// --
// Copyright (C) 2001-2018 OTRS AG, https://otrs.com/
// --
// This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. For details, see
// the enclosed file COPYING for license information (GPL). If you
// did not receive this file, see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt.
// --
"use strict";
var Core = Core || {};
Core.Agent = Core.Agent || {};
* @namespace Core.Agent.Dashboard
* @memberof Core.Agent
* @author OTRS AG
* @description
* This namespace contains the special module functions for the Dashboard.
Core.Agent.Dashboard = (function (TargetNS) {
* @name InitCustomerIDAutocomplete
* @memberof Core.Agent.Dashboard
* @function
* @param {jQueryObject} $Input - Input element to add auto complete to.
* @description
* Initialize autocompletion for CustomerID.
TargetNS.InitCustomerIDAutocomplete = function ($Input) {
minLength: Core.Config.Get('CustomerIDAutocomplete.MinQueryLength'),
delay: Core.Config.Get('CustomerIDAutocomplete.QueryDelay'),
open: function() {
// force a higher z-index than the overlay/dialog
return false;
source: function (Request, Response) {
var URL = Core.Config.Get('Baselink'), Data = {
Action: 'AgentCustomerInformationCenterSearch',
Subaction: 'SearchCustomerID',
IncludeUnknownTicketCustomers: Core.Config.Get('IncludeUnknownTicketCustomers'),
Term: Request.term,
MaxResults: Core.Config.Get('CustomerIDAutocomplete.MaxResultsDisplayed')
// if an old ajax request is already running, stop the old request and start the new one
if ($Input.data('AutoCompleteXHR')) {
// run the response function to hide the request animation
$Input.data('AutoCompleteXHR', Core.AJAX.FunctionCall(URL, Data, function (Result) {
var ValueData = [];
$.each(Result, function () {
label: this.Label + ' (' + this.Value + ')',
value: this.Value
select: function (Event, UI) {
.append('<option value="' + UI.item.value + '">SelectedItem</option>')
* @name InitCustomerUserAutocomplete
* @memberof Core.Agent.Dashboard
* @function
* @param {jQueryObject} $Input - Input element to add auto complete to.
* @description
* Initialize autocompletion for CustomerUser.
TargetNS.InitCustomerUserAutocomplete = function ($Input) {
minLength: Core.Config.Get('CustomerUserAutocomplete.MinQueryLength'),
delay: Core.Config.Get('CustomerUserAutocomplete.QueryDelay'),
open: function() {
// force a higher z-index than the overlay/dialog
return false;
source: function (Request, Response) {
var URL = Core.Config.Get('Baselink'), Data = {
Action: 'AgentCustomerSearch',
IncludeUnknownTicketCustomers: Core.Config.Get('IncludeUnknownTicketCustomers'),
Term: Request.term,
MaxResults: Core.Config.Get('CustomerUserAutocomplete.MaxResultsDisplayed')
// if an old ajax request is already running, stop the old request and start the new one
if ($Input.data('AutoCompleteXHR')) {
// run the response function to hide the request animation
$Input.data('AutoCompleteXHR', Core.AJAX.FunctionCall(URL, Data, function (Result) {
var ValueData = [];
$.each(Result, function () {
label: this.CustomerValue + " (" + this.CustomerKey + ")",
value: this.CustomerValue,
key: this.CustomerKey
select: function (Event, UI) {
.append('<option value="' + UI.item.key + '">SelectedItem</option>')
* @name InitUserAutocomplete
* @memberof Core.Agent.Dashboard
* @function
* @param {jQueryObject} $Input - Input element to add auto complete to.
* @param {String} Subaction - Subaction to execute, "SearchCustomerID" or "SearchCustomerUser".
* @description
* Initialize autocompletion for User.
TargetNS.InitUserAutocomplete = function ($Input, Subaction) {
minLength: Core.Config.Get('UserAutocomplete.MinQueryLength'),
delay: Core.Config.Get('UserAutocomplete.QueryDelay'),
open: function() {
// force a higher z-index than the overlay/dialog
return false;
source: function (Request, Response) {
var URL = Core.Config.Get('Baselink'), Data = {
Action: 'AgentUserSearch',
Subaction: Subaction,
Term: Request.term,
MaxResults: Core.Config.Get('UserAutocomplete.MaxResultsDisplayed')
// if an old ajax request is already running, stop the old request and start the new one
if ($Input.data('AutoCompleteXHR')) {
// run the response function to hide the request animation
$Input.data('AutoCompleteXHR', Core.AJAX.FunctionCall(URL, Data, function (Result) {
var ValueData = [];
$.each(Result, function () {
label: this.UserValue + " (" + this.UserKey + ")",
value: this.UserValue,
key: this.UserKey
select: function (Event, UI) {
.append('<option value="' + UI.item.key + '">SelectedItem</option>')
* @name Init
* @memberof Core.Agent.Dashboard
* @function
* @description
* Initialize the dashboard module.
TargetNS.Init = function () {
Handle: '.Header h2',
Items: '.CanDrag',
Placeholder: 'DropPlaceholder',
Tolerance: 'pointer',
Distance: 15,
Opacity: 0.6,
Update: function () {
var url = 'Action=' + Core.Config.Get('Action') + ';Subaction=UpdatePosition;';
function () {
url = url + ';Backend=' + $(this).attr('id');
function () {}
Handle: '.Header h2',
Items: '.CanDrag',
Placeholder: 'DropPlaceholder',
Tolerance: 'pointer',
Distance: 15,
Opacity: 0.6,
Update: function () {
var url = 'Action=' + Core.Config.Get('Action') + ';Subaction=UpdatePosition;';
function () {
url = url + ';Backend=' + $(this).attr('id');
function () {}
$('.SettingsWidget').find('label').each(function() {
if ($(this).find('input').prop('checked')) {
$(this).bind('click', function() {
$(this).toggleClass('Checked', $(this).find('input').prop('checked'));
* @name RegisterUpdatePreferences
* @memberof Core.Agent.Dashboard
* @function
* @param {jQueryObject} $ClickedElement - The jQuery object of the element(s) that get the event listener.
* @param {string} ElementID - The ID of the element whose content should be updated with the server answer.
* @param {jQueryObject} $Form - The jQuery object of the form with the data for the server request.
* @description
* This function binds a click event on an html element to update the preferences of the given dahsboard widget
TargetNS.RegisterUpdatePreferences = function ($ClickedElement, ElementID, $Form) {
if (isJQueryObject($ClickedElement) && $ClickedElement.length) {
$ClickedElement.click(function () {
var URL = Core.Config.Get('Baselink') + Core.AJAX.SerializeForm($Form),
ValidationErrors = false;
// check for elements to validate
$ClickedElement.closest('fieldset').find('.StatsSettingsBox').find('.TimeRelativeUnitView').each(function() {
var MaxXaxisAttributes = Core.Config.Get('StatsMaxXaxisAttributes') || 1000,
TimePeriod = parseInt($(this).prev('select').prev('select').val(), 10) * parseInt($(this).find('option:selected').attr('data-seconds'), 10),
TimeUpcomingPeriod = parseInt($(this).prev('select').val(), 10) * parseInt($(this).find('option:selected').attr('data-seconds'), 10),
$ScaleCount = $(this).closest('.Value').prevAll('.Value').first().children('select').first(),
ScalePeriod = parseInt($ScaleCount.val(), 10) * parseInt($ScaleCount.next('select').find('option:selected').attr('data-seconds'), 10)
if ((TimePeriod + TimeUpcomingPeriod) / ScalePeriod > MaxXaxisAttributes) {
else {
if (ValidationErrors) {
return false;
Core.AJAX.ContentUpdate($('#' + ElementID), URL, function () {
Core.UI.ToggleTwoContainer($('#' + ElementID + '-setting'), $('#' + ElementID));
return false;
* @name EventsTicketCalendarInit
* @memberof Core.Agent.Dashboard
* @function
* @param {Object} Params - Hash with different config options.
* @param {Array} Params.MonthNames - Array containing the localized strings for each month.
* @param {Array} Params.MonthNamesShort - Array containing the localized strings for each month on shorth format.
* @param {Array} Params.DayNames - Array containing the localized strings for each week day.
* @param {Array} Params.DayNamesShort - Array containing the localized strings for each week day on short format.
* @param {Array} Params.ButtonText - Array containing the localized strings for each week day on short format.
* @param {String} Params.ButtonText.today - Localized string for the word "Today".
* @param {String} Params.ButtonText.month - Localized string for the word "month".
* @param {String} Params.ButtonText.week - Localized string for the word "week".
* @param {String} Params.ButtonText.day - Localized string for the word "day".
* @param {Array} Params.Events - Array of hashes including the data for each event.
* @description
* Initializes the event ticket calendar.
TargetNS.EventsTicketCalendarInit = function (Params) {
header: {
left: 'month,agendaWeek,agendaDay',
center: 'title',
right: 'prev,next today'
allDayText: Params.AllDayText,
axisFormat: 'H(:mm)', // uppercase H for 24-hour clock
editable: false,
firstDay: Params.FirstDay,
monthNames: Params.MonthNames,
monthNamesShort: Params.MonthNamesShort,
dayNames: Params.DayNames,
dayNamesShort: Params.DayNamesShort,
buttonText: Params.ButtonText,
eventMouseover: function(calEvent, jsEvent) {
var Layer, PosX, PosY, DocumentVisible, ContainerHeight,
LastYPosition, VisibleScrollPosition, WindowHeight;
// define PosX and PosY
// should contain the mouse position relative to the document
PosX = 0;
PosY = 0;
if (!jsEvent) {
jsEvent = window.event;
if (jsEvent.pageX || jsEvent.pageY) {
PosX = jsEvent.pageX;
PosY = jsEvent.pageY;
else if (jsEvent.clientX || jsEvent.clientY) {
PosX = jsEvent.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft + document.documentElement.scrollLeft;
PosY = jsEvent.clientY + document.body.scrollTop + document.documentElement.scrollTop;
// increase X position to don't be overlapped by mouse pointer
PosX = PosX + 15;
Layer =
'<div id="events-layer" class="Hidden" style="position:absolute; top: ' + PosY + 'px; left:' + PosX + 'px; z-index: 999;"> ' +
' <div class="EventDetails">' +
$('#event-content-' + calEvent.id).html() +
' </div> ' +
'</div> ';
// re-calculate Top position if needed
VisibleScrollPosition = $(document).scrollTop();
WindowHeight = $(window).height();
DocumentVisible = VisibleScrollPosition + WindowHeight;
ContainerHeight = $('#events-layer').height();
LastYPosition = PosY + ContainerHeight;
if (LastYPosition > DocumentVisible) {
PosY = PosY - (LastYPosition - DocumentVisible) - 10;
$('#events-layer').css('top', PosY + 'px');
eventMouseout: function() {
events: Params.Events
* @name InitStatsConfiguration
* @memberof Core.Agent.Dashboard
* @function
* @param {jQueryObject} $Container
* @description
* Initializes the configuration page for a stats dashboard widget.
TargetNS.InitStatsConfiguration = function($Container) {
// Initialize the time multiplicators for the time validation.
$('.TimeRelativeUnitView, .TimeScaleView', $Container).find('option').each(function() {
var SecondsMapping = {
'Year': 31536000,
'HalfYear': 15724800,
'Quarter': 7862400,
'Month': 2592000,
'Week': 604800,
'Day': 86400,
'Hour': 3600,
'Minute': 60,
'Second': 1
$(this).attr('data-seconds', SecondsMapping[$(this).val()]);
* @private
* @name ValidateTimeSettings
* @memberof Core.Agent.Dashboard.InitStatsConfiguration
* @function
* @description
* Check for validity of relative time settings
* Each time setting has its own maximum value in data-max-seconds and data-upcoming-max-seconds attribute on the .Value div.
* If the combination of unit and count is higher than this value, the select boxes will be
* colored with red and the submit button will be blocked.
function ValidateTimeSettings() {
$Container.find('.TimeRelativeUnitView').each(function() {
var MaxXaxisAttributes = Core.Config.Get('StatsMaxXaxisAttributes') || 1000,
TimePeriod = parseInt($(this).prev('select').prev('select').val(), 10) * parseInt($(this).find('option:selected').attr('data-seconds'), 10),
TimeUpcomingPeriod = parseInt($(this).prev('select').val(), 10) * parseInt($(this).find('option:selected').attr('data-seconds'), 10),
$ScaleCount = $(this).closest('.Value').prevAll('.Value').first().children('select').first(),
ScalePeriod = parseInt($ScaleCount.val(), 10) * parseInt($ScaleCount.next('select').find('option:selected').attr('data-seconds'), 10)
if ((TimePeriod + TimeUpcomingPeriod) / ScalePeriod > MaxXaxisAttributes) {
else {
$Container.find('.TimeScaleView').each(function() {
if ($(this).find('option').length == 0) {
else {
$Container.each(function() {
if ($(this).find('.TimeRelativeUnitView.Error').length || $(this).find('.TimeScaleView.Error').length) {
.attr('disabled', true)
else {
.attr('disabled', false)
* @private
* @name CollectStatsData
* @memberof Core.Agent.Dashboard.InitStatsConfiguration
* @function
* @description
* Serializes all configured settings to a hidden field with JSON.
function CollectStatsData() {
var Data = {};
$Container.find('select, input').each(function() {
Data[$(this).attr('name')] = $(this).val();
$Container.find('select, input').bind('change', function() {
return TargetNS;
}(Core.Agent.Dashboard || {}));