// --
// Copyright (C) 2001-2018 OTRS AG, https://otrs.com/
// --
// This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. For details, see
// the enclosed file COPYING for license information (GPL). If you
// did not receive this file, see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt.
// --
"use strict";
var Core = Core || {};
Core.Customer = Core.Customer || {};
* @namespace Core.Customer.TicketZoom
* @memberof Core.Customer
* @author OTRS AG
* @description
* This namespace contains all functions for CustomerTicketZoom.
Core.Customer.TicketZoom = (function (TargetNS) {
if (!Core.Debug.CheckDependency('Core.Customer', 'Core.UI.RichTextEditor', 'Core.UI.RichTextEditor')) {
return false;
* @private
* @name CalculateHeight
* @memberof Core.Customer.TicketZoom
* @function
* @param {DOMObject} Iframe - DOM representation of an iframe
* @description
* Sets the size of the iframe to the size of its inner html.
function CalculateHeight(Iframe){
Iframe = isJQueryObject(Iframe) ? Iframe.get(0) : Iframe;
setTimeout(function () {
var $IframeContent = $(Iframe.contentDocument || Iframe.contentWindow.document),
NewHeight = $IframeContent.height();
if (!NewHeight || isNaN(NewHeight)) {
NewHeight = 100;
else {
if (NewHeight > 2500) {
NewHeight = 2500;
NewHeight = parseInt(NewHeight, 10) + 25;
$(Iframe).height(NewHeight + 'px');
}, 1500);
* @private
* @name CalculateHeight
* @memberof Core.Customer.TicketZoom
* @function
* @param {DOMObject} Iframe - DOM representation of an iframe
* @param {Function} [Callback]
* @description
* Resizes Iframe to its max inner height and (optionally) calls callback.
function ResizeIframe(Iframe, Callback){
// initial height calculation
$(Iframe).attr('onload', function() {
if ($.isFunction(Callback)) {
* @private
* @name CheckIframe
* @memberof Core.Customer.TicketZoom
* @function
* @param {DOMObject} Iframe - DOM representation of an iframe
* @param {Function} [Callback]
* @description
* This function contains some workarounds for all browsers to get re-size the iframe.
* @see http://sonspring.com/journal/jquery-iframe-sizing
function CheckIframe(Iframe, Callback){
var Source;
if ($.browser.safari || $.browser.opera){
setTimeout(ResizeIframe, 0, this, Callback);
Source = Iframe.src;
Iframe.src = '';
Iframe.src = Source;
else {
ResizeIframe(this, Callback);
* @private
* @name LoadMessage
* @memberof Core.Customer.TicketZoom
* @function
* @param {jQueryObject} $Message
* @param {jQueryObject} $Status
* @description
* This function is called when an articles should be loaded. Our trick is, to hide the
* url of a containing iframe in the title attribute of the iframe so that it doesn't load
* immediately when the site loads. So we set the url in this function.
function LoadMessage($Message, $Status){
var $SubjectHolder = $('h3 span', $Message),
Subject = $SubjectHolder.text(),
LoadingString = $SubjectHolder.attr('title'),
$Iframe = $('iframe', $Message),
Source = $Iframe.attr('title');
/* Change Subject to Loading */
/* Load iframe -> get title and put it in src */
if (Source !== 'about:blank') {
$Iframe.attr('src', Source);
function Callback(){
/* Set StateStorage to true */
/* Show MessageContent -> add class Visible */
/* Change Subject back from Loading */
$SubjectHolder.text(Subject).attr('title', Subject);
if ($Iframe.length) {
CheckIframe($Iframe, Callback);
else {
* @private
* @name ToggleMessage
* @memberof Core.Customer.TicketZoom
* @function
* @param {jQueryObject} $Message
* @description
* This function checks the value of a hidden input field containing the state of the article:
* untouched (= not yet loaded), true or false. If the article is already loaded (-> true), and
* user calls this function by clicking on the message head, the article gets hidden by removing
* the class 'Visible' and the status changes to false. If the message head is clicked while the
* status is false (e.g. the article is hidden), the article gets the class 'Visible' again and
* the status gets changed to true.
function ToggleMessage($Message){
var $Status = $('> input[name=ArticleState]', $Message);
switch ($Status.val()){
case "untouched":
LoadMessage($Message, $Status);
case "true":
case "false":
* @name Init
* @memberof Core.Customer.TicketZoom
* @function
* @description
* This function binds functions to the 'MessageHeader' and the 'Reply' button
* to toggle the visibility of the MessageBody and the reply form.
* Also it checks the iframes to re-size them to their full (inner) size
* and hides the quotes inside the iframes + adds an anchor to toggle the visibility of the quotes
TargetNS.Init = function(){
var $Messages = $('#Messages > li'),
$VisibleIframe = $('.VisibleFrame'),
$MessageHeaders = $('.MessageHeader', $Messages),
$FollowUp = $('#FollowUp'),
$RTE = $('#RichText'),
ZoomExpand = $('#ZoomExpand').val();
$('html').css({scrollTop: $('#Body').height()});
$('html').css({scrollTop: $('#Body').height()});
/* Set statuses saved in the hidden fields for all visible messages if ZoomExpand is present */
if (!ZoomExpand || isNaN(ZoomExpand)) {
$('> input[name=ArticleState]', $Messages).val("true");
else {
/* Set statuses saved in the hidden fields for all messages */
$('#Messages > li:not(:last)').find('input[name=ArticleState]').val("untouched");
$('#Messages > li:last').find('input[name=ArticleState]').val("true");
// add switchable toggle
$('div.Label.Switchable').off('click.Switch').on('click.Switch', function() {
// init browser link message close button
if ($('.MessageBrowser').length) {
$('.MessageBrowser a.Close').on('click', function () {
var Data = {
Action: 'CustomerTicketZoom',
Subaction: 'BrowserLinkMessage',
TicketID: $('input[name=TicketID]').val()
// call server, to save that the bo was closed and do not show it again on reload
function () {}
return false;
return TargetNS;
}(Core.Customer.TicketZoom || {}));