The Dashboard is the main page of the system, here you can get an overview about the tickets and other stuff related to the ticket activity. It's thinking to be the starting point for the daily work of an agent, by default it presents a quick summary of the tickets which are pending, escalated, new, and open, among other information.
One of the most important features about Dashboard is that is completely customizable. That means you that can configure each part as you want, showing or hiding elements. It's even possible to relocate this elements within the same column by clicking on and dragging the element's header, and dropping them elsewhere. Each element is named "Widget", the system has some widgets ready to use out of the box, but the modular design of the dashboard screen is prepared to integrate custom widgets easily.
The content of this screen is arranged in two main columns, on the left column you normally can see information about tickets classified by their states like: reminder, escalated, new, and open. On each of this widgets you can filter the results to see all of the tickets that you are allowed to access, tickets you have locked, the ones that are located in agent defiend queues, among other filters. There are also other kind of widgets in this column and they are all described below.
Linke Spalte der Übersichtsseiten-Widgets.
Ticketlisten Widgets
Widgets under this category share same overall behavior, look and feel. This widgets shows a list of tickets on a determined state. the amount of tickets display on each list page can be configured in widget options (they appear when you hover the mouse pointer over the top right part of the widget). This widgets support the following filters:
Meine gesperrten Tickets
Die Tickets, die der eingeloggte Agent gesperrt hat.
Meine beobachteten Tickets
The tickets that the logged agent has in his/her watched list, requires Ticket::Watcher setting to be turned on to be displayed.
Meine Verantwortlichkeiten
The tickets that the logged agent is set as responsible, Ticket::Responsible setting is required to be turned on in order to make this filter visible.
TIckets in meinen Queues
The tickets that are on queues where the agent define as "My Queues".
Ticket in MyServices
The tickets that are assigned to services where the agent define as "My Services" and are on queues with at least read-only permissions.
Alle Tickets
Alle Tickets auf die der Agent Zugriff hat.
Das sind folgende Widgets:
TIckets die auf 'warten' gesetzt sind und deren Erinnerungszeit erreicht ist.
Tickets die eskaliert sind.
Neue Tickets
Tickets die den Status "Neu" haben.
Offene Tickets / Beantwortung erforderlich
Tickets die den Status "Offen" haben.
A calendar event (for this widget) is defined when a new ticket is created, the Events Ticket Calendar feature has to be enabled, and it requires two new fields to be displayed in ticket creation screens, one for the event start time and the other one for the end time, this times determine the duration of the event.
This widget includes the following views: month, week and day, agents can scroll thru the pages by using the right and left arrows.
As mentioned before just enabling the widget is not enough, a couple of "Date/Time" dynamic fields for tickets should be added into the system (via Dynamic Fields link in "Admin" panel) and set them up in the SysConfig for this widget, both Dynamic Fields should be configured to be displayed on the ticket creation screens, they should be filled during ticket creation or any other ticket action screen (e.g. Free Fields) to describe the time frame for the calendar event (start and end time), the ticket zoom screen might be configured to show this dynamic fields also, in case you consider it necessary.
Further configurations for this widget could be found under the "Frontend::Agent::Dashboard::EventsTicketCalendar" SubGroup in the SysConfig:
Definiert die Kalenderbreite in Prozent. Standard ist 95%
Definiert den Namen des dynamischen Feldes für die Startzeit.
Definiert den Namen des dynamischen Feldes für die Endzeit.
Only the tickets on the queues specified in this setting will be considered in the calendar view.
Definiert die dynamischen Felder die im Kalender-Overlay angezeigt werden.
Definiert die Ticketattribute die im Kalender-Overlay angezeigt werden.
Übersicht nach Queues
This widget shows in a ticket count matrix where the rows represents queues and the columns represents the ticket states, then on each cell the number of tickets on a defined state that belongs on a particular queue is displayed.
The widget also shows a Totals row and a Totals column, the Totals row shows the sum of the tickets for each state on all presented queues, while the Totals column represent the sum of the tickets for each queue on all presented states.
The queues and states that are presented can be changed via Sysconfig.
By clicking any of the ticket count numbers a ticket search results page will opened letting agents to have a more detailed overview of them.
In the right column is located an special widget that allow you to control the widgets you want to show or hide, This is the Settings widget. Click on it's header to expand the section and see all available widgets, as shown in Figure. Each widget name has a checkbox, Use this checkboxes to define the visibility of the widgets in the dashboard (unchecked widgets will not be shown) after you define the visibility options and click on 'Save' for storing your changes. This section is fixed on the screen, this means you can't drag and drop it, or close it.
Abb.: Dashboard-Einstellungen.
Rechte Spalte der Übersichtsseiten-Widgets.
7 Tage-Statistik
It shows a graph of ticket activity over the past 7 days that includes 2 lines. One that is usually blue color, represents the amount of created tickets per day and the second one, usually orange and represents the closed tickets per day.
Anstehende Ereignisse
Tickets on short for escalating or already escalated are listed here, info from this widget is very helpful since you have the chance to know about tickets needs your attention and you can decide in which ones you want to focus your effort on, set priorities or simply check what's coming on.
OTRS Neuigkeiten
A complete list about OTRS activities and so important information about new product releases or patches.
Here is showed a summary about the current agents logged the system, it also includes a section for customers on-line, please notice this widget is normally hidden, it can be shown using Settings widget described before.