// --
// Copyright (C) 2001-2018 OTRS AG, https://otrs.com/
// --
// This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. For details, see
// the enclosed file COPYING for license information (GPL). If you
// did not receive this file, see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt.
// --
"use strict";
var Core = Core || {};
Core.UI = Core.UI || {};
* @namespace Core.UI.RichTextEditor
* @memberof Core.UI
* @author OTRS AG
* @description
* Richtext Editor.
Core.UI.RichTextEditor = (function (TargetNS) {
* @private
* @name $FormID
* @memberof Core.UI.RichTextEditor
* @member {jQueryObject}
* @description
* Hidden input field with name FormID.
var $FormID,
* @private
* @name TimeOutRTEOnChange
* @memberof Core.UI.RichTextEditor
* @member {Object}
* @description
* Object to handle timeout.
* @private
* @name CheckFormID
* @memberof Core.UI.RichTextEditor
* @function
* @returns {jQueryObject} FormID element.
* @param {jQueryObject} $EditorArea - The jQuery object of the element that has become a rich text editor.
* @description
* Check in the window which hidden element has a name same to 'FormID' and return it like a JQuery object.
function CheckFormID($EditorArea) {
if (typeof $FormID === 'undefined') {
$FormID = $EditorArea.closest('form').find('input:hidden[name=FormID]');
return $FormID;
* @private
* @name SerializeData
* @memberof Core.UI.RichTextEditor
* @function
* @return {string} query string of the data
* @param {Object} Data The data that should be converted
* @description Converts a given hash into a query string
function SerializeData(Data) {
var QueryString = '';
$.each(Data, function (Key, Value) {
QueryString += ';' + encodeURIComponent(Key) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(Value);
return QueryString;
* @name Init
* @memberof Core.UI.RichTextEditor
* @function
* @returns {Boolean} Returns false on error.
* @param {jQueryObject} $EditorArea - The jQuery object of the element that will be a rich text editor.
* @description
* This function initializes the application and executes the needed functions.
TargetNS.Init = function ($EditorArea) {
var EditorID = '',
UploadURL = '';
if (isJQueryObject($EditorArea) && $EditorArea.hasClass('HasCKEInstance')) {
return false;
if (isJQueryObject($EditorArea) && $EditorArea.length === 1) {
EditorID = $EditorArea.attr('id');
if (EditorID === '') {
Core.Exception.Throw('RichTextEditor: Need exactly one EditorArea!', 'TypeError');
// mark the editor textarea as linked with an RTE instance to avoid multiple instances
CKEDITOR.on('instanceCreated', function (Editor) {
// Remove the validation error tooltip if content is added to the editor
Editor.editor.on('change', function() {
TimeOutRTEOnChange = window.setTimeout(function () {
}, 250);
// if spell checker is used on paste new content should spell check again
Editor.editor.on('paste', function() {
Core.Config.Set('TextIsSpellChecked', false);
// if spell checker is used on any key new content should spell check again
Editor.editor.on('key', function() {
Core.Config.Set('TextIsSpellChecked', false);
Core.App.Publish('Event.UI.RichTextEditor.InstanceCreated', [Editor]);
CKEDITOR.on('instanceReady', function (Editor) {
Core.App.Publish('Event.UI.RichTextEditor.InstanceReady', [Editor]);
// The format for the language is different between OTRS and CKEditor (see bug#8024)
// To correct this, we replace "_" with "-" in the language (e.g. zh_CN becomes zh-cn)
UserLanguage = Core.Config.Get('UserLanguage').replace(/_/, "-");
// build URL for image upload
if (CheckFormID($EditorArea).length) {
UploadURL = Core.Config.Get('Baselink')
+ 'Action='
+ Core.Config.Get('RichText.PictureUploadAction', 'PictureUpload')
+ '&FormID='
+ CheckFormID($EditorArea).val()
+ SerializeData(Core.App.GetSessionInformation());
/*eslint-disable camelcase */
Editor = CKEDITOR.replace(EditorID,
customConfig: '', // avoid loading external config files
defaultLanguage: UserLanguage,
language: UserLanguage,
width: Core.Config.Get('RichText.Width', 620),
resize_minWidth: Core.Config.Get('RichText.Width', 620),
height: Core.Config.Get('RichText.Height', 320),
removePlugins: CheckFormID($EditorArea).length ? '' : 'image2,uploadimage',
forcePasteAsPlainText: false,
format_tags: 'p;h1;h2;h3;h4;h5;h6;pre',
fontSize_sizes: '8px;10px;12px;16px;18px;20px;22px;24px;26px;28px;30px;',
extraAllowedContent: 'div[type]{*}; img[*]; col[width]; style[*]{*}; *[id](*)',
shiftEnterMode: CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR,
contentsLangDirection: Core.Config.Get('RichText.TextDir', 'ltr'),
disableNativeSpellChecker: false,
toolbar: CheckFormID($EditorArea).length ? Core.Config.Get('RichText.Toolbar') : Core.Config.Get('RichText.ToolbarWithoutImage'),
filebrowserBrowseUrl: '',
filebrowserUploadUrl: UploadURL,
extraPlugins: Core.Config.Get('RichText.SpellChecker') ? 'aspell,splitquote,contextmenu_linkopen,preventimagepaste' : 'splitquote,contextmenu_linkopen,preventimagepaste',
entities: false,
skin: 'bootstrapck'
/*eslint-enable camelcase */
CKEDITOR.config.spellerPagesServerScript = Core.Config.Get('Baselink');
// check if creating CKEditor was successful
// might be a problem on mobile devices e.g.
if (typeof Editor !== 'undefined') {
// Hack for updating the textarea with the RTE content (bug#5857)
// Rename the original function to another name, than overwrite the original one
CKEDITOR.instances[EditorID].updateElementOriginal = CKEDITOR.instances[EditorID].updateElement;
CKEDITOR.instances[EditorID].updateElement = function() {
var Data;
// First call the original function
// Now check if there is actually any non-whitespace content in the
// textarea field. If not, set it to an empty value to make sure
// the server side validation works correctly and there is no trash
// like '<br/>' stored in the DB.
Data = this.element.getValue(); // get textarea content
// only if data contains no image tag,
// this is important for inline images, we don't want to remove them!
if (!Data.match(/<img/)) {
// remove tags and whitespace for checking
Data = Data.replace(/\s+| |<\/?\w+[^>]*\/?>/g, '');
if (!Data.length) {
this.element.setValue(''); // reset textarea
// Needed for clientside validation of RTE
CKEDITOR.instances[EditorID].on('blur', function () {
// needed for client-side validation
CKEDITOR.instances[EditorID].on('focus', function () {
Core.App.Publish('Event.UI.RichTextEditor.Focus', [Editor]);
if ($EditorArea.attr('class').match(/Error/)) {
window.setTimeout(function () {
}, 0);
// mainly needed for client-side validation
$EditorArea.focus(function () {
Core.UI.ScrollTo($("label[for=" + $EditorArea.attr('id') + "]"));
* @name InitAll
* @memberof Core.UI.RichTextEditor
* @function
* @description
* This function initializes as a rich text editor every textarea element that containing the RichText class.
TargetNS.InitAll = function () {
$('textarea.RichText').each(function () {
* @name GetRTE
* @memberof Core.UI.RichTextEditor
* @function
* @returns {jQueryObject} jQuery object of the corresponsing RTE element.
* @param {jQueryObject} $EditorArea - The jQuery object of the element that is a rich text editor.
* @description
* Get RTE jQuery element.
TargetNS.GetRTE = function ($EditorArea) {
var $RTE;
if (isJQueryObject($EditorArea)) {
$RTE = $('#cke_' + $EditorArea.attr('id'));
return ($RTE.length ? $RTE : undefined);
* @name UpdateLinkedField
* @memberof Core.UI.RichTextEditor
* @function
* @param {jQueryObject} $EditorArea - The jQuery object of the element that is a rich text editor.
* @description
* This function updates the linked field for a rich text editor.
TargetNS.UpdateLinkedField = function ($EditorArea) {
var EditorID = '',
if (isJQueryObject($EditorArea) && $EditorArea.length === 1) {
EditorID = $EditorArea.attr('id');
if (EditorID === '') {
Core.Exception.Throw('RichTextEditor: Need exactly one EditorArea!', 'TypeError');
Data = CKEDITOR.instances[EditorID].getData();
StrippedContent = Data.replace(/\s+| |<\/?\w+[^>]*\/?>/g, '');
if (StrippedContent.length === 0 && !Data.match(/<img/)) {
else {
* @name IsEnabled
* @memberof Core.UI.RichTextEditor
* @function
* @returns {Boolean} True if RTE is enabled, false otherwise
* @param {jQueryObject} $EditorArea - The jQuery object of the element that is a rich text editor.
* @description
* This function check if a rich text editor is enable in this moment.
TargetNS.IsEnabled = function ($EditorArea) {
if (typeof CKEDITOR === 'undefined') {
return false;
if (isJQueryObject($EditorArea) && $EditorArea.length) {
return (CKEDITOR.instances[$EditorArea[0].id] ? true : false);
return false;
* @name Focus
* @memberof Core.UI.RichTextEditor
* @function
* @param {jQueryObject} $EditorArea - The jQuery object of the element that is a rich text editor.
* @description
* This function focusses the given RTE.
TargetNS.Focus = function ($EditorArea) {
var EditorID = '';
if (isJQueryObject($EditorArea) && $EditorArea.length === 1) {
EditorID = $EditorArea.attr('id');
if (EditorID === '') {
Core.Exception.Throw('RichTextEditor: Need exactly one EditorArea!', 'TypeError');
if (typeof CKEDITOR === 'object') {
else {
return TargetNS;
}(Core.UI.RichTextEditor || {}));