// --
// Copyright (C) 2001-2018 OTRS AG, https://otrs.com/
// --
// This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. For details, see
// the enclosed file COPYING for license information (GPL). If you
// did not receive this file, see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt.
// --
"use strict";
var Core = Core || {};
Core.Agent = Core.Agent || {};
* @namespace Core.Agent.TicketZoom
* @memberof Core.Agent
* @author OTRS AG
* @description
* This namespace contains the special module functions for TicketZoom.
Core.Agent.TicketZoom = (function (TargetNS) {
* @private
* @name CheckURLHashTimeout
* @memberof Core.Agent.TicketZoom
* @member {Object}
* @description
* CheckURLHashTimeout
var CheckURLHashTimeout,
* @private
* @name InitialArticleID
* @memberof Core.Agent.TicketZoom
* @member {String}
* @description
* InitialArticleID
* @name MarkTicketAsSeen
* @memberof Core.Agent.TicketZoom
* @function
* @param {String} TicketID - TicketID of ticket which gets shown
* @description
* Mark all articles as seen in frontend and backend.
* Article Filters will not be considered
TargetNS.MarkTicketAsSeen = function (TicketID) {
TargetNS.TicketMarkAsSeenTimeout = window.setTimeout(function () {
var Data = {
Action: 'AgentTicketZoom',
Subaction: 'TicketMarkAsSeen',
TicketID: TicketID
// Mark old row as read
$('#ArticleTable .ArticleID').closest('tr').removeClass('UnreadArticles').find('span.UnreadArticles').remove();
// Mark article as seen in backend
function () {}
}, 3000);
* @name MarkAsSeen
* @memberof Core.Agent.TicketZoom
* @function
* @param {String} TicketID - TicketID of ticket which get's shown.
* @param {String} ArticleID - ArticleID of article which get's shown.
* @param {String} [Timeout=3000] - Timeout in milliseconds
* @description
* Mark an article as seen in frontend and backend.
TargetNS.MarkAsSeen = function (TicketID, ArticleID, Timeout) {
// assign default timeout
if (typeof Timeout === 'undefined') {
Timeout = 3000;
TargetNS.MarkAsSeenTimeout = window.setTimeout(function () {
var Data = {
Action: 'AgentTicketZoom',
Subaction: 'MarkAsSeen',
TicketID: TicketID,
ArticleID: ArticleID
// Mark old row as readed
$('#ArticleTable .ArticleID[value=' + ArticleID + ']').closest('tr').removeClass('UnreadArticles').find('span.UnreadArticles').remove();
$('.TimelineView li#ArticleID_' + ArticleID).find('.UnreadArticles').fadeOut(function() {
// Mark article as seen in backend
function () {}
}, parseInt(Timeout, 10));
* @name IframeAutoHeight
* @memberof Core.Agent.TicketZoom
* @function
* @param {jQueryObject} $Iframe - The iframe which should be auto-heighted
* @description
* Set iframe height automatically based on real content height and default config setting.
TargetNS.IframeAutoHeight = function ($Iframe) {
var NewHeight;
if (isJQueryObject($Iframe)) {
// slightly change the width of the iframe to not be exactly 100% width anymore
// this prevents a double horizontal scrollbar (from iframe and surrounding div)
$Iframe.width($Iframe.width() - 2);
NewHeight = $Iframe.contents().height();
if (!NewHeight || isNaN(NewHeight)) {
NewHeight = Core.Config.Get('Ticket::Frontend::HTMLArticleHeightDefault');
else {
if (NewHeight > Core.Config.Get('Ticket::Frontend::HTMLArticleHeightMax')) {
NewHeight = Core.Config.Get('Ticket::Frontend::HTMLArticleHeightMax');
// add delta for scrollbar
NewHeight = parseInt(NewHeight, 10) + 25;
$Iframe.height(NewHeight + 'px');
* @private
* @name LoadArticle
* @memberof Core.Agent.TicketZoom
* @function
* @param {String} ArticleURL - The URL which should be loaded via AJAX
* @param {String} ArticleID - The article number of the loaded article
* @description
* This function loads the given article via ajax.
function LoadArticle(ArticleURL, ArticleID) {
// Clear timeout for URL hash check, because hash is now changed manually
// Add loader to the widget
$('#ArticleItems .WidgetBox').addClass('Loading');
Core.AJAX.ContentUpdate($('#ArticleItems'), ArticleURL, function () {
// Top position of Scroller element (surrounds article table)
var ScrollerY = parseInt($('div.Scroller').offset().top, 10),
// Height of scroller element
ScrollerHeight = parseInt($('div.Scroller').height(), 10),
// Top position of active article (offset based on screen position)
ActiveArticlePosY = parseInt($('#ArticleTable tbody tr.Active').offset().top, 10),
// Height of active article
ActiveArticleHeight = parseInt($('#ArticleTable tbody tr.Active').height(), 10),
// Bottom position of active article
ActiveArticleBottomY = ActiveArticlePosY + ActiveArticleHeight,
// Bottom position of scroller element
ScrollerBottomY = ScrollerY + ScrollerHeight,
// Offset of scroller element (relative)
ScrollerOffset = $('div.Scroller').get(0).scrollTop;
$('#ArticleItems a.AsPopup').bind('click', function () {
var Matches,
PopupType = 'TicketAction';
Matches = $(this).attr('class').match(/PopupType_(\w+)/);
if (Matches) {
PopupType = Matches[1];
Core.UI.Popup.OpenPopup($(this).attr('href'), PopupType);
return false;
// Initialize modernized input fields in article action menu
// Add event bindings to new widget
// Add hash to the URL to provide direct URLs and history back/forward functionality
// If new ArticleID is again the InitialArticleID than remove hash from URL
if (ArticleID === InitialArticleID) {
location.hash = '';
TargetNS.ActiveURLHash = ArticleID;
else {
location.hash = '#' + ArticleID;
TargetNS.ActiveURLHash = ArticleID;
// add switchable toggle for new article
$('label.Switchable').off('click.Switch').on('click.Switch', function() {
//Remove Loading class
$('#ArticleItems .WidgetBox').removeClass('Loading');
// Scroll to new active article
// if article is not visible and is above the visible area, move the visible area
// add 5px of delta for better usability (top border is definetly visible)
if (ActiveArticlePosY < ScrollerY) {
$('div.Scroller').get(0).scrollTop = ScrollerOffset + (ActiveArticlePosY - ScrollerY) - 5;
// if article is not visible and is below the visible area, move the visible area
// add 5px of delta for better usability (bottom border is definetly visible)
else if (ScrollerBottomY < ActiveArticleBottomY) {
$('div.Scroller').get(0).scrollTop = ScrollerOffset + (ActiveArticleBottomY - ScrollerBottomY) + 5;
// Initiate URL hash check again
// If session is over and login screen
// is showed in article area
* @name LoadArticleFromExternal
* @memberof Core.Agent.TicketZoom
* @function
* @param {String} ArticleID - The article number of the loaded article
* @param {Object} WindowObject
* @description
* Used in OTRS Business Solution (TM). Loads an article in the Zoom from another window context (e.g. popup).
TargetNS.LoadArticleFromExternal = function (ArticleID, WindowObject) {
var $Element = $('#ArticleTable td.No input.ArticleID[value=' + ArticleID + ']'),
// Check if we are in timeline view
// in this case we can jump directly to the article
if ($('.ArticleView .Timeline').hasClass('Active')) {
window.location.hash = '#ArticleID_' + ArticleID;
else {
if (!$Element.length) {
if (typeof WindowObject === 'undefined') {
WindowObject = window;
ArticleURL = $Element.siblings('.ArticleInfo').val();
LoadArticle(ArticleURL, ArticleID);
* @name CheckURLHash
* @memberof Core.Agent.TicketZoom
* @function
* @description
* This function checks if the url hash (representing the current article)
* has changed and initiates an article load. A change can happen by clicking
* 'back' in the browser, for example.
TargetNS.CheckURLHash = function () {
var URLHash = location.hash.replace(/#/, ''),
// if URLHash is empty, that means we are watching the initial article,
// save this information in URLHash as if it would have been in the URL
if (URLHash === '') {
URLHash = InitialArticleID;
// if not defined yet
if (typeof TargetNS.ActiveURLHash === 'undefined') {
TargetNS.ActiveURLHash = InitialArticleID;
// if defined and saved value is different to latest value (= user has used history back or forward)
else if (TargetNS.ActiveURLHash !== URLHash) {
TargetNS.ActiveURLHash = URLHash;
// if article ID is found in article list (= article id is valid)
$ArticleElement = $('#ArticleTable').find('input.ArticleID[value=' + TargetNS.ActiveURLHash + ']');
if ($ArticleElement.length) {
// Add active state to new row
// Load content of new article
LoadArticle($ArticleElement.closest('td').find('input.ArticleInfo').val(), TargetNS.ActiveURLHash);
// start check again in 500ms
CheckURLHashTimeout = window.setTimeout(function () {
}, 500);
* @name Init
* @memberof Core.Agent.TicketZoom
* @function
* @param {Object} Options - The options, mostly defined in SysConfig and passed through.
* @param {Number} Options.ArticleTableHeight - The height of the article table. Value is stored in the user preferences.
* @description
* This function initializes the special module functions.
TargetNS.Init = function (Options) {
var ZoomExpand = false,
// Check, if ZoomExpand is active or not
// Only active on tickets with less than 400 articles (see bug#8424)
if ($('div.ArticleView a.OneArticle').length) {
ZoomExpand = !$('div.ArticleView a.OneArticle').hasClass('Active');
Core.UI.Resizable.Init($('#ArticleTableBody'), Options.ArticleTableHeight, function (Event, UI, Height) {
// remember new height for next reload
ResizeTimeoutScroller = window.setTimeout(function () {
Core.Agent.PreferencesUpdate('UserTicketZoomArticleTableHeight', Height);
}, 1000);
$('.DataTable tbody td a.Attachment').bind('click', function (Event) {
var Position;
if ($(this).attr('rel') && $('#' + $(this).attr('rel')).length) {
Position = $(this).offset();
Core.UI.Dialog.ShowContentDialog($('#' + $(this).attr('rel'))[0].innerHTML, 'Attachments', Position.top - $(window).scrollTop(), parseInt(Position.left, 10) + 25);
return false;
// Table sorting
// load another article, if in "show one article" mode and article id is provided by location hash
if (!ZoomExpand) {
URLHash = location.hash.replace(/#/, '');
// if URL hash is empty, set it initially to the active article for working browser history
if (URLHash === '') {
InitialArticleID = $('#ArticleTable tr.Active input.ArticleID').val();
//location.hash = '#' + $('#ArticleTable tr.Active input.ArticleID').val();
else {
// if article ID is found in article list (= article id is valid)
$ArticleElement = $('#ArticleTable').find('input.ArticleID[value=' + URLHash + ']');
if ($ArticleElement.length) {
// Add active state to new row
// Load content of new article
LoadArticle($ArticleElement.closest('td').find('input.ArticleInfo').val(), URLHash);
$('a.Timeline').bind('click', function() {
$(this).attr('href', $(this).attr('href') + ';ArticleID=' + URLHash);
// loading new articles
$('#ArticleTable tbody tr').bind('click', function () {
// Mode: show one article - load new article via ajax
if (!ZoomExpand) {
// Add active state to new row
// Mark old row as readed
// Load content of new article
LoadArticle($(this).find('input.ArticleInfo').val(), $(this).find('input.ArticleID').val());
// Mode: show all articles - jump to the selected article
else {
location.href = '#Article' + $(this).find('input.ArticleID').val();
return false;
// init control function to check the location hash, if the user used the history back or forward buttons
if (!ZoomExpand) {
$('a.AsPopup').off('click').on('click', function () {
var Matches,
PopupType = 'TicketAction';
Matches = $(this).attr('class').match(/PopupType_(\w+)/);
if (Matches) {
PopupType = Matches[1];
Core.UI.Popup.OpenPopup($(this).attr('href'), PopupType);
return false;
// Scroll to active article
if (!ZoomExpand && $('#ArticleTable tbody tr.Active').length) {
$('div.Scroller').get(0).scrollTop = parseInt($('#ArticleTable tbody tr.Active').position().top, 10) - 30;
// init browser link message close button
if ($('.MessageBrowser').length) {
$('.MessageBrowser a.Close').on('click', function () {
Core.Agent.PreferencesUpdate('UserAgentDoNotShowBrowserLinkMessage', 1);
return false;
// add switchable toggle
$('label.Switchable').off('click.Switch').on('click.Switch', function() {
// Initialize allocation list for link object table.
return TargetNS;
}(Core.Agent.TicketZoom || {}));