// --
// Copyright (C) 2001-2018 OTRS AG, https://otrs.com/
// --
// This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. For details, see
// the enclosed file COPYING for license information (GPL). If you
// did not receive this file, see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt.
// --
/*eslint-disable no-window*/
"use strict";
var Core = Core || {};
Core.UI = Core.UI || {};
* @namespace Core.UI.Popup
* @memberof Core.UI
* @author OTRS AG
* @description
* Popup windows.
Core.UI.Popup = (function (TargetNS) {
* @private
* @name OpenPopups
* @memberof Core.UI.Popup
* @member {Object}
* @description
* All open popups.
var OpenPopups = {},
* @private
* @name PopupProfiles
* @memberof Core.UI.Popup
* @member {Object}
* @description
* Defined popup profiles.
* @private
* @name PopupDefaultProfile
* @memberof Core.UI.Popup
* @member {Object}
* @description
* Default profile.
PopupDefaultProfile = 'Default',
* @private
* @name RegisterPopupTimeOut
* @memberof Core.UI.Popup
* @member {Object}
* @description
* Time to wait before a popup is registered at the parent window.
RegisterPopupTimeOut = 1000,
* @private
* @name WindowMode
* @memberof Core.UI.Popup
* @member {String}
* @description
* Defines the mode to open popups.
* If the screen size is <1024px (ScreenL), we do not open popup windows,
* but add fullsize iframes to the page.
* Mode can be 'Popup' or 'Iframe'.
WindowMode = 'Popup';
if (!Core.Debug.CheckDependency('Core.UI.Dialog', 'Core.Config', 'Core.Config')) {
return false;
PopupProfiles = {
'Default': {
WindowURLParams: "dependent=yes,location=no,menubar=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,status=no,toolbar=no",
Left: 100,
Top: 100,
Width: 1040,
Height: 700
* @private
* @name CheckOpenPopups
* @memberof Core.UI.Popup
* @function
* @description
* Check which popup windows are still open.
function CheckOpenPopups() {
$.each(OpenPopups, function (Key, Value) {
if (Value.closed) {
delete OpenPopups[Key];
* @private
* @name CheckOpenPopups
* @memberof Core.UI.Popup
* @function
* @returns {Object} Open popups of given type.
* @param {String} Type - The type of a window, e.g. 'Action'.
* @description
* Check which popup window are still open.
function GetPopupObjectByType(Type) {
return OpenPopups[Type];
* @private
* @name GetWindowParentObject
* @memberof Core.UI.Popup
* @function
* @returns {Object} Parent window object.
* @description
* Get the window parent object of the current popup.
function GetWindowParentObject() {
// we have a normal popup, opener is defined
// In Chrome/Webkit/Android window.opener is null instead of undefined
// In IE (Win Phone) window.opener is undefined
// typeof null === object
if (window.opener !== null && typeof window.opener !== 'undefined') {
// Special handling for IE11
// Because of permission problems, IE11 returns a valid window object
// but without the needed JS object "Core". window.parent contains that element
if (typeof window.opener.Core !== 'undefined') {
return window.opener;
else {
return window.parent;
else {
return window.parent;
* @private
* @name CurrentIsPopupWindow
* @memberof Core.UI.Popup
* @function
* @returns {String} Returns the type of popup if one, undefined otherwise.
* @description
* Checks if current window is an OTRS popup.
function CurrentIsPopupWindow() {
var PopupType;
if (window.name.match(/OTRSPopup_([^_]+)_.+/)) {
PopupType = RegExp.$1;
return PopupType;
* @name CurrentIsPopupWindow
* @memberof Core.UI.Popup
* @function
* @returns {String} Returns the type of popup if one, undefined otherwise.
* @description
* Checks if current window is an OTRS popup.
TargetNS.CurrentIsPopupWindow = function () {
return CurrentIsPopupWindow();
* @name ProfileAdd
* @memberof Core.UI.Popup
* @function
* @param {String} Key - Name of the Profile (UID).
* @param {String} Values - Profile string as expected by window.open(),
* e. g. "dependent=yes,height=700,left=100,top=100,location=no,menubar=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,status=no,toolbar=no,width=1000".
* @description
* Adds a popup profile.
TargetNS.ProfileAdd = function (Key, Values) {
PopupProfiles[Key] = Values;
* @name ProfileList
* @memberof Core.UI.Popup
* @function
* @returns {Object} PopupProfiles object.
* @description
* Get the list of registered popup profiles.
TargetNS.ProfileList = function () {
return PopupProfiles;
* @name RegisterPopupEvent
* @memberof Core.UI.Popup
* @function
* @description
* Register the pop-up event for a window.
TargetNS.RegisterPopupEvent = function () {
$(window).bind('Popup', function (Event, Type, Param) {
if (Type && typeof Type !== 'undefined') {
if (Type === 'Reload') {
else if (Type === 'URL') {
if (Param && typeof Param.URL !== 'undefined') {
window.location.href = Param.URL;
* @name FirePopupEvent
* @memberof Core.UI.Popup
* @function
* @param {String} Type - The event type that will be launched.
* @param {Object} Param - The element that contain information about the new screen address.
* @param {Boolean} ExecuteInMobileMode - Do not execute this on mobile devices.
* @description
* This function starts the pop-up event.
TargetNS.FirePopupEvent = function (Type, Param, ExecuteInMobileMode) {
if (ExecuteInMobileMode === false && !$('body').hasClass('Visible-ScreenXL') && (!localStorage.getItem("DesktopMode") || parseInt(localStorage.getItem("DesktopMode"), 10) <= 0)) {
$(window).trigger('Popup', [Type, Param]);
* @name CheckPopupsOnUnload
* @memberof Core.UI.Popup
* @function
* @returns {String} A Warning text.
* @description
* This review if some popup windows are open, then try to send a warning.
TargetNS.CheckPopupsOnUnload = function () {
var Size = 0;
$.each(OpenPopups, function (Key, Value) {
// IE(7) treats windows in new tabs (opened with right-click) also as popups
// Therefore we check if the popup is a real OTRS popup.
// IE9 can't read the WindowType property from the window object,
// so we check for the correct popup window name now.
if (Value.name.match(/OTRSPopup_.+/)) {
if (Size) {
return Core.Config.Get('PopupLeaveParentWindowMsg');
* @name ClosePopupsOnUnload
* @memberof Core.UI.Popup
* @function
* @description
* This function close the active popup windows.
TargetNS.ClosePopupsOnUnload = function () {
$.each(OpenPopups, function (Key, Value) {
// IE(7) treats windows in new tabs (opened with right-click) also as popups
// Therefore we check if the popup is a real OTRS popup.
// IE9 can't read the WindowType property from the window object,
// so we check for the correct popup window name now.
if (Value.name.match(/OTRSPopup_.+/)) {
* @name RegisterPopupAtParentWindow
* @memberof Core.UI.Popup
* @function
* @param {Object} WindowObject - Real window object.
* @param {String} Type - the window type.
* @description
* This function set the type for a popup window.
TargetNS.RegisterPopupAtParentWindow = function (WindowObject) {
var Type;
Type = RegExp.$1;
if (typeof OpenPopups[Type] === 'undefined') {
OpenPopups[Type] = WindowObject;
else {
if (OpenPopups[Type] !== WindowObject) {
OpenPopups[Type] = WindowObject;
* @name InitRegisterPopupAtParentWindow
* @memberof Core.UI.Popup
* @function
* @description
* This function set a timeout and after that try to register a popup at a parent window.
TargetNS.InitRegisterPopupAtParentWindow = function () {
window.setTimeout(function () {
var PopupType = CurrentIsPopupWindow(),
if (typeof PopupType !== 'undefined') {
ParentWindow = GetWindowParentObject();
// if the window has a name, it's most probably the popup itself, see bug#12185.
// This can happen if the parent window gets reloaded while the popup window tries
// to register itself to it. When there is no parent, GetWindowParentObject() will return
// the current window which is the popup itself. This leads to a situation where the popup window
// registers itself as popup in its own namespace, which will then lead to a confirmation
// message asking the user if they really want to navigate away from the current page when trying
// to close the popup by either submitting a form, closing it manually or using a close link.
if (ParentWindow &&
!ParentWindow.name &&
ParentWindow.Core &&
ParentWindow.Core.UI &&
) {
try {
ParentWindow.Core.UI.Popup.RegisterPopupAtParentWindow(window, PopupType);
catch (Event) {
// no code here
}, RegisterPopupTimeOut);
* @name GetPopupObject
* @memberof Core.UI.Popup
* @function
* @returns {Object} The window object of the popup or undefined.
* @param {String} Type - The type of a window, e.g. 'Action'.
* @description
* Get window object by popup type.
TargetNS.GetPopupObject = function (Type) {
return GetPopupObjectByType(Type);
* @name GetWindowMode
* @memberof Core.UI.Popup
* @function
* @returns {String} The window mode ('Popup' or 'Iframe') or undefined.
* @description
* Get the window mode.
TargetNS.GetWindowMode = function () {
if (WindowMode === 'Popup' || WindowMode === 'Iframe') {
return WindowMode;
else {
return undefined;
* @name SetWindowMode
* @memberof Core.UI.Popup
* @function
* @param {String} Mode - The new window mode ('Popup' or 'Iframe').
* @description
* Set the window mode.
TargetNS.SetWindowMode = function (Mode) {
if (Mode === 'Popup' || Mode === 'Iframe') {
WindowMode = Mode;
else {
WindowMode = undefined;
* @name Resize
* @memberof Core.UI.Popup
* @function
* @param {String} Type - The type of a window, e.g. 'Action'.
* @param {String} Width - Width in pixels.
* @param {String} Height - Height in pixels.
* @description
* This function resizes an opened window.
TargetNS.Resize = function (Type, Width, Height) {
var PopupObject = GetPopupObjectByType(Type);
// do not resize in iframe mode
if (WindowMode === 'Iframe') {
if (typeof PopupObject !== 'undefined') {
PopupObject.resizeTo(Width, Height);
* @name OpenPopup
* @memberof Core.UI.Popup
* @function
* @param {String} URL - The URL to be open in the new window.
* @param {String} Type - The type of a window, e.g. 'Action'.
* @param {String} Profile - The profile of a window, which defines the window parameters. Optional, default is 'Default'.
* @param {Int} Unlinked - Optional parameter, if it's 1, popup will not be linked with the parent
* @description
* This function opens a popup window. Every popup is of a specific type and there can only be one window of a type at a time.
TargetNS.OpenPopup = function (URL, Type, Profile, Unlinked) {
var PopupObject,
ConfirmClosePopup = true,
// If we are in a mobile environment on opening the popup, open it as an iframe
if (Core.App.Responsive.IsSmallerOrEqual(Core.App.Responsive.GetScreenSize(), 'ScreenL') && (!localStorage.getItem("DesktopMode") || parseInt(localStorage.getItem("DesktopMode"), 10) <= 0)) {
else {
if (URL) {
PopupObject = GetPopupObjectByType(Type);
// perform only if popups are not unlinked
if (!Unlinked) {
if (typeof PopupObject !== 'undefined') {
ConfirmClosePopup = window.confirm(Core.Config.Get('PopupAlreadyOpenMsg'));
if (ConfirmClosePopup) {
// Only load new popup if the user accepted that the old popup is closed
if (ConfirmClosePopup) {
PopupProfile = PopupProfiles[Profile] ? Profile : PopupDefaultProfile;
* Special treatment for the window name. At least in some browsers, window names
* are global, so only one popup window with a particular name may exist across
* all browser tabs. To avoid conflicts with that, we use 'randomized' names
* by including the current time in the name string. This name is also needed
* to save the Type parameter.
/* if Unlined is passed and eq 1 add, diferent name of the popup
* it will ensure that popup is nor linked with the parent window
if (Unlinked && Unlinked === 1) {
WindowName = 'PopupOTRS_' + Type + '_' + Date.parse(new Date());
else {
WindowName = 'OTRSPopup_' + Type + '_' + Date.parse(new Date());
if (WindowMode === 'Popup') {
PopupFeatures = PopupProfiles[PopupProfile].WindowURLParams;
// Get the position of the current screen on browsers which support it (non-IE) and
// use it to open the popup on the same screen
PopupFeatures += ',left=' + ((window.screen.left || 0) + PopupProfiles[PopupProfile].Left);
PopupFeatures += ',width=' + PopupProfiles[PopupProfile].Width;
// Bug#11205 (http://bugs.otrs.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11205)
// On small screens (still wide enough to open a popup)
// it can happen, that the popup window is higher than the screen height
// In this case, reduce the popup height to fit into the screen
// We don't have to do that for the width, because a smaller screen width
// would result in a "responsive popup" aka iframe.
if (window.screen.availHeight < PopupProfiles[PopupProfile].Height + PopupProfiles[PopupProfile].Top) {
PopupFeatures += ',height=' + (window.screen.availHeight - PopupProfiles[PopupProfile].Top - 20);
// Adjust top position to have the same distance between top and bottom line.
PopupFeatures += ',top=' + ((window.screen.top || 0) + (PopupProfiles[PopupProfile].Top / 2));
else {
PopupFeatures += ',height=' + PopupProfiles[PopupProfile].Height;
PopupFeatures += ',top=' + ((window.screen.top || 0) + PopupProfiles[PopupProfile].Top);
NewWindow = window.open(URL, WindowName, PopupFeatures);
// check for popup blockers.
// currently, popup windows cannot easily be detected in chrome, because it will
// load the entire content in an invisible window.
if (!NewWindow || NewWindow.closed || typeof NewWindow.closed === 'undefined') {
else {
OpenPopups[Type] = NewWindow;
else if (WindowMode === 'Iframe') {
// jump to the top
window.scrollTo(0, 0);
// prevent scrolling of the main window
// add iframe overlay
$('body').append('<iframe data-popuptype="' + Type + '" name="' + WindowName + '" class="PopupIframe" src="' + URL + '"></iframe>');
* @name HasOpenPopups
* @memberof Core.UI.Popup
* @function
* @returns {Boolean} True, if popups are open on the page, false otherwise.
* @description
* Checks if there are open popups on the page.
TargetNS.HasOpenPopups = function() {
var HasOpenPopups = false,
for (Popup in OpenPopups) {
if (OpenPopups.hasOwnProperty(Popup)) {
HasOpenPopups = true;
return HasOpenPopups;
* @name ClosePopup
* @memberof Core.UI.Popup
* @function
* @param {String|Object} PopupType - The type of a popup or the window object. If not defined, the current popup windoe is closed.
* @description
* This function closes an opened popup.
* If no parameter is given, we are in the popup itself and want to close it.
* If a parameter is defined we are in the parent window and want to close a specific popup window.
* There are four possible states for this function:
* 1) In parent window, trying to close a "real" popup
* 2) In parent window, trying to close an iframe-popup ("responsive mode")
* 3) In the popup itself, closing itself ("real" popup)
* 4) In the popup itself, closing itself (iframe-popup, "responsive mode")
TargetNS.ClosePopup = function (PopupType) {
var PopupObject,
// If PopupType is defined, we are in the parent window and want to close a specific popup
// Otherwise we are in the popup itself
if (typeof PopupType === 'undefined') {
PlaceOfExecution = 'Popup';
// get PopupType of active popup
PopupType = CurrentIsPopupWindow();
// the PopupObject is the active window
PopupObject = window;
// the parent window object is reached differently, if popup or iframe
ParentObject = GetWindowParentObject();
else {
PlaceOfExecution = 'Parent';
// if parameter PopupType is a string, we need to get the window object
if (typeof PopupType === 'string') {
// This only works in parent window
PopupObject = GetPopupObjectByType(PopupType);
ParentObject = window;
// in some circumstances the parameter PopupType is an window object instead of a string
else {
PopupObject = PopupType;
// we can now find out the type of the popup based on the popup object
if (PopupObject && typeof PopupObject.name !== 'undefined' && PopupObject.name.match(/OTRSPopup_([^_]+)_.+/)) {
PopupType = RegExp.$1;
// we are still in the parent window
ParentObject = window;
if (typeof PopupObject !== 'undefined' && typeof ParentObject !== 'undefined') {
// Retrieve correct WindowMode (which is only correctly set in the parent window)
if (PlaceOfExecution === 'Parent') {
LocalWindowMode = TargetNS.GetWindowMode();
else if (PlaceOfExecution === 'Popup') {
LocalWindowMode = ParentObject.Core.UI.Popup.GetWindowMode();
// if we are in a real popup, we can now savely close the popup.
if (LocalWindowMode === 'Popup') {
// closing the Iframe is a little bit more complicated
else if (LocalWindowMode === 'Iframe') {
$('iframe.PopupIframe[data-popuptype=' + PopupType + ']', ParentObject.document).remove();
$('html', ParentObject.document).removeClass('NoScroll');
* @name ExecuteInParentWindow
* @memberof Core.UI.Popup
* @function
* @param {Function} FunctionToExecute - The callback function to execute in the parent window.
* @param {Array} [FunctionParameters] - Optional function parameters as array.
* @description
* Takes a callback function and hands it over to the parent window (to be executed there).
* This is needed to call a function in the parent window from the popup window. The popup window
* can be a real popup or an iframe, so it is not as easy as calling window.opener.
* IMPORTANT: The FunctionToExecute always needs the ParentWindowObject as first Parameter,
* which is used inside this function.
TargetNS.ExecuteInParentWindow = function (FunctionToExecute, FunctionParameters) {
var ParentWindow = GetWindowParentObject();
if (typeof ParentWindow === 'undefined' || ParentWindow === null) {
if (typeof FunctionParameters === 'undefined') {
FunctionParameters = [ParentWindow];
else {
if (typeof FunctionToExecute !== 'undefined' && $.isFunction(FunctionToExecute)) {
// call the function with a new this context (first param)
// and additional params where the first one is also the parent window object (for use within the function)
FunctionToExecute.apply(ParentWindow, FunctionParameters);
* @name Init
* @memberof Core.UI.Popup
* @function
* @description
* The init function.
TargetNS.Init = function () {
$(window).bind('beforeunload.Popup', function () {
return Core.UI.Popup.CheckPopupsOnUnload();
Core.App.BindWindowUnloadEvent('Popup', Core.UI.Popup.ClosePopupsOnUnload);
// if this window is a popup itself, register another function
if (CurrentIsPopupWindow()) {
$('.CancelClosePopup').bind('click', function () {
$('.UndoClosePopup').bind('click', function () {
var RedirectURL = $(this).attr('href'),
ParentWindow = GetWindowParentObject();
ParentWindow.Core.UI.Popup.FirePopupEvent('URL', { URL: RedirectURL });
// add a class to the body element, if this popup is a real popup
if (window.opener) {
return TargetNS;
}(Core.UI.Popup || {}));
/*eslint-enable no-window*/