// --
// Copyright (C) 2001-2018 OTRS AG, https://otrs.com/
// --
// This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. For details, see
// the enclosed file COPYING for license information (GPL). If you
// did not receive this file, see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt.
// --
"use strict";
var Core = Core || {};
Core.Agent = Core.Agent || {};
* @namespace Core.Agent.CustomerInformationCenterSearch
* @memberof Core.Agent
* @author OTRS AG
* @description
* This namespace contains the special module functions for the customer information center search.
Core.Agent.CustomerInformationCenterSearch = (function (TargetNS) {
* @private
* @name ShowWaitingDialog
* @memberof Core.Agent.CustomerInformationCenterSearch
* @function
* @description
* Shows waiting dialog until screen is ready.
function ShowWaitingDialog(){
Core.UI.Dialog.ShowContentDialog('<div class="Spacing Center"><span class="AJAXLoader" title="' + Core.Config.Get('LoadingMsg') + '"></span></div>', Core.Config.Get('LoadingMsg'), '10px', 'Center', true);
* @private
* @name Redirect
* @memberof Core.Agent.CustomerInformationCenterSearch
* @function
* @param {String} CustomerID
* @param {Object} Event
* @description
* Redirect to Customer ID screen.
function Redirect(CustomerID, Event) {
var Session = '';
// add session data, if needed
if (!Core.Config.Get('SessionIDCookie')) {
Session = ';' + Core.Config.Get('SessionName') + '=' + Core.Config.Get('SessionID');
window.location.href = Core.Config.Get('Baselink') + 'Action=AgentCustomerInformationCenter;CustomerID=' + encodeURIComponent(CustomerID) + Session;
* @name InitAutocomplete
* @memberof Core.Agent.CustomerInformationCenterSearch
* @function
* @param {jQueryObject} $Input - Input element to add auto complete to.
* @param {String} Subaction - Subaction to execute, "SearchCustomerID" or "SearchCustomerUser".
* @description
* Initialize autocompletion.
TargetNS.InitAutocomplete = function ($Input, Subaction) {
Core.UI.Autocomplete.Init($Input, function (Request, Response) {
var URL = Core.Config.Get('Baselink'), Data = {
Action: 'AgentCustomerInformationCenterSearch',
Subaction: Subaction,
Term: Request.term,
MaxResults: Core.UI.Autocomplete.GetConfig('MaxResultsDisplayed')
$Input.data('AutoCompleteXHR', Core.AJAX.FunctionCall(URL, Data, function (Result) {
var ValueData = [];
$.each(Result, function () {
label: this.Label,
value: this.Value
}, function (Event, UI) {
Redirect(UI.item.value, Event);
}, 'CustomerSearch');
* @name OpenSearchDialog
* @memberof Core.Agent.CustomerInformationCenterSearch
* @function
* @description
* This function open the search dialog after clicking on "search" button in nav bar.
TargetNS.OpenSearchDialog = function () {
var Data = {
Action: 'AgentCustomerInformationCenterSearch'
function (HTML) {
// if the waiting dialog was cancelled, do not show the search
// dialog as well
if (!$('.Dialog:visible').length) {
Core.UI.Dialog.ShowContentDialog(HTML, Core.Config.Get('SearchMsg'), '10px', 'Center', true);
}, 'html'
* @name Init
* @memberof Core.Agent.CustomerInformationCenterSearch
* @function
* @description
* This function initializes the search dialog.
TargetNS.Init = function () {
TargetNS.InitAutocomplete($("#AgentCustomerInformationCenterSearchCustomerID"), 'SearchCustomerID');
TargetNS.InitAutocomplete($("#AgentCustomerInformationCenterSearchCustomerUser"), 'SearchCustomerUser');
return TargetNS;
}(Core.Agent.CustomerInformationCenterSearch || {}));