// --
// Copyright (C) 2001-2018 OTRS AG, https://otrs.com/
// --
// This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. For details, see
// the enclosed file COPYING for license information (GPL). If you
// did not receive this file, see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt.
// --
// nofilter(TidyAll::Plugin::OTRS::JavaScript::UnloadEvent)
"use strict";
var Core = Core || {};
* @namespace Core.App
* @memberof Core
* @author OTRS AG
* @description
* This namespace contains main app functionalities.
Core.App = (function (TargetNS) {
if (!Core.Debug.CheckDependency('Core.App', 'Core.Exception', 'Core.Exception')) {
return false;
if (!Core.Debug.CheckDependency('Core.App', 'Core.Config', 'Core.Config')) {
return false;
* @private
* @name SerializeData
* @memberof Core.App
* @function
* @returns {String} Query string of the data.
* @param {Object} Data - The data that should be converted.
* @description
* Converts a given hash into a query string.
function SerializeData(Data) {
var QueryString = '';
$.each(Data, function (Key, Value) {
QueryString += encodeURIComponent(Key) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(Value) + ';';
return QueryString;
* @name BindWindowUnloadEvent
* @memberof Core.App
* @function
* @param {String} Namespace - Namespace for which the event should be bound.
* @param {Function} CallbackFunction - Function which should be executed once the event is fired.
* @description
* Binds a crossbrowser compatible unload event to the window object
TargetNS.BindWindowUnloadEvent = function (Namespace, CallbackFunction) {
if (!$.isFunction(CallbackFunction)) {
// we need a special handling for all IE's before 11, because these
// don't know the pagehide event but support the non-standard
// unload event.
if ($.browser.msie && parseInt($.browser.version, 10) < 11) {
$(window).on('unload.' + Namespace, function () {
else {
$(window).on('pagehide.' + Namespace, function () {
* @name UnbindWindowUnloadEvent
* @memberof Core.App
* @function
* @param {String} Namespace - Namespace for which the event should be removed.
* @description
* Unbinds a crossbrowser compatible unload event to the window object
TargetNS.UnbindWindowUnloadEvent = function (Namespace) {
$(window).off('unload.' + Namespace);
$(window).off('pagehide.' + Namespace);
* @name GetSessionInformation
* @memberof Core.App
* @function
* @returns {Object} Hash with session data, if needed.
* @description
* Collects session data in a hash if available.
TargetNS.GetSessionInformation = function () {
var Data = {};
if (!Core.Config.Get('SessionIDCookie')) {
Data[Core.Config.Get('SessionName')] = Core.Config.Get('SessionID');
Data[Core.Config.Get('CustomerPanelSessionName')] = Core.Config.Get('SessionID');
Data.ChallengeToken = Core.Config.Get('ChallengeToken');
return Data;
* @name BrowserCheck
* @memberof Core.App
* @function
* @returns {Boolean} True if the used browser is *not* on the black list.
* @param {String} Interface - The interface we are in (Agent or Customer)
* @description
* Checks if the used browser is not on the OTRS browser blacklist
* of the agent interface.
TargetNS.BrowserCheck = function (Interface) {
var AppropriateBrowser = true,
BrowserBlackList = Core.Config.Get('BrowserBlackList::' + Interface);
if (typeof BrowserBlackList !== 'undefined') {
$.each(BrowserBlackList, function (Key, Value) {
if ($.isFunction(Value)) {
if (Value()) {
AppropriateBrowser = false;
return AppropriateBrowser;
alert('Error: Browser Check failed!');
* @name BrowserCheckIECompatibilityMode
* @memberof Core.App
* @function
* @returns {Boolean} True if the used browser is IE in Compatibility Mode.
* @description
* Checks if the used browser is IE in Compatibility Mode.
* IE11 in Compatibility Mode is not recognized.
TargetNS.BrowserCheckIECompatibilityMode = function () {
var IE7 = ($.browser.msie && $.browser.version === '7.0');
// if not IE7, we cannot be in compatibilty mode
if (!IE7) {
return false;
// IE8,9,10,11 in Compatibility Mode will claim to be IE7.
// See also http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms537503%28v=VS.85%29.aspx
if (
navigator &&
navigator.userAgent &&
navigator.userAgent.match(/Trident\/4.0/) ||
navigator.userAgent.match(/Trident\/5.0/) ||
navigator.userAgent.match(/Trident\/6.0/) ||
) {
return true;
// if IE7 but no Trident 4-7 is found, we are in a real IE7
return false;
* @name Ready
* @memberof Core.App
* @function
* @param {Function} Callback - The callback function to be executed.
* @description
* This functions callback is executed if all elements and files of this page are loaded.
TargetNS.Ready = function (Callback) {
if ($.isFunction(Callback)) {
$(document).ready(function () {
var Trace;
try {
catch (Error) {
Trace = printStackTrace({e: Error, guess: true}).join('\n');
Core.Exception.HandleFinalError(new Core.Exception.ApplicationError(Error), Trace);
else {
Core.Exception.ShowError('No function parameter given in Core.App.Ready', 'TypeError');
TargetNS.Subscribe('Core.App.AjaxErrorResolved', function() {
var $DialogObj = $('#AjaxErrorDialog');
delete TargetNS.AjaxConnectionCheckInterval;
if (!$('body').hasClass('ConnectionErrorDetected')) {
return false;
// if there is already a dialog, we just exchange the content
if ($('#AjaxErrorDialogInner').find('.NoConnection').is(':visible')) {
else {
HTML : $DialogObj,
Title : Core.Config.Get('ConnectionErrorTitle'),
Modal : true,
CloseOnClickOutside : false,
CloseOnEscape : false,
PositionTop: '100px',
PositionLeft: 'Center',
Buttons: [
Label: Core.Config.Get('ConnectionErrorReloadButton'),
Class: 'Primary',
Function: function () {
Label: Core.Config.Get('DialogCloseMsg'),
Function: function () {
if ($('#AjaxErrorDialogInner').find('.NoConnection').is(':visible')) {
AllowAutoGrow: true
// the only possibility to close the dialog should be the button
// Check for AJAX connection errors and show overlay in case there is one.
TargetNS.Subscribe('Core.App.AjaxError', function() {
var $DialogObj = $('#AjaxErrorDialog');
// set a body class to remember that we detected the error
// if the dialog has been closed manually, don't show it again
if ($('body').hasClass('ConnectionErrorDialogClosed')) {
return false;
// Only show one dialog at a time. Do not show the dialog if communication error dialog was displayed
// previously, leave it open since it might point to a more serious issue.
if ($('#AjaxErrorDialogInner').find('.NoConnection,.CommunicationError').is(':visible')) {
return false;
// do ajax calls on a regular basis to see whether the connection has been re-established
if (!TargetNS.AjaxConnectionCheckInterval) {
TargetNS.AjaxConnectionCheckInterval = window.setInterval(function(){
Core.AJAX.FunctionCall(Core.Config.Get('CGIHandle'), null, function () {
}, 'html');
}, 5000);
// If a connection warning dialog is open but shows the "Connection re-established" or "Communication error"
// notice, show the warning again. This could happen if the connection had been lost but also
// re-established in the meantime, or there were some communication errors encountered.
if ($('#AjaxErrorDialogInner').find('.ConnectionReEstablished,.CommunicationError').is(':visible')) {
return false;
// Show 'No Connection' dialog content.
HTML : $DialogObj,
Title : Core.Config.Get('ConnectionErrorTitle'),
Modal : true,
CloseOnClickOutside : false,
CloseOnEscape : false,
PositionTop: '100px',
PositionLeft: 'Center',
Buttons: [
Label: Core.Config.Get('ConnectionErrorReloadButton'),
Class: 'Primary',
Function: function () {
Label: Core.Config.Get('DialogCloseMsg'),
Function: function () {
if ($('#AjaxErrorDialogInner').find('.NoConnection').is(':visible')) {
AllowAutoGrow: true
// the only possibility to close the dialog should be the button
// Check for AJAX communication errors and show overlay in case there is one.
TargetNS.Subscribe('Core.App.AjaxCommunicationError', function() {
var $DialogObj = $('#AjaxErrorDialog');
// Set a body class to remember that we detected the error.
// Only show one dialog at a time.
if ($('#AjaxErrorDialogInner').find('.CommunicationError').is(':visible')) {
return false;
// If a connection warning dialog is open but shows the "No connection" or "Connection re-established"
// notice, show the warning nevertheless. Communication error is of a higher order and should always be
// displayed.
if ($('#AjaxErrorDialogInner').find('.NoConnection,.ConnectionReEstablished').is(':visible')) {
return false;
// Show 'Communication error' dialog content.
HTML : $DialogObj,
Title : Core.Config.Get('CommunicationErrorTitle'),
Modal : true,
CloseOnClickOutside : false,
CloseOnEscape : false,
PositionTop: '100px',
PositionLeft: 'Center',
Buttons: [
Label: Core.Config.Get('ConnectionErrorReloadButton'),
Class: 'Primary',
Function: function () {
Label: Core.Config.Get('DialogCloseMsg'),
Function: function () {
AllowAutoGrow: true
// the only possibility to close the dialog should be the button
* @name InternalRedirect
* @memberof Core.App
* @function
* @param {Object} Data - The query data (like: {Action: 'MyAction', Subaction: 'Add'})
* @description
* Performs an internal redirect based on the given data parameters.
* If needed, session information like SessionID and ChallengeToken are appended.
TargetNS.InternalRedirect = function (Data) {
var URL;
URL = Core.Config.Get('Baselink') + SerializeData(Data);
URL += SerializeData(TargetNS.GetSessionInformation());
window.location.href = URL;
* @name EscapeSelector
* @memberof Core.App
* @function
* @returns {String} The escaped selector.
* @param {String} Selector - The original selector (e.g. ID, class, etc.).
* @description
* Escapes the special characters (. :) in the given jQuery Selector
* jQ does not allow the usage of dot or colon in ID or class names
* An overview of special characters that should be quoted can be found here:
* https://api.jquery.com/category/selectors/
TargetNS.EscapeSelector = function (Selector) {
if (Selector && Selector.length) {
return Selector.replace(/( |#|:|\.|\[|\]|@|!|"|\$|%|&|<|=|>|'|\(|\)|\*|\+|,|\?|\/|;|\\|\^|{|}|`|\||~)/g, '\\$1');
return '';
* @name EscapeHTML
* @memberof Core.App
* @function
* @returns {String} The escaped string.
* @param {String} StringToEscape - The string which is supposed to be escaped.
* @description
* Escapes the special HTML characters ( < > & ) in supplied string to their
* corresponding entities.
TargetNS.EscapeHTML = function (StringToEscape) {
var HTMLEntities = {
'&': '&',
'<': '<',
'>': '>',
'"': '"'
if (!StringToEscape) {
return '';
return StringToEscape.replace(/[&<>"]/g, function(Entity) {
return HTMLEntities[Entity] || Entity;
* @name Publish
* @memberof Core.App
* @function
* @param {String} Topic - The channel to publish on
* @param {Array} Args - The data to publish. Each array item is converted into an ordered arguments on the subscribed functions.
* @description
* Publish some data on a named topic.
TargetNS.Publish = function (Topic, Args) {
$.publish(Topic, Args);
* @name Subscribe
* @memberof Core.App
* @function
* @returns {Array} A handle which can be used to unsubscribe this particular subscription
* @param {String} Topic - The channel to subscribe to
* @param {Function} Callback - The handler event. Anytime something is published on a subscribed channel, the callback will be called with the published array as ordered arguments.
* @description
* Register a callback on a named topic.
TargetNS.Subscribe = function (Topic, Callback) {
return $.subscribe(Topic, Callback);
* @name Unsubscribe
* @memberof Core.App
* @function
* @param {Array} Handle - The return value from a $.subscribe call
* @description
* Disconnect a subscribed function for a topic.
TargetNS.Unsubscribe = function (Handle) {
return TargetNS;
}(Core.App || {}));