// --
// Copyright (C) 2001-2018 OTRS AG, https://otrs.com/
// --
// This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. For details, see
// the enclosed file COPYING for license information (GPL). If you
// did not receive this file, see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt.
// --
"use strict";
var Core = Core || {};
Core.UI = Core.UI || {};
* @namespace Core.UI.Datepicker
* @memberof Core.UI
* @author OTRS AG
* @description
* This namespace contains the datepicker functions.
Core.UI.Datepicker = (function (TargetNS) {
* @private
* @name VacationDays
* @memberof Core.UI.Datepicker
* @member {Object}
* @description
* Vacation days, defined in SysConfig.
var VacationDays,
* @private
* @name VacationDaysOneTime
* @memberof Core.UI.Datepicker
* @member {Object}
* @description
* One time vacations, defined in SysConfig.
* @private
* @name LocalizationData
* @memberof Core.UI.Datepicker
* @member {Object}
* @description
* Translations.
* @private
* @name DatepickerCount
* @memberof Core.UI.Datepicker
* @member {Number}
* @description
* Number of initialized datepicker.
DatepickerCount = 0;
if (!Core.Debug.CheckDependency('Core.UI.Datepicker', '$([]).datepicker', 'jQuery UI datepicker')) {
return false;
* @private
* @name CheckDate
* @memberof Core.UI.Datepicker
* @function
* @returns {Array} First element is always true, second element contains the name of a CSS class, third element a description for the date.
* @param {DateObject} DateObject - A JS date object to check.
* @description
* Check if date is on of the defined vacation days.
function CheckDate(DateObject) {
var DayDescription = '',
DayClass = '';
// Get defined days from Config, if not done already
if (typeof VacationDays === 'undefined') {
VacationDays = Core.Config.Get('Datepicker.VacationDays').TimeVacationDays;
if (typeof VacationDaysOneTime === 'undefined') {
VacationDaysOneTime = Core.Config.Get('Datepicker.VacationDays').TimeVacationDaysOneTime;
// Check if date is one of the vacation days
if (typeof VacationDays[DateObject.getMonth() + 1] !== 'undefined' &&
typeof VacationDays[DateObject.getMonth() + 1][DateObject.getDate()] !== 'undefined') {
DayDescription += VacationDays[DateObject.getMonth() + 1][DateObject.getDate()];
DayClass = 'Highlight ';
// Check if date is one of the one time vacation days
if (typeof VacationDaysOneTime[DateObject.getFullYear()] !== 'undefined' &&
typeof VacationDaysOneTime[DateObject.getFullYear()][DateObject.getMonth() + 1] !== 'undefined' &&
typeof VacationDaysOneTime[DateObject.getFullYear()][DateObject.getMonth() + 1][DateObject.getDate()] !== 'undefined') {
DayDescription += VacationDaysOneTime[DateObject.getFullYear()][DateObject.getMonth() + 1][DateObject.getDate()];
DayClass = 'Highlight ';
if (DayClass.length) {
return [true, DayClass, DayDescription];
else {
return [true, ''];
* @name Init
* @memberof Core.UI.Datepicker
* @function
* @returns {Boolean} false, if Parameter Element is not of the correct type.
* @param {jQueryObject|Object} Element - The jQuery object of a text input field which should get a datepicker.
* Or a hash with the Keys 'Year', 'Month' and 'Day' and as values the jQueryObjects of the select drop downs.
* @description
* This function initializes the datepicker on the defined elements.
TargetNS.Init = function (Element) {
var $DatepickerElement,
HasDateSelectBoxes = false,
if (typeof Element.VacationDays === 'object') {
Core.Config.Set('Datepicker.VacationDays', Element.VacationDays);
* @private
* @name LeadingZero
* @memberof Core.UI.Datepicker.Init
* @function
* @returns {String} A number with leading zero, if needed.
* @param {Number} Number - A number to convert.
* @description
* Converts a one digit number to a string with leading zero.
function LeadingZero(Number) {
if (Number.toString().length === 1) {
return '0' + Number;
else {
return Number;
if (typeof LocalizationData === 'undefined') {
LocalizationData = Core.Config.Get('Datepicker.Localization');
if (typeof LocalizationData === 'undefined') {
throw new Core.Exception.ApplicationError('Datepicker localization data could not be found!', 'InternalError');
// Increment number of initialized datepickers on this site
// Check, if datepicker is used with three input element or with three select boxes
if (typeof Element === 'object' &&
typeof Element.Day !== 'undefined' &&
typeof Element.Month !== 'undefined' &&
typeof Element.Year !== 'undefined' &&
isJQueryObject(Element.Day, Element.Month, Element.Year) &&
// Sometimes it can happen that BuildDateSelection was called without placing the full date selection.
// Ignore in this case.
) {
$DatepickerElement = $('<input>').attr('type', 'hidden').attr('id', 'Datepicker' + DatepickerCount);
if (Element.Day.is('select') && Element.Month.is('select') && Element.Year.is('select')) {
HasDateSelectBoxes = true;
else {
return false;
// Define options hash
Options = {
beforeShowDay: function (DateObject) {
return CheckDate(DateObject);
showOn: 'focus',
prevText: LocalizationData.PrevText,
nextText: LocalizationData.NextText,
firstDay: Element.WeekDayStart,
showMonthAfterYear: 0,
monthNames: LocalizationData.MonthNames,
monthNamesShort: LocalizationData.MonthNamesShort,
dayNames: LocalizationData.DayNames,
dayNamesShort: LocalizationData.DayNamesShort,
dayNamesMin: LocalizationData.DayNamesMin,
isRTL: LocalizationData.IsRTL
Options.onSelect = function (DateText, Instance) {
var Year = Instance.selectedYear,
Month = Instance.selectedMonth + 1,
Day = Instance.selectedDay;
// Update the three select boxes
if (HasDateSelectBoxes) {
Element.Year.find('option[value=' + Year + ']').prop('selected', true);
Element.Month.find('option[value=' + Month + ']').prop('selected', true);
Element.Day.find('option[value=' + Day + ']').prop('selected', true);
else {
Options.beforeShow = function (Input) {
return {
defaultDate: new Date(Element.Year.val(), Element.Month.val() - 1, Element.Day.val())
// Add some DOM notes to the datepicker, but only if it was not initialized previously.
// Check if one additional DOM node is already present.
if (!$('#' + Core.App.EscapeSelector(Element.Day.attr('id')) + 'DatepickerIcon').length) {
// add datepicker icon and click event
$DatepickerElement.after('<a href="#" class="DatepickerIcon" id="' + Element.Day.attr('id') + 'DatepickerIcon" title="' + LocalizationData.IconText + '"><i class="fa fa-calendar"></i></a>');
if (Element.DateInFuture) {
ErrorMessage = Core.Config.Get('Datepicker.ErrorMessageDateInFuture');
else if (Element.DateNotInFuture) {
ErrorMessage = Core.Config.Get('Datepicker.ErrorMessageDateNotInFuture');
else {
ErrorMessage = Core.Config.Get('Datepicker.ErrorMessage');
// Add validation error messages for all dateselection elements
.after('<div id="' + Element.Day.attr('id') + 'Error" class="TooltipErrorMessage"><p>' + ErrorMessage + '</p></div>')
.after('<div id="' + Element.Month.attr('id') + 'Error" class="TooltipErrorMessage"><p>' + ErrorMessage + '</p></div>')
.after('<div id="' + Element.Year.attr('id') + 'Error" class="TooltipErrorMessage"><p>' + ErrorMessage + '</p></div>');
// only insert time element error messages if time elements are present
if (Element.Hour && Element.Hour.length) {
.after('<div id="' + Element.Hour.attr('id') + 'Error" class="TooltipErrorMessage"><p>' + ErrorMessage + '</p></div>')
.after('<div id="' + Element.Minute.attr('id') + 'Error" class="TooltipErrorMessage"><p>' + ErrorMessage + '</p></div>');
$('#' + Core.App.EscapeSelector(Element.Day.attr('id')) + 'DatepickerIcon').unbind('click.Datepicker').bind('click.Datepicker', function () {
return false;
// do not show the datepicker container div.
return TargetNS;
}(Core.UI.Datepicker || {}));