Frontend → Base → Loader


List of CSS files to always be loaded for the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

- Core.Reset.css
- Core.Default.css
- Core.Header.css
- Core.OverviewControl.css
- Core.OverviewSmall.css
- Core.OverviewMedium.css
- Core.OverviewLarge.css
- Core.Footer.css
- Core.PageLayout.css
- Core.Form.css
- Core.Table.css
- Core.Login.css
- Core.Widget.css
- Core.WidgetMenu.css
- Core.TicketDetail.css
- Core.Tooltip.css
- Core.Dialog.css
- Core.InputFields.css
- Core.Print.css
- Core.Animations.css


List of CSS files to always be loaded for the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

- Core.Agent.Daemon.css


List of JS files to always be loaded for the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

- thirdparty/jquery-3.2.1/jquery.js
- thirdparty/jquery-browser-detection/jquery-browser-detection.js
- thirdparty/jquery-ui-1.12.1/jquery-ui.js
- thirdparty/jquery-ui-touch-punch-0.2.3/jquery.ui.touch-punch.js
- thirdparty/jquery-validate-1.16.0/jquery.validate.js
- thirdparty/jquery-pubsub/pubsub.js
- thirdparty/jquery-jstree-3.3.4/jquery.jstree.js
- thirdparty/nunjucks-3.0.1/nunjucks.js
- Core.Init.js
- Core.JavaScriptEnhancements.js
- Core.Debug.js
- Core.Exception.js
- Core.Data.js
- Core.Config.js
- Core.Language.js
- Core.Template.js
- Core.JSON.js
- Core.App.js
- Core.App.Responsive.js
- Core.AJAX.js
- Core.UI.js
- Core.UI.InputFields.js
- Core.UI.Accordion.js
- Core.UI.Datepicker.js
- Core.UI.DnD.js
- Core.UI.Floater.js
- Core.UI.Resizable.js
- Core.UI.Table.js
- Core.UI.Accessibility.js
- Core.UI.RichTextEditor.js
- Core.UI.Dialog.js
- Core.UI.ActionRow.js
- Core.UI.Popup.js
- Core.UI.TreeSelection.js
- Core.UI.Autocomplete.js
- Core.Form.js
- Core.Form.ErrorTooltips.js
- Core.Form.Validate.js
- Core.Agent.js
- Core.Agent.Search.js
- Core.Agent.CustomerInformationCenterSearch.js
- Core.Agent.CustomerSearch.js
- Core.Agent.CustomerUserInformationCenterSearch.js
- Core.Agent.Header.js
- Core.UI.Notification.js
- Core.Agent.Responsive.js


List of JS files to always be loaded for the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

- Core.Agent.Daemon.js


List of JS files to always be loaded for the agent interface.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

- thirdparty/jquery-migrate-3.0.0/jquery-migrate.js


List of JS files to always be loaded for the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

- thirdparty/ckeditor-4.7.0/ckeditor.js


The agent skin's InternalName which should be used in the agent interface. Please check the available skins in Frontend::Agent::Skins.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

--- default


It is possible to configure different skins, for example to distinguish between diferent agents, to be used on a per-domain basis within the application. Using a regular expression (regex), you can configure a Key/Content pair to match a domain. The value in "Key" should match the domain, and the value in "Content" should be a valid skin on your system. Please see the example entries for the proper form of the regex.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

host1\.example\.com: SomeSkin1
host2\.example\.com: SomeSkin2


List of responsive CSS files to always be loaded for the agent interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

- Core.Responsive.css


Default skin for the agent interface.

Default value:

Description: This is the default orange - black skin.
InternalName: default
VisibleName: Default


Balanced white skin by Felix Niklas.

Default value:

Description: Balanced white skin by Felix Niklas.
InternalName: ivory
VisibleName: Ivory


Balanced white skin by Felix Niklas (slim version).

Default value:

Description: Balanced white skin by Felix Niklas (slim version).
InternalName: ivory-slim
VisibleName: Ivory (Slim)


Default skin for the agent interface (slim version).

Default value:

Description: '"Slim" skin which tries to save screen space for power users.'
InternalName: slim
VisibleName: Default (Slim)


High contrast skin for visually impaired users.

Default value:

Description: High contrast skin for visually impaired users.
InternalName: highcontrast
VisibleName: High Contrast


List of CSS files to always be loaded for the customer interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

- Core.Reset.css
- Core.Default.css
- Core.Form.css
- Core.Dialog.css
- Core.Tooltip.css
- Core.Login.css
- Core.Control.css
- Core.Table.css
- Core.TicketZoom.css
- Core.InputFields.css
- Core.Print.css
- Core.Animations.css


List of JS files to always be loaded for the customer interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

- thirdparty/jquery-3.2.1/jquery.js
- thirdparty/jquery-browser-detection/jquery-browser-detection.js
- thirdparty/jquery-validate-1.16.0/jquery.validate.js
- thirdparty/jquery-ui-1.12.1/jquery-ui.js
- thirdparty/jquery-pubsub/pubsub.js
- thirdparty/jquery-jstree-3.3.4/jquery.jstree.js
- thirdparty/nunjucks-3.0.1/nunjucks.js
- Core.Init.js
- Core.Debug.js
- Core.Exception.js
- Core.Data.js
- Core.JSON.js
- Core.JavaScriptEnhancements.js
- Core.Config.js
- Core.Language.js
- Core.Template.js
- Core.App.js
- Core.App.Responsive.js
- Core.AJAX.js
- Core.UI.js
- Core.UI.InputFields.js
- Core.UI.Accessibility.js
- Core.UI.Dialog.js
- Core.UI.Floater.js
- Core.UI.RichTextEditor.js
- Core.UI.Datepicker.js
- Core.UI.Popup.js
- Core.UI.TreeSelection.js
- Core.UI.Autocomplete.js
- Core.Form.js
- Core.Form.ErrorTooltips.js
- Core.Form.Validate.js
- Core.Customer.js
- Core.Customer.Responsive.js


List of JS files to always be loaded for the customer interface.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

- thirdparty/jquery-migrate-3.0.0/jquery-migrate.js


List of JS files to always be loaded for the customer interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

- thirdparty/ckeditor-4.7.0/ckeditor.js


List of responsive CSS files to always be loaded for the customer interface.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

- Core.Responsive.css


The customer skin's InternalName which should be used in the customer interface. Please check the available skins in Frontend::Customer::Skins.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

--- default


It is possible to configure different skins, for example to distinguish between diferent customers, to be used on a per-domain basis within the application. Using a regular expression (regex), you can configure a Key/Content pair to match a domain. The value in "Key" should match the domain, and the value in "Content" should be a valid skin on your system. Please see the example entries for the proper form of the regex.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

host1\.example\.com: Someskin1
host2\.example\.com: Someskin2


Default skin for the customer interface.

Default value:

Description: This is the default orange - black skin for the customer interface.
InternalName: default
VisibleName: Default


If enabled, OTRS will deliver all CSS files in minified form.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

--- '1'


If enabled, OTRS will deliver all JavaScript files in minified form.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

--- '1'