// --
// Copyright (C) 2001-2018 OTRS AG, https://otrs.com/
// --
// This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. For details, see
// the enclosed file COPYING for license information (GPL). If you
// did not receive this file, see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt.
// --
/*eslint-disable no-window*/
"use strict";
var Core = Core || {};
Core.Agent = Core.Agent || {};
Core.Agent.Admin = Core.Agent.Admin || {};
* @namespace Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement
* @memberof Core.Agent.Admin
* @author OTRS AG
* @description
* This namespace contains the special module functions for the ProcessManagement module.
Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement = (function (TargetNS) {
* @private
* @name InitProcessPopups
* @memberof Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement
* @function
* @description
* Initializes needed popup handler.
function InitProcessPopups() {
$('a.AsPopup').bind('click', function () {
var Matches,
PopupType = 'Process';
Matches = $(this).attr('class').match(/PopupType_(\w+)/);
if (Matches) {
PopupType = Matches[1];
if (PopupType !== 'ProcessOverview') {
Core.UI.Popup.OpenPopup($(this).attr('href'), PopupType);
return false;
$('a.AsPopup_Redirect').bind('click', function () {
var $Form = $(this).closest('form');
// Only used for path popup
if ($(this).hasClass('Edit_Confirm')) {
if (window.confirm(Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement.Localization.EditConfirm)) {
// Remove onbeforeunload event only if there is no validation pending on form submit
if (!($Form.hasClass("Validate"))) {
else {
// Remove onbeforeunload event only if there is no validation pending on form submit
if (!($Form.hasClass("Validate"))) {
return false;
$('a.GoBack').bind('click', function () {
// Remove onbeforeunload event (which is only needed if you close the popup via the window "X")
* @private
* @name ShowDeleteProcessConfirmationDialog
* @memberof Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement
* @function
* @param {jQueryObject} $Element
* @description
* Shows a confirmation dialog to delete processes.
function ShowDeleteProcessConfirmationDialog($Element) {
var DialogElement = $Element.data('dialog-element'),
DialogTitle = $Element.data('dialog-title'),
ProcessID = $Element.data('id');
$('#Dialogs #' + DialogElement),
Label: TargetNS.Localization.CancelMsg,
Class: 'Primary',
Function: function () {
Label: TargetNS.Localization.DeleteMsg,
Function: function () {
var Data = {
Action: 'AdminProcessManagement',
Subaction: 'ProcessDelete',
ID: ProcessID
// Change the dialog to an ajax loader
.find('.InnerContent').empty().append('<div class="Spacing Center"><span class="AJAXLoader"></span></div>');
// Call the ajax function
Core.AJAX.FunctionCall(Core.Config.Get('CGIHandle'), Data, function (Response) {
if (!Response || !Response.Success) {
return false;
Action: Data.Action
}, 'json');
* @private
* @name ShowDeleteEntityConfirmationDialog
* @memberof Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement
* @function
* @param {jQueryObject} $Element
* @param {String} EntityType
* @param {String} EntityName
* @param {String} EntityID
* @param {String} ItemID
* @description
* Shows a confirmation dialog to delete entities.
function ShowDeleteEntityConfirmationDialog($Element, EntityType, EntityName, EntityID, ItemID) {
var DialogID = 'Delete' + EntityType + 'ConfirmationDialog',
$DialogElement = $('#Dialogs #' + DialogID);
// Update EntityName in Dialog
$('#Dialogs #' + DialogID),
Label: TargetNS.Localization.CancelMsg,
Class: 'Primary',
Function: function () {
Label: TargetNS.Localization.DeleteMsg,
Function: function () {
var Data = {
Action: 'AdminProcessManagement',
Subaction: 'EntityDelete',
EntityType: EntityType,
EntityID: EntityID,
ItemID: ItemID
// Change the dialog to an ajax loader
.find('.InnerContent').empty().append('<div class="Spacing Center"><span class="AJAXLoader"></span></div>');
// Call the ajax function
Core.AJAX.FunctionCall(Core.Config.Get('CGIHandle'), Data, function (Response) {
if (!Response || !Response.Success) {
return false;
// Remove element from accordion
}, 'json');
* @private
* @name InitDeleteEntity
* @memberof Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement
* @function
* @description
* Initializes the event handler to delete entities.
function InitDeleteEntity() {
$('a.DeleteEntity').bind('click.DeleteEntity', function () {
var EntityID = $(this).closest('li').data('entity'),
EntityName = $(this).closest('li').clone().children().remove().end().text(),
ItemID = $(this).closest('li').data('id'),
if (!EntityID.length) {
return false;
if ($(this).hasClass('DeleteActivity')) {
EntityType = 'Activity';
else if ($(this).hasClass('DeleteActivityDialog')) {
EntityType = 'ActivityDialog';
else if ($(this).hasClass('DeleteTransition')) {
EntityType = 'Transition';
else if ($(this).hasClass('DeleteTransitionAction')) {
EntityType = 'TransitionAction';
ShowDeleteEntityConfirmationDialog($(this), EntityType, EntityName, EntityID, ItemID);
return false;
* @name ProcessData
* @memberof Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement
* @member {Object}
* @description
* Structure to save all process data.
TargetNS.ProcessData = {};
* @name ProcessLayout
* @memberof Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement
* @member {Object}
* @description
* Structure to save all layout data for the process.
TargetNS.ProcessLayout = {};
* @name InitAccordionDnD
* @memberof Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement
* @function
* @description
* Initializes all event handler to drag and drop elements from the accordion to the canvas.
TargetNS.InitAccordionDnD = function () {
* @private
* @name GetMousePosition
* @memberof Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement.InitAccordionDND
* @function
* @returns {Object} Mouse position.
* @param {Object} Event - The event object.
* @description
* Calculates mouse position.
function GetMousePosition(Event) {
var PosX = 0,
PosY = 0;
if (!Event) {
Event = window.event;
if (Event.pageX || Event.pageY) {
PosX = Event.pageX;
PosY = Event.pageY;
else if (Event.clientX || Event.clientY) {
PosX = Event.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft + document.documentElement.scrollLeft;
PosY = Event.clientY + document.body.scrollTop + document.documentElement.scrollTop;
return {left: PosX, top: PosY};
* @private
* @name GetPositionOnCanvas
* @memberof Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement.InitAccordionDND
* @function
* @returns {Object} Position of mouse on canvas.
* @param {Object} Event - The event object.
* @description
* Calculates mouse position relative to canvas object.
function GetPositionOnCanvas(Event) {
var $Canvas = $('#Canvas'),
PosX, PosY;
CanvasPosition = $Canvas.offset();
MousePosition = GetMousePosition(Event);
PosX = MousePosition.left - CanvasPosition.left;
PosY = MousePosition.top - CanvasPosition.top;
return {left: PosX, top: PosY};
* @private
* @name AddActivityToCanvas
* @memberof Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement.InitAccordionDND
* @function
* @param {Object} Event - The event object.
* @param {Object} UI - jQuery UI object.
* @description
* Adds activity to the canvas after drop event.
function AddActivityToCanvas(Event, UI) {
var Position = GetPositionOnCanvas(Event),
EntityID = $(UI.draggable).data('entity'),
ActivityID = $(UI.draggable).data('id'),
Entity = TargetNS.ProcessData.Activity[EntityID],
ProcessEntityID = $('#ProcessEntityID').val(),
Path, PathLength = 0, PathKey;
if (typeof Entity !== 'undefined') {
// Check if Activity is already placed
// If so, it can't be placed again
Path = TargetNS.ProcessData.Process[ProcessEntityID].Path;
if (!Path[EntityID]) {
// Update Config
Path[EntityID] = {};
// Update Layout
TargetNS.ProcessLayout[EntityID] = {
left: Position.left,
top: Position.top
// Draw Entity
TargetNS.Canvas.CreateActivity(EntityID, Entity.Name, ActivityID, Position.left, Position.top);
// get Path length
for (PathKey in Path) {
if (Path.hasOwnProperty(PathKey)) {
// if no other activity is on the canvas, make this activity to the startactivity
if (PathLength === 1) {
TargetNS.ProcessData.Process[ProcessEntityID].StartActivity = EntityID;
else {
else {
Core.Exception.Throw('Error: Entity not defined!', 'ProcessError');
* @private
* @name CheckIfMousePositionIsOverActivity
* @memberof Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement.InitAccordionDND
* @function
* @returns {String|Boolean} Returns ID of activity or false, if mouse is not over an activity.
* @param {Object} Position - A mouse position object.
* @description
* Checks if mouse position is over an activity (e.g. to drop activity dialogs to an activity).
function CheckIfMousePositionIsOverActivity(Position) {
var ProcessEntityID = $('#ProcessEntityID').val(),
Path = TargetNS.ProcessData.Process[ProcessEntityID].Path,
ActivityMatch = false;
// Loop over all assigned activities and check the position
$.each(Path, function (Key) {
var ActivityPosition = TargetNS.ProcessLayout[Key];
if (
Position.left > parseInt(ActivityPosition.left, 10) &&
Position.left < parseInt(ActivityPosition.left, 10) + 110 &&
Position.top > parseInt(ActivityPosition.top, 10) &&
Position.top < parseInt(ActivityPosition.top, 10) + 80
) {
ActivityMatch = Key;
return false;
return ActivityMatch;
* @private
* @name AddActivityDialogToCanvas
* @memberof Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement.InitAccordionDND
* @function
* @param {Object} Event - The event object.
* @param {Object} UI - jQuery UI object.
* @description
* Adds activity dialog to the canvas after drop event.
function AddActivityDialogToCanvas(Event, UI) {
var Position = GetPositionOnCanvas(Event),
EntityID = $(UI.draggable).data('entity'),
Entity = TargetNS.ProcessData.ActivityDialog[EntityID],
Activity, AJAXData;
if (typeof Entity !== 'undefined') {
// Check if mouse position is within an activity
// If yes, add the Dialog to the Activity
// if not, just cancel
Activity = CheckIfMousePositionIsOverActivity(Position);
if (Activity) {
// Remove Label, show Loader
// Call AJAX function to add ActivityDialog to Activity
AJAXData = {
Action: 'AdminProcessManagementActivity',
Subaction: 'AddActivityDialog',
EntityID: Activity,
ActivityDialog: EntityID
Core.AJAX.FunctionCall(Core.Config.Get('CGIHandle'), AJAXData, function (Response) {
if (!Response || !Response.Success) {
if (Response && Response.Message) {
else {
alert('Error during AJAX communication');
return false;
// Update Config
TargetNS.ProcessData.Activity[Activity] = Response.ActivityConfig.Activity[Activity];
}, 'json');
else {
Core.Exception.Throw('Error: Entity not defined!', 'ProcessError');
* @private
* @name DummyActivityConnected
* @memberof Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement.InitAccordionDND
* @function
* @returns {Boolean} True if a dummy endpoint was found, false otherwise.
* @param {String} ProcessEntityID - The process ID.
* @description
* Check if any transition has a dummy endpoint.
function DummyActivityConnected(ProcessEntityID) {
var DummyFound = false;
$.each(TargetNS.ProcessData.Process[ProcessEntityID].Path, function (Activity, ActivityData) {
$.each(ActivityData, function (Transition, TransitionData) {
if (typeof TransitionData.ActivityEntityID === 'undefined') {
DummyFound = true;
return DummyFound;
* @private
* @name AddTransitionToCanvas
* @memberof Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement.InitAccordionDND
* @function
* @returns {Boolean} False if a another unconnected transition is on the canvas
* @param {Object} Event - The event object.
* @param {Object} UI - jQuery UI object.
* @description
* Adds transition to the canvas after drop event.
function AddTransitionToCanvas(Event, UI) {
var Position = GetPositionOnCanvas(Event),
EntityID = $(UI.draggable).data('entity'),
Entity = TargetNS.ProcessData.Transition[EntityID],
ProcessEntityID = $('#ProcessEntityID').val(),
Path = TargetNS.ProcessData.Process[ProcessEntityID].Path;
// if a dummy activity exists, another transition was placed to the canvas but not yet
// connected to an end point. One cannot place two unconnected transitions on the canvas.
if ($('#Dummy').length && DummyActivityConnected(ProcessEntityID)) {
return false;
if (typeof Entity !== 'undefined') {
// Check if mouse position is within an activity
// If yes, add the Dialog to the Activity
// if not, just cancel
Activity = CheckIfMousePositionIsOverActivity(Position);
// If this transition is already bind to this activity
// you cannot bind it a second time
if (Path[Activity] && typeof Path[Activity][EntityID] !== 'undefined') {
return false;
if (Activity) {
// Create dummy activity to use for initial transition
// Create transition between this Activity and DummyElement
TargetNS.Canvas.CreateTransition(Activity, 'Dummy', EntityID);
// Add Transition to Path
if (typeof Path[Activity] === 'undefined') {
Path[Activity] = {};
Path[Activity][EntityID] = {
ActivityEntityID: undefined
else {
Core.Exception.Throw('Error: Entity not defined!', 'ProcessError');
* @private
* @name AddTransitionActionToCanvas
* @memberof Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement.InitAccordionDND
* @function
* @returns {Boolean} Returns false, if transition is not defined.
* @param {Object} Event - The event object.
* @param {Object} UI - jQuery UI object.
* @description
* Adds transition action to the canvas after drop event.
function AddTransitionActionToCanvas(Event, UI) {
var EntityID = $(UI.draggable).data('entity'),
Entity = TargetNS.ProcessData.TransitionAction[EntityID],
ProcessEntityID = $('#ProcessEntityID').val(),
Path = TargetNS.ProcessData.Process[ProcessEntityID].Path;
if (typeof Entity !== 'undefined') {
Transition = TargetNS.Canvas.DragTransitionActionTransition;
if (!Transition.TransitionID) {
return false;
// If this action is already bound to this transition
// you cannot bind it a second time
if (Path[Transition.StartActivity] &&
typeof Path[Transition.StartActivity][Transition.TransitionID] !== 'undefined' &&
typeof Path[Transition.StartActivity][Transition.TransitionID].TransitionAction !== 'undefined' &&
($.inArray(EntityID, Path[Transition.StartActivity][Transition.TransitionID].TransitionAction) >= 0)
) {
return false;
if (Transition) {
// Add Action to Path
if (typeof Path[Transition.StartActivity][Transition.TransitionID].TransitionAction === 'undefined') {
Path[Transition.StartActivity][Transition.TransitionID].TransitionAction = [];
// Show success icon in the label
$(Transition.Connection.canvas).append('<div class="Icon Success"></div>').find('.Icon').fadeIn().delay(1000).fadeOut();
else {
Core.Exception.Throw('Error: Entity not defined!', 'ProcessError');
$('#Activities li.OneRow, #ActivityDialogs li.OneRow, #Transitions li.OneRow, #TransitionActions li.OneRow').draggable({
revert: 'invalid',
helper: function () {
var $Clone = $(this).clone();
return $Clone[0];
start: function (Event, UI) {
var $Source = $(this),
SourceID = $Source.closest('ul').attr('id');
if (SourceID === 'ActivityDialogs' || SourceID === 'Transitions') {
// Set event flag
TargetNS.Canvas.DragActivityItem = true;
$('#Canvas .Activity').addClass('Highlighted');
else if (SourceID === 'TransitionActions') {
// Set event flag
TargetNS.Canvas.DragTransitionAction = true;
// Highlight all available Transitions
else {
UI.helper.css('z-index', 1000);
stop: function () {
var $Source = $(this),
SourceID = $Source.closest('ul').attr('id');
if (SourceID === 'ActivityDialogs' || SourceID === 'Transitions') {
// Reset event flag
TargetNS.Canvas.DragActivityItem = false;
$('#Canvas .Activity').removeClass('Highlighted');
else if (SourceID === 'TransitionActions') {
// Reset event flag
TargetNS.Canvas.DragTransitionAction = false;
// Unhighlight all available Transitions
accept: '#Activities li.OneRow, #ActivityDialogs li.OneRow, #Transitions li.OneRow, #TransitionActions li.OneRow',
drop: function (Event, UI) {
var $Source = $(UI.draggable),
SourceID = $Source.closest('ul').attr('id');
if (SourceID === 'Activities') {
AddActivityToCanvas(Event, UI);
else if (SourceID === 'ActivityDialogs') {
AddActivityDialogToCanvas(Event, UI);
else if (SourceID === 'Transitions') {
AddTransitionToCanvas(Event, UI);
else if (SourceID === 'TransitionActions') {
AddTransitionActionToCanvas(Event, UI);
else {
Core.Exception.Throw('Error: No matching droppable found', 'ProcessError');
* @name UpdateAccordion
* @memberof Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement
* @function
* @description
* Update accordion data from server.
TargetNS.UpdateAccordion = function () {
// get new Accordion HTML via AJAX and replace the accordion with this HTML
// re-initialize accordion functions (accordion, filters, DnD)
var Data = {
Action: 'AdminProcessManagement',
Subaction: 'UpdateAccordion'
ActiveElementIndex = parseInt($('ul#ProcessElements > li.Active').index(), 10),
ActiveElementValue = $('ul#ProcessElements > li:eq(' + ActiveElementIndex + ') .ProcessElementFilter').val();
// Call the ajax function
Core.AJAX.FunctionCall(Core.Config.Get('CGIHandle'), Data, function (Response) {
// Initialize Accordion in the sidebar
Core.UI.Accordion.Init($('ul#ProcessElements'), 'li.AccordionElement h2 a', 'div.Content');
// Open accordion element again, which was active before the update.
Core.UI.Accordion.OpenElement($('ul#ProcessElements > li:eq(' + ActiveElementIndex + ')'));
// Initialize filters
Core.UI.Table.InitTableFilter($('#ActivityFilter'), $('#Activities'));
Core.UI.Table.InitTableFilter($('#ActivityDialogFilter'), $('#ActivityDialogs'));
Core.UI.Table.InitTableFilter($('#TransitionFilter'), $('#Transitions'));
Core.UI.Table.InitTableFilter($('#TransitionActionFilter'), $('#TransitionActions'));
// Set previous value and filter.
$('ul#ProcessElements > li:eq(' + ActiveElementIndex + ') .ProcessElementFilter').trigger('keydown').val(ActiveElementValue);
// Init DnD on Accordion
// Initialize the different create and edit links/buttons
// Initialize the different Delete Links
}, 'html');
* @name UpdateSyncMessage
* @memberof Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement
* @function
* @description
* Check if there is a 'dirty' sync state and show a message below the header.
TargetNS.UpdateSyncMessage = function () {
// check if there is a 'dirty' sync state and show a message below the header
var Data = {
Action: 'AdminProcessManagement',
Subaction: 'UpdateSyncMessage'
// Call the ajax function
Core.AJAX.FunctionCall(Core.Config.Get('CGIHandle'), Data, function (Response) {
if (!Response.length) {
return true;
if ($('.MessageBox.Notice').length) {
return true;
}, 'html');
* @name UpdateScreensPath
* @memberof Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement
* @function
* @param {Object} WindowObject
* @param {Function} Callback
* @description
* Updates screen path.
TargetNS.UpdateScreensPath = function (WindowObject, Callback) {
// Collect data for update of the screenspath
var Data = {
Action: 'AdminProcessManagement',
Subaction: 'UpdateScreensPath',
ProcessID: $('input[name=ID]').val(),
ProcessEntityID: $('#ProcessEntityID').val()
// Call the ajax function
Core.AJAX.FunctionCall(Core.Config.Get('CGIHandle'), Data, function (Response) {
if (!Response || !Response.Success) {
if (Response && Response.Message) {
else {
alert('Error during AJAX communication');
return false;
else {
if (typeof Callback !== 'undefined') {
}, 'json');
* @name HandlePopupClose
* @memberof Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement
* @function
* @description
* Close overlay and re-initialize canvas and accordion.
TargetNS.HandlePopupClose = function () {
// update accordion
// redraw canvas
// remove overlay
* @name InitProcessOverview
* @memberof Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement
* @function
* @description
* Initialize process overview screen.
TargetNS.InitProcessOverview = function() {
Core.UI.Table.InitTableFilter($('#Filter'), $('#Processes'), 0);
* @name InitProcessEdit
* @memberof Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement
* @function
* @description
* Initialize process edit screen.
TargetNS.InitProcessEdit = function () {
// Get Process Data
TargetNS.ProcessData = {
Process: Core.Config.Get('Config.Process'),
Activity: Core.Config.Get('Config.Activity'),
ActivityDialog: Core.Config.Get('Config.ActivityDialog'),
Transition: Core.Config.Get('Config.Transition'),
TransitionAction: Core.Config.Get('Config.TransitionAction')
TargetNS.ProcessLayout = Core.Config.Get('Config.ProcessLayout');
// Initialize Accordion in the sidebar
Core.UI.Accordion.Init($('ul#ProcessElements'), 'li.AccordionElement h2 a', 'div.Content');
// Initialize filters
Core.UI.Table.InitTableFilter($('#ActivityFilter'), $('#Activities'));
Core.UI.Table.InitTableFilter($('#ActivityDialogFilter'), $('#ActivityDialogs'));
Core.UI.Table.InitTableFilter($('#TransitionFilter'), $('#Transitions'));
Core.UI.Table.InitTableFilter($('#TransitionActionFilter'), $('#TransitionActions'));
// Init DnD on Accordion
// Initialize the different create and edit links/buttons
// Initialize the different Delete Links
// Initialize DeleteProcess
$('#ProcessDelete').bind('click.ProcessDelete', function (Event) {
return false;
$('#SubmitAndContinue').bind('click', function() {
// Init submit function
$('#Submit').bind('click', function () {
var ProcessEntityID = $('#ProcessEntityID').val(),
// get process layout and store it into a hidden field as JSON string
// check if there are "open" transitions, e.g. transitions that have only a startpoint but no defined endpoint
// these open transitions must be deleted before saving
$.each(TargetNS.ProcessData.Process[ProcessEntityID].Path, function (Activity, ActivityData) {
$.each(ActivityData, function (Transition, TransitionData) {
if (typeof TransitionData.ActivityEntityID === 'undefined') {
delete ActivityData[Transition];
// get process path and store it into a hidden field as JSON string
// get start activity and dialogs and store it into hidden fields as JSON string
StartActivity = TargetNS.ProcessData.Process[ProcessEntityID].StartActivity;
if (StartActivity !== '') {
return false;
// Init Canvas Resizing Functions
$('#ExtendCanvasHeight').bind('click', function () {
Width: 0,
Height: 150
return false;
$('#ExtendCanvasWidth').bind('click', function () {
Width: 150,
Height: 0
return false;
$('#ShowEntityIDs').bind('click', function() {
if ($(this).hasClass('Visible')) {
else {
return false;
// Init Diagram Canvas
* @name InitActivityEdit
* @memberof Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement
* @function
* @description
* Initialize activity edit screen.
TargetNS.InitActivityEdit = function () {
function InitListFilter(Event, UI) {
// only do something, if the element was removed from the right list
if (UI.sender.attr('id') === 'AssignedActivityDialogs') {
Core.UI.Table.InitTableFilter($('#FilterAvailableActivityDialogs'), $('#AvailableActivityDialogs'));
// Initialize Allocation List
Core.UI.AllocationList.Init("#AvailableActivityDialogs, #AssignedActivityDialogs", ".AllocationList", InitListFilter);
// Initialize list filter
Core.UI.Table.InitTableFilter($('#FilterAvailableActivityDialogs'), $('#AvailableActivityDialogs'));
$('#Submit').bind('click', function() {
Core.Form.Validate.SetSubmitFunction($('#ActivityForm'), function (Form) {
// get assigned activity dialogs
$('input[name=ActivityDialogs]').val(Core.JSON.Stringify(Core.UI.AllocationList.GetResult('#AssignedActivityDialogs', 'id')));
// not needed for normal submit
// Init popups
// Init handling of closing popup with the OS functionality ("X")
$(window).unbind("beforeunload.PMPopup").bind("beforeunload.PMPopup", function () {
$('.ClosePopup').bind("click", function () {
* @name InitActivityDialogEdit
* @memberof Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement
* @function
* @description
* Initialize activity dialog edit screen.
TargetNS.InitActivityDialogEdit = function () {
var MandatoryFields = ['Queue', 'State', 'Lock', 'Priority', 'Type', 'CustomerID'],
FieldsWithoutDefaultValue = ['CustomerID', 'Article'];
function UpdateFields(Event, UI) {
var Fieldname,
DefaultFieldConfig = {};
// if the element was removed from the AssignedFields list, remove FieldDetails data
if (UI.sender.attr('id') === 'AssignedFields') {
Core.UI.Table.InitTableFilter($('#FilterAvailableFields'), $('#AvailableFields'));
// otherwise, force the user to enter data in the modal dialog
else {
Fieldname = $.trim($(UI.item).data('id'));
// if Field is Mandatory set Display to "Show As Mandatory" as default
if ($.inArray(Fieldname, MandatoryFields) > -1) {
DefaultFieldConfig.Display = "2";
else {
DefaultFieldConfig.Display = "1";
.data('config', Core.JSON.Stringify(DefaultFieldConfig))
// Initialize Allocation List
Core.UI.AllocationList.Init("#AvailableFields, #AssignedFields", ".AllocationList", UpdateFields);
// Initialize list filter
Core.UI.Table.InitTableFilter($('#FilterAvailableFields'), $('#AvailableFields'));
$('#Submit').bind('click', function() {
return false;
Core.Form.Validate.SetSubmitFunction($('#ActivityDialogForm'), function (Form) {
var FieldConfig = Core.UI.AllocationList.GetResult('#AssignedFields', 'id'),
FieldDetails = {};
// get FieldDetails and add them to config
$('#AssignedFields').find('li').each(function () {
var Details,
ConfigValue = $(this).data('config'),
Field = $(this).data('id');
if (typeof ConfigValue === 'string') {
Details = Core.JSON.Parse(ConfigValue);
else {
Details = ConfigValue;
FieldDetails[Field] = Details;
// get assigned activity dialogs
// not needed for normal submit
// Init Fields modal overlay
$('.FieldDetailsOverlay').unbind('click').bind('click', function () {
var FieldConfig = $(this).closest('li').data('config'),
$Element = $(this),
Fieldname = $.trim($(this).closest('li').data('id')),
FieldNameTranslated = $('.AllocationList').find('li[data-id="' + Fieldname + '"]').data('name-translated');
if (typeof FieldConfig === 'string') {
FieldConfig = Core.JSON.Parse(FieldConfig);
// Open dialog
$('#Dialogs #FieldDetails'),
TargetNS.Localization.DialogTitle + ': ' + FieldNameTranslated,
Label: TargetNS.Localization.SaveMsg,
Class: 'Primary',
Function: function () {
var FieldConfigElement = {};
FieldConfigElement.DescriptionShort = $('#DescShort').val();
FieldConfigElement.DescriptionLong = $('#DescLong').val();
FieldConfigElement.DefaultValue = $('#DefaultValue').val();
FieldConfigElement.Display = $('#Display').val();
if (Fieldname === 'Article') {
if (typeof FieldConfigElement.Config === 'undefined'){
FieldConfigElement.Config = {};
FieldConfigElement.Config.ArticleType = $('#ArticleType').val();
// show error if internal article type is set for an interface different than AgentInterface
if ($('#Interface').val() !== 'AgentInterface' && $('#ArticleType').val().match(/-int/i)){
return false;
// add the time units value to the fieldconfig
FieldConfigElement.Config.TimeUnits = $('#TimeUnits').val();
$Element.closest('li').data('config', Core.JSON.Stringify(FieldConfigElement));
Label: TargetNS.Localization.CancelMsg,
Function: function () {
// some fields must be mandatory, if they are present.
// remove option from dropdown for these fields
// set "Show As Mandatory" as default
if ($.inArray(Fieldname, MandatoryFields) > -1) {
// otherwise set "Show Field" as default
else {
// fields without default value can not be hidden
if ($.inArray(Fieldname, FieldsWithoutDefaultValue) > -1) {
// if there is a field config already the default settings from above are now overwritten
if (typeof FieldConfig !== 'undefined') {
if (typeof FieldConfig.Display !== 'undefined') {
if (Fieldname === 'Article') {
if (typeof FieldConfig.Config === 'undefined'){
FieldConfig.Config = {};
if (FieldConfig.Config.ArticleType) {
if (FieldConfig.Config.TimeUnits) {
// redraw display field
// some fields do not have a default value.
// disable the input field
if ($.inArray(Fieldname, FieldsWithoutDefaultValue) > -1) {
$('#DefaultValue').prop('readonly', true).prop('disabled', true);
// only article should show ArticleType select.
if (Fieldname === 'Article') {
$('#ArticleTypeContainer').prev('label').css('display', 'block');
$('#ArticleTypeContainer .Modernize').trigger('redraw.InputField');
$('#TimeUnitsContainer').prev('label').css('display', 'block');
$('#TimeUnitsContainer .Modernize').trigger('redraw.InputField');
else {
$('#ArticleTypeContainer').prev('label').css('display', 'none');
$('#TimeUnitsContainer').prev('label').css('display', 'none');
return false;
// Init handling of closing popup with the OS functionality ("X")
$(window).unbind("beforeunload.PMPopup").bind("beforeunload.PMPopup", function () {
$('.ClosePopup').bind("click", function () {
* @name InitTransitionEdit
* @memberof Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement
* @function
* @description
* Initialize transition edit screen.
TargetNS.InitTransitionEdit = function () {
// Init addition of new conditions
$('#ConditionAdd').bind('click', function() {
// get current parent index
var CurrentParentIndex = parseInt($(this).prev('.WidgetSimple').first().attr('id').replace(/Condition\[/g, '').replace(/\]/g, ''), 10),
// in case we add a whole new condition, the fieldindex must be 1
LastKnownFieldIndex = 1,
// get current index
ConditionHTML = $('#ConditionContainer').html().replace(/_INDEX_/g, CurrentParentIndex + 1).replace(/_FIELDINDEX_/g, LastKnownFieldIndex);
return false;
// Init removal of conditions
$('#PresentConditionsContainer').delegate('.ParentWidget > .Header .RemoveButton', 'click', function() {
if ($('#PresentConditionsContainer').find('.ConditionField').length > 1) {
else {
alert("Sorry, the only existing condition can't be removed.");
return false;
// Init addition of new fields within conditions
$('#PresentConditionsContainer').off('click.AddField').on('click.AddField', '.FieldWidget .AddButton', function() {
// get current parent index
var CurrentParentIndex = $(this).closest('.ParentWidget').attr('id').replace(/Condition\[/g, '').replace(/\]/g, ''),
// get the index for the newly to be added element
// therefore, we search the preceding fieldset and the first
// label in it to get its "for"-attribute which contains the index
LastKnownFieldIndex = parseInt($(this).closest('.WidgetSimple').find('.Content').find('label').first().attr('for').replace(/ConditionFieldName\[\d+\]\[/, '').replace(/\]/, ''), 10),
// add new field
ConditionFieldHTML = $('#ConditionFieldContainer').html().replace(/_INDEX_/g, CurrentParentIndex).replace(/_FIELDINDEX_/g, LastKnownFieldIndex + 1);
return false;
// Init removal of fields within conditions
$('#PresentConditionsContainer').off('click.RemoveField').on('click.RemoveField', '.FieldWidget .RemoveButton', function() {
if ($(this).closest('.Content').find('fieldset').length > 1) {
else {
alert("Sorry, the only existing field can't be removed.");
return false;
$('#Submit').bind('click', function() {
return false;
Core.Form.Validate.SetSubmitFunction($('#TransitionForm'), function (Form) {
var ConditionConfig = TargetNS.GetConditionConfig($('#PresentConditionsContainer').find('.ConditionField'));
// not needed for normal submit
// Init handling of closing popup with the OS functionality ("X")
$(window).unbind("beforeunload.PMPopup").bind("beforeunload.PMPopup", function () {
$('.ClosePopup').bind("click", function () {
* @name InitTransitionActionEdit
* @memberof Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement
* @function
* @description
* Initialize transition action edit screen.
TargetNS.InitTransitionActionEdit = function () {
// Init addition of new config parameters
$('#ConfigAdd').bind('click', function() {
// get the index for the newly to be added element
// therefore, we search the preceding fieldset and the first
// label in it to get its "for"-attribute which contains the index
var $PreviousField = $(this).closest('.WidgetSimple').find('.Content fieldset').last(),
if ($PreviousField.length) {
LastKnownFieldIndex = parseInt($PreviousField.find('label').first().attr('for').replace(/ConfigKey\[/, '').replace(/\]/, ''), 10);
else {
LastKnownFieldIndex = 0;
// get current index
ConfigParamHTML = $('#ConfigParamContainer').html().replace(/_INDEX_/g, LastKnownFieldIndex + 1);
return false;
// Init removal of fields
$('#ConfigParams').delegate('.RemoveButton', 'click', function() {
if ($(this).closest('.Content').find('fieldset').length > 1) {
else {
alert("Sorry, the only existing parameter can't be removed.");
return false;
$('#Submit').bind('click', function() {
return false;
Core.Form.Validate.SetSubmitFunction($('#TransitionForm'), function (Form) {
// not needed for normal submit
// Init handling of closing popup with the OS functionality ("X")
$(window).unbind("beforeunload.PMPopup").bind("beforeunload.PMPopup", function () {
$('.ClosePopup').bind("click", function () {
* @name InitPathEdit
* @memberof Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement
* @function
* @description
* Initialize path edit screen.
TargetNS.InitPathEdit = function () {
var CurrentProcessEntityID = Core.Config.Get('Config.ProcessEntityID'),
CurrentTransitionEntityID = Core.Config.Get('Config.TransitionEntityID'),
StartActivityID = Core.Config.Get('Config.StartActivityID'),
ActivityInfo = window.opener.Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement.ProcessData.Activity,
PathInfo = window.opener.Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement.ProcessData.Process[CurrentProcessEntityID].Path,
StartActivityEntityID = '', EndActivityEntityID = '',
AssignedTransitionActions = [];
// Initialize Allocation List
Core.UI.AllocationList.Init("#AvailableTransitionActions, #AssignedTransitionActions", ".AllocationList");
// Initialize list filter
Core.UI.Table.InitTableFilter($('#FilterAvailableTransitionActions'), $('#AvailableTransitionActions'));
// store process data to hidden field for later merging
// set current start and end activity (just for information purposes, not changeable)
$.each(PathInfo, function(Activity, Transition) {
if (Activity === StartActivityID && typeof Transition[CurrentTransitionEntityID] !== 'undefined') {
$('#StartActivity').attr('title', ActivityInfo[Activity].Name).text(ActivityInfo[Activity].Name);
$('#EndActivity').attr('title', ActivityInfo[Transition[CurrentTransitionEntityID].ActivityEntityID].Name).text(ActivityInfo[Transition[CurrentTransitionEntityID].ActivityEntityID].Name);
StartActivityEntityID = Activity;
EndActivityEntityID = Transition[CurrentTransitionEntityID].ActivityEntityID;
AssignedTransitionActions = Transition[CurrentTransitionEntityID].TransitionAction;
return false;
// Set chosen Startactivity, Endactivity and Transition
$('#EditPath a').data('entity', CurrentTransitionEntityID);
if (AssignedTransitionActions && AssignedTransitionActions.length) {
// Display assigned Transition Actions
$.each(AssignedTransitionActions, function(Index, TransitionActionEntityID) {
$('#AvailableTransitionActions').find('#' + TransitionActionEntityID).remove().appendTo($('#AssignedTransitionActions'));
// if transition select is updated, also update transition edit link
$('#Transition').bind('change', function () {
$('#EditPath a').data('entity', $(this).val());
$('#Submit').bind('click', function() {
return false;
// init submit
Core.Form.Validate.SetSubmitFunction($('#PathForm'), function (Form) {
var NewTransitionEntityID = $('#Transition').val(),
NewTransitionActions = [],
$('#AssignedTransitionActions li').each(function() {
// collection transition info for later merging
TransitionInfo = {
StartActivityEntityID: StartActivityEntityID,
NewTransitionEntityID: NewTransitionEntityID,
NewTransitionActions: NewTransitionActions,
NewTransitionActivityID: EndActivityEntityID
// not needed for normal submit
// Init popups
// Init handling of closing popup with the OS functionality ("X")
$(window).unbind("beforeunload.PMPopup").bind("beforeunload.PMPopup", function () {
$('.ClosePopup').bind("click", function () {
* @name ShowOverlay
* @memberof Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement
* @function
* @description
* Opens overlay.
TargetNS.ShowOverlay = function () {
$('<div id="Overlay" tabindex="-1">').appendTo('body');
'overflow': 'hidden'
$('#Overlay').height($(document).height()).css('top', 0);
// If the underlying page is perhaps to small, we extend the page to window height for the dialog
$('body').css('min-height', $(window).height());
* @name HideOverlay
* @memberof Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement
* @function
* @description
* Closes overlay and restores normal view.
TargetNS.HideOverlay = function () {
'overflow': 'visible',
'min-height': 0
* @name GetConditionConfig
* @memberof Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement
* @function
* @returns {Object} Conditions and fields.
* @param {jQueryObject} $Conditions - Conditions element in DOM.
* @description
* Get all conditions and corresponding fields.
TargetNS.GetConditionConfig = function ($Conditions) {
var Conditions = {},
if (!$Conditions.length) {
return {};
$Conditions.each(function() {
// get condition key
ConditionKey = $(this).closest('.WidgetSimple').attr('id').replace(/(Condition\[|\])/g, '');
// use condition key as key for our list
Conditions[ConditionKey] = {
Type: $(this).find('.Field > select').val(),
Fields: {}
// get all fields of the current condition
$(this).find('.FieldWidget fieldset').each(function() {
Conditions[ConditionKey].Fields[$(this).find('input').first().val()] = {
Type: $(this).find('select').val(),
Match: $(this).find('input').last().val()
return Conditions;
* @name UpdateConfig
* @memberof Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement
* @function
* @returns {Boolean} Returns false, if Config is not defined.
* @param {Object} Config
* @description
* Update gloabl process config object after config change e.g. in popup windows.
TargetNS.UpdateConfig = function (Config) {
if (typeof Config === 'undefined') {
return false;
// IE (11) has some permission problems with objects from other windows
// Therefore we "copy" the object if we are in IE
if ($.browser.trident) {
Config = Core.JSON.Parse(Core.JSON.Stringify(Config));
// Update config from e.g. popup windows
// Update Process
if (typeof Config.Process !== 'undefined') {
TargetNS.ProcessData.Process = Config.Process;
// Update Activities
if (typeof Config.Activity !== 'undefined') {
$.each(Config.Activity, function (Key, Value) {
TargetNS.ProcessData.Activity[Key] = Value;
// Update Activity Dialogs
if (typeof Config.ActivityDialog !== 'undefined') {
$.each(Config.ActivityDialog, function (Key, Value) {
TargetNS.ProcessData.ActivityDialog[Key] = Value;
// Update Transitions
if (typeof Config.Transition !== 'undefined') {
$.each(Config.Transition, function (Key, Value) {
TargetNS.ProcessData.Transition[Key] = Value;
// Update Transition Actions
if (typeof Config.TransitionAction !== 'undefined') {
$.each(Config.TransitionAction, function (Key, Value) {
TargetNS.ProcessData.TransitionAction[Key] = Value;
return TargetNS;
}(Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement || {}));
/*eslint-enable no-window*/