// --
// Copyright (C) 2001-2018 OTRS AG, https://otrs.com/
// --
// This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. For details, see
// the enclosed file COPYING for license information (GPL). If you
// did not receive this file, see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt.
// --
"use strict";
var Core = Core || {};
* @namespace Core.Exception
* @memberof Core
* @author OTRS AG
* @description
* This namespace contains the functions for handling application errors.
Core.Exception = (function (TargetNS) {
* @name Init
* @memberof Core.Exception
* @function
* @description
* Initializes the module functionality.
TargetNS.Init = function () {
* Register an 'beforeunload' function which puts a status flag that
* the current page is about to be left. Then AJAX errors because of
* pending AJAX requests must be suppressed.
$(window).bind('beforeunload.Exception', function(){
// Use a public member so that we can also set it from a test case.
TargetNS.AboutToLeave = true;
* @name ApplicationError
* @memberof Core.Exception
* @function
* @param {String} ErrorMessage - The error message
* @param {String} ErrorType - The error type
* @description
* This is the constructor for the application error object.
TargetNS.ApplicationError = function (ErrorMessage, ErrorType) {
var Type = ErrorType,
Message = ErrorMessage,
Types = ['Error', 'InternalError', 'TypeError', 'CommunicationError', 'ConnectionError'],
DefaultType = 'Error';
if (!$.inArray(Type, Types)) {
Type = DefaultType;
* @name GetType
* @memberof Core.Exception.ApplicationError
* @function
* @returns {String} Type of error.
* @description
* Returns the type of error this ErrorObject is of (e.g. InternalError, TypeError, CommunicationError).
this.GetType = function () {
return Type;
* @name GetMessage
* @memberof Core.Exception.ApplicationError
* @function
* @returns {String} Error message.
* @description
* Returns the error message of theErrorObject.
this.GetMessage = function () {
return Message;
* @name Throw
* @memberof Core.Exception
* @function
* @param {String} ErrorMessage - The error message
* @param {String} ErrorType - The error type
* @description
* This function throws an application error.
TargetNS.Throw = function (ErrorMessage, ErrorType) {
throw new TargetNS.ApplicationError(ErrorMessage, ErrorType);
* @name Throw
* @memberof Core.Exception
* @function
* @returns {Boolean} True, if ErrorObject is of given type, false otherwise.
* @param {Object} ErrorObject - The error object
* @param {String} ErrorType - The error type to be checked
* @description
* Checks if the given ErrorObject is an ApplicationError of the given Type.
TargetNS.IsErrorOfType = function (ErrorObject, ErrorType) {
return (ErrorObject instanceof TargetNS.ApplicationError && ErrorObject.GetType === ErrorType);
* @name Throw
* @memberof Core.HandleFinalError
* @function
* @returns {Boolean} If the error could be handled, returns if it was shown to the user or not.
* @param {Object} ErrorObject - The error object
* @param {String} [Trace] - A string containing the stacktrace
* @description
* This function handles the given error object (used as last possibility to catch the error).
TargetNS.HandleFinalError = function (ErrorObject, Trace) {
var UserErrorMessage = 'An error occurred! Do you want to see the complete error message?',
ErrorType = ErrorObject.GetType();
if (ErrorObject instanceof TargetNS.ApplicationError) {
// Suppress AJAX errors which were raised by leaving the page while the AJAX call was still running.
if (TargetNS.AboutToLeave && (ErrorType === 'CommunicationError' || ErrorType === 'ConnectionError')) {
return false;
if (ErrorType === 'ConnectionError') {
else if(ErrorType === 'CommunicationError') {
else {
TargetNS.ShowError(ErrorObject.GetMessage(), ErrorType, Trace);
if (window.confirm(UserErrorMessage)) {
alert(ErrorObject.GetMessage() + (Trace ? ('\n\n' + Trace) : ''));
return true;
else if (ErrorObject instanceof Error) {
TargetNS.ShowError(ErrorObject.message, 'JavaScriptError', Trace);
if (window.confirm(UserErrorMessage)) {
alert(ErrorObject.message + (Trace ? ('\n\n' + Trace) : ''));
throw ErrorObject; // rethrow
else {
TargetNS.ShowError(ErrorObject, 'UndefinedError', Trace);
if (window.confirm(UserErrorMessage)) {
alert(ErrorObject + (Trace ? ('\n\n' + Trace) : ''));
throw ErrorObject; // rethrow
* @name ShowError
* @memberof Core.HandleFinalError
* @function
* @param {String} ErrorMessage - The error message.
* @param {String} ErrorType - The error type.
* @param {String} [Trace] - The stacktrace.
* @description
* This function shows an error message in the log.
TargetNS.ShowError = function (ErrorMessage, ErrorType, Trace) {
Core.Debug.Log('[ERROR] ' + ErrorType + ': ' + ErrorMessage);
if (typeof Trace !== 'undefined') {
Core.Debug.Log('[STACKTRACE] ' + Trace);
return TargetNS;
}(Core.Exception || {}));