Process Management

Example process
Recording the demand
Approval by manager
Processing by purchasing department
Processing by the mail room
Implementing the example
Process (as a container)
Activity Dialogs
Transition Actions
Book ordering process Path
Process configuration reference
Process configuration
Activity configuration
ActivityDialog configuration
Transition configuration
Transition Actions
Transition Action configuration
Reusing Transition Action modules
Available Transition Actions
Access Control Lists (ACLs)
ACL configuration
Possible/PossibleNot Activity Dialog


This feature of OTRS allows you to model processes (work-flows) in the ticket system. The basic idea is to be able to define recurring processes, and to delegate work items to different people, as well as leading the progress of a process in different directions based on certain criteria.

Example process

Let's see an example to make it more demonstrative. We will define a book order process:

Recording the demand

Before an order will be placed, the demand for literature by an employee will be recorded. The following book is needed in our example:

Title: Prozessmanagement für Dummies
Autor: Thilo Knuppertz
ISBN: 3527703713

Approval by manager

The head of the employee's department needs to decide on the order. In case of a denial, a reason should be recorded by the manager. In case of approval, the order is passed to the purchasing department.

Processing by purchasing department

Purchasing now has the task to find out where the book can be ordered with the best conditions. If it is out of stock, this can be recorded in the order. In case of a successful order purchasing will record the supplier, the price and the delivery date.

Processing by the mail room

The shipment will arrive at the company. The incoming goods department checks the shipment and records the date of receipt. Now the employee will be informed that their order has arrived and is ready to be collected.

Implementing the example

If we assume that a ticket acts in this work-flow like an accompanying document that can receive change notes, we already have a clear picture of process tickets.

From the analysis of the example process we can identify the following necessary items:

  • Possibilities to record data, let's call them Activity Dialogs,

  • Checks which can react to changed data automatically, let's call them Transitions,

  • changes which can be applied to a process ticket after successful transitions of a process ticket, let's call them Transition Actions.

We also need an additional item which might not be as obvious:

  • A possibility to offer more than just one Activity Dialog to be available. In our example this is needed when the manager must have the choice between "Approve" and "Deny". Let's call this Activity.

Now, with Activities, Activity Dialogs, Transitions and Transition Actions we have the necessary tools to model the individual steps of our example. What's still missing is an area where for each work-flow the order of the steps can be specified. Let's call this Process. To be able to refer to all these entities later, we will assign to them an abbreviation in parentheses. This abbreviation is based on an internal identification mechanism called EntityIDs.

The EntityIDs are conformed with one or two letters (depending on the process part or entity) and then a consecutive number, examples:

  • Process: 'P1', 'P2' ... 'Pn'.

  • Activity: 'A1', 'A2' ... 'An'.

  • Activity Dialog: 'AD1', 'AD2' ... 'ADn'.

  • Transition: 'T1', 'T2' ... 'Tn'.

  • Transition Action: 'TA1', 'TA2' ... 'TAn'.

Before the creation of the process and its parts is necessary to prepare the system, we will need to define some Queues, Users and Dynamic Fields as well as set some SysConfig options.

Create the following Queues:

  • Management

  • Employees

  • Purchasing

  • Post office

Create the following Users:

  • Manager

  • Employee

Create the following Dynamic Fields:

  • Title

  • Author

  • ISBN

  • Status

    Possible Values
    • Approval

    • Approval denied

    • Approved

    • Order denied

    • Order placed

    • Shipment received

    Note: Please use this exactly this possible values for "Key" and "Value" in the Dynamic Field setup.

  • Supplier

  • Price

  • DeliveryDate

    LabelDelivery date
  • DateOfReceipt

    LabelDate Of Receipt

Set the the following SysConfig settings:

  • 'Ticket::Responsible': Yes

  • 'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketZoom###ProcessWidgetDynamicFieldGroups':

    BookTitle, Author, ISBN
    OrderPrice, Supplier, DeliveryDate
  • 'Ticket::Frontend::AgentTicketZoom###ProcessWidgetDynamicField':


Now lets start with the real Process Management stuff. In the next step, we will define the individual entities that we need.

Process (as a container)

To create a new process is necessary to click on the "Process Management" link in the System Administration box in the Admin panel, this will lead to the Process Management Overview screen. After the creation of the process we can create all other entities (or process parts).


Activities, Activity Dialogs, Transitions and Transition Actions defined in one process will be available for all the processes in the system.

Figure: OTRS Admin screen - System Administration.

Click on the "Create New Process" action from the Actions box.

Figure: Create New Process button.

Fill the process information,set Process Name and the Description, we will leave the process State as "inactive", until we finish all the tasks. Save the process.

Figure: Add new process.

Activity Dialogs

Click on the new process name in the Process Management Overview Screen, then in the "Available Process Elements" click in "Activity Dialogs" (this action will expand the activity dialog options and will collapse all others doing and accordion like effect), then click on "Create New Activity Dialog".

Figure: Create New Activity Dialog button.

In the opened popup screen fill the "Activity dialog Name" as well as the "Description (short)" fields, for this example we will leave all other fields as the default, to assign fields to the Activity Dialog simple drag the required field from the "Available Fields" pool and drop into the "Assigned Fields" pool. The order in the "Assigned Fields" pool is the order as the fields will have in the screen, to modify the order simply drag and drop the filed within the pool to rearrange it in the correct place.

Figure: Add new Activity Dialog.

As soon as the fields are dropped into the "Assigned Fields" pool another popup screen is shown with some details about the field, we will leave the default options and only for Article fields we should make sure that the ArticleType field is set to "note-internal".

Figure: Edit field details (Article).

After all fields are assigned click on the submit button in the main popup screen to save the changes.

In this example we will use Article field for comments, but another option could be to create a TextArea type Dynamic Field, the rest of the mentioned fields in the lines below are the Dynamic Fields that we define before.

Please be aware that in this screen all the Dynamic Fields has the prefix "DynamicField_" as in "DynamicField_Title", Do not confuse with the field "Title" that is the Ticket Title.

Create the following Activity Dialogs:

  • "Recoding the demand" (AD1)

    An Activity Dialog that contains all the required fields for the data to be collected for the order (Title, Author and ISBN), and a Status field with the possibility to choose "Approval".

  • "Approval denied" (AD2)

    An Activity Dialog with a comment field (Article) and a Status field with the option "Approval denied".

  • "Approved" (AD3)

    Here we just need the Status field with the option "Approved".

  • "Order denied" (AD4)

    An activity dialog which makes it possible for purchasing to reject an impossible order (book out of stock). Here we also need a comment field and the Status field with the option "Order denied".

  • "Order placed" (AD5)

    An activity dialog with the fields Supplier, Price and Delivery date for purchasing and the Status field with the option "Order placed".

  • "Shipment received" (AD6)

    An activity for the mail room with a field for the Date of receipt and the Status field with the option "Shipment received".

To restrict the Status field for each activity dialog we need to add some ACLs in the Kernel/ or to a new perl file located in Kernel/Config/Files.

    $Self->{TicketAcl}->{'P1-AD1-1'} = {
        Properties => {
            Process => {
                ActivityDialogEntityID => ['AD1'],
        Possible => {
            Ticket => {
                DynamicField_Status => ['Approval'],

    $Self->{TicketAcl}->{'P1-AD2-1'} = {
        Properties => {
            Process => {
                ActivityDialogEntityID => ['AD2'],
        Possible => {
            Ticket => {
                DynamicField_Status => ['Approval denied'],

    $Self->{TicketAcl}->{'P1-AD3-1'} = {
        Properties => {
            Process => {
                ActivityDialogEntityID => ['AD3'],
        Possible => {
            Ticket => {
                DynamicField_Status => ['Approved'],

    $Self->{TicketAcl}->{'P1-AD4-1'} = {
        Properties => {
            Process => {
                ActivityDialogEntityID => ['AD4'],
        Possible => {
            Ticket => {
                DynamicField_Status => ['Order denied'],

    $Self->{TicketAcl}->{'P1-AD5-1'} = {
        Properties => {
            Process => {
                ActivityDialogEntityID => ['AD5'],
        Possible => {
            Ticket => {
                DynamicField_Status => ['Order placed'],

    $Self->{TicketAcl}->{'P1-AD6-1'} = {
        Properties => {
            Process => {
                ActivityDialogEntityID => ['AD6'],
        Possible => {
            Ticket => {
                DynamicField_Status => ['Shipment received'],


In the "Available Process Elements" click in "Transitions", then click on "Create New Transition".

Figure: Create New Transition button.

In the opened popup screen fill the "Transition Name", then in the conditions, for this examples we will use just one condition and just one field, for both we can leave the Type of Linking as "and" and we will use the filed match type value as "String".

Figure: Add new Transition.

After all conditions are set click on the submit button to save the changes.

Create the following Transitions:

  • "Approval" (T1)

    A transition which checks if the Status field is set to "Approval".

  • "Approval denied" (T2)

    A transition which checks if the Status field is set to "Approval denied".

  • "Approved" (T3)

    A transition which checks if the Status field is set to "Approved".

  • "Order denied" (T4)

    A transition which checks if the Status field is set to "Order denied".

  • "Order placed" (T5)

    A transition which checks if the Status field is set to "Order placed".

  • "Shipment received" (T6)

    A transition which checks if the Status field is set to "Shipment received".

Transition Actions

Click on "Transition Actions" in the "Available Process Elements", then click on "Create New Transition Action".

Figure: Create New Transition Action button.

In the opened popup screen fill the "Transition Name", and the "Transition Action module" then add the required and optional parameter names and values.

All the Transition Action Modules are located in Kernel/System/ProcessManagement/TransitionAction and the following is the list of bundled Transition Actions included in this release

  • DynamicFieldSet

  • TicketArticleCreate

  • TicketCreate

  • TicketCustomerSet

  • TicketLockSet

  • TicketOwnerSet

  • TicketQueueSet

  • TicketResponsibleSet

  • TicketServiceSet

  • TicketSLASet

  • TicketStateSet

  • TicketTitleSet

  • TicketTypeSet

Each module has its own and different parameters. Please review the module documentation to learn all require and optional parameters.


From OTRS 4.0.1, parameters are not longer mandatory fixed values, but instead, they can inherit from the original ticket using format: <OTRS_Ticket_property>.

From OTRS 4.0.6, the format <OTRS_TICKET_property> is now supported, older format is still usable, but deprecated as it will be dropped in further versions.

Figure: Add new Transition Action.

After all parameters and values are set click on the submit button to save the changes.

Create the following Transitions Actions:

  • "Move the process ticket into the 'Management' queue" (TA1)

    This action is supposed to be executed when the Transition "Approval" (T1) applied.

  • "Change ticket responsible to 'manager'" (TA2)

    To be executed when the Transition "Approval" (T1) applied.

  • "Move the process ticket into the 'Employees' queue"" (TA3)

    To be executed when:

    • The Transition "Approval denied" (T2) applied

    • The Transition "Order denied" (T4) applied

    • The Transition "Shipment received" (T6) applied

  • "Change ticket responsible to 'Employee'" (TA4)

    To be executed when:

    • The transition "Approval denied" (T2) applied

    • The transition "Order denied" (T4) applied

    • The transition "Shipment received" (T6) applied

  • "Move process ticket into the 'Purchasing' queue" (TA5)

    To be executed when the transition "Approved" (T3) applied.

  • "Move process ticket into the 'Post office' queue" (TA6)

    To be executed when the transition "Order placed" (T5) applied.

  • "Close ticket successfully" (TA7)

    To be executed when:

    • The transition "Shipment received" (T6) applied

  • "Close ticket unsuccessfully" (TA8)

    To be executed when:

    • The transition "Approval denied" (T2) applied

    • The transition "Order denied" (T4) applied

As you can see, there are places where the same Transition Actions should be executed. Therefore it is reasonable to make it possible to link Transition Actions freely with Transitions to be able to reuse them.


We chose the approach to see Activities as a basket which can contain one or more Activity Dialogs.

Click on "Activities" in the "Available Process Elements", then click on "Create New Activity".

Figure: Create New Activity button.

In the opened popup screen fill the "Activity Name", Then drap the required Activity Dialogs from the "Available Activity Dialogs" pool, and drop then into to the "Assigned Activity Dialogs" pool. This dialogs will be presented (in the ticket zoom screen) in the same order as it is defined on this screen translating from top to bottom, to left to right.

This order is specially important in the first Activity, since the first Activity Dialog for this activity is the only one that is presented when the process starts

Create the following Activities:

  • "Recording the demand" (A1)

    Contains the Activity Dialog "Recording the demand" (AD1)

  • "Approval" (A2)

    Contains the Activity Dialogs "Approval denied" (AD2) as well as "Approved" (AD3)

  • "Order" (A3)

    Contains the Activity Dialogs "Order rejected" (AD4) as well as "Order placed" (AD5)

  • "Incoming" (A4)

    Contains the Activity Dialog "Shipment received" (AD6)

  • "Process complete" (A5): This is an Activity without possible Activity Dialogs. It will be set after "Approval denied", "Order denied" or "Shipment received" and represents the end of the process.

Now we can clearly see that Activities are precisely defined states of a process ticket. After a successful Transition a process ticket moves from one Activity to another.

Book ordering process Path

Let us conclude our example with the last missing piece in the puzzle, the Process as the a flow describer. In our case this is the whole ordering work-flow. Other processes could be office supply ordering or completely different processes.

The process has a starting point which consists of the start Activity and the start Activity Dialog. For any new book order, the start Activity Dialog (first Activity Dialog for the first Activity) is the first screen that is displayed. If this is completed and saved, the Process ticket will be created and can follow the configured work-flow.

The process also contains the directions for how the process ticket can move through the Process. Let's call this the "Path". It consists of the start Activity, one or more Transitions (possibly with Transition Actions), and other Activities.

Assuming that the Activities has already assigned their Activity Dialogs drag an Activity from the accordion (in the left part of the screen) and drop it into the canvas area (below process information). Notice that an arrow from the process start (green circle) to the Activity is placed automatically. (This is the first Activity and its first Activity Dialog is the first screen that will be shown when the process starts).

Figure: Drag first Activity into the canvas.

Next, drag another Activity into the canvas too. now we will have two Activities in the canvas the first one is connected to the start point and the second has no connections, you can hover the mouse over each activity to reveal their own Activity Dialogs.

Figure: Drag second Activity into the canvas.

Then let's create the "Path" (connection) between this two Activities, for this we will use the Transitions, Click on Transitions in the accordion drag a Transition and drop it inside the first Activity, notice that the Activity change its color indicating that the Transition is attached, as soon as the Transition is dropped the end point of the Transition arrow will be placed next to the process start point. Drag the Transition arrow end point and drop it inside the other Activity to create the connection between the Activities.

Figure: Drag a Transition into the canvas.

Now that the "Path" between the Actions is defined, then we need to assign the Transition Actions to the Transition, double click the Transition label (in the canvas), this will open a new popup window.

Figure: Connect Activities using Transitions.

Drag the needed Transition Actions from Available Transition Actions pool and drop them into the Assigned Transition Actions pool and click on submit button.

Figure: Assign Transition Actions.

Then back in the main process edit screen click on save button below the canvas to save all other changes.

Complete the "path"" adding the following Activities, Transitions and Transition Actions:

Recording the demand until "Approval"

  • Starting point: Activity: Recording the demand (A1)

  • Possible Transition: Approval (T1)

    • If the condition of this activity is fulfilled, the ticket will move to Activity: Approval (A2)

    • Additionally, the following TransitionActions are executed:

      • "Moving the ticket into the 'Management' Queue" (TA1)

      • "Set ticket responsible to 'manager'" (TA2)

The Activity: "Recording the demand" (A1) is a defined step of the process ticket, where there is the possibility for the Transition: "Approval" (T1). If this applies, the ticket will move to the next Activity: "Approval" (A2), and the Transition Actions: "Moving the ticket into the 'Management' Queue" (TA1) and "Set ticket responsible to 'manager'" (TA2) are executed. In the Activity: "Approval" (A2), the Activity Dialogs: "Approval denied" (AD2) and "Approved" (AD3) are available.


  • Starting Point: Activity "Approval" (A2)

  • Possible Transitions:

    • "Approval denied" (T2)

      • If this matches, the process ticket will move to Activity:"Process complete" (A5).

      • Additionally, the following Transition Actions are executed:

        • "Move process ticket to the 'Employees' Queue" (TA3)

        • "Set ticket responsible to 'Employee'" (TA4)

        • "Close ticket unsuccessfully" (TA8)

    • "Approved" (T3)

      • If this matches, the process ticket will move to Activity: "Order" (A3).

      • Additionally, the following Transition Action is executed:

        • "Move process ticket to 'Purchasing' Queue" (TA5)

We can see that from the current Activity, which defines a step of the process ticket, there are one or more possibilities for Transition which have exactly one target Activity (and possibly one or more Transition Actions).


  • Starting Point: Activity "Order" (A3)

  • Possible Transitions:

    • "Order denied" (T4)

      • If this matches, the process ticket will move to Activity:"Process complete" (A5).

      • Additionally, the following Transition Actions are executed:

        • "Move process ticket to the 'Employees' Queue" (TA3)

        • "Set ticket responsible to 'Employee'" (TA4)

        • "Close ticket unsuccessfully" (TA8)

    • "Order placed" (T5)

      • If this matches, the process ticket will move to Activity: "Incoming" (A5).

      • Additionally, the following Transition Action is executed:

        • "Move process ticket to 'Post office' Queue" (TA6)


  • Starting Point: Activity "Incoming" (A4)

  • Possible Transitions:

    • "Shipment received" (T6)

      • If this matches, the process ticket will move to Activity:"Process complete" (A5).

      • Additionally, the following Transition Actions are executed:

        • "Move process ticket to the 'Employees' Queue" (TA3)

        • "Set ticket responsible to 'Employee'" (TA4)

        • "Close ticket successfully" (TA7)

The complete Path for the book ordering Process will then look like this:

Figure: Book ordering complete process path.

After you finish the process path please click on "Save" button in the lower part of the canvas and then click on "Synchronize All Processes" button. This will gather all processes information form the Database and create a cache file (in Perl language). This cache file is acctually the processes configuration that the system will use to create or use process tickets.

Any change that is made of the process (in the GUI) will require to re-synchronize the cache file in order to get the change reflected in the system.

It is also possible to import the whole process from a YAML file, but it is still necessary to create all Dynamic Fields, Users, Queues, etc that are needed by each process before the import.

Notice that if the process requires the use of ACLs those are also needed to be set manually.

The follwing is the complete YAML file for the book ordering process example:

      - AD1
    ChangeTime: 2012-11-23 14:49:22
        1: AD1
    CreateTime: 2012-11-23 11:49:38
    EntityID: A1
    ID: 151
    Name: Recording the demand
      - AD2
      - AD3
    ChangeTime: 2012-12-13 00:55:12
        1: AD2
        2: AD3
    CreateTime: 2012-11-23 11:50:11
    EntityID: A2
    ID: 152
    Name: Approval
      - AD4
      - AD5
    ChangeTime: 2012-11-23 18:12:14
        1: AD4
        2: AD5
    CreateTime: 2012-11-23 11:50:35
    EntityID: A3
    ID: 153
    Name: Order
      - AD6
    ChangeTime: 2012-11-23 18:12:35
        1: AD6
    CreateTime: 2012-11-23 11:51:00
    EntityID: A4
    ID: 154
    Name: Incoming
    ActivityDialogs: []
    ChangeTime: 2012-11-23 11:51:33
    Config: {}
    CreateTime: 2012-11-23 11:51:33
    EntityID: A5
    ID: 155
    Name: Process complete
    ChangeTime: 2012-12-06 02:16:21
      DescriptionLong: ''
      DescriptionShort: Recoding the demand
        - DynamicField_Author
        - DynamicField_ISBN
        - DynamicField_Title
        - DynamicField_Status
          DefaultValue: ''
          DescriptionLong: ''
          DescriptionShort: ''
          Display: 1
          DefaultValue: ''
          DescriptionLong: ''
          DescriptionShort: ''
          Display: 1
          DefaultValue: ''
          DescriptionLong: ''
          DescriptionShort: ''
          Display: 1
          DefaultValue: ''
          DescriptionLong: ''
          DescriptionShort: ''
          Display: 1
        - AgentInterface
      Permission: ''
      RequiredLock: 0
      SubmitAdviceText: ''
      SubmitButtonText: ''
    CreateTime: 2012-11-23 14:34:43
    EntityID: AD1
    ID: 154
    Name: Recording the demand
    ChangeTime: 2012-11-23 14:57:41
      DescriptionLong: ''
      DescriptionShort: Approval denied
        - Article
        - DynamicField_Status
            ArticleType: note-internal
          DefaultValue: ''
          DescriptionLong: ''
          DescriptionShort: ''
          Display: 1
          DefaultValue: ''
          DescriptionLong: ''
          DescriptionShort: ''
          Display: 1
        - AgentInterface
      Permission: ''
      RequiredLock: 0
      SubmitAdviceText: ''
      SubmitButtonText: Deny Request
    CreateTime: 2012-11-23 14:36:39
    EntityID: AD2
    ID: 155
    Name: Approval denied
    ChangeTime: 2012-12-14 03:14:23
      DescriptionLong: ''
      DescriptionShort: Approved
        - DynamicField_Status
          DefaultValue: ''
          DescriptionLong: ''
          DescriptionShort: ''
          Display: 1
        - AgentInterface
      Permission: ''
      RequiredLock: 0
      SubmitAdviceText: ''
      SubmitButtonText: Approve Request
    CreateTime: 2012-11-23 14:37:35
    EntityID: AD3
    ID: 156
    Name: Approved
    ChangeTime: 2012-11-23 14:58:52
      DescriptionLong: ''
      DescriptionShort: Order rejected
        - Article
        - DynamicField_Status
            ArticleType: note-internal
          DefaultValue: ''
          DescriptionLong: ''
          DescriptionShort: ''
          Display: 1
          DefaultValue: ''
          DescriptionLong: ''
          DescriptionShort: ''
          Display: 1
        - AgentInterface
      Permission: ''
      RequiredLock: 0
      SubmitAdviceText: ''
      SubmitButtonText: Reject Order
    CreateTime: 2012-11-23 14:38:48
    EntityID: AD4
    ID: 157
    Name: Order rejected
    ChangeTime: 2012-12-06 02:20:12
      DescriptionLong: ''
      DescriptionShort: Order placed
        - DynamicField_DeliveryDate
        - DynamicField_Price
        - DynamicField_Supplier
        - DynamicField_Status
          DefaultValue: ''
          DescriptionLong: ''
          DescriptionShort: ''
          Display: 1
          DefaultValue: ''
          DescriptionLong: ''
          DescriptionShort: ''
          Display: 1
          DefaultValue: ''
          DescriptionLong: ''
          DescriptionShort: ''
          Display: 1
          DefaultValue: ''
          DescriptionLong: ''
          DescriptionShort: ''
          Display: 1
        - AgentInterface
      Permission: ''
      RequiredLock: 0
      SubmitAdviceText: ''
      SubmitButtonText: Place Order
    CreateTime: 2012-11-23 14:41:28
    EntityID: AD5
    ID: 158
    Name: Order placed
    ChangeTime: 2012-11-23 14:42:43
      DescriptionLong: ''
      DescriptionShort: Shipment received
        - DynamicField_DateOfReceipt
        - DynamicField_Status
          DefaultValue: ''
          DescriptionLong: ''
          DescriptionShort: ''
          Display: 1
          DefaultValue: ''
          DescriptionLong: ''
          DescriptionShort: ''
          Display: 1
        - AgentInterface
      Permission: ''
      RequiredLock: 0
      SubmitAdviceText: ''
      SubmitButtonText: ''
    CreateTime: 2012-11-23 14:42:43
    EntityID: AD6
    ID: 159
    Name: Shipment received
    - A1
    - A2
    - A3
    - A4
    - A5
  ChangeTime: 2012-12-06 02:31:59
    Description: The process to order a book
          ActivityEntityID: A2
            - TA2
            - TA1
          ActivityEntityID: A5
            - TA3
            - TA4
            - TA8
          ActivityEntityID: A3
            - TA5
          ActivityEntityID: A5
            - TA3
            - TA4
            - TA8
          ActivityEntityID: A4
            - TA6
          ActivityEntityID: A5
            - TA3
            - TA4
            - TA7
      A5: {}
    StartActivity: A1
    StartActivityDialog: AD1
  CreateTime: 2012-11-23 11:45:12
  EntityID: P1
  ID: 94
      left: 172
      top: 63
      left: 402
      top: 156
      left: 649
      top: 255
      left: 774
      top: 391
      left: 194
      top: 410
  Name: Book ordering
  State: Active
  StateEntityID: S1
    - TA1
    - TA2
    - TA3
    - TA4
    - TA8
    - TA5
    - TA3
    - TA4
    - TA8
    - TA6
    - TA3
    - TA4
    - TA7
    - T1
    - T2
    - T3
    - T4
    - T5
    - T6
    ChangeTime: 2012-11-23 16:01:37
        Queue: Management
      Module: Kernel::System::ProcessManagement::TransitionAction::TicketQueueSet
    CreateTime: 2012-11-23 15:50:59
    EntityID: TA1
    ID: 61
    Name: Move the process ticket into the "Management" queue
    ChangeTime: 2012-11-23 16:02:12
        Responsible: manager
      Module: Kernel::System::ProcessManagement::TransitionAction::TicketResponsibleSet
    CreateTime: 2012-11-23 15:58:22
    EntityID: TA2
    ID: 62
    Name: Change ticket responsible to "manager"
    ChangeTime: 2012-11-24 14:27:02
        Queue: Employees
      Module: Kernel::System::ProcessManagement::TransitionAction::TicketQueueSet
    CreateTime: 2012-11-23 16:02:54
    EntityID: TA3
    ID: 63
    Name: Move the process ticket into the "Employees" queue
    ChangeTime: 2012-11-23 16:04:06
        Responsible: Employee
      Module: Kernel::System::ProcessManagement::TransitionAction::TicketResponsibleSet
    CreateTime: 2012-11-23 16:04:06
    EntityID: TA4
    ID: 64
    Name: Change ticket responsible to "Employee"
    ChangeTime: 2012-12-06 02:18:34
        Queue: Purchasing
      Module: Kernel::System::ProcessManagement::TransitionAction::TicketQueueSet
    CreateTime: 2012-11-23 16:04:54
    EntityID: TA5
    ID: 65
    Name: Move process ticket into the "Purchasing" queue
    ChangeTime: 2012-12-06 02:18:48
        Queue: Post office
      Module: Kernel::System::ProcessManagement::TransitionAction::TicketQueueSet
    CreateTime: 2012-11-23 16:06:20
    EntityID: TA6
    ID: 66
    Name: Move process ticket into the "Post office" queue
    ChangeTime: 2012-12-06 02:29:55
        State: closed successful
      Module: Kernel::System::ProcessManagement::TransitionAction::TicketStateSet
    CreateTime: 2012-12-06 02:29:27
    EntityID: TA7
    ID: 67
    Name: Close ticket successfully
    ChangeTime: 2012-12-06 02:31:12
        State: closed unsuccessful
      Module: Kernel::System::ProcessManagement::TransitionAction::TicketStateSet
    CreateTime: 2012-12-06 02:31:12
    EntityID: TA8
    ID: 68
    Name: Close ticket unsuccessfully
    ChangeTime: 2012-11-23 15:12:20
              Match: Approval
              Type: String
          Type: and
      ConditionLinking: and
    CreateTime: 2012-11-23 11:53:52
    EntityID: T1
    ID: 94
    Name: Approval
    ChangeTime: 2012-11-23 15:12:50
              Match: Approval denied
              Type: String
          Type: and
      ConditionLinking: and
    CreateTime: 2012-11-23 11:54:26
    EntityID: T2
    ID: 95
    Name: Approval denied
    ChangeTime: 2012-11-23 15:13:29
              Match: Approved
              Type: String
          Type: and
      ConditionLinking: and
    CreateTime: 2012-11-23 11:54:54
    EntityID: T3
    ID: 96
    Name: Approved
    ChangeTime: 2012-11-23 15:14:08
              Match: Order denied
              Type: String
          Type: and
      ConditionLinking: and
    CreateTime: 2012-11-23 11:55:25
    EntityID: T4
    ID: 97
    Name: Order denied
    ChangeTime: 2012-11-23 18:30:33
              Match: Order placed
              Type: String
          Type: and
      ConditionLinking: and
    CreateTime: 2012-11-23 11:56:15
    EntityID: T5
    ID: 98
    Name: Order placed
    ChangeTime: 2012-11-23 15:15:30
              Match: Shipment received
              Type: String
          Type: and
      ConditionLinking: and
    CreateTime: 2012-11-23 11:56:48
    EntityID: T6
    ID: 99
    Name: Shipment received


Process configuration reference


A Process models the path of a workflow/process. The waypoints on this path can be Activities or Transitions, we'll talk about these later.

Process configuration

The Process configuration can be done in the file Kernel/ but it is strongly recommended to create new files like Kernel/Config/Files/ notice that the GUI generates the file Kernel/Config/File/ZZZProcessManagement please avoid to use that filename, otherwise it will be overwritten when you sync processes. Let's see an example process configuration (from process cache file):

$Self->{'Process'} = {
    'P1' => {
        Name                => 'Book order',
        CreateTime          => '16-02-2012 13:37:00',
        CreateBy            => '1',
        ChangeTime          => '17-02-2012 13:37:00',
        ChangeBy            => '1',
        State               => 'Active',
        StartActivity       => 'A1',
        StartActivityDialog => 'AD1',
        Path => {
            'A1' => {
                'T1' => {
                    ActivityEntityID => 'A2',
            'A2' => {
                'T2' =>  {
                    ActivityEntityID => 'A3',
    'P2' => {
        Name                => 'IT order',
        CreateTime          => '26-02-2012 13:37:00',
        CreateBy            => '1',
        ChangeTime          => '27-02-2012 13:37:00',
        ChangeBy            => '1',
        State               => 'Active',
        StartActivity       => 'A2',
        StartActivityDialog => 'AD2',
        Path => {
            'A2' => {
                'T3' => {
                    ActivityEntityID => 'A4',


The name of the process, this can be selected by the agent when creating a new process ticket.


The time when the process was created.


The UID of the user creating the process.


The time when the process was changed.


The UID of the user who made the last change to the process.


Defines the state of a process. Possible values:

  • 'Active' are all processes which can be used in new process tickets.

  • 'FadeAway' are processes which cannot be selected any more for new tickets, but existing tickets still can use the process.

  • 'Inactive' processes are deactivated and cannot be used for new or existing tickets.


When creating a new process ticket, a StartActivity must be defined. As soon as the ticket is created, this Activity will be set and used as the base for the first transition checks.


For new process tickets, a StartActivityDialog must be defined. This will be shown when creating a new process ticket (after the process was selected). At this point, the ticket does not exist yet, it will be created after submitting the StartActivityDialog.


The Path contains the structure of the Activities, and the possible Transitions between them, for the current process. And also the Transition Actions that happens when transitioning . This controls the way that a process ticket can take. Example:

'A1' => {
    'T1' => {
        ActivityEntityID => 'A2',
    'T2' => {
        ActivityEntityID => 'A3',
    'T3' => {
        ActivityEntityID => 'A4',
        TransitionAction => ['TA1', 'TA2'],

If a process ticket is in Activity 'A1', it has three possible ways to get to another Activity. In the Transitions 'T1' to 'T3', conditions are defined, that a process ticket must fulfill to move (transit) to another Activity.

If in this case all the values of the process ticket and its dynamic fields that are needed for the Transition 'T2' are correct, the ticket will be moved from Activity 'A1' to 'A3'. After an ActivityDialog is submitted, or any other change is made to a ticket, it will be checked for possible Transitions from the current Activity. If multiple Transitions are possible, the first one will be used (based on nummerical sorting of the TransitionIDs).

Additionally, it is possible to assign Transition Actions to Transitions in the Path configuration. These are modules which are executed after a successful Transition. They have to be specified in array form as in the example, we'll talk about the details later.


An Activity contains one or more Activity Dialogs and models a 'step' in the process. All Activity Dialogs of the current Activity are displayed in the ticket zoom and can be used until the conditions of a Transition are fulfilled.

Activity configuration

Let's see an example activity configuration:

$Self->{'Process::Activity'} =
    'A1' => {
        Name       => 'Activity 1 optional',
        CreateTime => '16-02-2012 13:37:00',
        CreateBy   => '1',
        ChangeTime => '17-02-2012 13:37:00',
        ChangeBy   => '1',
        ActivityDialog => {
            1 => 'AD1',
    'A2' => {
        Name       => 'Activity 2 optional',
        CreateTime => '16-02-2012 13:37:00',
        CreateBy   => '1',
        ChangeTime => '17-02-2012 13:37:00',
        ChangeBy   => '1',
        ActivityDialog => {
            1 => 'AD5',
            2 => 'AD6',
            3 => 'AD1',


The name of the activity.


The time when it was created.


UID of the user who created the Activity.


The last time when it was changed.


UID of the last user who changed the Activity.


Activity Dialog contains the list of Activity Dialogs which are available in this Activity. All Activity Dialogs of the current Activity are displayed in the ticket zoom. Their order is set by the order in the configuration, here 'AD5' is shown before 'AD6' and 'AD1'.


An Activity Dialog is a particular screen and can be used in different Activities.

ActivityDialog configuration

Let's see an example config

$Self->{'Process::ActivityDialog'} = {
    'AD1' => {
        Name             => 'ActivityDialog 1 optional',
        DescriptionShort => 'Basic info',
        DescriptionLong  => 'Please insert the necessesary basic information for IT orders',
        CreateTime       => '28-02-2012 13:37:00',
        CreateBy         => '1',
        ChangeTime       => '29-02-2012 13:37:00',
        ChangeBy         => '1',
        Fields => {
            PriorityID => {
                DescriptionShort => 'Priority ID',
                DescriptionLong  => 'Enter the priority here',
                Display          => 2,
        FieldOrder       => [ 'PriorityID' ],
        SubmitAdviceText => 'Note: If you submit the form...',
        SubmitButtonText => 'Send request',
    'AD2' => {
        Name => 'ActivityDialog 2 optional',
        DescriptionShort => 'Basic info',
        DescriptionLong  => 'Please insert the necessesary basic information for Book orders',
        CreateTime       => '28-02-2012 13:37:00',
        CreateBy         => '1',
        ChangeTime       => '29-02-2012 13:37:00',
        ChangeBy         => '1',
        Fields => {
            StateID => {
                DescriptionShort => 'State ID',
                DescriptionLong  => 'Enter the state here',
                Display          => 2,
                DefaultValue     => '2',
            Queue => {
                DescriptionShort => 'Queue ID',
                DescriptionLong  => 'Enter the queue here',
                Display          => 2,
                DefaultValue     => 'Raw',
            Title => {
                DescriptionShort => 'Title',
                DescriptionLong  => 'Enter the title here',
                Display          => 1,
                DefaultValue     => 'Default Title',
            DynamicField_Anzahl => {
                DescriptionShort    => 'Amount',
                DescriptionLong     => 'Enter the amount here',
                Display             => 2,
                DefaultValue        => '4',
        FieldOrder       => [ 'DynamicField_Anzahl', 'StateID', 'Queue', 'Title' ],
        SubmitAdviceText => 'Note: If you submit the form...',
        SubmitButtonText => 'Send request',


Name of the Activity Dialog.


Time when it was created.


UID of the user who created this Activity Dialog.


Last time when it was changed.


UID of the last user who changed this Activity Dialog.


Contains all fields which can be displayed in this Activity Dialog. The following fields can currently be used:

    DynamicField_$FieldName  # for all dynamic fields

Example of a single field configuration:

StateID => {
    DescriptionShort => 'State ID',
    DescriptionLong  => 'Enter the state here',
    Display          => 2,
    DefaultValue     => '2',

The field "Article" is a special case. If it is present in a "Fields" configuration, the Activity Dialog will contain a complete Richtext editor with subject field and attachment handling. The entered text will then be added to the ticket as an article and sent by email. Let's see an example Article field configuration:

Article => {
    DescriptionShort => 'Please insert your comment here.',
    DescriptionLong => '',
    Display         => 1,
    Config          => {
        ArticleType  => 'note-internal',
        LabelSubject => '',
        LabelBody    => '',

Let's look at the field configuration options:


Optional short description that is shown with the field title.


Optional longer field description that is shown then the mouse is over the field, for example advice on how to fill out the field.


Controls if the field is shown and/or mandatory. Possible values:

  • '0': field is invisible. This can be helpful if field values should automatically be set. The configured DefaultValue will be stored in this case.

  • '1': field is visible, but optional.

  • '2': field is visible and mandatory. The following fields can only be invisible or mandatory:


If fields are configured as optional, and no value is submitted by the user, the Default Value will be saved when the Activity Dialog is submitted by the user.


For fields with 'ID' (like QueueID, OwnerID), this refers to the database ID of the value. For other fields without 'ID' (like Queue, Owner), the DefaultValue must contain the value itself. Example:

Queue => {
    DescriptionShort => 'Queue',
    DescriptionLong  => 'Enter the queue here',
    Display          => 2,
    DefaultValue     => 'Raw',


Here the display order of the fields is configured. IMPORTANT: Invisible fields also must be configured here, because only configured fields will be considered when saving. Fields which are not configured will not be saved.


Optional text to be shown right above the submit button for additional help or advice text.


Optional custom text for the submit button.


A Transition decides - based on configurable conditions - which path in the Process is taken, i. e. to which Activity a Process ticket can be moved.

Transition configuration

Let's see an example:

$Self->{'Process::Transition'} = {
    'T1' => {
        Name => 'Transition 1',
        CreateTime => '14-03-2012 13:37:00', # optional
        CreateBy   => '1',                   # optional
        ChangeTime => '15-03-2012 13:37:00', # optional
        ChangeBy   => '15-03-2012 13:37:00', # optional
        Condition  => {
            Cond1  => {
                Fields => {
                    StateID => {
                        Type  => 'String',
                        Match => '1',
    'T2' => {
        Name       => 'Transition 2 optional',
        CreateTime => 'DATE',   # optional
        CreateBy   => 'USERID', # optional
        ChangeTime => 'DATE',   # optional
        ChangeBy => 'USERID',   # optional
        Condition => {
            Cond1 => {
                Queue               => 'Raw',
                DynamicField_Farbe  => '2',
                DynamicField_Anzahl => '1',


Name of the transition.


Time when it was created.


UID of the user who created this Transition.


Last time when it was changed.


UID of the last user who changed this Transition.


Contains all conditions that are necessary for this Transition to take effect. Example:

Condition => {
    Type  => 'and',
    Cond1 => {
        Type   => 'and',
        Fields => {
            StateID => {
                Type  => 'String',
                Match => '1',
            DynamicField_Marke => {
                Type  => 'String',
                Match => 'VW',
    Cond2 => {
        Type => 'and',
        Fields => {
            Queue => {
                Type  => 'String',
                Match => 'Raw',

Let's look at the condition configuration in detail.

Type (Condition)

Specifies the way the different condition elements are connected to each other. Possible values:

  • 'and': This is the default. All conditions must be met for the transition to take effect.

  • 'or': At least one condition must match.

  • 'xor': Exactly one condition must match, not more.


This is the name of an example condition. It can be freely chosen. Conditions are evaluated in sorted order.

Type (Cond)

Specifies the way how the individual field tests of this condition are connected to each other. Possible values:

  • 'and': This is the default. All field tests must match for this condition to match.

  • 'or': At least one field test must match.

  • 'xor': Exactly one field test must match, not more.


Specifies the particular fields whose values should be tested. From our example:

Fields => {
    StateID => {
        Type  => 'String',
        Match => '1',


Example of a field name. The following ticket fields can be used:

    DynamicField_$FieldName # for all DynamicFields

When testing a field with 'ID' (like SLAID), the database ID of the field will be used for testing, for other fields (like SLA) the actual value is used for testing.


Determines the kind of field testing. Possible values:

  • 'String': Compares the field value with the string specified in 'Match'. Matches if they are exactly the same.

  • 'Hash': Compares the field value (hash) with the hash specified in 'Match'. All hash values must be the same.

  • 'Array': Compares the field value (array) with the array specified in 'Match'. Both lists must be the same.

  • 'Regex': The field value can be tested with a regular expression. It is important that 'Match' contains qr{}xms as a base condition. Between the braces the actual regular expression can be noted.

  • 'Module': Allows you to use a perl module for condition checking. If it returns 1, the check was positive. You can find an example module in Kernel/System/ProcessManagement/TransitionValidation/

Transition Actions

Transition Actions are actions which can be triggered after successfully applied transitions (when a process ticket moves from one activity to another). These Transition Actions can be used to perform different changes on the ticket, e. g. change the Queue or the Owner of the ticket, and you can also create your own Transition Actions to perform other complex changes.

Transition Action configuration

Let's see an example:

$Self->{'Process::TransitionAction'} = {
    'TA1' => {
        Name   => 'Queue Move',
        Module => 'Kernel::System::ProcessManagement::TransitionAction::TicketQueueSet',
        Config => {
            Queue  => 'Junk',
            UserID => 123,


The name of the Transition Action.


Specifies the Perl module to be used.


This parameter contains all settings which are required for the module. Its content depends on the particular Transition Action module which is used. Please see the documentation of the individual modules for details. In our example, only the Queue must be specified, Nevertheless we are also sending UserID parameter, by using the UserID parameter, the transition action will be executed impersonating the user with the given UserID.

The use of UserID inside the "Config" parameter of a Transition Action is accepted by all Transition Actions (since OTRS 3.2.4), in this example it could be particularly important if the user that triggers the Transition does not have permissions to move the ticket to the queue 'Junk', while the user with the UserID 123 might have.

Reusing Transition Action modules

To use Transition Action modules multiple times, just specify several TransitionActions in your configuration. Example:

    $Self->{'Process::TransitionAction'} = {
        'TA1' => {
            Name   => 'Queue Move Junk',
            Module => 'Kernel::System::ProcessManagement::TransitionAction::TicketQueueSet',
            Config => {
                Queue => 'Junk',
        'TA2' => {
            Name   => 'Queue Move Raw',
            Module => 'Kernel::System::ProcessManagement::TransitionAction::TicketQueueSet',
            Config => {
                Queue => 'Raw',

Here the same module is used to move a process ticket into the 'Raw' queue, and another time to move it into the junk queue. The Transition Action which must be used for a particular Transition is determined from the 'Path' setting of the Process configuration.

Available Transition Actions

OTRS comes with several Transition Actions that can be used in your processes. Here you can find their documentation and how they need to be configured.


Sets one or more dynamic fields at a process ticket. Example:

$Self->{'Process::TransitionAction'} = {
    'TA1' => {
        Name   => 'Set DynamicField Master to Master and Approved to 1',
        Module => 'Kernel::System::ProcessManagement::TransitionAction::DynamicFieldSet',
        Config => {
            MasterSlave => 'Master',
            Approved    => '1',


'Name' specifies the name of the configured TransitionAction.

'MasterSlave' and 'Approved' are given as examples of DynamicField names. The values of the fields ('Master' and '1') will be set by this TransitionAction.


Creates an article and can be used to create notes or email replies. Example:

$Self->{'Process::TransitionAction'} = {
    'TA1' => {
        Name   => 'Article Create Note Internal',
        Module => 'Kernel::System::ProcessManagement::TransitionAction::TicketArticleCreate',
        Config => {
            ArticleType      => 'note-internal',                                        # note-external|phone|fax|sms|...
                                                                                        #   excluding any email type
            SenderType       => 'agent',                                                # agent|system|customer
            ContentType      => 'text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-15',                      # or optional Charset & MimeType
            Subject          => 'some short description',                               # required
            Body             => 'the message text',                                     # required
            HistoryType      => 'OwnerUpdate',                                          # EmailCustomer|Move|AddNote|PriorityUpdate|WebRequestCustomer|...
            HistoryComment   => 'Some free text!',
            From             => 'Some Agent <>',                       # not required but useful
            To               => 'Some Customer A <>',             # not required but useful
            Cc               => 'Some Customer B <>',             # not required but useful
            ReplyTo          => 'Some Customer B <>',             # not required
            InReplyTo        => '<>',                           # not required but useful
            References       => '<> <>', # not required but useful
            NoAgentNotify    => 0,                                                      # if you don't want to send agent notifications
            AutoResponseType => 'auto reply',                                           # auto reject|auto follow up|auto reply/new ticket|auto remove

            ForceNotificationToUserID   => [ 1, 43, 56 ],                               # if you want to force somebody
            ExcludeNotificationToUserID => [ 43, 56 ],
                 # if you want full exclude somebody from notfications,
                 # will also be removed in To: line of article,
                 # higher prio as ForceNotificationToUserID
            ExcludeMuteNotificationToUserID => [ 43, 56 ],
                 # the same as ExcludeNotificationToUserID but only the
                 # sending gets muted, agent will still shown in To:
                 # line of article

'Name' specifies the name of the configured TransitionAction. It can be freely chosen, but should reflect the purpose of the configured action.

'ArticleType' defines the type of the article to be created. Possible values: phone, fax, sms, webrequest, note-internal, note-external and note-report.

SenderType defines the sender type of the article. Possible values: agent, system, customer.

'ContentType' defines the content type of the article. Possible values: 'text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-15' or any other valid charset and mime type.

'Subject' defines the article title. Mandatory.

'Body' defines the article content. Mandatory.

HistoryType defines the type of the history entry. Possible values: AddNote, ArchiveFlagUpdate, Bounce, CustomerUpdate, EmailAgent, EmailCustomer, EscalationResponseTimeNotifyBefore, EscalationResponseTimeStart, EscalationResponseTimeStop, EscalationSolutionTimeNotifyBefore, EscalationSolutionTimeStart, EscalationSolutionTimeStop, EscalationUpdateTimeNotifyBefore, EscalationUpdateTimeStart, EscalationUpdateTimeStop, FollowUp, Forward, Lock, LoopProtection, Merged, Misc, Move, NewTicket, OwnerUpdate, PhoneCallAgent, PhoneCallCustomer, PriorityUpdate, Remove, ResponsibleUpdate, SendAgentNotification, SendAnswer, SendAutoFollowUp, SendAutoReject, SendAutoReply, SendCustomerNotification, ServiceUpdate, SetPendingTime, SLAUpdate, StateUpdate, Subscribe, SystemRequest, TicketDynamicFieldUpdate, TicketLinkAdd, TicketLinkDelete, TimeAccounting, TypeUpdate, Unlock, Unsubscribe, WebRequestCustomer.

'HistoryComment' defines the content of the history entry.

'From', 'To', 'Cc' and 'ReplyTo' take email addresses in the notation specified above.

'InReplyTo' and 'References' take email message IDs.

'NoAgentNotify' - if set to 1, the email notification of the Agent will not be sent.

'AutoResponseType' can take the following values: auto follow up, auto reject, auto remove, auto reply, auto reply/new ticket.

'ForceNotificationToUserID', 'ExcludeNotificationToUserID', 'ExcludeMuteNotificationToUserID' can take a list of UserIDs that are either always notified, not notified or listed as notified but not actually sent a notification email.


Creates a ticket with an article, the new ticket can be linked with process ticket. Example:

$Self->{'Process::TransitionAction'} = {
    'TA1' => {
        Name   => 'Ticket Create',
        Module => 'Kernel::System::ProcessManagement::TransitionAction::TicketCreate',
        Config => {

            # ticket required:
            Title         => 'Some Ticket Title',
            Queue         => 'Raw',              # or QueueID => 123,
            Lock          => 'unlock',
            Priority      => '3 normal',         # or PriorityID => 2,
            State         => 'new',              # or StateID => 5,
            CustomerID    => '123465',
            CustomerUser  => '',
            OwnerID       => 'someuserlogin',    # or OwnerID => 123,

            # ticket optional:
            TN              => $TicketObject->TicketCreateNumber(), # optional
            Type            => 'Incident',            # or TypeID => 1, not required
            Service         => 'Service A',           # or ServiceID => 1, not required
            SLA             => 'SLA A',               # or SLAID => 1, not required
            ResponsibleID   => 123,                   # not required
            ArchiveFlag     => 'y',                   # (y|n) not required
            PendingTime     => '2011-12-23 23:05:00', # optional (for pending states)
            PendingTimeDiff => 123 ,                  # optional (for pending states)

            # article required:
            ArticleType      => 'note-internal',                        # note-external|phone|fax|sms|...
                                                                        #   excluding any email type
            SenderType       => 'agent',                                # agent|system|customer
            ContentType      => 'text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-15',      # or optional Charset & MimeType
            Subject          => 'some short description',               # required
            Body             => 'the message text',                     # required
            HistoryType      => 'OwnerUpdate',                          #
            HistoryComment   => 'Some free text!',

            # article optional:
            From             => 'Some Agent <>',       # not required but useful
            To               => 'Some Customer A <>', # not required but useful
            Cc               => 'Some Customer B <>', # not required but useful
            ReplyTo          => 'Some Customer B <>', # not required
            MessageID        => '<>',          # not required but useful
            InReplyTo        => '<>',           # not required but useful
            References       => '<> <>', # not required but useful
            NoAgentNotify    => 0,                                      # if you don't want to send agent notifications
            AutoResponseType => 'auto reply'                            # auto reject|auto follow up|auto reply/new ticket|auto remove

            ForceNotificationToUserID   => [ 1, 43, 56 ],               # if you want to force somebody
            ExcludeNotificationToUserID => [ 43,56 ],                   # if you want full exclude somebody from notifications,
                                                                        # will also be removed in To: line of article,
                                                                        # higher prio as ForceNotificationToUserID
            ExcludeMuteNotificationToUserID => [ 43,56 ],               # the same as ExcludeNotificationToUserID but only the
                                                                        # sending gets muted, agent will still shown in To:
                                                                        # line of article
            TimeUnit                        => 123

            # other:
            DynamicField_NameX => $Value,
            LinkAs => $LinkType,                                        # Normal, Parent, Child, etc. (respective original ticket)
            UserID => 123,                                              # optional, to override the UserID from the logged user

'Name' specifies the name of the configured TransitionAction. It can be freely chosen, but should reflect the purpose of the configured action.

'Title' The ticket title.

'Queue' or 'QueueID' specifies the name or id of the queue to be used in the new ticket.

'Lock' or 'LockID' sets the lock status of the ticket.

'Priority' or 'PriorityID' specifies the name or od if the priority to be used in the new ticket.

'State' or 'StateID' specifies the name or id of the state to be used in the new ticket.

'CustomerID', the customer id to be set for the new ticket.

'CustomerUser', the login of the customer that will be assigned in the ticket.

'Owner' or 'OwnerID', specifies the login or id of the agent that will be the new ticket owner.

'TN', custom number for the new ticket.

'Type' or 'TypeID' specifies the name or id of the ticket type to be used in the new ticket.

'Service' or 'ServiceID' specifies the name or id of the service to be used in the new ticket.

'SLA' or 'SLaID' specifies the name or id of the SLA to be used in the new ticket.

'ResponsibleID', the ID of the agent that will be the new ticket responsible.

'PendingTime', a predefined date to set the Ticket Pending Times, when the ticket state belongs to a pending state type

'PendingTimeDiff', a dynamically date ( expressed in seconds from current date/time ) to set the Ticket Pending Times, when the ticket state belongs to a pending state type

'ArticleType' defines the type of the article to be created. Possible values: phone, fax, sms, webrequest, note-internal, note-external and note-report.

SenderType defines the sender type of the article. Possible values: agent, system, customer.

'ContentType' defines the content type of the article. Possible values: 'text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-15' or any other valid charset and mime type.

'Subject' defines the article title. Mandatory.

'Body' defines the article content. Mandatory.

'HistoryType' defines the type of the history entry. Possible values: AddNote, ArchiveFlagUpdate, Bounce, CustomerUpdate, EmailAgent, EmailCustomer, EscalationResponseTimeNotifyBefore, EscalationResponseTimeStart, EscalationResponseTimeStop, EscalationSolutionTimeNotifyBefore, EscalationSolutionTimeStart, EscalationSolutionTimeStop, EscalationUpdateTimeNotifyBefore, EscalationUpdateTimeStart, EscalationUpdateTimeStop, FollowUp, Forward, Lock, LoopProtection, Merged, Misc, Move, NewTicket, OwnerUpdate, PhoneCallAgent, PhoneCallCustomer, PriorityUpdate, Remove, ResponsibleUpdate, SendAgentNotification, SendAnswer, SendAutoFollowUp, SendAutoReject, SendAutoReply, SendCustomerNotification, ServiceUpdate, SetPendingTime, SLAUpdate, StateUpdate, Subscribe, SystemRequest, TicketDynamicFieldUpdate, TicketLinkAdd, TicketLinkDelete, TimeAccounting, TypeUpdate, Unlock, Unsubscribe, WebRequestCustomer.

'HistoryComment' defines the content of the history entry.

'From', 'To', 'Cc' and 'ReplyTo' take email addresses in the notation specified above.

'InReplyTo' and 'References' take email message IDs.

'NoAgentNotify' - if set to 1, the email notification of the Agent will not be sent.

'AutoResponseType' can take the following values: auto follow up, auto reject, auto remove, auto reply, auto reply/new ticket.

'ForceNotificationToUserID', 'ExcludeNotificationToUserID', 'ExcludeMuteNotificationToUserID' can take a list of UserIDs that are either always notified, not notified or listed as notified but not actually sent a notification email.

'TimeUnit' the time invested in the current ticket article expressed in seconds, minutes, hours, etc.

'DynamicField_NameX' where DynamicField_ is a required prefix and NameX is the name of a Dynamic Field to be set in the new ticket (on ticket level, not article levels)

'LinkAs' to define the new ticket relation with originator ticket, from the new ticket point of view, for example Normal, Parent, Child etc.


Sets the customer of a process ticket. Example:

$Self->{'Process::TransitionAction'} = {
    'TA1' => {
        Name   => 'Customer Set Customer to test',
        Module => 'Kernel::System::Process::TransitionAction::TicketCustomerSet',
        Config => {
            No      => 'test',
            User    => 'client-user-123',
            # or in other words
            # CustomerID     => 'client123',
            # CustomerUserID => 'client-user-123',


'Name' specifies the name of the configured TransitionAction.

No or CustomerID set the Customer ID of the customer.

User or CustomerUserID set the Username of the customer.


Changes the lock of a process ticket. Example:

$Self->{'Process::TransitionAction'} = {
    'TA1' => {
        Name   => 'Set Lock to lock',
        Module => 'Kernel::System::ProcessManagement::TransitionAction::TicketLockSet',
        Config => {
            Lock   => 'lock',
            # or
            LockID => 2,

'Name' specifies the name of the configured TransitionAction.

'Lock' defines the new lock of the process ticket.

'LockID' defines the internal ID of the new lock.


Changes the owner of a process ticket. Example:

$Self->{'Process::TransitionAction'} = {
    'TA1' => {
        Name   => 'Owner Set root@localhost',
        Module => 'Kernel::System::ProcessManagement::TransitionAction::TicketOwnerSet',
        Config => {
            Owner => 'root@localhost',
            # or
            OwnerID => 1,

'Name' specifies the name of the configured TransitionAction.

'Owner' specifies the login name of the new owner.

'OwnerID' specifies the internal ID of the new owner.


Moves the ticket into a target queue. Example:

$Self->{'Process::TransitionAction'} = {
    'TA1' => {
        Name   => 'Queue Move Raw',
        Module => 'Kernel::System::ProcessManagement::TransitionAction::TicketQueueSet',
        Config => {
            Queue => 'Raw',
            # or
            # QueueID => '2',

'Name' specifies the name of the configured TransitionAction.

'Queue' specifies the name of the target queue.

'QueueID' specifies the internal ID of the target queue.


Changes the responsible of a process ticket. Example:

$Self->{'Process::TransitionAction'} = {
    'TA1' => {
        Name   => 'Responsible Set root@localhost',
        Module => 'Kernel::System::ProcessManagement::TransitionAction::TicketResponsibleSet',
        Config => {
            Responsible => 'root@localhost',
            # or
            ResponsibleID => 1,

'Name' specifies the name of the configured TransitionAction.

'Responsible' specifies the login name of the new responsible.

'ResponsibleID' specifies the internal ID of the new responsible.


Assigns a service to a process ticket. The ticket requires to have a customer and the service must be assigned to that customer. Example:

$Self->{'Process::TransitionAction'} = {
    'TA1' => {
        Name   => 'Set MyService service',
        Module => 'Kernel::System::ProcessManagement::TransitionAction::TicketServiceSet',
        Config => {
            Service   => 'MyService',
            # or
            ServiceID => 123,

'Name' specifies the name of the configured TransitionAction.

'Service' defines the new service of the process ticket. The full name is required (e.g. GramdFatherService::FatherService::SonService ).

'ServiceID' defines the internal ID of the new service.


Assigns a service level agreement to a process ticket. The ticket requires to have a service and the SLA must be assigned to that service. Example:

$Self->{'Process::TransitionAction'} = {
    'TA1' => {
        Name   => 'Set MySLA SLA',
        Module => 'Kernel::System::ProcessManagement::TransitionAction::TicketSLASet',
        Config => {
            SLA   => 'MyService',
            # or
            SLAID => 123,

'Name' specifies the name of the configured TransitionAction.

'SLA' defines the new service level agreement of the process ticket.

'SLAID' defines the internal ID of the new SLA.


Changes the state of a process ticket. Example:

$Self->{'Process::TransitionAction'} = {
    'TA1' => {
        Name   => 'Set State to open',
        Module => 'Kernel::System::ProcessManagement::TransitionAction::TicketStateSet',
        Config => {
            State   => 'open',
            # or
            StateID => 4,

            PendingTimeDiff => 123,

'Name' specifies the name of the configured TransitionAction.

'State' defines the new state of the process ticket.

'StateID' defines the internal ID of the new state.

'PendingTimeDiff' used only for pending type states, defines the time difference in seconds relative (relative to the Transition Action execution time) to set ticket pending time (e.g. 3600 means that the pending time is 1hr after the Transition Action is executed).


Sets the ticket title of a process ticket. Example:

$Self->{'Process::TransitionAction'} = {
    'TA1' => {
        Name   => 'Set Ticket Title to Ticket-title',
        Module => 'Kernel::System::ProcessManagement::TransitionAction::TicketTitleSet',
        Config => {
            Title => 'Ticket-title',

'Name' specifies the name of the configured TransitionAction.

'Title' specifies the new title of the ticket.


Sets the ticket type of a process ticket. Example:

$Self->{'Process::TransitionAction'} = {
    'TA1' => {
        Name   => 'Set Ticket Type to default',
        Module => 'Kernel::System::ProcessManagement::TransitionAction::TicketTypeSet',
        Config => {
            Type     => 'default',
            # or
            # TypeID => '1',

'Name' specifies the name of the configured TransitionAction.

'Type' specifies the name of the ticket type.

'TypeID' specifies the internal ID of the ticket type.

Access Control Lists (ACLs)

With the help of ACLs, you can limit selectable values in process tickets. Please also see the ACL reference for a description of the full ticket ACL syntax.

ACL configuration

ACLs can only be defined in Kernel/ Example:

$Self->{TicketAcl}->{'001-ACL-ProcessProperties'} = {
    Properties => {
        Process => {
            ProcessEntityID        => ['P1'],
            ActivityEntityID       => ['A1'],
            ActivityDialogEntityID => ['AD1'],
    Possible => {
        ActivityDialog => ['AD1', 'AD3'],
    PossibleNot => {
        ActivityDialog => ['AD3'],


Name of the ACL rule. For further information on ACL rules in general, please consult the ACL manual.


This is the section that is used to check if an ACL must be applied. If it has the specified values, the rule is applied. The following values can be used:


The ID of a process that the process. Matches if the ticket is assigned to this process.


The ID of the Activity that the process ticket currently is assigned to.


The ID of the Activity Dialog that is currently open for a process ticket.

Possible/PossibleNot Activity Dialog

Here you can specify a list of Activity Dialog IDs. This list will limit the possible Activity Dialogs that are offered to the user in the ticket zoom mask.

'Possible' lists the Activity Dialogs that are allowed. The setting above will only allow 'AD1' and 'AD3' of the list of configured Activity Dialogs.

'PossibleNot' lists the Activity Dialogs that are not allowed. In the example above, the setting will remove 'AD3' from the list of configured Activity Dialogs.

If both 'Possible' and 'PossibleNot' are specified, the list of configured Activity Dialogs will first be filtered by 'Possible', leaving only 'AD1' and 'AD3' in our example. Then 'PossibleNot' will be applied and filter out 'AD3', so that only 'AD1' remains and is shown as a possible Activity Dialog that the user can use.

If multiple ACL rules match, the intersection of all matching rules will be calculated to determine the possible Activity Dialogs. Example:

Configured Activity Dialogs: 'AD1', 'AD2', 'AD3', 'AD4', 'AD5', 'AD6', 'AD7'.

$Self->{TicketAcl}->{'001-ACL-Status'} = {
    Properties => {
        Ticket => {
            Status => 'new',
    Possible => {
        ActivityDialog => ['AD1', 'AD2', 'AD3', 'AD6', 'AD7'],
$Self->{TicketAcl}->{'002-ACL-Queue'} = {
    Properties => {
        Ticket => {
            Queue => ['Raw']
    Possible => {
        ActivityDialog => ['AD2', 'AD3', 'AD4', 'AD7'],
$Self->{TicketAcl}->{'003-ACL-Priority'} = {
    Properties => {
        Ticket => {
            Priority => ['3 normal']
    PossibleNot => {
        ActivityDialog => ['AD3', 'AD4'],

If a process ticket has the state 'new', is in the 'Raw' queue and has a priority '3 normal', then all three ACL rules will match.

The first rule reduces the Activity Dialogs from 'AD1', 'AD2', 'AD3', 'AD4', 'AD5', 'AD6', 'AD7' to 'AD1', 'AD2', 'AD3', 'AD6', 'AD7' and forbids 'AD4' and 'AD5'.

The second rule will now further reduce the remaining Activity Dialogs. In our example, 'AD2', 'AD3', 'AD7' will remain.

Now the third rule will further reduce the list by 'PossibleNot'. 'AD3' is removed from the list. 'AD4' is not removed, since it was not on the list in the first place. At the end, 'AD2' and 'AD7' remain as possible Activity Dialogs that the user can utilize.

It is also possible to limit the processes that can be displayed in the "New process ticket" screen, the functionality is similar to limiting the ActivityDialogs with one exception: The ACLs could only be based on Users.

See examples below:

$Self->{TicketAcl}->{'200-ACL-Process'} = {
    # match properties
    Properties => {
        User => {
            UserID => [2, 3],
    Possible => {
       Process => ['P1', 'P2', 'P3'],
    PossibleNot => {
        Process => ['P4'],

$Self->{TicketAcl}->{'201-ACL-Process'} = {
    # match properties
    Properties => {
        User => {
            Group_rw => [ 'MyGroup' ],
    Possible => {
       Process => ['P1', 'P2', 'P3'],
    PossibleNot => {
        Process => ['P4'],

$Self->{TicketAcl}->{'202-ACL-Process'} = {
    # match properties
    Properties => {
        User => {
            Role => [ 'MyRole' ],
    Possible => {
       Process => ['P1', 'P2', 'P3'],
    PossibleNot => {
        Process => ['P4'],