Configuring configuration item classes

By default OTRS::ITSM provides five CI classes to represent all relevant IT elements:

If the five classes do not suffice to describe your IT environment, further classes can be added via the "general catalog" link in the OTRS::ITSM admin area. After creating a new CI class in the general catalog, a definition must be entered in ConfigItem".


The design of a CMDB data model and of the associated CIs is a task which should not be underestimated. Our experience shows that it is highly recommendable to validate conceptual thoughts in a dry run against the existing IT infrastructure, before changing the OTRS::ITSM standard data model and/or CI classes. It has proven to be of value to resort to external assistance, e.g. of ITIL practice experts for the CMDB design.

Please find below a part of the self-explaining default configuration for the "computer" CI class:

        Key => 'Description',
        Name => 'Description',
        Searchable => 1,
        Input => {
            Type => 'TextArea',
        Key => 'Type',
        Name => 'Type',
        Searchable => 1,
        Input => {
            Type => 'GeneralCatalog',
            Class => 'ITSM::ConfigItem::Computer::Type',
        Key => 'Owner',
        Name => 'Owner',
        Searchable => 1,
        Input => {
            Type => 'Customer',
        Key => 'AssetTag',
        Name => 'Asset Tag',
        Searchable => 1,
        Input => {
            Type => 'Text',
            Size => 50,
            MaxLength => 100,
            Required => 1,
        CountMin => 0,
        CountMax => 1,
        CountDefault => 0,


        Key => 'Model',
        Name => 'Model',
        Searchable => 1,
        Input => {
            Type => 'Text',
            Size => 50,
            MaxLength => 50,
        Key => 'OperatingSystem',
        Name => 'Operating System',
        Input => {
            Type => 'Text',
            Size => 50,
            MaxLength => 100,
        Key => 'CPU',
        Name => 'CPU',
        Input => {
            Type => 'Text',
            Size => 50,
            MaxLength => 100,
        CountMin => 1,
        CountMax => 16,
        CountDefault => 1,


Attribute changes and amendments can be done in the graphical configuration area by selecting "change definition":


In order to assure the consistency of the data managed in OTRS::ITSM, information created in the admin area of the system cannot be deleted as a general rule. If you want to deactivate such information, change the value in the respective listbox settings from "valid" to "invalid" or to "invalid-temporarily".