// --
// Copyright (C) 2001-2018 OTRS AG, https://otrs.com/
// --
// This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. For details, see
// the enclosed file COPYING for license information (GPL). If you
// did not receive this file, see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt.
// --
/*global jsPlumb, LabelSpacer */
"use strict";
var Core = Core || {};
Core.Agent = Core.Agent || {};
Core.Agent.Admin = Core.Agent.Admin || {};
Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement = Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement || {};
* @namespace Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement.Canvas
* @memberof Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement
* @author OTRS AG
* @description
* This namespace contains the special module functions for the ProcessManagement Diagram Canvas module.
Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement.Canvas = (function (TargetNS) {
* @private
* @name Elements
* @memberof Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement.Canvas
* @member {Array}
* @description
* Glocal list of all process management elements (activities, ...).
var Elements = {},
* @private
* @name ActivityBoxHeight
* @memberof Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement.Canvas
* @member {Number}
* @description
* Height of activity box in pixel.
ActivityBoxHeight = 80;
* @private
* @name GetCanvasSize
* @memberof Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement.Canvas
* @function
* @returns {Object} Needed width and height of canvas.
* @param {jQueryObject} $Element - jQuery object of Canvas area element.
* @description
* Calculate minimum needed width ans height of canvas area to show all elements.
function GetCanvasSize($Element) {
var MinWidth = 500,
MinHeight = 500,
MaxWidth = 0,
MaxHeight = 0,
// Find maximum X and maximum Y value in Layout config data.
// This data was saved the last time the process was edited
// it is possible to extend the canvas for larger drawings.
// The minimum width is based on the available space (screen resolution)
// Get width of surrounding element (possible canvas width)
ScreenWidth = $Element.width();
// Loop through available elements and find max needed width and height
$.each(Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement.ProcessLayout, function (Key, Value) {
var Left = parseInt(Value.left, 10),
Top = parseInt(Value.top, 10);
if (Left > MaxWidth) {
MaxWidth = Left + 110;
if (Top > MaxHeight) {
MaxHeight = Top + ActivityBoxHeight;
// Width should always be at least the screen width
if (ScreenWidth > MaxWidth) {
MaxWidth = ScreenWidth;
// The canvas should always have at least a minimum size
if (MinWidth > MaxWidth) {
MaxWidth = MinWidth;
if (MinHeight > MaxHeight) {
MaxHeight = MinHeight;
return {
Width: MaxWidth,
Height: MaxHeight
* @private
* @name ShowRemoveEntityCanvasConfirmationDialog
* @memberof Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement.Canvas
* @function
* @param {String} EntityType
* @param {String} EntityName
* @param {String} EntityID
* @param {Function} Callback
* @description
* Show confirmation dialog to remove entity from canvas.
function ShowRemoveEntityCanvasConfirmationDialog(EntityType, EntityName, EntityID, Callback) {
var DialogID = 'Remove' + EntityType + 'CanvasConfirmationDialog',
$DialogElement = $('#Dialogs #' + DialogID);
// Update EntityName in Dialog
$('#Dialogs #' + DialogID),
Label: Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement.Localization.CancelMsg,
Class: 'Primary',
Function: function () {
Label: Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement.Localization.DeleteMsg,
Function: function () {
if (typeof Callback !== 'undefined') {
* @name CreateStartEvent
* @memberof Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement.Canvas
* @function
* @param {String} PosX
* @param {String} PosY
* @description
* Create the initial start event at a specific position.
TargetNS.CreateStartEvent = function (PosX, PosY) {
var DefaultX = 30,
DefaultY = 30;
PosX = PosX || DefaultX;
PosY = PosY || DefaultY;
$('#Canvas').append('<div id="StartEvent"></div>').find('#StartEvent').css({
'top': PosY + 'px',
'left': PosX + 'px'
* @name CreateActivity
* @memberof Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement.Canvas
* @function
* @param {String} EntityID
* @param {String} EntityName
* @param {String} ActivityID
* @param {String} PosX
* @param {String} PosY
* @description
* Create activity at specific position.
TargetNS.CreateActivity = function (EntityID, EntityName, ActivityID, PosX, PosY) {
var EntityNameHeight,
.append('<div class="Activity Task" id="' + Core.App.EscapeHTML(EntityID) + '"><span>' + Core.App.EscapeHTML(EntityName) + '</span><div class="TaskTypeIcon"><i class="fa fa-user fa-lg"></i></div><div class="Icon Loader"></div><div class="Icon Success"></div></div>')
.find('#' + EntityID)
'top': PosY + 'px',
'left': PosX + 'px'
.bind('mouseenter.Activity', function() {
if (TargetNS.DragActivityItem) {
.bind('mouseleave.Activity', function() {
.bind('dblclick.Activity', function() {
var Path = Core.Config.Get('Config.PopupPathActivity') + "EntityID=" + EntityID + ";ID=" + ActivityID,
SessionData = Core.App.GetSessionInformation();
if (!Core.Config.Get('SessionIDCookie') && Path.indexOf(SessionData[Core.Config.Get('SessionName')]) === -1) {
Path += ';' + encodeURIComponent(Core.Config.Get('SessionName')) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(SessionData[Core.Config.Get('SessionName')]);
Core.UI.Popup.OpenPopup(Path, 'Activity');
// Correct placing of activity name within box
$EntityBox = $('#' + EntityID);
EntityNameHeight = $EntityBox.find('span').height();
$EntityBox.find('span').css('margin-top', parseInt((ActivityBoxHeight - EntityNameHeight) / 2, 10));
// make the activity able to accept transitions
jsPlumb.makeTarget(EntityID, {
anchor: 'Continuous',
isTarget: true,
detachable: true,
reattach: true,
endpoint: [ 'Dot', { radius: 7, hoverClass: 'EndpointHover' } ],
paintStyle: { fillStyle: '#000' },
parameters: {
'Parent': EntityID
// Add the Activity to our list of elements
Elements[EntityID] = $('#' + EntityID);
* @name CreateActivityDummy
* @memberof Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement.Canvas
* @function
* @param {String} StartActivityID
* @description
* Create a dummy activity.
TargetNS.CreateActivityDummy = function (StartActivityID) {
var StartActivityPosition, DummyPosition, CanvasSize = {};
if ($('#Dummy').length) {
CanvasSize.width = $('#Canvas').width();
CanvasSize.height = $('#Canvas').height();
// get position of start activity to calculate position of dummy
StartActivityPosition = $('#' + StartActivityID).position();
DummyPosition = StartActivityPosition;
DummyPosition.top += 120;
DummyPosition.left += 150;
// check if DummyPosition is out of canvas and correct position
if ((CanvasSize.width - 85) <= DummyPosition.left) {
DummyPosition.left -= 250;
if ((CanvasSize.height - 115) <= DummyPosition.top) {
DummyPosition.top -= 240;
$('#Canvas').append('<div class="Activity" id="Dummy"><span>Dummy</span></div>').find('#Dummy').css({
top: DummyPosition.top,
left: DummyPosition.left
* @name ShowTransitionTooltip
* @memberof Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement.Canvas
* @function
* @returns {Boolean} Returns false, if transition is not defined.
* @param {Object} Connection
* @param {String} StartActivity
* @description
* Show tooltip of a transition.
TargetNS.ShowTransitionTooltip = function (Connection, StartActivity) {
var $Tooltip = $('#DiagramTooltip'),
$Element = $(Connection.canvas),
$TitleElement = $Element.clone(),
position = { x: 0, y: 0},
Transition = Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement.ProcessData.Transition,
ElementID = $TitleElement.find('span').attr('id'),
CurrentProcessEntityID = $('#ProcessEntityID').val(),
PathInfo = Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement.ProcessData.Process[CurrentProcessEntityID].Path,
AssignedTransitionActions = [],
CanvasWidth, CanvasHeight,
TooltipWidth, TooltipHeight;
text = '<h4>' + Core.App.EscapeHTML($TitleElement.text()) + '</h4>';
if (typeof Transition[ElementID] === 'undefined') {
return false;
if (!$Tooltip.length) {
$Tooltip = $('<div id="DiagramTooltip"></div>').css('display', 'none').appendTo('#Canvas');
else if ($Tooltip.is(':visible')) {
$.each(PathInfo, function(Activity, TransitionObject) {
if (Activity === StartActivity && typeof TransitionObject[ElementID] !== 'undefined' && typeof TransitionObject[ElementID].TransitionAction !== 'undefined') {
AssignedTransitionActions = TransitionObject[ElementID].TransitionAction;
return false;
// Add content to the tooltip
text += "<ul>";
if (AssignedTransitionActions.length) {
$.each(AssignedTransitionActions, function (Key, Value) {
text += "<li>" + Core.App.EscapeHTML(Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement.ProcessData.TransitionAction[Value].Name) + "</li>";
else {
text += '<li class="NoDialogsAssigned">' + Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement.Localization.NoTransitionActionsAssigned + '</li>';
text += "</ul>";
// calculate tooltip position
// x: x-coordinate of canvas + x-coordinate of element within canvas + width of element
//position.x = parseInt($Element.css('left'), 10) + parseInt($Element.width(), 10) + 30;
// y: y-coordinate of canvas + y-coordinate of element within canvas + height of element
//position.y = parseInt($Element.css('top'), 10) + 15;
// calculate tooltip position
// if activity box is at the right border of the canvas, switch tooltip to the left side of the box
CanvasWidth = $('#Canvas').width();
TooltipWidth = $Tooltip.width();
// If activity does not fit in canvas, generate tooltip on the left side
if (CanvasWidth < (parseInt($Element.css('left'), 10) + parseInt($Element.width(), 10) + TooltipWidth)) {
// x: x-coordinate of element within canvas - width of tooltip
position.x = parseInt($Element.css('left'), 10) - TooltipWidth - 5;
// otherwise put tooltip on the right side (default behaviour)
else {
// x: x-coordinate of canvas + x-coordinate of element within canvas + width of element
position.x = parseInt($Element.css('left'), 10) + parseInt($Element.width(), 10) + 40;
// if activity box is at the bottom border of the canvas, set tooltip y-coordinate to the top as far as needed
CanvasHeight = $('#Canvas').height();
TooltipHeight = $Tooltip.height();
// y-coordinate
if (parseInt($Element.css('top'), 10) + TooltipHeight + 15 > CanvasHeight) {
position.y = CanvasHeight - TooltipHeight - 15;
else {
position.y = parseInt($Element.css('top'), 10) + 15;
.css('top', position.y)
.css('left', position.x)
* @name ShowActivityTooltip
* @memberof Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement.Canvas
* @function
* @returns {Boolean} Returns false, if activity is not defined.
* @param {jQueryObject} $Element
* @description
* Show tooltip of an activity.
TargetNS.ShowActivityTooltip = function ($Element) {
var $Tooltip = $('#DiagramTooltip'),
text = '<h4>' + Core.App.EscapeHTML($Element.find('span').text()) + '</h4>',
position = {x: 0, y: 0},
Activity = Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement.ProcessData.Activity,
if (typeof Activity[$Element.attr('id')] === 'undefined') {
return false;
ActivityDialogs = Activity[$Element.attr('id')].ActivityDialog;
if (!$Tooltip.length) {
$Tooltip = $('<div id="DiagramTooltip"></div>').css('display', 'none').appendTo('#Canvas');
else if ($Tooltip.is(':visible')) {
// Add content to the tooltip
text += "<ul>";
if (ActivityDialogs) {
$.each(ActivityDialogs, function (Key, Value) {
var Interfaces = Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement.ProcessData.ActivityDialog[Value].Interface,
SelectedInterface = '';
$.each(Interfaces, function (InterfaceKey, InterfaceValue) {
if (SelectedInterface.length) {
SelectedInterface += '/';
SelectedInterface += InterfaceValue.substr(0, 1);
text += "<li><span class=\"AvailableIn\">" + SelectedInterface + "</span> " + Core.App.EscapeHTML(Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement.ProcessData.ActivityDialog[Value].Name) + " </li>";
else {
text += '<li class="NoDialogsAssigned">' + Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement.Localization.NoDialogsAssigned + '</li>';
text += "</ul>";
// calculate tooltip position
// if activity box is at the right border of the canvas, switch tooltip to the left side of the box
CanvasWidth = $('#Canvas').width();
TooltipWidth = $Tooltip.width();
// If activity does not fit in canvas, generate tooltip on the left side
if (CanvasWidth < (parseInt($Element.css('left'), 10) + parseInt($Element.width(), 10) + TooltipWidth)) {
// x: x-coordinate of element within canvas - width of tooltip
position.x = parseInt($Element.css('left'), 10) - TooltipWidth - 10;
// otherwise put tooltip on the right side (default behaviour)
else {
// x: x-coordinate of canvas + x-coordinate of element within canvas + width of element
position.x = parseInt($Element.css('left'), 10) + parseInt($Element.width(), 10) + 15;
// if activity box is at the bottom border of the canvas, set tooltip y-coordinate to the top as far as needed
CanvasHeight = $('#Canvas').height();
TooltipHeight = $Tooltip.height();
// y-coordinate
if (parseInt($Element.css('top'), 10) + TooltipHeight + 10 > CanvasHeight) {
position.y = CanvasHeight - TooltipHeight - 10;
else {
position.y = parseInt($Element.css('top'), 10) + 10;
.css('top', position.y)
.css('left', position.x)
* @name ShowActivityDeleteButton
* @memberof Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement.Canvas
* @function
* @returns {Boolean} Returns false, if activity is not defined.
* @param {jQueryObject} $Element
* @description
* Show button to delete an activity.
TargetNS.ShowActivityDeleteButton = function ($Element) {
var $delete = $('.DiagramDeleteLink').clone(),
Activity = Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement.ProcessData.Activity,
ElementID = $Element.attr('id');
if (typeof Activity[ElementID] === 'undefined') {
return false;
if ($delete.is(':visible')) {
.bind('click', function () {
ShowRemoveEntityCanvasConfirmationDialog('Activity', Activity[ElementID].Name, ElementID, function () {
return false;
* @name ShowActivityEditButton
* @memberof Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement.Canvas
* @function
* @returns {Boolean} Returns false, if activity is not defined.
* @param {jQueryObject} $Element
* @description
* Show button to edit an activity.
TargetNS.ShowActivityEditButton = function ($Element) {
var $edit = $('.DiagramEditLink').clone(),
Activity = Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement.ProcessData.Activity,
ElementID = $Element.attr('id');
if (typeof Activity[ElementID] === 'undefined') {
return false;
if ($edit.is(':visible')) {
.bind('click', function () {
var Path = Core.Config.Get('Config.PopupPathActivity') + "EntityID=" + ElementID + ";ID=" + Activity[ElementID].ID,
SessionData = Core.App.GetSessionInformation();
if (!Core.Config.Get('SessionIDCookie') && Path.indexOf(SessionData[Core.Config.Get('SessionName')]) === -1) {
Path += ';' + encodeURIComponent(Core.Config.Get('SessionName')) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(SessionData[Core.Config.Get('SessionName')]);
Core.UI.Popup.OpenPopup(Path, 'Activity');
return false;
* @name ShowActivityLoader
* @memberof Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement.Canvas
* @function
* @param {String} EntityID
* @description
* Show loader on activity element.
TargetNS.ShowActivityLoader = function (EntityID) {
if (typeof Elements[EntityID] !== 'undefined') {
$('#' + EntityID).find('span').hide().parent().find('.Loader').show();
* @name ShowActivityAddActivityDialogSuccess
* @memberof Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement.Canvas
* @function
* @param {String} EntityID
* @description
* Show success icon on activity (and fade out again after 1 second).
TargetNS.ShowActivityAddActivityDialogSuccess = function (EntityID) {
if (typeof Elements[EntityID] !== 'undefined') {
// show icon for success
$('#' + EntityID).find('.Loader').hide().parent().find('.Success').show();
// wait 1 second, fade success icon out and label back in
window.setTimeout(function () {
$('#' + EntityID).find('.Success').fadeOut('slow', function() {
$('#' + EntityID).find('span').fadeIn();
}, 1000);
* @name ShowActivityAddActivityDialogError
* @memberof Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement.Canvas
* @function
* @param {String} EntityID
* @description
* Remove loader on activity on error.
TargetNS.ShowActivityAddActivityDialogError = function (EntityID) {
$('#' + EntityID).find('.Loader').hide().parent().find('span').show();
* @name RemoveActivity
* @memberof Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement.Canvas
* @function
* @param {String} EntityID
* @description
* Remove activity from canvas an data structures.
TargetNS.RemoveActivity = function (EntityID) {
var Config = Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement.ProcessData,
Layout = Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement.ProcessLayout,
ProcessEntityID = $('#ProcessEntityID').val();
// remove HTML elements
$('#' + EntityID).find('.DiagramDeleteLink').remove();
$('#' + EntityID).find('.DiagramEditLink').remove();
// if Activity is StartActivity, this Activity cannot be removed...
if (Config.Process[ProcessEntityID].StartActivity === EntityID) {
// update config
// delete entity and all transitions starting *from* here
if (typeof Config.Process[ProcessEntityID].Path[EntityID] !== 'undefined') {
delete Config.Process[ProcessEntityID].Path[EntityID];
// delete Elements array entry
// delete all transitions *to* this entity
$.each(Config.Process[ProcessEntityID].Path, function (StartActivity, Value) {
// the Value is a hash with the transition name as Key
// loop again
$.each(Value, function (Transition, EndActivity) {
// Key is now the Transition
// Value is a hash with a Key "ActivityID" which is possibly our deleted Entity
if (EndActivity.ActivityEntityID && EndActivity.ActivityEntityID === EntityID) {
delete Config.Process[ProcessEntityID].Path[StartActivity][Transition];
// remove layout information
delete Layout[EntityID];
// remove connections
// remove element from canvas
$('#Canvas').find('#' + EntityID).remove();
* @name RemoveActivityFromConfig
* @memberof Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement.Canvas
* @function
* @param {String} EntityID
* @description
* Remove activity from config.
TargetNS.RemoveActivityFromConfig = function (EntityID) {
delete Elements[EntityID];
* @name UpdateElementPosition
* @memberof Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement.Canvas
* @function
* @param {jQueryObject} $Element
* @description
* Update position of element in layout data structure.
TargetNS.UpdateElementPosition = function ($Element) {
var EntityID;
// Element can be "false" if newly placed on the canvas
// otherwise it's an object
if ($Element) {
EntityID = $Element.attr('id');
if (typeof Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement.ProcessLayout[EntityID] !== 'undefined') {
// Save new element position
Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement.ProcessLayout[EntityID] = {
left: parseInt($Element.css('left'), 10),
top: parseInt($Element.css('top'), 10)
* @name SetStartActivity
* @memberof Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement.Canvas
* @function
* @param {String} EntityID
* @description
* Set start activity and add connection to it from start event.
TargetNS.SetStartActivity = function (EntityID) {
// Not more than one StartActivity allowed, function does not check this!
// After the initialization of the canvas, an automatic setting of the StartActivity is not useful
// Only the user can change this by moving the arrow
if (typeof Elements[EntityID] !== 'undefined') {
// Create the connection from StartEvent to StartActivity
// We don't create the Endpoints here, because every Activity
// creates its own Endpoint on CreateActivity()
source: 'StartEvent',
target: EntityID,
anchor: 'Continuous',
endpoint: 'Blank',
detachable: true,
reattach: true
* @name LastTransitionDetails
* @memberof Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement.Canvas
* @member {Object}
* @description
* Structure to save last transition to restore correctly after repaint.
TargetNS.LastTransitionDetails = {};
* @name CreateTransition
* @memberof Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement.Canvas
* @function
* @returns {Boolean} Returns fale, if start activity or end activity is not defined.
* @param {String} StartElement
* @param {String} EndElement
* @param {String} EntityID
* @param {String} TransitionName
* @description
* Create new transition between StartElement and EndElement.
TargetNS.CreateTransition = function (StartElement, EndElement, EntityID, TransitionName) {
var Config = Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement.ProcessData,
ProcessEntityID = $('#ProcessEntityID').val(),
StartActivity, EndActivity, Connection,
StartActivity = Elements[StartElement];
if (EndElement === "Dummy") {
EndActivity = $('#Dummy').attr('id');
else {
EndActivity = Elements[EndElement];
if ((typeof StartActivity === 'undefined') || (typeof EndActivity === 'undefined')) {
return false;
// Get TransitionName from Config
if (typeof TransitionName === 'undefined') {
if (Config.Transition && Config.Transition[EntityID]) {
TransitionName = Config.Transition[EntityID].Name;
else {
TransitionName = 'NoName';
PopupPath = Core.Config.Get('Config.PopupPathPath') + "ProcessEntityID=" + ProcessEntityID + ";TransitionEntityID=" + EntityID + ";StartActivityID=" + StartElement;
Connection = jsPlumb.connect({
source: StartActivity,
target: EndActivity,
anchor: 'Continuous',
endpoints: [
[ 'Dot', { radius: 7, hoverClass: 'EndpointHover' } ]
endpointStyle: { fillStyle: '#000' },
detachable: true,
reattach: true,
overlays: [
[ "Diamond", { location: 18, width: 15, length: 25, paintStyle: { fillStyle: '#FFF', outlineWidth: 1, outlineColor: '#000'} } ],
[ "Label", { label: '<span id="' + EntityID + '" title="' + Core.App.EscapeHTML(TransitionName) + '">' + Core.App.EscapeHTML(TransitionName) + '</span>', location: 0.5, cssClass: 'TransitionLabel', id: 'label', events: {
mouseenter: function(labelOverlay, originalEvent) {
TargetNS.LastTransitionDetails = {
LabelOverlay: labelOverlay,
StartElement: StartElement,
EndElement: EndElement
TargetNS.HighlightTransitionLabel(labelOverlay, StartElement, EndElement);
return false;
mouseleave: function(labelOverlay, originalEvent) {
return false;
parameters: {
TransitionID: EntityID
Connection.bind('mouseenter', function () {
var Overlay = Connection.getOverlay('label');
// add class to label
if (Overlay) {
Connection.bind('mouseleave', function () {
var Overlay = Connection.getOverlay('label');
// remove hover class from label
if (Overlay) {
Connection.bind('dblclick', function(ConnectionObject, Event) {
var EndActivityObject = ConnectionObject.endpoints[1],
SessionData = Core.App.GetSessionInformation();
// Do not open path dialog for dummy connections
// dblclick on overlays (e.g. labels) propagate to the connection
// prevent opening path dialog twice if clicked on label
if (EndActivityObject !== 'Dummy' && !$(Event.srcElement).hasClass('TransitionLabel')) {
if (!Core.Config.Get('SessionIDCookie') && PopupPath.indexOf(SessionData[Core.Config.Get('SessionName')]) === -1) {
PopupPath += ';' + encodeURIComponent(Core.Config.Get('SessionName')) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(SessionData[Core.Config.Get('SessionName')]);
Core.UI.Popup.OpenPopup(PopupPath, 'Path');
return false;
* @name HighlightTransitionLabel
* @memberof Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement.Canvas
* @function
* @param {String} Connection
* @param {String} StartActivity
* @param {String} EndActivity
* @description
* Highlight transition label.
TargetNS.HighlightTransitionLabel = function(Connection, StartActivity, EndActivity) {
var Config = Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement.ProcessData,
ProcessEntityID = $('#ProcessEntityID').val(),
Path = Config.Process[ProcessEntityID].Path,
TransitionEntityID = Connection.component.getParameter('TransitionID'),
StartActivityID = Connection.component.sourceId,
PopupPath = Core.Config.Get('Config.PopupPathPath') + "ProcessEntityID=" + ProcessEntityID + ";TransitionEntityID=" + TransitionEntityID + ";StartActivityID=" + StartActivityID,
SessionData = Core.App.GetSessionInformation();
if (TargetNS.DragTransitionAction) {
TargetNS.DragTransitionActionTransition = {
TransitionID: TransitionEntityID,
StartActivity: StartActivityID,
Connection: Connection
if (!$(Connection.canvas).find('.Delete').length) {
$(Connection.canvas).append('<a class="Delete" title="' + Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement.Localization.TransitionDeleteLink + '" href="#"><i class="fa fa-trash-o"></i></a>').find('.Delete').bind('click', function(Event) {
ShowRemoveEntityCanvasConfirmationDialog('Path', Config.Transition[TransitionEntityID].Name, TransitionEntityID, function () {
delete Path[StartActivityID][TransitionEntityID];
return false;
if (!$(Connection.canvas).find('.Edit').length) {
$(Connection.canvas).append('<a class="Edit" title="' + Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement.Localization.TransitionEditLink + '" href="#"><i class="fa fa-edit"></i></a>').find('.Edit').bind('click', function(Event) {
if (EndActivity !== 'Dummy') {
if (!Core.Config.Get('SessionIDCookie') && PopupPath.indexOf(SessionData[Core.Config.Get('SessionName')]) === -1) {
PopupPath += ';' + encodeURIComponent(Core.Config.Get('SessionName')) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(SessionData[Core.Config.Get('SessionName')]);
Core.UI.Popup.OpenPopup(PopupPath, 'Path');
return false;
// highlight label
Connection.component.setPaintStyle({ strokeStyle: "#FF9922", lineWidth: '2' });
// show tooltip with assigned transition actions
TargetNS.ShowTransitionTooltip(Connection, StartActivity);
$(Connection.canvas).unbind('dblclick.Transition').bind('dblclick.Transition', function(Event) {
if (EndActivity !== 'Dummy') {
Core.UI.Popup.OpenPopup(PopupPath, 'Path');
return false;
* @name UnHighlightTransitionLabel
* @memberof Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement.Canvas
* @function
* @param {String} Connection
* @description
* Unhighlight transition label.
TargetNS.UnHighlightTransitionLabel = function(Connection) {
if (TargetNS.DragTransitionAction) {
TargetNS.DragTransitionActionTransition = {};
Connection.component.setPaintStyle({ strokeStyle: "#000", lineWidth: '2' });
* @name DragActivityItem
* @memberof Core.Agent.Admin.GenericAgentEvent
* @member {Bool}
* @description
* DragActivityItem.
TargetNS.DragActivityItem = false;
* @name DragTransitionAction
* @memberof Core.Agent.Admin.GenericAgentEvent
* @member {Bool}
* @description
* DragTransitionAction.
TargetNS.DragTransitionAction = false;
* @name DragTransitionActionTransition
* @memberof Core.Agent.Admin.GenericAgentEvent
* @member {Object}
* @description
* DragTransitionActionTransition.
TargetNS.DragTransitionActionTransition = {};
* @name DrawDiagram
* @memberof Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement.Canvas
* @function
* @description
* Draws the diagram on the canvas.
TargetNS.DrawDiagram = function () {
var Config = Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement.ProcessData,
Layout = Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement.ProcessLayout,
ProcessEntityID = $('#ProcessEntityID').val(),
StartActivity = Config.Process[ProcessEntityID].StartActivity;
// Set some jsPlumb defaults
Connector: [ 'Flowchart', { curviness: 0, margin: -1, showLoopback: false } ],
PaintStyle: { strokeStyle: "#000", lineWidth: 2 },
HoverPaintStyle: { strokeStyle: "#FF9922", lineWidth: 2 },
ConnectionOverlays: [
[ "PlainArrow", { location: -15, width: 20, length: 15 } ]
// Always start with drawing the start event element
// Draw all available Activities (Keys of the ProcessData-Path)
$.each(Config.Process[ProcessEntityID].Path, function (Key) {
if (typeof Layout[Key] !== 'undefined') {
TargetNS.CreateActivity(Key, Config.Activity[Key].Name, Config.Activity[Key].ID, Layout[Key].left, Layout[Key].top);
else {
Core.Exception.Throw('Error: Activity without Layout Position!', 'ProcessError');
// Start Activity
if (typeof StartActivity !== 'undefined') {
// Now draw the Transitions
$.each(Config.Process[ProcessEntityID].Path, function (Key, Value) {
var StartActivityID = Key,
TransitionID, EndActivityID,
TransitionHash = Value;
if (typeof TransitionHash !== 'undefined') {
$.each(TransitionHash, function (TransitionKey, TransitionValue) {
TransitionID = TransitionKey;
// if EndActivity available, draw transition directly
if (typeof TransitionValue !== 'undefined') {
EndActivityID = TransitionValue.ActivityEntityID;
TargetNS.CreateTransition(StartActivityID, EndActivityID, TransitionID);
// if EndActivity is undefined draw transition with dummy
else {
// Create dummy activity to use for initial transition
// Create transition between this Activity and DummyElement
TargetNS.CreateTransition(StartActivityID, 'Dummy', TransitionID);
// Remove Connection to DummyElement and delete DummyElement again
.delegate('a.Delete, a.Edit, span', 'mouseenter', function () {
TargetNS.HighlightTransitionLabel(TargetNS.LastTransitionDetails.LabelOverlay, TargetNS.LastTransitionDetails.StartElement, TargetNS.LastTransitionDetails.EndElement);
.delegate('a.Delete, a.Edit, span', 'mouseleave', function () {
* @name MakeDraggable
* @memberof Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement.Canvas
* @function
* @description
* Makes all activities draggable.
TargetNS.MakeDraggable = function() {
// make all activities draggable (note the z-index!)
jsPlumb.draggable($('#Canvas .Activity'), {
containment: '#Canvas',
start: function() {
stop: function() {
* @name Redraw
* @memberof Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement.Canvas
* @function
* @description
* Redraws diagram.
TargetNS.Redraw = function () {
* @name Extend
* @memberof Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement.Canvas
* @function
* @param {Object} CanvasSize
* @description
* Extends the canvas size.
TargetNS.Extend = function (CanvasSize) {
var CanvasWidth,
if (typeof CanvasSize !== 'undefined') {
CanvasWidth = $('#Canvas').width() + parseInt(CanvasSize.Width, 10);
CanvasHeight = $('#Canvas').height() + parseInt(CanvasSize.Height, 10);
* @name Init
* @memberof Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement.Canvas
* @function
* @description
* Initialize module functionality.
TargetNS.Init = function () {
var CanvasSize = GetCanvasSize($('#Canvas')),
CanvasWidth = CanvasSize.Width,
CanvasHeight = CanvasSize.Height,
// set the width and height of the drawing canvas,
// based on the saved layout information (if available)
// reset, because at this point (initial draw or redraw), there cannot be a saved connection
TargetNS.LatestConnectionTransitionID = undefined;
// init label spacer
CanvasLabelSpacer = new LabelSpacer();
// init binding to connection changes
jsPlumb.bind('connection', function(Data) {
var Config = Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement.ProcessData,
ProcessEntityID = $('#ProcessEntityID').val(),
Path = Config.Process[ProcessEntityID].Path,
// check if we need to register a new StartActivity
if (Data.sourceId === 'StartEvent') {
Config.Process[ProcessEntityID].StartActivity = Data.targetId;
// in case the target is the dummy, its a whole new transition
// and we need to mark it as "to be connected", so the user will
// see that there is something to do with it
else if (Data.targetId === 'Dummy') {
Data.connection.setPaintStyle({ strokeStyle: "red", lineWidth: 4 });
Data.targetEndpoint.setPaintStyle({ fillStyle: "red" });
else if (Data.targetId === Data.sourceId) {
return false;
// otherwise, an existing transition has been (re)connected
else {
// get TransitionID
TransitionID = Data.connection.getParameter('TransitionID');
// Fallback: try to get the ID from the earlier saved variable, if it cannot be retrieved from the connection
if (typeof TransitionID === 'undefined') {
TransitionID = TargetNS.LatestConnectionTransitionID;
// set new Path
// this event also fires on the initial drawing of the diagram
// we have to make sure, that existing data is not overwritten
// if the config entry already exists, there is no need to redefine it
if (typeof Path[Data.sourceId][TransitionID] === 'undefined') {
Path[Data.sourceId][TransitionID] = {
ActivityEntityID: Data.targetId
else if (Path[Data.sourceId][TransitionID].ActivityEntityID !== Data.targetId) {
Path[Data.sourceId][TransitionID].ActivityEntityID = Data.targetId;
// set connection style to blackagain (if it was red before)
Data.connection.setPaintStyle({ strokeStyle: "#000", lineWidth: 2 });
Data.targetEndpoint.setPaintStyle({ fillStyle: "#000" });
// init event to save transition ID, because information is lost while re-connecting connections
jsPlumb.bind('beforeDrop', function(Data) {
TargetNS.LatestConnectionTransitionID = Data.connection.getParameter('TransitionID');
return true;
* @name ShowEntityIDs
* @memberof Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement.Canvas
* @function
* @description
* Shows EntityIDs on every element for debugging.
TargetNS.ShowEntityIDs = function () {
var ActivityEntityID, TransitionEntityID, Connections, Overlay;
// show EntityIDs of Activities
$('.Activity').each(function() {
ActivityEntityID = $(this).attr('id');
$(this).append('<em class="EntityID"><input type="text" value="' + ActivityEntityID + '" /></em>').find('.EntityID input').unbind().bind('focus', function(Event) {
// show EntityIDs of Transitions
Connections = jsPlumb.getConnections();
$(Connections).each(function() {
TransitionEntityID = this.getParameter('TransitionID');
Overlay = this.getOverlay('label');
if (Overlay) {
$(Overlay.canvas).append('<em class="EntityID"><input type="text" value="' + TransitionEntityID + '" /></em>').find('.EntityID input').unbind().bind('focus', function(Event) {
return TargetNS;
}(Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement.Canvas || {}));
/*jslint nomen: true*/