ticket state in the move ticket screen of the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketMove'}->{'State'} =  '1';

Defines the next state of a ticket after being moved to another queue, in the move ticket screen of the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketMove'}->{'StateType'} =  [

Shows the ticket priority options in the move ticket screen of the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketMove'}->{'Priority'} =  '0';

Allows adding notes in the ticket free text screen of the agent interface. Can be overwritten by Ticket::Frontend::NeedAccountedTime.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketMove'}->{'Note'} =  '0';

Sets if note must be filled in by the agent. Can be overwritten by Ticket::Frontend::NeedAccountedTime.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketMove'}->{'NoteMandatory'} =  '0';

Determines the next screen after the ticket is moved. LastScreenOverview will return the last overview screen (e.g. search results, queueview, dashboard). TicketZoom will return to the TicketZoom.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketMove'}->{'NextScreen'} =  'TicketZoom';

Sets the default subject for notes added in the ticket move screen of the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketMove'}->{'Subject'} =  '';

Sets the default body text for notes added in the ticket move screen of the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketMove'}->{'Body'} =  '';

Defines the width for the rich text editor component for this screen. Enter number (pixels) or percent value (relative).

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketMove'}->{'RichTextWidth'} =  '620';

Defines the height for the rich text editor component for this screen. Enter number (pixels) or percent value (relative).

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketMove'}->{'RichTextHeight'} =  '100';

Dynamic fields shown in the ticket move screen of the agent interface. Possible settings: 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled, 2 = Enabled and required.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketMove'}->{'DynamicField'} =  {};

Ticket → Frontend::Agent::Ticket::ViewNote


Required permissions to use the ticket note screen in the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketNote'}->{'Permission'} =  'note';

Defines if a ticket lock is required in the ticket note screen of the agent interface (if the ticket isn't locked yet, the ticket gets locked and the current agent will be set automatically as its owner).

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketNote'}->{'RequiredLock'} =  '0';

Sets the ticket type in the ticket note screen of the agent interface (Ticket::Type needs to be activated).

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketNote'}->{'TicketType'} =  '0';

Sets the service in the ticket note screen of the agent interface (Ticket::Service needs to be activated).

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketNote'}->{'Service'} =  '0';

Sets if service must be selected by the agent.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketNote'}->{'ServiceMandatory'} =  '0';

Sets if SLA must be selected by the agent.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketNote'}->{'SLAMandatory'} =  '0';

Sets the queue in the ticket note screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketNote'}->{'Queue'} =  '0';

Sets the ticket owner in the ticket note screen of the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketNote'}->{'Owner'} =  '0';

Sets if ticket owner must be selected by the agent.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketNote'}->{'OwnerMandatory'} =  '0';

Sets the responsible agent of the ticket in the ticket note screen of the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketNote'}->{'Responsible'} =  '0';

Sets the state of a ticket in the ticket note screen of the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketNote'}->{'State'} =  '0';

Defines the next state of a ticket after adding a note, in the ticket note screen of the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketNote'}->{'StateType'} =  [
  'pending reminder',
  'pending auto'

Defines the default next state of a ticket after adding a note, in the ticket note screen of the agent interface.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketNote'}->{'StateDefault'} =  'open';

Allows adding notes in the ticket note screen of the agent interface. Can be overwritten by Ticket::Frontend::NeedAccountedTime.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketNote'}->{'Note'} =  '1';

Sets if note must be filled in by the agent. Can be overwritten by Ticket::Frontend::NeedAccountedTime.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketNote'}->{'NoteMandatory'} =  '1';

Sets the default subject for notes added in the ticket note screen of the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketNote'}->{'Subject'} =  '';

Sets the default body text for notes added in the ticket note screen of the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketNote'}->{'Body'} =  '';

Shows a list of all the involved agents on this ticket, in the ticket note screen of the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketNote'}->{'InvolvedAgent'} =  '0';

Shows a list of all the possible agents (all agents with note permissions on the queue/ticket) to determine who should be informed about this note, in the ticket note screen of the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketNote'}->{'InformAgent'} =  '0';

Defines the default type of the note in the ticket note screen of the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketNote'}->{'ArticleTypeDefault'} =  'note-internal';

Specifies the available note types for this ticket mask. If the option is deselected, ArticleTypeDefault is used and the option is removed from the mask.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketNote'}->{'ArticleTypes'} =  {
  'note-external' => '1',
  'note-internal' => '1',
  'note-report' => '0'

Shows the ticket priority options in the ticket note screen of the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketNote'}->{'Priority'} =  '0';

Defines the default ticket priority in the ticket note screen of the agent interface.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketNote'}->{'PriorityDefault'} =  '3 normal';

Shows the title fields in the ticket note screen of the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketNote'}->{'Title'} =  '0';

Defines the history type for the ticket note screen action, which gets used for ticket history in the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketNote'}->{'HistoryType'} =  'AddNote';

Defines the history comment for the ticket note screen action, which gets used for ticket history in the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketNote'}->{'HistoryComment'} =  '%%Note';

Dynamic fields shown in the ticket note screen of the agent interface. Possible settings: 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled, 2 = Enabled and required.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketNote'}->{'DynamicField'} =  {};

Defines the width for the rich text editor component for this screen. Enter number (pixels) or percent value (relative).

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketNote'}->{'RichTextWidth'} =  '620';

Defines the height for the rich text editor component for this screen. Enter number (pixels) or percent value (relative).

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketNote'}->{'RichTextHeight'} =  '100';

Ticket → Frontend::Agent::Ticket::ViewOwner


Required permissions to use the ticket owner screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketOwner'}->{'Permission'} =  'owner';

Defines if a ticket lock is required in the ticket owner screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface (if the ticket isn't locked yet, the ticket gets locked and the current agent will be set automatically as its owner).

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketOwner'}->{'RequiredLock'} =  '0';

Sets the ticket type in the ticket owner screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface (Ticket::Type needs to be activated).

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketOwner'}->{'TicketType'} =  '0';

Sets the service in the ticket owner screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface (Ticket::Service needs to be activated).

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketOwner'}->{'Service'} =  '0';

Sets if service must be selected by the agent.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketOwner'}->{'ServiceMandatory'} =  '0';

Sets if SLA must be selected by the agent.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketOwner'}->{'SLAMandatory'} =  '0';

Sets the queue in the ticket owner screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketOwner'}->{'Queue'} =  '0';

Sets the ticket owner in the ticket owner screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketOwner'}->{'Owner'} =  '1';

Sets if ticket owner must be selected by the agent.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketOwner'}->{'OwnerMandatory'} =  '1';

Sets the responsible agent of the ticket in the ticket owner screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketOwner'}->{'Responsible'} =  '0';

Sets the state of the ticket in the ticket owner screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketOwner'}->{'State'} =  '0';

Defines the next state of a ticket after adding a note, in the ticket owner screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketOwner'}->{'StateType'} =  [
  'pending reminder',
  'pending auto'

Defines the default next state of a ticket after adding a note, in the ticket owner screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketOwner'}->{'StateDefault'} =  'open';

Allows adding notes in the ticket owner screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface. Can be overwritten by Ticket::Frontend::NeedAccountedTime.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketOwner'}->{'Note'} =  '1';

Sets if note must be filled in by the agent. Can be overwritten by Ticket::Frontend::NeedAccountedTime.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketOwner'}->{'NoteMandatory'} =  '1';

Sets the default subject for notes added in the ticket owner screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketOwner'}->{'Subject'} =  '';

Sets the default body text for notes added in the ticket owner screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketOwner'}->{'Body'} =  '';

Shows a list of all the involved agents on this ticket, in the ticket owner screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketOwner'}->{'InvolvedAgent'} =  '0';

Shows a list of all the possible agents (all agents with note permissions on the queue/ticket) to determine who should be informed about this note, in the ticket owner screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketOwner'}->{'InformAgent'} =  '0';

Defines the default type of the note in the ticket owner screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketOwner'}->{'ArticleTypeDefault'} =  'note-internal';

Specifies the available note types for this ticket mask. If the option is deselected, ArticleTypeDefault is used and the option is removed from the mask.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketOwner'}->{'ArticleTypes'} =  {
  'note-external' => '0',
  'note-internal' => '1',
  'note-report' => '0'

Shows the ticket priority options in the ticket owner screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketOwner'}->{'Priority'} =  '0';

Defines the default ticket priority in the ticket owner screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketOwner'}->{'PriorityDefault'} =  '3 normal';

Shows the title fields in the ticket owner screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketOwner'}->{'Title'} =  '0';

Defines the history type for the ticket owner screen action, which gets used for ticket history in the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketOwner'}->{'HistoryType'} =  'AddNote';

Defines the history comment for the ticket owner screen action, which gets used for ticket history in the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketOwner'}->{'HistoryComment'} =  '%%Owner';

Dynamic fields shown in the ticket owner screen of the agent interface. Possible settings: 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled, 2 = Enabled and required.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketOwner'}->{'DynamicField'} =  {};

Defines the width for the rich text editor component for this screen. Enter number (pixels) or percent value (relative).

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketOwner'}->{'RichTextWidth'} =  '620';

Defines the height for the rich text editor component for this screen. Enter number (pixels) or percent value (relative).

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketOwner'}->{'RichTextHeight'} =  '100';

Ticket → Frontend::Agent::Ticket::ViewPending


Required permissions to use the ticket pending screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketPending'}->{'Permission'} =  'pending';

Defines if a ticket lock is required in the ticket pending screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface (if the ticket isn't locked yet, the ticket gets locked and the current agent will be set automatically as its owner).

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketPending'}->{'RequiredLock'} =  '1';

Sets the ticket type in the ticket pending screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface (Ticket::Type needs to be activated).

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketPending'}->{'TicketType'} =  '0';

Sets the service in the ticket pending screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface (Ticket::Service needs to be activated).

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketPending'}->{'Service'} =  '0';

Sets if service must be selected by the agent.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketPending'}->{'ServiceMandatory'} =  '0';

Sets if SLA must be selected by the agent.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketPending'}->{'SLAMandatory'} =  '0';

Sets the queue in the ticket pending screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketPending'}->{'Queue'} =  '0';

Sets the ticket owner in the ticket pending screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketPending'}->{'Owner'} =  '0';

Sets if ticket owner must be selected by the agent.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketPending'}->{'OwnerMandatory'} =  '0';

Sets the responsible agent of the ticket in the ticket pending screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketPending'}->{'Responsible'} =  '0';

Sets the state of the ticket in the ticket pending screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketPending'}->{'State'} =  '1';

Defines the next state of a ticket after adding a note, in the ticket pending screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketPending'}->{'StateType'} =  [
  'pending reminder',
  'pending auto'

Defines the default next state of a ticket after adding a note, in the ticket pending screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketPending'}->{'StateDefault'} =  'pending reminder';

Allows adding notes in the ticket pending screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface. Can be overwritten by Ticket::Frontend::NeedAccountedTime.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketPending'}->{'Note'} =  '1';

Sets if note must be filled in by the agent. Can be overwritten by Ticket::Frontend::NeedAccountedTime.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketPending'}->{'NoteMandatory'} =  '1';

Sets the default subject for notes added in the ticket pending screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketPending'}->{'Subject'} =  '';

Sets the default body text for notes added in the ticket pending screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketPending'}->{'Body'} =  '';

Shows a list of all the involved agents on this ticket, in the ticket pending screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketPending'}->{'InvolvedAgent'} =  '0';

Shows a list of all the possible agents (all agents with note permissions on the queue/ticket) to determine who should be informed about this note, in the ticket pending screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketPending'}->{'InformAgent'} =  '0';

Defines the default type of the note in the ticket pending screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketPending'}->{'ArticleTypeDefault'} =  'note-internal';

Specifies the available note types for this ticket mask. If the option is deselected, ArticleTypeDefault is used and the option is removed from the mask.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketPending'}->{'ArticleTypes'} =  {
  'note-external' => '0',
  'note-internal' => '1',
  'note-report' => '0'

Shows the ticket priority options in the ticket pending screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketPending'}->{'Priority'} =  '0';

Defines the default ticket priority in the ticket pending screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketPending'}->{'PriorityDefault'} =  '3 normal';

Shows the title fields in the ticket pending screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketPending'}->{'Title'} =  '0';

Defines the history type for the ticket pending screen action, which gets used for ticket history in the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketPending'}->{'HistoryType'} =  'AddNote';

Defines the history comment for the ticket pending screen action, which gets used for ticket history in the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketPending'}->{'HistoryComment'} =  '%%Pending';

Dynamic fields shown in the ticket pending screen of the agent interface. Possible settings: 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled, 2 = Enabled and required.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketPending'}->{'DynamicField'} =  {};

Defines the width for the rich text editor component for this screen. Enter number (pixels) or percent value (relative).

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketPending'}->{'RichTextWidth'} =  '620';

Defines the height for the rich text editor component for this screen. Enter number (pixels) or percent value (relative).

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketPending'}->{'RichTextHeight'} =  '100';

Ticket → Frontend::Agent::Ticket::ViewPhoneInbound


Required permissions to use the ticket phone inbound screen in the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketPhoneInbound'}->{'Permission'} =  'phone';

Defines if a ticket lock is required in the ticket phone inbound screen of the agent interface (if the ticket isn't locked yet, the ticket gets locked and the current agent will be set automatically as its owner).

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketPhoneInbound'}->{'RequiredLock'} =  '0';

Defines the default type of the note in the ticket phone inbound screen of the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketPhoneInbound'}->{'ArticleType'} =  'phone';

Defines the default sender type for phone tickets in the ticket phone inbound screen of the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketPhoneInbound'}->{'SenderType'} =  'customer';

Defines the default subject for phone tickets in the ticket phone inbound screen of the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketPhoneInbound'}->{'Subject'} =  '';

Defines the default note body text for phone tickets in the ticket phone inbound screen of the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketPhoneInbound'}->{'Body'} =  '';

Defines the default ticket next state after adding a phone note in the ticket phone inbound screen of the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketPhoneInbound'}->{'State'} =  'open';

Next possible ticket states after adding a phone note in the ticket phone inbound screen of the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketPhoneInbound'}->{'StateType'} =  [
  'pending auto',
  'pending reminder',

Defines the history type for the ticket phone inbound screen action, which gets used for ticket history in the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketPhoneInbound'}->{'HistoryType'} =  'PhoneCallCustomer';

Defines the history comment for the ticket phone inbound screen action, which gets used for ticket history in the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketPhoneInbound'}->{'HistoryComment'} =  '';

Dynamic fields shown in the ticket phone inbound screen of the agent interface. Possible settings: 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled, 2 = Enabled and required.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketPhoneInbound'}->{'DynamicField'} =  {};

Defines the width for the rich text editor component for this screen. Enter number (pixels) or percent value (relative).

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketPhoneInbound'}->{'RichTextWidth'} =  '475';

Defines the height for the rich text editor component for this screen. Enter number (pixels) or percent value (relative).

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketPhoneInbound'}->{'RichTextHeight'} =  '200';

Ticket → Frontend::Agent::Ticket::ViewPhoneNew


Sets the default priority for new phone tickets in the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketPhone'}->{'Priority'} =  '3 normal';

Sets the default article type for new phone tickets in the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketPhone'}->{'ArticleType'} =  'phone';

Sets the default sender type for new phone ticket in the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketPhone'}->{'SenderType'} =  'customer';

Controls if CustomerID is read-only in the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketPhone::CustomerIDReadOnly'} =  '1';

Controls if more than one from entry can be set in the new phone ticket in the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketPhone::AllowMultipleFrom'} =  '1';

Sets the default subject for new phone tickets (e.g. 'Phone call') in the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketPhone'}->{'Subject'} =  '';

Sets the default note text for new telephone tickets. E.g 'New ticket via call' in the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketPhone'}->{'Body'} =  '';

Sets the default next state for new phone tickets in the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketPhone'}->{'StateDefault'} =  'open';

Determines the next possible ticket states, after the creation of a new phone ticket in the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketPhone'}->{'StateType'} =  [
  'pending auto',
  'pending reminder',

Defines the history type for the phone ticket screen action, which gets used for ticket history in the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketPhone'}->{'HistoryType'} =  'PhoneCallCustomer';

Defines the history comment for the phone ticket screen action, which gets used for ticket history in the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketPhone'}->{'HistoryComment'} =  '';

Sets the default link type of splitted tickets in the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketPhone'}->{'SplitLinkType'} =  {
  'Direction' => 'Target',
  'LinkType' => 'ParentChild'

Sets if service must be selected by the agent.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketPhone'}->{'ServiceMandatory'} =  '0';

Sets if SLA must be selected by the agent.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketPhone'}->{'SLAMandatory'} =  '0';

Dynamic fields shown in the ticket phone screen of the agent interface. Possible settings: 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled, 2 = Enabled and required.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketPhone'}->{'DynamicField'} =  {};

Defines the width for the rich text editor component for this screen. Enter number (pixels) or percent value (relative).

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketPhone'}->{'RichTextWidth'} =  '620';

Defines the height for the rich text editor component for this screen. Enter number (pixels) or percent value (relative).

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketPhone'}->{'RichTextHeight'} =  '320';

Ticket → Frontend::Agent::Ticket::ViewPhoneOutbound


Required permissions to use the ticket phone outbound screen in the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketPhoneOutbound'}->{'Permission'} =  'phone';

Defines if a ticket lock is required in the ticket phone outbound screen of the agent interface (if the ticket isn't locked yet, the ticket gets locked and the current agent will be set automatically as its owner).

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketPhoneOutbound'}->{'RequiredLock'} =  '1';

Defines the default type of the note in the ticket phone outbound screen of the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketPhoneOutbound'}->{'ArticleType'} =  'phone';

Defines the default sender type for phone tickets in the ticket phone outbound screen of the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketPhoneOutbound'}->{'SenderType'} =  'agent';

Defines the default subject for phone tickets in the ticket phone outbound screen of the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketPhoneOutbound'}->{'Subject'} =  '';

Defines the default note body text for phone tickets in the ticket phone outbound screen of the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketPhoneOutbound'}->{'Body'} =  '';

Defines the default ticket next state after adding a phone note in the ticket phone outbound screen of the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketPhoneOutbound'}->{'State'} =  'closed successful';

Next possible ticket states after adding a phone note in the ticket phone outbound screen of the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketPhoneOutbound'}->{'StateType'} =  [
  'pending auto',
  'pending reminder',

Defines the history type for the ticket phone outbound screen action, which gets used for ticket history in the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketPhoneOutbound'}->{'HistoryType'} =  'PhoneCallAgent';

Defines the history comment for the ticket phone outbound screen action, which gets used for ticket history in the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketPhoneOutbound'}->{'HistoryComment'} =  '';

Dynamic fields shown in the ticket phone outbound screen of the agent interface. Possible settings: 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled, 2 = Enabled and required.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketPhoneOutbound'}->{'DynamicField'} =  {};

Defines the width for the rich text editor component for this screen. Enter number (pixels) or percent value (relative).

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketPhoneOutbound'}->{'RichTextWidth'} =  '475';

Defines the height for the rich text editor component for this screen. Enter number (pixels) or percent value (relative).

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketPhoneOutbound'}->{'RichTextHeight'} =  '200';

Ticket → Frontend::Agent::Ticket::ViewPrint


Dynamic fields shown in the ticket print screen of the agent interface. Possible settings: 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketPrint'}->{'DynamicField'} =  {};

Ticket → Frontend::Agent::Ticket::ViewPriority


Required permissions to use the ticket priority screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketPriority'}->{'Permission'} =  'priority';

Defines if a ticket lock is required in the ticket priority screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface (if the ticket isn't locked yet, the ticket gets locked and the current agent will be set automatically as its owner).

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketPriority'}->{'RequiredLock'} =  '1';

Sets the ticket type in the ticket priority screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface (Ticket::Type needs to be activated).

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketPriority'}->{'TicketType'} =  '0';

Sets the service in the ticket priority screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface (Ticket::Service needs to be activated).

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketPriority'}->{'Service'} =  '0';

Sets if service must be selected by the agent.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketPriority'}->{'ServiceMandatory'} =  '0';

Sets if SLA must be selected by the agent.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketPriority'}->{'SLAMandatory'} =  '0';

Sets the queue in the ticket priority screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketPriority'}->{'Queue'} =  '0';

Sets the ticket owner in the ticket priority screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketPriority'}->{'Owner'} =  '0';

Sets if ticket owner must be selected by the agent.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketPriority'}->{'OwnerMandatory'} =  '0';

Sets the responsible agent of the ticket in the ticket priority screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketPriority'}->{'Responsible'} =  '0';

Sets the state of the ticket in the ticket priority screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketPriority'}->{'State'} =  '0';

Defines the next state of a ticket after adding a note, in the ticket priority screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketPriority'}->{'StateType'} =  [
  'pending reminder',
  'pending auto'

Defines the default next state of a ticket after adding a note, in the ticket priority screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketPriority'}->{'StateDefault'} =  'open';

Allows adding notes in the ticket priority screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface. Can be overwritten by Ticket::Frontend::NeedAccountedTime.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketPriority'}->{'Note'} =  '1';

Sets if note must be filled in by the agent. Can be overwritten by Ticket::Frontend::NeedAccountedTime.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketPriority'}->{'NoteMandatory'} =  '1';

Sets the default subject for notes added in the ticket priority screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketPriority'}->{'Subject'} =  '';

Sets the default body text for notes added in the ticket priority screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketPriority'}->{'Body'} =  '';

Shows a list of all the involved agents on this ticket, in the ticket priority screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketPriority'}->{'InvolvedAgent'} =  '0';

Shows a list of all the possible agents (all agents with note permissions on the queue/ticket) to determine who should be informed about this note, in the ticket priority screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketPriority'}->{'InformAgent'} =  '0';

Defines the default type of the note in the ticket priority screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketPriority'}->{'ArticleTypeDefault'} =  'note-internal';

Specifies the available note types for this ticket mask. If the option is deselected, ArticleTypeDefault is used and the option is removed from the mask.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketPriority'}->{'ArticleTypes'} =  {
  'note-external' => '0',
  'note-internal' => '1',
  'note-report' => '0'

Shows the ticket priority options in the ticket priority screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketPriority'}->{'Priority'} =  '1';

Defines the default ticket priority in the ticket priority screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketPriority'}->{'PriorityDefault'} =  '3 normal';

Shows the title fields in the ticket priority screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketPriority'}->{'Title'} =  '0';

Defines the history type for the ticket priority screen action, which gets used for ticket history in the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketPriority'}->{'HistoryType'} =  'AddNote';

Defines the history comment for the ticket priority screen action, which gets used for ticket history in the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketPriority'}->{'HistoryComment'} =  '%%Priority';

Dynamic fields shown in the ticket priority screen of the agent interface. Possible settings: 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled, 2 = Enabled and required.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketPriority'}->{'DynamicField'} =  {};

Defines the width for the rich text editor component for this screen. Enter number (pixels) or percent value (relative).

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketPriority'}->{'RichTextWidth'} =  '620';

Defines the height for the rich text editor component for this screen. Enter number (pixels) or percent value (relative).

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketPriority'}->{'RichTextHeight'} =  '100';

Ticket → Frontend::Agent::Ticket::ViewQueue


Strips empty lines on the ticket preview in the queue view.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketQueue'}->{'StripEmptyLines'} =  '0';

Shows all both ro and rw queues in the queue view.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketQueue'}->{'ViewAllPossibleTickets'} =  '0';

Show queues even when only locked tickets are in.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketQueue'}->{'HideEmptyQueues'} =  '0';

Sets the age in minutes (first level) for highlighting queues that contain untouched tickets.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketQueue'}->{'HighlightAge1'} =  '1440';

Sets the age in minutes (second level) for highlighting queues that contain untouched tickets.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketQueue'}->{'HighlightAge2'} =  '2880';

Activates a blinking mechanism of the queue that contains the oldest ticket.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketQueue'}->{'Blink'} =  '1';

Include tickets of subqueues per default when selecting a queue.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketQueue'}->{'UseSubQueues'} =  '0';

Sorts the tickets (ascendingly or descendingly) when a single queue is selected in the queue view and after the tickets are sorted by priority. Values: 0 = ascending (oldest on top, default), 1 = descending (youngest on top). Use the QueueID for the key and 0 or 1 for value.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketQueue'}->{'QueueSort'} =  {
  '3' => '0',
  '7' => '1'

Defines the default sort criteria for all queues displayed in the queue view.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketQueue'}->{'SortBy::Default'} =  'Age';

Defines if a pre-sorting by priority should be done in the queue view.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketQueue'}->{'PreSort::ByPriority'} =  '1';

Defines the default sort order for all queues in the queue view, after priority sort.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketQueue'}->{'Order::Default'} =  'Up';

Columns that can be filtered in the queue view of the agent interface. Possible settings: 0 = Disabled, 1 = Available, 2 = Enabled by default. Note: Only Ticket attributes, Dynamic Fields (DynamicField_NameX) and Customer attributes (e.g. CustomerUserPhone, CustomerCompanyName, ...) are allowed.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketQueue'}->{'DefaultColumns'} =  {
  'Age' => '2',
  'Changed' => '1',
  'Created' => '1',
  'CustomerCompanyName' => '1',
  'CustomerID' => '2',
  'CustomerName' => '1',
  'CustomerUserID' => '1',
  'EscalationResponseTime' => '1',
  'EscalationSolutionTime' => '1',
  'EscalationTime' => '1',
  'EscalationUpdateTime' => '1',
  'Lock' => '2',
  'Owner' => '2',
  'PendingTime' => '1',
  'Priority' => '1',
  'Queue' => '2',
  'Responsible' => '1',
  'SLA' => '1',
  'Service' => '1',
  'State' => '2',
  'TicketNumber' => '2',
  'Title' => '2',
  'Type' => '1'

Ticket → Frontend::Agent::Ticket::ViewResponsible


Defines the default ticket attribute for ticket sorting in the responsible view of the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketResponsibleView'}->{'SortBy::Default'} =  'Age';

Defines the default ticket order in the responsible view of the agent interface. Up: oldest on top. Down: latest on top.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketResponsibleView'}->{'Order::Default'} =  'Up';

Required permissions to use the ticket responsible screen in the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketResponsible'}->{'Permission'} =  'responsible';

Defines if a ticket lock is required in the ticket responsible screen of the agent interface (if the ticket isn't locked yet, the ticket gets locked and the current agent will be set automatically as its owner).

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketResponsible'}->{'RequiredLock'} =  '0';

Sets the ticket type in the ticket responsible screen of the agent interface (Ticket::Type needs to be activated).

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketResponsible'}->{'TicketType'} =  '0';

Sets the service in the ticket responsible screen of the agent interface (Ticket::Service needs to be activated).

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketResponsible'}->{'Service'} =  '0';

Sets if service must be selected by the agent.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketResponsible'}->{'ServiceMandatory'} =  '0';

Sets if SLA must be selected by the agent.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketResponsible'}->{'SLAMandatory'} =  '0';

Sets the queue in the ticket responsible screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketResponsible'}->{'Queue'} =  '0';

Sets the ticket owner in the ticket responsible screen of the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketResponsible'}->{'Owner'} =  '0';

Sets if ticket owner must be selected by the agent.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketResponsible'}->{'OwnerMandatory'} =  '0';

Sets the responsible agent of the ticket in the ticket responsible screen of the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketResponsible'}->{'Responsible'} =  '1';

Sets the state of a ticket in the ticket responsible screen of the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketResponsible'}->{'State'} =  '0';

Defines the next state of a ticket after adding a note, in the ticket responsible screen of the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketResponsible'}->{'StateType'} =  [
  'pending reminder',
  'pending auto'

Defines the default next state of a ticket after adding a note, in the ticket responsible screen of the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketResponsible'}->{'StateDefault'} =  'open';

Allows adding notes in the ticket responsible screen of the agent interface. Can be overwritten by Ticket::Frontend::NeedAccountedTime.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketResponsible'}->{'Note'} =  '1';

Sets if note must be filled in by the agent. Can be overwritten by Ticket::Frontend::NeedAccountedTime.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketResponsible'}->{'NoteMandatory'} =  '1';

Sets the default subject for notes added in the ticket responsible screen of the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketResponsible'}->{'Subject'} =  '';

Sets the default body text for notes added in the ticket responsible screen of the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketResponsible'}->{'Body'} =  '';

Shows a list of all the involved agents on this ticket, in the ticket responsible screen of the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketResponsible'}->{'InvolvedAgent'} =  '0';

Shows a list of all the possible agents (all agents with note permissions on the queue/ticket) to determine who should be informed about this note, in the ticket responsible screen of the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketResponsible'}->{'InformAgent'} =  '0';

Defines the default type of the note in the ticket responsible screen of the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketResponsible'}->{'ArticleTypeDefault'} =  'note-internal';

Specifies the available note types for this ticket mask. If the option is deselected, ArticleTypeDefault is used and the option is removed from the mask.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketResponsible'}->{'ArticleTypes'} =  {
  'note-external' => '0',
  'note-internal' => '1',
  'note-report' => '0'

Shows the ticket priority options in the ticket responsible screen of the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketResponsible'}->{'Priority'} =  '0';

Defines the default ticket priority in the ticket responsible screen of the agent interface.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketResponsible'}->{'PriorityDefault'} =  '3 normal';

Shows the title fields in the ticket responsible screen of the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketResponsible'}->{'Title'} =  '1';

Defines the history type for the ticket responsible screen action, which gets used for ticket history in the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketResponsible'}->{'HistoryType'} =  'AddNote';

Defines the history comment for the ticket responsible screen action, which gets used for ticket history in the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketResponsible'}->{'HistoryComment'} =  '%%Responsible';

Dynamic fields shown in the ticket responsible screen of the agent interface. Possible settings: 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled, 2 = Enabled and required.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketResponsible'}->{'DynamicField'} =  {};

Defines the width for the rich text editor component for this screen. Enter number (pixels) or percent value (relative).

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketResponsible'}->{'RichTextWidth'} =  '620';

Defines the height for the rich text editor component for this screen. Enter number (pixels) or percent value (relative).

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketResponsible'}->{'RichTextHeight'} =  '100';

Columns that can be filtered in the responsible view of the agent interface. Possible settings: 0 = Disabled, 1 = Available, 2 = Enabled by default. Note: Only Ticket attributes, Dynamic Fields (DynamicField_NameX) and Customer attributes (e.g. CustomerUserPhone, CustomerCompanyName, ...) are allowed.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketResponsibleView'}->{'DefaultColumns'} =  {
  'Age' => '2',
  'Changed' => '1',
  'Created' => '1',
  'CustomerCompanyName' => '1',
  'CustomerID' => '2',
  'CustomerName' => '1',
  'CustomerUserID' => '1',
  'EscalationResponseTime' => '1',
  'EscalationSolutionTime' => '1',
  'EscalationTime' => '1',
  'EscalationUpdateTime' => '1',
  'Lock' => '2',
  'Owner' => '2',
  'PendingTime' => '1',
  'Priority' => '1',
  'Queue' => '2',
  'Responsible' => '1',
  'SLA' => '1',
  'Service' => '1',
  'State' => '2',
  'TicketNumber' => '2',
  'Title' => '2',
  'Type' => '1'

Ticket → Frontend::Agent::Ticket::ViewSearch


Allows extended search conditions in ticket search of the agent interface. With this feature you can search e. g. ticket title with this kind of conditions like "(*key1*&&*key2*)" or "(*key1*||*key2*)".

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketSearch'}->{'ExtendedSearchCondition'} =  '1';

Maximum number of tickets to be displayed in the result of a search in the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketSearch'}->{'SearchLimit'} =  '2000';

Number of tickets to be displayed in each page of a search result in the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketSearch'}->{'SearchPageShown'} =  '40';

Number of lines (per ticket) that are shown by the search utility in the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketSearch'}->{'SearchViewableTicketLines'} =  '10';

Defines the default ticket attribute for ticket sorting of the ticket search result of the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketSearch'}->{'SortBy::Default'} =  'Age';

Defines the default ticket order in the ticket search result of the agent interface. Up: oldest on top. Down: latest on top.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketSearch'}->{'Order::Default'} =  'Down';

Exports the whole article tree in search result (it can affect the system performance).

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketSearch'}->{'SearchArticleCSVTree'} =  '0';

Data used to export the search result in CSV format.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketSearch'}->{'SearchCSVData'} =  [

Includes article create times in the ticket search of the agent interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketSearch'}->{'ArticleCreateTime'} =  '0';

Defines the default shown ticket search attribute for ticket search screen.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketSearch'}->{'Defaults'}->{'Fulltext'} =  '';

Defines the default shown ticket search attribute for ticket search screen.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketSearch'}->{'Defaults'}->{'TicketNumber'} =  '';

Defines the default shown ticket search attribute for ticket search screen.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketSearch'}->{'Defaults'}->{'Title'} =  '';

Defines the default shown ticket search attribute for ticket search screen.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketSearch'}->{'Defaults'}->{'From'} =  '';

Defines the default shown ticket search attribute for ticket search screen.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketSearch'}->{'Defaults'}->{'To'} =  '';

Defines the default shown ticket search attribute for ticket search screen.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketSearch'}->{'Defaults'}->{'Cc'} =  '';

Defines the default shown ticket search attribute for ticket search screen.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketSearch'}->{'Defaults'}->{'Subject'} =  '';

Defines the default shown ticket search attribute for ticket search screen.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketSearch'}->{'Defaults'}->{'Body'} =  '';

Defines the default shown ticket search attribute for ticket search screen.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketSearch'}->{'Defaults'}->{'CustomerID'} =  '';

Defines the default shown ticket search attribute for ticket search screen.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketSearch'}->{'Defaults'}->{'CustomerUserLogin'} =  '';

Defines the default shown ticket search attribute for ticket search screen.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketSearch'}->{'Defaults'}->{'StateIDs'} =  [];

Defines the default shown ticket search attribute for ticket search screen.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketSearch'}->{'Defaults'}->{'QueueIDs'} =  [];

Default data to use on attribute for ticket search screen. Example: "TicketCreateTimePointFormat=year;TicketCreateTimePointStart=Last;TicketCreateTimePoint=2;".

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketSearch'}->{'Defaults'}->{'TicketCreateTimePoint'} =  '';

Default data to use on attribute for ticket search screen. Example: "TicketCreateTimeStartYear=2010;TicketCreateTimeStartMonth=10;TicketCreateTimeStartDay=4;TicketCreateTimeStopYear=2010;TicketCreateTimeStopMonth=11;TicketCreateTimeStopDay=3;".

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketSearch'}->{'Defaults'}->{'TicketCreateTimeSlot'} =  '';

Defines the default shown ticket search attribute for ticket search screen.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketSearch'}->{'Defaults'}->{'TicketChangeTimePoint'} =  '';

Defines the default shown ticket search attribute for ticket search screen.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketSearch'}->{'Defaults'}->{'TicketChangeTimeSlot'} =  '';

Defines the default shown ticket search attribute for ticket search screen.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketSearch'}->{'Defaults'}->{'TicketCloseTimePoint'} =  '';

Defines the default shown ticket search attribute for ticket search screen.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketSearch'}->{'Defaults'}->{'TicketCloseTimeSlot'} =  '';

Defines the default shown ticket search attribute for ticket search screen.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketSearch'}->{'Defaults'}->{'TicketEscalationTimePoint'} =  '';

Defines the default shown ticket search attribute for ticket search screen.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketSearch'}->{'Defaults'}->{'TicketEscalationTimeSlot'} =  '';

Defines the default shown ticket search attribute for ticket search screen.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketSearch'}->{'Defaults'}->{'ArticleCreateTimePoint'} =  '';

Defines the default shown ticket search attribute for ticket search screen.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketSearch'}->{'Defaults'}->{'ArticleCreateTimeSlot'} =  '';

Defines the default shown ticket search attribute for ticket search screen (AllTickets/ArchivedTickets/NotArchivedTickets).

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketSearch'}->{'Defaults'}->{'SearchInArchive'} =  '';

Dynamic fields shown in the ticket search screen of the agent interface. Possible settings: 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled, 2 = Enabled and shown by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketSearch'}->{'DynamicField'} =  {};

Defines the default shown ticket search attribute for ticket search screen. Example: "Key" must have the name of the Dynamic Field in this case 'X', "Content" must have the value of the Dynamic Field depending on the Dynamic Field type, Text: 'a text', Dropdown: '1', Date/Time: 'Search_DynamicField_XTimeSlotStartYear=1974; Search_DynamicField_XTimeSlotStartMonth=01; Search_DynamicField_XTimeSlotStartDay=26; Search_DynamicField_XTimeSlotStartHour=00; Search_DynamicField_XTimeSlotStartMinute=00; Search_DynamicField_XTimeSlotStartSecond=00; Search_DynamicField_XTimeSlotStopYear=2013; Search_DynamicField_XTimeSlotStopMonth=01; Search_DynamicField_XTimeSlotStopDay=26; Search_DynamicField_XTimeSlotStopHour=23; Search_DynamicField_XTimeSlotStopMinute=59; Search_DynamicField_XTimeSlotStopSecond=59;' and or 'Search_DynamicField_XTimePointFormat=week; Search_DynamicField_XTimePointStart=Before; Search_DynamicField_XTimePointValue=7';.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketSearch'}->{'Defaults'}->{'DynamicField'} =  {};

Dynamic Fields used to export the search result in CSV format.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketSearch'}->{'SearchCSVDynamicField'} =  {};

Columns that can be filtered in the ticket search result view of the agent interface. Possible settings: 0 = Disabled, 1 = Available, 2 = Enabled by default. Note: Only Ticket attributes, Dynamic Fields (DynamicField_NameX) and Customer attributes (e.g. CustomerUserPhone, CustomerCompanyName, ...) are allowed.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketSearch'}->{'DefaultColumns'} =  {
  'Age' => '2',
  'Changed' => '1',
  'Created' => '1',
  'CustomerCompanyName' => '1',
  'CustomerID' => '2',
  'CustomerName' => '1',
  'CustomerUserID' => '1',
  'EscalationResponseTime' => '1',
  'EscalationSolutionTime' => '1',
  'EscalationTime' => '1',
  'EscalationUpdateTime' => '1',
  'Lock' => '2',
  'Owner' => '2',
  'PendingTime' => '1',
  'Priority' => '1',
  'Queue' => '2',
  'Responsible' => '1',
  'SLA' => '1',
  'Service' => '1',
  'State' => '2',
  'TicketNumber' => '2',
  'Title' => '2',
  'Type' => '1'

Ticket → Frontend::Agent::Ticket::ViewService


Strips empty lines on the ticket preview in the service view.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketService'}->{'StripEmptyLines'} =  '0';

Shows all both ro and rw tickets in the service view.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketService'}->{'ViewAllPossibleTickets'} =  '0';

Sorts the tickets (ascendingly or descendingly) when a single queue is selected in the service view and after the tickets are sorted by priority. Values: 0 = ascending (oldest on top, default), 1 = descending (youngest on top). Use the ServiceID for the key and 0 or 1 for value.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketService'}->{'ServiceSort'} =  {
  '3' => '0',
  '7' => '1'

Defines the default sort criteria for all services displayed in the service view.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketService'}->{'SortBy::Default'} =  'Age';

Defines if a pre-sorting by priority should be done in the service view.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketService'}->{'PreSort::ByPriority'} =  '1';

Defines the default sort order for all services in the service view, after priority sort.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketService'}->{'Order::Default'} =  'Up';

Columns that can be filtered in the service view of the agent interface. Possible settings: 0 = Disabled, 1 = Available, 2 = Enabled by default. Note: Only Ticket attributes, Dynamic Fields (DynamicField_NameX) and Customer attributes (e.g. CustomerUserPhone, CustomerCompanyName, ...) are allowed.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketService'}->{'DefaultColumns'} =  {
  'Age' => '2',
  'Changed' => '1',
  'Created' => '1',
  'CustomerCompanyName' => '1',
  'CustomerID' => '2',
  'CustomerName' => '1',
  'CustomerUserID' => '1',
  'EscalationResponseTime' => '1',
  'EscalationSolutionTime' => '1',
  'EscalationTime' => '1',
  'EscalationUpdateTime' => '1',
  'Lock' => '2',
  'Owner' => '2',
  'PendingTime' => '1',
  'Priority' => '1',
  'Queue' => '2',
  'Responsible' => '1',
  'SLA' => '1',
  'Service' => '2',
  'State' => '2',
  'TicketNumber' => '2',
  'Title' => '2',
  'Type' => '1'

Ticket → Frontend::Agent::Ticket::ViewStatus


Shows all open tickets (even if they are locked) in the status view of the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketStatusView'}->{'ViewableTicketsPage'} =  '50';

Defines the default ticket attribute for ticket sorting in the status view of the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketStatusView'}->{'SortBy::Default'} =  'Age';

Defines the default ticket order (after priority sort) in the status view of the agent interface. Up: oldest on top. Down: latest on top.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketStatusView'}->{'Order::Default'} =  'Down';

Columns that can be filtered in the status view of the agent interface. Possible settings: 0 = Disabled, 1 = Available, 2 = Enabled by default. Note: Only Ticket attributes, Dynamic Fields (DynamicField_NameX) and Customer attributes (e.g. CustomerUserPhone, CustomerCompanyName, ...) are allowed.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketStatusView'}->{'DefaultColumns'} =  {
  'Age' => '2',
  'Changed' => '1',
  'Created' => '1',
  'CustomerCompanyName' => '1',
  'CustomerID' => '2',
  'CustomerName' => '1',
  'CustomerUserID' => '1',
  'EscalationResponseTime' => '1',
  'EscalationSolutionTime' => '1',
  'EscalationTime' => '1',
  'EscalationUpdateTime' => '1',
  'Lock' => '2',
  'Owner' => '2',
  'PendingTime' => '1',
  'Priority' => '1',
  'Queue' => '2',
  'Responsible' => '1',
  'SLA' => '1',
  'Service' => '1',
  'State' => '2',
  'TicketNumber' => '2',
  'Title' => '2',
  'Type' => '1'

Ticket → Frontend::Agent::Ticket::ViewWatch


Defines the default ticket attribute for ticket sorting in the watch view of the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketWatchView'}->{'SortBy::Default'} =  'Age';

Defines the default ticket order in the watch view of the agent interface. Up: oldest on top. Down: latest on top.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketWatchView'}->{'Order::Default'} =  'Up';

Columns that can be filtered in the watch view of the agent interface. Possible settings: 0 = Disabled, 1 = Available, 2 = Enabled by default. Note: Only Ticket attributes, Dynamic Fields (DynamicField_NameX) and Customer attributes (e.g. CustomerUserPhone, CustomerCompanyName, ...) are allowed.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketWatchView'}->{'DefaultColumns'} =  {
  'Age' => '2',
  'Changed' => '1',
  'Created' => '1',
  'CustomerCompanyName' => '1',
  'CustomerID' => '2',
  'CustomerName' => '1',
  'CustomerUserID' => '1',
  'EscalationResponseTime' => '1',
  'EscalationSolutionTime' => '1',
  'EscalationTime' => '1',
  'EscalationUpdateTime' => '1',
  'Lock' => '2',
  'Owner' => '2',
  'PendingTime' => '1',
  'Priority' => '1',
  'Queue' => '2',
  'Responsible' => '1',
  'SLA' => '1',
  'Service' => '1',
  'State' => '2',
  'TicketNumber' => '2',
  'Title' => '2',
  'Type' => '1'

Ticket → Frontend::Agent::Ticket::ViewZoom


Shows a link to see a zoomed email ticket in plain text.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::PlainView'} =  '0';

Shows all the articles of the ticket (expanded) in the zoom view.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::ZoomExpand'} =  '0';

Shows the articles sorted normally or in reverse, under ticket zoom in the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::ZoomExpandSort'} =  'reverse';

Shows a count of icons in the ticket zoom, if the article has attachments.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::ZoomAttachmentDisplayCount'} =  '20';

Displays the accounted time for an article in the ticket zoom view.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::ZoomTimeDisplay'} =  '0';

Shows colors for different article types in the article table.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::UseArticleColors'} =  '1';

Activates the article filter in the zoom view to specify which articles should be shown.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::TicketArticleFilter'} =  '0';

Set the default height (in pixels) of inline HTML articles in AgentTicketZoom.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::HTMLArticleHeightDefault'} =  '100';

Set the maximum height (in pixels) of inline HTML articles in AgentTicketZoom.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::HTMLArticleHeightMax'} =  '2500';

The maximal number of articles expanded on a single page in AgentTicketZoom.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::MaxArticlesZoomExpand'} =  '400';

The maximal number of articles shown on a single page in AgentTicketZoom.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::MaxArticlesPerPage'} =  '1000';

Show article as rich text even if rich text writing is disabled.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::ZoomRichTextForce'} =  '1';

Dynamic fields shown in the sidebar of the ticket zoom screen of the agent interface. Possible settings: 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketZoom'}->{'DynamicField'} =  {};

Whether or not to collect meta information from articles using filters configured in Ticket::Frontend::ZoomCollectMetaFilters.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::ZoomCollectMeta'} =  '0';

Defines a filter to collect CVE numbers from article texts in AgentTicketZoom. The results will be displayed in a meta box next to the article. Fill in URLPreview if you would like to see a preview when moving your mouse cursor above the link element. This could be the same URL as in URL, but also an alternate one. Please note that some websites deny being displayed within an iframe (e.g. Google) and thus won't work with the preview mode.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::ZoomCollectMetaFilters'}->{'CVE-Mitre'} =  {
  'Meta' => {
    'Name' => 'CVE Mitre',
    'Target' => '_blank',
    'URL' => 'http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=<MATCH1>-<MATCH2>-<MATCH3>',
    'URLPreview' => 'http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=<MATCH1>-<MATCH2>-<MATCH3>'
  'RegExp' => [

Defines a filter to collect CVE numbers from article texts in AgentTicketZoom. The results will be displayed in a meta box next to the article. Fill in URLPreview if you would like to see a preview when moving your mouse cursor above the link element. This could be the same URL as in URL, but also an alternate one. Please note that some websites deny being displayed within an iframe (e.g. Google) and thus won't work with the preview mode.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::ZoomCollectMetaFilters'}->{'CVE-Google'} =  {
  'Meta' => {
    'Name' => 'CVE Google Search',
    'Target' => '_blank',
    'URL' => 'http://google.com/search?q=<MATCH1>-<MATCH2>-<MATCH3>',
    'URLPreview' => ''
  'RegExp' => [

Ticket → Frontend::Agent::TicketOverview


Allows having a small format ticket overview (CustomerInfo => 1 - shows also the customer information).

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::Overview'}->{'Small'} =  {
  'CustomerInfo' => '1',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::TicketOverview::Small',
  'ModulePriority' => '100',
  'Name' => 'Small',
  'NameShort' => 'S'

Shows either the last customer article's subject or the ticket title in the small format overview.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::OverviewSmall'}->{'ColumnHeader'} =  'LastCustomerSubject';

Allows having a medium format ticket overview (CustomerInfo => 1 - shows also the customer information).

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::Overview'}->{'Medium'} =  {
  'CustomerInfo' => '0',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::TicketOverview::Medium',
  'ModulePriority' => '200',
  'Name' => 'Medium',
  'NameShort' => 'M',
  'OverviewMenuModules' => '1',
  'TicketActionsPerTicket' => '1'

Shows a preview of the ticket overview (CustomerInfo => 1 - shows also Customer-Info, CustomerInfoMaxSize max. size in characters of Customer-Info).

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::Overview'}->{'Preview'} =  {
  'CustomerInfo' => '0',
  'CustomerInfoMaxSize' => '18',
  'DefaultPreViewLines' => '25',
  'DefaultViewNewLine' => '90',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::TicketOverview::Preview',
  'ModulePriority' => '300',
  'Name' => 'Large',
  'NameShort' => 'L',
  'OverviewMenuModules' => '1',
  'StripEmptyLines' => '0',
  'TicketActionsPerTicket' => '1'

Defines which article sender types should be shown in the preview of a ticket.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::Overview::PreviewArticleSenderTypes'} =  {
  'agent' => '1',
  'customer' => '1',
  'system' => '1'

Sets the count of articles visible in preview mode of ticket overviews.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::Overview::PreviewArticleLimit'} =  '5';

Defines wich article type should be expanded when entering the overview. If nothing defined, latest article will be expanded.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::Overview::PreviewArticleTypeExpanded'} =  '';

Dynamic fields shown in the ticket small format overview screen of the agent interface. Possible settings: 0 = Disabled, 1 = Available, 2 = Enabled by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::OverviewSmall'}->{'DynamicField'} =  {};

Dynamic fields shown in the ticket medium format overview screen of the agent interface. Possible settings: 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::OverviewMedium'}->{'DynamicField'} =  {};

Dynamic fields shown in the ticket preview format overview screen of the agent interface. Possible settings: 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::OverviewPreview'}->{'DynamicField'} =  {};

Ticket → Frontend::Agent::ToolBarModule


Toolbar Item for a shortcut. Additional access control to show or not show this link can be done by using Key "Group" and Content like "rw:group1;move_into:group2".

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Frontend::ToolBarModule'}->{'1-Ticket::AgentTicketQueue'} =  {
  'AccessKey' => 'q',
  'Action' => 'AgentTicketQueue',
  'CssClass' => 'QueueView',
  'Icon' => 'fa fa-folder',
  'Link' => 'Action=AgentTicketQueue',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::ToolBar::Link',
  'Name' => 'Queue view',
  'Priority' => '1010010'

Toolbar Item for a shortcut. Additional access control to show or not show this link can be done by using Key "Group" and Content like "rw:group1;move_into:group2".

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Frontend::ToolBarModule'}->{'2-Ticket::AgentTicketStatus'} =  {
  'AccessKey' => 'S',
  'Action' => 'AgentTicketStatusView',
  'CssClass' => 'StatusView',
  'Icon' => 'fa fa-list-ol',
  'Link' => 'Action=AgentTicketStatusView',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::ToolBar::Link',
  'Name' => 'Status view',
  'Priority' => '1010020'

Toolbar Item for a shortcut. Additional access control to show or not show this link can be done by using Key "Group" and Content like "rw:group1;move_into:group2".

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Frontend::ToolBarModule'}->{'3-Ticket::AgentTicketEscalation'} =  {
  'AccessKey' => 'w',
  'Action' => 'AgentTicketEscalationView',
  'CssClass' => 'EscalationView',
  'Icon' => 'fa fa-exclamation',
  'Link' => 'Action=AgentTicketEscalationView',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::ToolBar::Link',
  'Name' => 'Escalation view',
  'Priority' => '1010030'

Toolbar Item for a shortcut. Additional access control to show or not show this link can be done by using Key "Group" and Content like "rw:group1;move_into:group2".

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Frontend::ToolBarModule'}->{'4-Ticket::AgentTicketPhone'} =  {
  'AccessKey' => '',
  'Action' => 'AgentTicketPhone',
  'CssClass' => 'PhoneTicket',
  'Icon' => 'fa fa-phone',
  'Link' => 'Action=AgentTicketPhone',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::ToolBar::Link',
  'Name' => 'New phone ticket',
  'Priority' => '1020010'

Toolbar Item for a shortcut. Additional access control to show or not show this link can be done by using Key "Group" and Content like "rw:group1;move_into:group2".

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Frontend::ToolBarModule'}->{'5-Ticket::AgentTicketEmail'} =  {
  'AccessKey' => '',
  'Action' => 'AgentTicketEmail',
  'CssClass' => 'EmailTicket',
  'Icon' => 'fa fa-envelope',
  'Link' => 'Action=AgentTicketEmail',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::ToolBar::Link',
  'Name' => 'New email ticket',
  'Priority' => '1020020'

Toolbar Item for a shortcut. Additional access control to show or not show this link can be done by using Key "Group" and Content like "rw:group1;move_into:group2".

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Frontend::ToolBarModule'}->{'6-Ticket::AgentTicketProcess'} =  {
  'AccessKey' => '',
  'Action' => 'AgentTicketProcess',
  'CssClass' => 'ProcessTicket',
  'Icon' => 'fa fa-th-large',
  'Link' => 'Action=AgentTicketProcess',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::ToolBar::Link',
  'Name' => 'New process ticket',
  'Priority' => '1020030'

Agent interface notification module to see the number of tickets an agent is responsible for. Additional access control to show or not show this link can be done by using Key "Group" and Content like "rw:group1;move_into:group2".

Default value:

 $Self->{'Frontend::ToolBarModule'}->{'7-Ticket::TicketResponsible'} =  {
  'AccessKey' => 'r',
  'AccessKeyNew' => '',
  'AccessKeyReached' => '',
  'CssClass' => 'Responsible',
  'CssClassNew' => 'Responsible New',
  'CssClassReached' => 'Responsible Reached',
  'Icon' => 'fa fa-user',
  'IconNew' => 'fa fa-user',
  'IconReached' => 'fa fa-user',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::ToolBar::TicketResponsible',
  'Priority' => '1030010'

Agent interface notification module to see the number of watched tickets. Additional access control to show or not show this link can be done by using Key "Group" and Content like "rw:group1;move_into:group2".

Default value:

 $Self->{'Frontend::ToolBarModule'}->{'8-Ticket::TicketWatcher'} =  {
  'AccessKey' => '',
  'AccessKeyNew' => '',
  'AccessKeyReached' => '',
  'CssClass' => 'Watcher',
  'CssClassNew' => 'Watcher New',
  'CssClassReached' => 'Watcher Reached',
  'Icon' => 'fa fa-eye',
  'IconNew' => 'fa fa-eye',
  'IconReached' => 'fa fa-eye',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::ToolBar::TicketWatcher',
  'Priority' => '1030020'

Agent interface notification module to see the number of locked tickets. Additional access control to show or not show this link can be done by using Key "Group" and Content like "rw:group1;move_into:group2".

Default value:

 $Self->{'Frontend::ToolBarModule'}->{'9-Ticket::TicketLocked'} =  {
  'AccessKey' => 'k',
  'AccessKeyNew' => '',
  'AccessKeyReached' => '',
  'CssClass' => 'Locked',
  'CssClassNew' => 'Locked New',
  'CssClassReached' => 'Locked Reached',
  'Icon' => 'fa fa-lock',
  'IconNew' => 'fa fa-lock',
  'IconReached' => 'fa fa-lock',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::ToolBar::TicketLocked',
  'Priority' => '1030030'

Agent interface notification module to see the number of tickets in My Services. Additional access control to show or not show this link can be done by using Key "Group" and Content like "rw:group1;move_into:group2".

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Frontend::ToolBarModule'}->{'10-Ticket::AgentTicketService'} =  {
  'CssClass' => 'ServiceView',
  'Icon' => 'fa fa-wrench',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::ToolBar::TicketService',
  'Priority' => '1030035'

Agent interface module to access search profiles via nav bar. Additional access control to show or not show this link can be done by using Key "Group" and Content like "rw:group1;move_into:group2".

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Frontend::ToolBarModule'}->{'11-Ticket::TicketSearchProfile'} =  {
  'Block' => 'ToolBarSearchProfile',
  'Description' => 'Search template',
  'MaxWidth' => '40',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::ToolBar::TicketSearchProfile',
  'Name' => 'Search template',
  'Priority' => '1990010'

Agent interface module to access fulltext search via nav bar. Additional access control to show or not show this link can be done by using Key "Group" and Content like "rw:group1;move_into:group2".

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Frontend::ToolBarModule'}->{'12-Ticket::TicketSearchFulltext'} =  {
  'Block' => 'ToolBarSearchFulltext',
  'CSS' => 'Core.Agent.Toolbar.FulltextSearch.css',
  'Description' => 'Fulltext search',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::ToolBar::Generic',
  'Name' => 'Fulltext search',
  'Priority' => '1990020',
  'Size' => '10'

Agent interface module to access CIC search via nav bar. Additional access control to show or not show this link can be done by using Key "Group" and Content like "rw:group1;move_into:group2".

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Frontend::ToolBarModule'}->{'13-CICSearchCustomerID'} =  {
  'Block' => 'ToolBarCICSearchCustomerID',
  'CSS' => 'Core.Agent.Toolbar.CICSearch.css',
  'Description' => 'CustomerID search',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::ToolBar::Generic',
  'Name' => 'CustomerID search',
  'Priority' => '1990030',
  'Size' => '10'

Agent interface module to access CIC search via nav bar. Additional access control to show or not show this link can be done by using Key "Group" and Content like "rw:group1;move_into:group2".

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Frontend::ToolBarModule'}->{'14-CICSearchCustomerUser'} =  {
  'Block' => 'ToolBarCICSearchCustomerUser',
  'CSS' => 'Core.Agent.Toolbar.CICSearch.css',
  'Description' => 'Customer user search',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::ToolBar::Generic',
  'Name' => 'Customer user search',
  'Priority' => '1990040',
  'Size' => '10'

Ticket → Frontend::Customer


This option will deny the access to customer company tickets, which are not created by the customer user.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::CustomerDisableCompanyTicketAccess'} =  '0';

Custom text for the page shown to customers that have no tickets yet (if you need those text translated add them to a custom translation module).

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::CustomerTicketOverviewCustomEmptyText'} =  {
  'Button' => 'Create your first ticket',
  'Text' => 'Please click the button below to create your first ticket.',
  'Title' => 'Welcome!'

Customer item (icon) which shows the open tickets of this customer as info block. Setting CustomerUserLogin to 1 searches for tickets based on login name rather than CustomerID.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Frontend::CustomerUser::Item'}->{'15-OpenTickets'} =  {
  'Action' => 'AgentTicketSearch',
  'Attributes' => 'StateType=Open;',
  'CSS' => 'Core.Agent.CustomerUser.OpenTicket.css',
  'CSSClassNoOpenTicket' => 'NoOpenTicket',
  'CSSClassOpenTicket' => 'OpenTicket',
  'CustomerUserLogin' => '0',
  'IconNameNoOpenTicket' => 'fa-check-circle',
  'IconNameOpenTicket' => 'fa-exclamation-circle',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::CustomerUser::GenericTicket',
  'Subaction' => 'Search',
  'Target' => '_blank',
  'Text' => 'Open tickets (customer)'

Customer item (icon) which shows the open tickets of this customer as info block. Setting CustomerUserLogin to 1 searches for tickets based on login name rather than CustomerID.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Frontend::CustomerUser::Item'}->{'16-OpenTicketsForCustomerUserLogin'} =  {
  'Action' => 'AgentTicketSearch',
  'Attributes' => 'StateType=Open;',
  'CSS' => 'Core.Agent.CustomerUser.OpenTicket.css',
  'CSSClassNoOpenTicket' => 'NoOpenTicket',
  'CSSClassOpenTicket' => 'OpenTicket',
  'CustomerUserLogin' => '1',
  'IconNameNoOpenTicket' => 'fa-check-circle',
  'IconNameOpenTicket' => 'fa-exclamation-circle',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::CustomerUser::GenericTicket',
  'Subaction' => 'Search',
  'Target' => '_blank',
  'Text' => 'Open tickets (customer user)'

Customer item (icon) which shows the closed tickets of this customer as info block. Setting CustomerUserLogin to 1 searches for tickets based on login name rather than CustomerID.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Frontend::CustomerUser::Item'}->{'17-ClosedTickets'} =  {
  'Action' => 'AgentTicketSearch',
  'Attributes' => 'StateType=Closed;',
  'CSS' => 'Core.Agent.CustomerUser.OpenTicket.css',
  'CSSClassNoOpenTicket' => 'NoOpenTicket',
  'CSSClassOpenTicket' => 'OpenTicket',
  'CustomerUserLogin' => '0',
  'IconNameNoOpenTicket' => 'fa-power-off',
  'IconNameOpenTicket' => 'fa-power-off',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::CustomerUser::GenericTicket',
  'Subaction' => 'Search',
  'Target' => '_blank',
  'Text' => 'Closed tickets (customer)'

Customer item (icon) which shows the closed tickets of this customer as info block. Setting CustomerUserLogin to 1 searches for tickets based on login name rather than CustomerID.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Frontend::CustomerUser::Item'}->{'18-ClosedTicketsForCustomerUserLogin'} =  {
  'Action' => 'AgentTicketSearch',
  'Attributes' => 'StateType=Closed;',
  'CSS' => 'Core.Agent.CustomerUser.OpenTicket.css',
  'CSSClassNoOpenTicket' => 'NoOpenTicket',
  'CSSClassOpenTicket' => 'OpenTicket',
  'CustomerUserLogin' => '1',
  'IconNameNoOpenTicket' => 'fa-power-off',
  'IconNameOpenTicket' => 'fa-power-off',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::CustomerUser::GenericTicket',
  'Subaction' => 'Search',
  'Target' => '_blank',
  'Text' => 'Closed tickets (customer user)'

Defines the default used Frontend-Module if no Action parameter given in the url on the customer interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'CustomerFrontend::CommonParam'}->{'Action'} =  'CustomerTicketOverview';

Default ticket ID used by the system in the customer interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'CustomerFrontend::CommonParam'}->{'TicketID'} =  '';

Ticket → Frontend::Customer::ModuleMetaHead


Module to generate html OpenSearch profile for short ticket search in the customer interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'CustomerFrontend::HeaderMetaModule'}->{'2-TicketSearch'} =  {
  'Action' => 'CustomerTicketSearch',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::HeaderMeta::CustomerTicketSearch'

Ticket → Frontend::Customer::ModuleRegistration


Frontend module registration for the customer interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'CustomerFrontend::Module'}->{'CustomerTicketOverview'} =  {
  'Description' => 'Overview of customer tickets.',
  'NavBar' => [
      'AccessKey' => 'm',
      'Block' => '',
      'Description' => 'Tickets.',
      'Link' => 'Action=CustomerTicketOverview;Subaction=MyTickets',
      'LinkOption' => '',
      'Name' => 'Tickets',
      'NavBar' => 'Ticket',
      'Prio' => '100',
      'Type' => 'Menu'
      'AccessKey' => '',
      'Block' => '',
      'Description' => 'My Tickets.',
      'Link' => 'Action=CustomerTicketOverview;Subaction=MyTickets',
      'LinkOption' => '',
      'Name' => 'My Tickets',
      'NavBar' => 'Ticket',
      'Prio' => '110',
      'Type' => 'Submenu'
      'AccessKey' => 'M',
      'Block' => '',
      'Description' => 'Company Tickets.',
      'Link' => 'Action=CustomerTicketOverview;Subaction=CompanyTickets',
      'LinkOption' => '',
      'Name' => 'Company Tickets',
      'NavBar' => 'Ticket',
      'Prio' => '120',
      'Type' => 'Submenu'
  'NavBarName' => 'Ticket',
  'Title' => 'Overview'

Frontend module registration for the customer interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'CustomerFrontend::Module'}->{'CustomerTicketMessage'} =  {
  'Description' => 'Create tickets.',
  'NavBar' => [
      'AccessKey' => 'n',
      'Block' => '',
      'Description' => 'Create new Ticket.',
      'Link' => 'Action=CustomerTicketMessage',
      'LinkOption' => '',
      'Name' => 'New Ticket',
      'NavBar' => 'Ticket',
      'Prio' => '100',
      'Type' => 'Submenu'
  'NavBarName' => 'Ticket',
  'Title' => 'New Ticket'

Frontend module registration for the customer interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'CustomerFrontend::Module'}->{'CustomerTicketZoom'} =  {
  'Description' => 'Ticket zoom view.',
  'Loader' => {
    'JavaScript' => [
  'NavBarName' => 'Ticket',
  'Title' => 'Zoom'

Frontend module registration for the customer interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'CustomerFrontend::Module'}->{'CustomerTicketPrint'} =  {
  'Description' => 'Customer Ticket Print Module.',
  'NavBarName' => '',
  'Title' => 'Print'

Frontend module registration for the customer interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'CustomerFrontend::Module'}->{'CustomerTicketAttachment'} =  {
  'Description' => 'To download attachments.',
  'NavBarName' => '',
  'Title' => ''

Frontend module registration for the customer interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'CustomerFrontend::Module'}->{'CustomerTicketSearch'} =  {
  'Description' => 'Customer ticket search.',
  'NavBar' => [
      'AccessKey' => 's',
      'Block' => '',
      'Description' => 'Search.',
      'Link' => 'Action=CustomerTicketSearch',
      'LinkOption' => '',
      'Name' => 'Search',
      'NavBar' => 'Ticket',
      'Prio' => '300',
      'Type' => 'Submenu'
  'NavBarName' => 'Ticket',
  'Title' => 'Search'

Ticket → Frontend::Customer::Preferences


Defines all the parameters for the ShownTickets object in the customer preferences of the customer interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'CustomerPreferencesGroups'}->{'ShownTickets'} =  {
  'Active' => '1',
  'Column' => 'User Profile',
  'Data' => {
    '15' => '15',
    '20' => '20',
    '25' => '25',
    '30' => '30'
  'DataSelected' => '25',
  'Desc' => 'Select how many tickets should be shown in overviews by default.',
  'Key' => 'Tickets per page',
  'Label' => 'Number of displayed tickets',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::Preferences::Generic',
  'PrefKey' => 'UserShowTickets',
  'Prio' => '4000'

Defines all the parameters for the RefreshTime object in the customer preferences of the customer interface.

Default value:

 $Self->{'CustomerPreferencesGroups'}->{'RefreshTime'} =  {
  'Active' => '1',
  'Column' => 'User Profile',
  'Data' => {
    '0' => 'off',
    '10' => '10 minutes',
    '15' => '15 minutes',
    '2' => ' 2 minutes',
    '5' => ' 5 minutes',
    '7' => ' 7 minutes'
  'DataSelected' => '0',
  'Desc' => 'Select after which period ticket overviews should refresh automatically.',
  'Key' => 'Refresh interval',
  'Label' => 'Ticket overview',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::Preferences::Generic',
  'PrefKey' => 'UserRefreshTime',
  'Prio' => '4000'

Ticket → Frontend::Customer::Ticket::ViewNew


Determines the next screen after new customer ticket in the customer interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::CustomerTicketMessage'}->{'NextScreenAfterNewTicket'} =  'CustomerTicketOverview';

Allows customers to set the ticket priority in the customer interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::CustomerTicketMessage'}->{'Priority'} =  '1';

Defines the default priority of new customer tickets in the customer interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::CustomerTicketMessage'}->{'PriorityDefault'} =  '3 normal';

Allows customers to set the ticket queue in the customer interface. If this is set to 'No', QueueDefault should be configured.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::CustomerTicketMessage'}->{'Queue'} =  '1';

Defines the default queue for new customer tickets in the customer interface.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::CustomerTicketMessage'}->{'QueueDefault'} =  'Postmaster';

Allows customers to set the ticket type in the customer interface. If this is set to 'No', TicketTypeDefault should be configured.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::CustomerTicketMessage'}->{'TicketType'} =  '1';

Defines the default ticket type for new customer tickets in the customer interface.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::CustomerTicketMessage'}->{'TicketTypeDefault'} =  'Unclassified';

Allows customers to set the ticket service in the customer interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::CustomerTicketMessage'}->{'Service'} =  '1';

Allows customers to set the ticket SLA in the customer interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::CustomerTicketMessage'}->{'SLA'} =  '1';

Sets if service must be selected by the customer.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::CustomerTicketMessage'}->{'ServiceMandatory'} =  '0';

Sets if SLA must be selected by the customer.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::CustomerTicketMessage'}->{'SLAMandatory'} =  '0';

Defines the default state of new customer tickets in the customer interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::CustomerTicketMessage'}->{'StateDefault'} =  'new';

Defines the default type for article in the customer interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::CustomerTicketMessage'}->{'ArticleType'} =  'webrequest';

Sender type for new tickets from the customer inteface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::CustomerTicketMessage'}->{'SenderType'} =  'customer';

Defines the default history type in the customer interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::CustomerTicketMessage'}->{'HistoryType'} =  'WebRequestCustomer';

Comment for new history entries in the customer interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::CustomerTicketMessage'}->{'HistoryComment'} =  '';

Defines the recipient target of the tickets ("Queue" shows all queues, "SystemAddress" shows only the queues which are assigned to system addresses) in the customer interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'CustomerPanelSelectionType'} =  'Queue';

Determines the strings that will be shown as recipient (To:) of the ticket in the customer interface. For Queue as CustomerPanelSelectionType, "<Queue>" shows the names of the queues, and for SystemAddress, "<Realname> <<Email>>" shows the name and email of the recipient.

Default value:

 $Self->{'CustomerPanelSelectionString'} =  '<Queue>';

Determines which queues will be valid for ticket's recepients in the customer interface.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'CustomerPanelOwnSelection'} =  {
  'Junk' => 'First Queue',
  'Misc' => 'Second Queue'

Module for To-selection in new ticket screen in the customer interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'CustomerPanel::NewTicketQueueSelectionModule'} =  'Kernel::Output::HTML::CustomerNewTicket::QueueSelectionGeneric';

Dynamic fields options shown in the ticket message screen of the customer interface. Possible settings: 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled, 2 = Enabled and required. NOTE. If you want to display these fields also in the ticket zoom of the customer interface, you have to enable them in CustomerTicketZoom###DynamicField.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::CustomerTicketMessage'}->{'DynamicField'} =  {};

Ticket → Frontend::Customer::Ticket::ViewPrint


Dynamic fields shown in the ticket print screen of the customer interface. Possible settings: 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::CustomerTicketPrint'}->{'DynamicField'} =  {};

Ticket → Frontend::Customer::Ticket::ViewSearch


Maximum number of tickets to be displayed in the result of a search in the customer interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::CustomerTicketSearch::SearchLimit'} =  '5000';

Number of tickets to be displayed in each page of a search result in the customer interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::CustomerTicketSearch::SearchPageShown'} =  '40';

Defines the default ticket attribute for ticket sorting in a ticket search of the customer interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::CustomerTicketSearch::SortBy::Default'} =  'Age';

Defines the default ticket order of a search result in the customer interface. Up: oldest on top. Down: latest on top.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::CustomerTicketSearch::Order::Default'} =  'Down';

Allows extended search conditions in ticket search of the customer interface. With this feature you can search e. g. ticket title with this kind of conditions like "(*key1*&&*key2*)" or "(*key1*||*key2*)".

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::CustomerTicketSearch'}->{'ExtendedSearchCondition'} =  '1';

If enabled, the customer can search for tickets in all services (regardless what services are assigned to the customer).

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Customer::TicketSearch::AllServices'} =  '0';

Exports the whole article tree in search result (it can affect the system performance).

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::CustomerTicketSearch'}->{'SearchArticleCSVTree'} =  '0';

Data used to export the search result in CSV format.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::CustomerTicketSearch'}->{'SearchCSVData'} =  [

Dynamic fields shown in the ticket search screen of the customer interface. Possible settings: 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::CustomerTicketSearch'}->{'DynamicField'} =  {};

Dynamic fields shown in the ticket search overview results screen of the customer interface. Possible settings: 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::CustomerTicketSearch'}->{'SearchOverviewDynamicField'} =  {};

Dynamic Fields used to export the search result in CSV format.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::CustomerTicketSearch'}->{'SearchCSVDynamicField'} =  {};

Ticket → Frontend::Customer::Ticket::ViewZoom


Determines the next screen after the follow-up screen of a zoomed ticket in the customer interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::CustomerTicketZoom'}->{'NextScreenAfterFollowUp'} =  'CustomerTicketOverview';

Defines the default type of the note in the ticket zoom screen of the customer interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::CustomerTicketZoom'}->{'ArticleType'} =  'webrequest';

Defines the default sender type for tickets in the ticket zoom screen of the customer interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::CustomerTicketZoom'}->{'SenderType'} =  'customer';

Defines the history type for the ticket zoom action, which gets used for ticket history in the customer interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::CustomerTicketZoom'}->{'HistoryType'} =  'FollowUp';

Defines the history comment for the ticket zoom action, which gets used for ticket history in the customer interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::CustomerTicketZoom'}->{'HistoryComment'} =  '';

Allows customers to change the ticket priority in the customer interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::CustomerTicketZoom'}->{'Priority'} =  '1';

Defines the default priority of follow-up customer tickets in the ticket zoom screen in the customer interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::CustomerTicketZoom'}->{'PriorityDefault'} =  '3 normal';

Allows choosing the next compose state for customer tickets in the customer interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::CustomerTicketZoom'}->{'State'} =  '1';

Defines the default next state for a ticket after customer follow-up in the customer interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::CustomerTicketZoom'}->{'StateDefault'} =  'open';

Defines the next possible states for customer tickets in the customer interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::CustomerTicketZoom'}->{'StateType'} =  [

Shows the activated ticket attributes in the customer interface (0 = Disabled and 1 = Enabled).

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::CustomerTicketZoom'}->{'AttributesView'} =  {
  'Owner' => '0',
  'Priority' => '1',
  'Queue' => '1',
  'Responsible' => '0',
  'SLA' => '0',
  'Service' => '0',
  'State' => '1',
  'Type' => '0'

Dynamic fields shown in the ticket zoom screen of the customer interface. Possible settings: 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::CustomerTicketZoom'}->{'DynamicField'} =  {};

Dynamic fields options shown in the ticket reply section in the ticket zoom screen of the customer interface. Possible settings: 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled, 2 = Enabled and required.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::CustomerTicketZoom'}->{'FollowUpDynamicField'} =  {};

Ticket → Frontend::Customer::TicketOverview


Controls if customers have the ability to sort their tickets.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::CustomerTicketOverviewSortable'} =  '';

Shows either the last customer article's subject or the ticket title in the small format overview.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::CustomerTicketOverview'}->{'ColumnHeader'} =  'TicketTitle';

Show the current owner in the customer interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::CustomerTicketOverview'}->{'Owner'} =  '0';

Show the current queue in the customer interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::CustomerTicketOverview'}->{'Queue'} =  '0';

Dynamic fields shown in the ticket overview screen of the customer interface. Possible settings: 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled, 2 = Enabled and required.

Default value:

 $Self->{'Ticket::Frontend::CustomerTicketOverview'}->{'DynamicField'} =  {};

Ticket → Frontend::Queue::Preferences


Parameters of the example queue attribute Comment2.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'QueuePreferences'}->{'Comment2'} =  {
  'Block' => 'TextArea',
  'Cols' => '50',
  'Desc' => 'Define the queue comment 2.',
  'Label' => 'Comment2',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::QueuePreferences::Generic',
  'PrefKey' => 'Comment2',
  'Rows' => '5'

Ticket → Frontend::SLA::Preferences


Parameters of the example SLA attribute Comment2.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'SLAPreferences'}->{'Comment2'} =  {
  'Block' => 'TextArea',
  'Cols' => '50',
  'Desc' => 'Define the sla comment 2.',
  'Label' => 'Comment2',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::SLAPreferences::Generic',
  'PrefKey' => 'Comment2',
  'Rows' => '5'

Ticket → Frontend::Service::Preferences


Parameters of the example service attribute Comment2.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

 $Self->{'ServicePreferences'}->{'Comment2'} =  {
  'Block' => 'TextArea',
  'Cols' => '50',
  'Desc' => 'Define the service comment 2.',
  'Label' => 'Comment2',
  'Module' => 'Kernel::Output::HTML::ServicePreferences::Generic',
  'PrefKey' => 'Comment2',
  'Rows' => '5'