Core → Ticket → ACL


Cache time in seconds for the DB ACL backend.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

--- '3600'


Defines which items are available in first level of the ACL structure.

Default value:

Possible: Possible
PossibleAdd: PossibleAdd
PossibleNot: PossibleNot


Defines which items are available in first level of the ACL structure.

Default value:

Properties: Properties
PropertiesDatabase: PropertiesDatabase


Defines which items are available in second level of the ACL structure.

Default value:

Action: Action
ActivityDialog: ActivityDialog
Process: Process
Ticket: Ticket


Defines which items are available in second level of the ACL structure.

Default value:

Action: Action
ActivityDialog: ActivityDialog
Process: Process
Ticket: Ticket


Defines which items are available in second level of the ACL structure.

Default value:

Action: Action
ActivityDialog: ActivityDialog
Process: Process
Ticket: Ticket


Defines which items are available in second level of the ACL structure.

Default value:

CustomerUser: CustomerUser
DynamicField: DynamicField
Frontend: Frontend
Owner: Owner
Priority: Priority
Process: Process
Queue: Queue
Responsible: Responsible
Service: Service
State: State
Ticket: Ticket
Type: Type
User: User


Defines which items are available in second level of the ACL structure.

Default value:

CustomerUser: CustomerUser
DynamicField: DynamicField
Owner: Owner
Priority: Priority
Process: Process
Queue: Queue
Responsible: Responsible
Service: Service
State: State
Ticket: Ticket
Type: Type
User: User


Defines which items are available for 'Action' in third level of the ACL structure.

Default value:

- AgentTicketBounce
- AgentTicketClose
- AgentTicketCompose
- AgentTicketCustomer
- AgentTicketForward
- AgentTicketEmail
- AgentTicketEmailOutbound
- AgentTicketEmailResend
- AgentTicketFreeText
- AgentTicketHistory
- AgentTicketLink
- AgentTicketLock
- AgentTicketMerge
- AgentTicketMove
- AgentTicketNote
- AgentTicketOwner
- AgentTicketPending
- AgentTicketPhone
- AgentTicketPhoneInbound
- AgentTicketPhoneOutbound
- AgentTicketPlain
- AgentTicketPrint
- AgentTicketPriority
- AgentTicketProcess
- AgentTicketResponsible
- AgentTicketSearch
- AgentTicketWatcher
- AgentTicketZoom
- AgentLinkObject
- AgentSplitSelection
- CustomerTicketPrint
- CustomerTicketProcess
- CustomerTicketZoom


ACL module that allows closing parent tickets only if all its children are already closed ("State" shows which states are not available for the parent ticket until all child tickets are closed).

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

Module: Kernel::System::Ticket::Acl::CloseParentAfterClosedChilds
- closed successful
- closed unsuccessful


If enabled debugging information for ACLs is logged.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

--- 0


Filter for debugging ACLs. Note: More ticket attributes can be added in the format <OTRS_TICKET_Attribute> e.g. <OTRS_TICKET_Priority>.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

<OTRS_TICKET_TicketNumber>: ''
ACLName: ''


Defines the priority in which the information is logged and presented.

This setting is not active by default.

Default value:

--- debug


Default ACL values for ticket actions.

This setting can not be deactivated.

Default value:

--- {}