// --
// Copyright (C) 2001-2018 OTRS AG, https://otrs.com/
// --
// This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. For details, see
// the enclosed file COPYING for license information (GPL). If you
// did not receive this file, see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt.
// --
"use strict";
var Core = Core || {};
Core.UI = Core.UI || {};
* @namespace Core.UI.TreeSelection
* @memberof Core.UI
* @author OTRS AG
* @description
* Tree Selection for Queue, Service, etc. with JSTree.
Core.UI.TreeSelection = (function (TargetNS) {
* @private
* @name GetChildren
* @memberof Core.UI.TreeSelection
* @function
* @returns {Object|Boolean} Returns elements object or false if no children available.
* @param {Object} Elements
* @param {String} Index
* @param {Object} Data
* @description
* Gets all children of a(sub)tree.
function GetChildren(Elements, Index, Data) {
// Copy element structure to avoid call-by-reference problems
// when deleting entries while still looping over them
var NewElements = Elements;
$.each(Elements, function(InnerIndex, InnerData) {
if (typeof InnerData !== 'object') {
return false;
if (InnerData.ID === Data.ChildOf) {
delete NewElements[Index];
return NewElements;
* @private
* @name CollectElements
* @memberof Core.UI.TreeSelection
* @function
* @returns {Object|Boolean} Returns elements object or false on error.
* @param {Object} Elements
* @param {Number} Level
* @description
* Collect all elements of a tree.
function CollectElements(Elements, Level) {
// Copy element structure to avoid call-by-reference problems
// when deleting entries while still looping over them
var NewElements = Elements;
$.each(Elements, function(Index, Data) {
if (typeof Data !== 'object') {
return false;
if (Data.Level === Level) {
if (Level > 0) {
NewElements = GetChildren(NewElements, Index, Data);
return NewElements;
* @name BuildElementsArray
* @memberof Core.UI.TreeSelection
* @function
* @returns {Object} Returns an object which is suitable for passing to JSTree in order to build a tree selection.
* @param {jQueryObject} $Element - The select element which contains the data.
* @param {Boolean} Sort - Whether to sort the elements alphabetically (optional, default: true)
* @description
* This function receives a select element which was built
* with TreeView => 1 (= intended elements) and builds a
* javascript object from it which contains all the elements
* and their children.
TargetNS.BuildElementsArray = function($Element, Sort) {
var Elements = [],
HighestLevel = 0;
if (typeof Sort === 'undefined') {
Sort = true;
$Element.find('option').each(function() {
// Get number of trailing spaces in service name to
// distinguish the level (2 spaces = 1 level)
var ElementID = $(this).attr('value'),
ElementDisabled = $(this).is(':disabled'),
ElementName = Core.App.EscapeHTML($(this).text()),
ElementSelected = $(this).is(':selected'),
ElementNameTrim = ElementName.replace(/(^[\xA0]+)/g, ''),
CurrentLevel = (ElementName.length - ElementNameTrim.length) / 2,
ChildOf = 0,
ElementIndex = 0,
// Skip entry if no ID (should only occur for the leading empty element, '-')
// also skip entries which only contain '------------' as visible text (e.g. in AgentLinkObject)
if (!ElementID || ElementID === "||-" || (ElementDisabled && ElementName.match(/^-+$/))) {
return true;
// Determine whether this element is a child of a preceding element
// therefore, take the last element we have added to our elements
// array and compare if to the current element
if (Elements.length && CurrentLevel > 0) {
// If the current level is bigger than the last known level,
// we're dealing with a child element of the last element
if (CurrentLevel > Elements[Elements.length - 1].Level) {
ChildOf = Elements[Elements.length - 1].ID;
// If both levels equal each other, we have a sibling and can
// re-use the parent (= the ChildOf value) of the last element
else if (CurrentLevel === Elements[Elements.length - 1].Level) {
ChildOf = Elements[Elements.length - 1].ChildOf;
// In other cases, we have an element of a lower level but not
// of the first level, so we walk through all yet saved elements
// (bottom up) and find the next element with a lower level
else {
for (ElementIndex = Elements.length; ElementIndex >= 0; ElementIndex--) {
if (CurrentLevel > Elements[ElementIndex - 1].Level) {
ChildOf = Elements[ElementIndex - 1].ID;
// In case of disabled elements, the ID is always "-", which causes duplications.
// Therefore, we assign an auto-generated ID to avoid conflicts. But make sure to
// check if element is indeed disabled, because the dash value might be allowed.
// See bug#10055 and bug#12528 for more information.
if (ElementDisabled && ElementID === '-') {
ElementID = Core.UI.GetID();
// Collect data of current service and add it to elements array
/*eslint-disable camelcase */
CurrentElement = {
ID: ElementID,
Name: ElementNameTrim,
Level: CurrentLevel,
ChildOf: ChildOf,
children: [],
text: ElementNameTrim,
state: {
selected: ElementSelected
li_attr: {
'data-id': ElementID,
'class': (ElementDisabled) ? 'Disabled' : ''
/*eslint-enable camelcase */
if (CurrentLevel > HighestLevel) {
HighestLevel = CurrentLevel;
if (Sort) {
Elements.sort(function(a, b) {
if (a.Level - b.Level === 0) {
return (a.Name.localeCompare(b.Name));
else {
return (a.Level - b.Level);
// Go through all levels and collect the elements and their children
for (Level = HighestLevel; Level >= 0; Level--) {
Elements = CollectElements(Elements, Level);
Elements.HighestLevel = HighestLevel;
return Elements;
* @name ShowTreeSelection
* @memberof Core.UI.TreeSelection
* @function
* @returns {Boolean} Returns false on error.
* @param {jQueryObject} $TriggerObj - Object for which the event was triggered.
* @description
* Open the tree view selection dialog.
TargetNS.ShowTreeSelection = function($TriggerObj) {
var $TreeObj = $('<div id="JSTree"><ul></ul></div>'),
$SelectObj = $TriggerObj.prevAll('select'),
SelectSize = $SelectObj.attr('size'),
Multiple = ($SelectObj.attr('multiple') !== '' && $SelectObj.attr('multiple') !== undefined) ? true : false,
ElementCount = $SelectObj.find('option').length,
DialogTitle = $SelectObj.parent().prev('label').clone().children().remove().end().text(),
Elements = {},
InDialog = false,
SelectedNodes = [],
if (!$SelectObj) {
return false;
// Determine if we are in a dialog
if ($SelectObj.closest('.Dialog').length) {
InDialog = true;
if (InDialog && $TriggerObj.hasClass('TreeSelectionVisible')) {
return false;
if (!DialogTitle) {
DialogTitle = $SelectObj.prev('label').text();
DialogTitle = $.trim(DialogTitle);
DialogTitle = DialogTitle.substr(0, DialogTitle.length - 1);
DialogTitle = DialogTitle.replace(/^\*\s+/, '');
// Check if there are elements to select from
if (ElementCount === 1 && $SelectObj.find('option').text() === '-') {
return false;
Elements = Core.UI.TreeSelection.BuildElementsArray($SelectObj);
// Set StyleSheetURL in order to correctly load the CSS for treeview
StyleSheetURL = Core.Config.Get('WebPath') + 'skins/Agent/default/css/thirdparty/jstree-theme/default/style.css';
/*eslint-disable camelcase */
core: {
animation: 70,
data: Elements,
multiple: ((SelectSize && Multiple) || Multiple) ? true : false,
expand_selected_onload: true,
themes: {
theme: 'default',
icons: false,
responsive: true,
variant: 'small',
url: StyleSheetURL
search: {
show_only_matches: true,
show_only_matches_children: true
plugins: [ 'search' ]
/*eslint-enable camelcase */
.bind('select_node.jstree', function (node, selected, event) {
var $Node = $('#' + selected.node.id);
if ($Node.hasClass('Disabled') || !$Node.is(':visible')) {
$TreeObj.jstree('deselect_node', selected.node);
$TreeObj.jstree('toggle_node', selected.node);
// If we are already in a dialog, we don't use the submit
// button for the tree selection, so we need to apply the changes 'live'
if (InDialog) {
// Reset selected nodes list
SelectedNodes = [];
// Get selected nodes
SelectedNodesTree = $TreeObj.jstree('get_selected');
$.each(SelectedNodesTree, function () {
SelectedNodes.push($('#' + Core.App.EscapeSelector(this)).data('id'));
// Set selected nodes as selected in initial select box
// (which is hidden but is still used for the action)
// If the node has really been selected (not initially by the code, but by using keyboard or mouse)
// we need to check if we can now select the submit button
if ((event && event.type !== undefined) && !InDialog && !Multiple) {
.bind('deselect_node.jstree', function () {
// If we are already in a dialog, we don't use the submit
// button for the tree selection, so we need to apply the changes 'live'
if (InDialog) {
// Reset selected nodes list
SelectedNodes = [];
// Get selected nodes
SelectedNodesTree = $TreeObj.jstree('get_selected');
$.each(SelectedNodesTree, function () {
SelectedNodes.push($('#' + Core.App.EscapeSelector(this)).data('id'));
// Set selected nodes as selected in initial select box
// (which is hidden but is still used for the action)
// If we are not already in a dialog, open up one
// which contains the tree selection; otherwise just
// hide the select element and show the tree selection
if (!InDialog) {
Core.UI.Dialog.ShowContentDialog('<div class="OverlayTreeSelector" id="TreeContainer"></div>', DialogTitle, '20%', 'Center', true);
.prepend('<div id="TreeSearch"><input type="text" id="TreeSearchInput" placeholder="' + Core.Config.Get('SearchMsg') + '..." /><span title="' + Core.Config.Get('DeleteMsg') + '">x</span></div>')
.append('<input type="button" id="SubmitTree" class="Primary" title="' + Core.Config.Get('ApplyButtonText') + '" value="' + Core.Config.Get('ApplyButtonText') + '" />');
else {
.addClass('Hidden InOverlay')
// Get the element which is currently being focused and set the focus to the search field
$CurrentFocusedObj = document.activeElement;
$('#TreeSearch').find('input').bind('keyup', function() {
$TreeObj.jstree('search', $(this).val());
// Make sure sub-trees of matched nodes are expanded
.find('ins').click(function() {
$('#TreeSearch').find('span').bind('click', function() {
$('#TreeContainer').find('input#SubmitTree').bind('click', function() {
var SelectedObj = $TreeObj.jstree('get_selected', true),
if (typeof SelectedObj === 'object' && SelectedObj[0]) {
if (SelectedObj.length > 1) {
$(SelectedObj).each(function() {
var $SelectedNode = $('#' + this.id);
else {
$Node = $('#' + SelectedObj[0].id);
if ($Node.attr('data-id') !== $SelectObj.val()) {
else {
// When the dialog is closed, give the last focused element the focus again
Core.App.Subscribe('Event.UI.Dialog.CloseDialog.Close', function(Dialog) {
if ($(Dialog).find('#TreeContainer').length && !$(Dialog).find('#SearchForm').length) {
* @name InitTreeSelection
* @memberof Core.UI.TreeSelection
* @function
* @description
* To bind click event no tree selection icons next to select boxes.
TargetNS.InitTreeSelection = function() {
$('.Field, fieldset').off('click.ShowTreeSelection').on('click.ShowTreeSelection', '.ShowTreeSelection', function () {
return false;
* @name InitDynamicFieldTreeViewRestore
* @memberof Core.UI.TreeSelection
* @function
* @description
* Initially display dynamic fields with TreeMode = 1 correctly.
TargetNS.InitDynamicFieldTreeViewRestore = function() {
$('.DynamicFieldWithTreeView').each(function() {
var Data = [];
$(this).find('option').each(function() {
Core.UI.TreeSelection.RestoreDynamicFieldTreeView($(this), Data, 1);
* @name RestoreDynamicFieldTreeView
* @memberof Core.UI.TreeSelection
* @function
* @returns {Boolean} False on error.
* @param {jQueryObject} $FieldObj
* @param {Array} Data
* @param {Boolean} CheckClass
* @param {Number} AJAXUpdate
* @description
* Restores tree view (intended values) for dynamic fields.
TargetNS.RestoreDynamicFieldTreeView = function($FieldObj, Data, CheckClass, AJAXUpdate) {
var Key,
SelectData = [],
if (CheckClass && $FieldObj.hasClass('TreeViewRestored')) {
return false;
$.each(Data, function(index, OptionData) {
Key = OptionData[0] || '';
Value = OptionData[1] || '';
Spaces = '';
NeededSpaces = 0;
Selected = OptionData[2] || false;
Disabled = OptionData[3] || false;
if (AJAXUpdate === 1) {
Selected = OptionData[3];
Disabled = OptionData[4];
if (Key.match(/::/g)) {
NeededSpaces = Key.match(/::/g).length;
if (NeededSpaces > 0) {
NeededSpaces = NeededSpaces * 2;
for (i = 0; i < NeededSpaces; i++) {
Spaces = ' ' + Spaces;
Value = Spaces + Value;
SelectedAttr = '';
if (Selected) {
SelectedAttr = ' selected="selected"';
DisabledAttr = '';
if (Disabled) {
DisabledAttr = ' disabled="disabled"';
'Key': Key,
'Value': Value,
'SelectedAttr': SelectedAttr,
'DisabledAttr': DisabledAttr
SelectData.sort(function(a, b) {
var KeyA = a.Key.toLowerCase(),
KeyB = b.Key.toLowerCase();
if (KeyA < KeyB) {
return -1;
if (KeyA > KeyB) {
return 1;
return 0;
$.each(SelectData, function(index, SelectedData) {
$FieldObj.append('<option value="' + SelectedData.Key + '"' + SelectedData.SelectedAttr + SelectedData.DisabledAttr + '>' + SelectedData.Value + '</option>');
return TargetNS;
}(Core.UI.TreeSelection || {}));